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Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: AllofUsAreEqual? ()
Date: November 19, 2009 11:47PM

Does this mean she'll appear on the FU arrest list? Doubt it...


"Charlene S. Lugar, 77, was stopped shortly after 6:30 p.m. by an officer who noticed smoke coming from her car and damage to the front end of the car as she drove on Old Dominion Drive, Officer Bud Walker said. The officer pulled her over near Dominion Reserve Drive, "developed probable cause that she was intoxicated" and arrested her. He did not release her alleged blood-alcohol content. "

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Anonymous Coward ()
Date: November 19, 2009 11:54PM

Charlene Lugar should have been the bud walker.


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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:31AM

Pulled over at 6:30 PM and she was plastered? Drunk by 6:30 PM? WOW!

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: November 20, 2009 08:16AM

Get off work at 5:00 drink for about an hour. I can see how you would be drunk.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Bluehair ()
Date: November 20, 2009 08:45AM

Get off work at 5:00 when you are 77 and a Senator's wife? riiiiiiight

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Ducky ()
Date: November 20, 2009 09:23AM

Could dementia play a factor?

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 20, 2009 10:03AM

Ducky Wrote:
> Could dementia play a factor?

Sure. Studies have shown a synergistic effect between alcohol and dementia, especially after you've downed 5 Manhattans over the course of an hour.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Olfie ()
Date: November 20, 2009 10:15AM

Lugar is a cool last name.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Happy Hour ()
Date: November 20, 2009 10:50AM

Happy Hour starts at 4pm at most places so 2 1/2 hours is plenty of time to have some drinks. Plus no where does it say she was plastered, its says she was pulled over for damage to her car and the officer developed probable cause that she was intoxicated so she was arrested for DUI, it mentions no BAC (blood alcohol content). She could have been at .08 and they would still arrest her. Damn it pisses me off when people make assumptions and can't just comment on the known facts.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Date: November 20, 2009 11:01AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Ducky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Could dementia play a factor?
> Sure. Studies have shown a synergistic effect
> between alcohol and dementia, especially after
> you've downed 5 Manhattans over the course of an
> hour.

+ 1


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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: November 20, 2009 11:16AM

Happy Hour Wrote:
> Happy Hour starts at 4pm at most places so 2 1/2
> hours is plenty of time to have some drinks. Plus
> no where does it say she was plastered, its says
> she was pulled over for damage to her car and the
> officer developed probable cause that she was
> intoxicated so she was arrested for DUI, it
> mentions no BAC (blood alcohol content). She
> could have been at .08 and they would still arrest
> her. Damn it pisses me off when people make
> assumptions and can't just comment on the known
> facts.

Smoke coming from her car and not concerned enough to pull over, hit and run; she was plastered. It may not have been in double digits, but for her age and abilities, she was more than compromised, therefore, plastered.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Happy Hour ()
Date: November 20, 2009 12:09PM

No where does it say that she wasn't concerned. She may have been scared shitless but was only a half mile from home and figured she could make it there with out major damage to her car. I'm not defending the lady for what she did but she has not been judged by a jury of her peers and none of us has all of the info required to pass judgement.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Wahhh ()
Date: November 20, 2009 12:13PM

Maybe she took too much cough medicine. Gummers always do that. My grandmother is in her late 90's and she routinely comes down with colds and such in the nursing home where she lives. We stopped bringing her any medication when we saw her drink half a bottle of cough syrup. She was trippy for days after that.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 20, 2009 12:32PM

Happy Hour Wrote:
> none of us has all of the info required to pass judgement.

She attempted to flee on foot after the cops found a baggy full of heroin on her and a loaded handgun under the front seat.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: November 20, 2009 02:11PM

Happy Hour Wrote:
> No where does it say that she wasn't concerned.
> She may have been scared shitless but was only a
> half mile from home and figured she could make it
> there with out major damage to her car. -

That would have been a really stupid decision.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: November 20, 2009 04:57PM

Wow, Happy Hour, you sound like you are lobbying to take her case, don't worry, I am sure she already has a very very good representation. ;)

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: tubby ()
Date: November 20, 2009 06:45PM

JayBee Wrote:
> Wow, Happy Hour, you sound like you are lobbying
> to take her case, don't worry, I am sure she
> already has a very very good representation. ;)

Yeah, she'll walk....guaranteed.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: curious ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:43PM


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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Ahmed ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:45PM

I'd hit it.

