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Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Posted by: Trump kills kids ()
Date: March 04, 2025 11:17AM

Trump loves it when kids die.

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Posted by: cancer cures killed by NIH $$$$ ()
Date: March 04, 2025 11:22AM

fuck you op !

rogan and gibson are mainstreaming ivermectin and menbendazole cures to cancer

Dr Makis is being shut down by canada nih for documenting all the stage 4 cancers that were dropped by big pharma after they took all their money and are now being cured by combo of ivermectin and men/fenbendazole

nih does it's best to kill true cures that are cheap and effective because they don't get payed that way...they get payed by deadly chemo which kills more than it saves and costs trillions

God provides amazing cures in nature and synagogue of satan tries to destroy those in favor of their deadly expensive chemo

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Date: March 04, 2025 11:22AM

nih kills kids

eye miss the old days when libtard "social justice warriors" were against the government!

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Date: March 04, 2025 11:24AM

"nih does it's best to kill true cures that are cheap and effective because they don't get payed that way...they get payed by deadly chemo which kills more than it saves and costs trillions

God provides amazing cures in nature and synagogue of satan tries to destroy those in favor of their deadly expensive chemo"

you gave op a brutal takedown with this one

eye almost let out a tear of joy reading your response

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Date: March 04, 2025 12:19PM

500,000 dead during Covid?

A couple hundred dead kids don't make no never-mind to Trump!

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Posted by: Cal Conservative ()
Date: March 04, 2025 12:29PM

It’s funny when libtards are all of a sudden concerned about kids dying when they kill millions in the womb every year.

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Posted by: Coat hanger Conservatives ()
Date: March 04, 2025 01:32PM

Kill SHITLOADS more kids cuz a their abortion outlaw. Now what's funny?

Dicks like you get erect, but it's hard to tell the difference.

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Posted by: what is a woman libtard ()
Date: March 04, 2025 02:12PM

i am ok with mostly free choice....demotards are free to kill their babies up to a point, but they definitely need to pay for it themselves....my insurance rates and my taxes should not subsidize their baby murder

also, they should be fully informed on what baby murder is and what the alternatives are that exist

if a woman is so bent on killing her unborn baby that she goes to a demtard butcher....that is her problem

HIlarious that demotards pretend to protect women when they want to let rapists roam free in the country and let them out of jails, let them into womens prisons (by claiming to be a mentally ill trannie) want to erase women from sports, want to take away their claim to the word MOTHER

you demotards are sick fucks and rightly earning your place in hell (in shitholes in this life and worse in the next) if you don't wake up

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Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Posted by: casket maker ()
Date: March 05, 2025 04:40AM

Trump kills kids Wrote:
> Trump loves it when kids die.

Just look at all the people Trump killed last time he was in office. No big deal.

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