Re: Trump cut 2000 jobs at NIH. Shuts down 3 research labs working on cures for cancer in children.
Posted by:
what is a woman libtard
Date: March 04, 2025 02:12PM
i am ok with mostly free choice....demotards are free to kill their babies up to a point, but they definitely need to pay for it insurance rates and my taxes should not subsidize their baby murder
also, they should be fully informed on what baby murder is and what the alternatives are that exist
if a woman is so bent on killing her unborn baby that she goes to a demtard butcher....that is her problem
HIlarious that demotards pretend to protect women when they want to let rapists roam free in the country and let them out of jails, let them into womens prisons (by claiming to be a mentally ill trannie) want to erase women from sports, want to take away their claim to the word MOTHER
you demotards are sick fucks and rightly earning your place in hell (in shitholes in this life and worse in the next) if you don't wake up