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Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: June 02, 2010 07:24AM

Fairfax County is proposing a special park where crack addicts could smoke crack and not be bothered by police or bother other residents. Oh wait! That couldn't really happen, could it? It would be kind of like opening a special "work center" for illegal immigrants because they are "...intimidating and a nuisance" to other residents

Sounds like Michael Frey got some 'town-hall' style love that was previously reserved for Obama-care proponents. What's up with all these politicians using 'town hall meetings' to destroy their political careers?

Centreville town hall on day-labor work center gets ugly
By Derek Kravitz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 1, 2010; 11:30 PM

A town-hall-style meeting Tuesday night about a proposed de facto day-labor work center in Centreville was expected to be fiery.

It wasn't just fiery. It got ugly.


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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: June 02, 2010 07:40AM

If the day laborers are LEGAL immigrants, then I don't see a problem with setting up a designated area that can be controlled for them to gather and find and honest day's work. It's better than having people wandering around the streets, crossing the roads in the wrong spots, loitering all over parking lots, etc.

When are the bleeding heart liberals going to realize it's the ILLEGAL ones that people object to? As trogdor's analogy indicates - you wouldn't set up an official gathering space for crackheads, pedophiles, or other violators of existing laws, so why immigrants? (probably over half of which are here illegally) Unless you're going to round them all up in a sting operation and deport their asses...

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: June 02, 2010 07:47AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> If the day laborers are LEGAL immigrants, then I
> don't see a problem with setting up a designated
> area that can be controlled for them to gather and
> find and honest day's work. It's better than
> having people wandering around the streets,
> crossing the roads in the wrong spots
, loitering
> all over parking lots, etc.

How do you think they'll get to the day labor area? Have you checked on your bicycle lately?

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: J connally ()
Date: June 02, 2010 07:54AM

Looks like Frey will be looking for a real job come next election from what has been said by those who attended.Maybe he can volunteer at the churches involved in this debacle.

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: ArizonaRulz ()
Date: June 03, 2010 09:10AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> If the day laborers are LEGAL immigrants, then I
> don't see a problem with setting up a designated
> area that can be controlled for them to gather and
> find and honest day's work. It's better than
> having people wandering around the streets,
> crossing the roads in the wrong spots, loitering
> all over parking lots, etc.
> When are the bleeding heart liberals going to
> realize it's the ILLEGAL ones that people object
> to? As trogdor's analogy indicates - you wouldn't
> set up an official gathering space for crackheads,
> pedophiles, or other violators of existing laws,
> so why immigrants? (probably over half of which
> are here illegally) Unless you're going to round
> them all up in a sting operation and deport their
> asses...


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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: help me ()
Date: June 03, 2010 10:16AM

It comes down to, like anything else, money. Can you imagine when you went to sell your home the listing stated close to schools, shoppng and a day labor center.

Not in my backyard argument and I cant say I blame them.

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: problem solver ()
Date: June 03, 2010 10:48AM

help me Wrote:
> It comes down to, like anything else, money. Can
> you imagine when you went to sell your home the
> listing stated close to schools, shoppng and a day
> labor center.
> Not in my backyard argument and I cant say I blame
> them.

Put it in Vince's backyard. Literally in his backyard. Problem solved. For overflow, WTL will offer up his driveway.

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 03, 2010 12:34PM

trogdor! Wrote:
> Fairfax County is proposing a special park where
> crack addicts could smoke crack and not be
> bothered by police or bother other residents.

The park should have covered spike pit traps like the Vietcong used.

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: stargazer ()
Date: June 03, 2010 06:46PM

This isn't being proposed by the county or Frey, the shopping center owner wants to put it in as an answer to the day laborers hanging around in front of the stores (and it's really bad there).

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: figures ()
Date: June 03, 2010 06:53PM

Great so having the trailer will make them all disappear after 8 A.M. when no more contractors come by and the masses have the rest of the day to kill

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: June 03, 2010 09:36PM

stargazer Wrote:
> This isn't being proposed by the county or Frey,
> the shopping center owner wants to put it in as an
> answer to the day laborers hanging around in front
> of the stores (and it's really bad there).

Since it's really bad there, why not arrest them for loitering then check their immigration status like PW county does? Instead, Frey is out there asking if we should give them some place to hang out.

It just doesn't make any damn sense.

Prostitutes hang out on street corners too. Is Frey going to hold town meetings to see if we should get them a little trailer where they can meet up with Johns ("...It's an employment center"!) who are willing to pay for 'services'? It really is the exact same issue.

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: Doesn't Matter ()
Date: June 04, 2010 02:26AM

Set up the trailer and when it is full of mexicans, cross your fingers that it doesn't get set on fire after the barring of the door ;). That reminds me. I need to buy a bar...

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Re: Centreville to open special 'crack' park for drug users
Posted by: Doesn't Matter ()
Date: June 04, 2010 02:30AM

trogdor! Wrote:
> stargazer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This isn't being proposed by the county or
> Frey,
> > the shopping center owner wants to put it in as
> an
> > answer to the day laborers hanging around in
> front
> > of the stores (and it's really bad there).
> Since it's really bad there, why not arrest them
> for loitering then check their immigration status
> like PW county does? Instead, Frey is out there
> asking if we should give them some place to hang
> out.
> It just doesn't make any damn sense.
> Prostitutes hang out on street corners too. Is
> Frey going to hold town meetings to see if we
> should get them a little trailer where they can
> meet up with Johns ("...It's an employment
> center"!) who are willing to pay for 'services'?
> It really is the exact same issue.

Oh no man! Peace and love! Open the border man! Thanks a lot you fucking baby booming hippie motherfuckers. I'm moving to Arizona. They have their shit together. Fuck northern virginia.

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