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What a dye job!
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: November 21, 2009 10:31AM

curious Wrote:
> Mugshot:

A 77 year old redhead with not a trace of white hair!?

She had to be delirious from the fumes during the dye job (that was some industrial strength dye job) and was totally unaware of the "check engine" light blinking at her for 5 miles.

Just a guess

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: November 21, 2009 03:13PM

The cops have no other DUIs to bag with teddy kennedy being gone

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: ohho ()
Date: November 21, 2009 04:03PM

Isn't it dreadful that these are the kind of fools running around out there and running over themselves. The when taking off I mean WTF Fairfax WTF?????????????????????????????????????????????WHAT THE FUCK

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: UFB ()
Date: November 29, 2009 11:47AM

sad thing is that a dui is just a class 1 misdemeanor, so as soon as the drunk sobers up, out they go with a future traffic court date. It takes time for the charge to be processed and posted on the open domain VA court website. YET, within hours of her arrest it was reported on the news. Only because it was leaked to the media by a self-serving, boot licking Democrap shill in the hierarchy of the FCPD. The Emperor has no clothes!

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: November 29, 2009 02:05PM

Happy Hour Wrote:
> No where does it say that she wasn't concerned.
> She may have been scared shitless but was only a
> half mile from home and figured she could make it
> there with out major damage to her car. I'm not
> defending the lady for what she did but she has
> not been judged by a jury of her peers and none of
> us has all of the info required to pass judgement.

You know, Senator Lugar, if you're going to post here, at least be honest and register your user name, "Happy Hour".

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: UFB, UFB ()
Date: November 29, 2009 03:34PM

Posted by: UFB ()
Date: November 29, 2009 11:47AM

Your Quote:

"sad thing is that a dui is just a class 1 misdemeanor, so as soon as the drunk sobers up, out they go with a future traffic court date. It takes time for the charge to be processed and posted on the open domain VA court website. YET, within hours of her arrest it was reported on the news. Only because it was leaked to the media by a self-serving, boot licking Democrap shill in the hierarchy of the FCPD. The Emperor has no clothes!"

As a class-1 misd., she very well could have had a secure bond placed. DUI cases (even 1st offenses) typically do, so I would not imagine that she was released on her own recognizance "once sober" as you suggested.

Secondly, I beleive you are letting your personal political bias cloud your ability to think logically regarding what you refer to as a "leak to the media". Typical tom, dick, or hector gets locked up for DWI, its not news. A senator's wife gets locked up for DWI - it IS news. So unless you consider an official press-release a "leak", place your soapbox elsewhere.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: November 30, 2009 10:45PM

AllofUsAreEqual? Wrote:
> Does this mean she'll appear on the FU arrest
> list? Doubt it...

I just manually re-updated the arrest list for last week since Fairfax County PD's Public Information Office had some glitches with it and guess what... she shows up:

"LUGAR ","CHARLENE ","S","077"," 7841","OLD DOMINION ","DR","MCLEAN ","VA","11/18/2009","DWI-ALCOHOL "
"LUGAR ","CHARLENE ","S","077"," 7841","OLD DOMINION ","DR","MCLEAN ","VA","11/18/2009","HIT AND RUN MISD "

I'm honestly not surprised at all considering the likes of Gilbert Arenas or Newt Gingrich.

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: slap on the wrist ()
Date: June 02, 2010 10:23PM


FAIRFAX, Va. — The wife of Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana has pleaded guilty to drunken driving in a crash with a parked car in Virginia.

The Virginia judge suspended a 30-day jail sentence but in a hearing Friday placed severe restrictions on Charlene Lugar's driver's license for the next year.

The 77-year-old was charged in November after hitting an unattended car in her McLean neighborhood in the Washington suburbs. Police spotted Lugar about two miles away, still behind the wheel while smoke rose from the hood of her Buick.

Court records indicate her blood-alcohol level was 0.11, above the legal limit of 0.08.

The senator's office declined comment. After the arrest, Lugar's office issued a statement saying he and his wife were "deeply sorry."jJihRf07ftObCvDawgovsVOqBcAD9G378O00

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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: lugar ()
Date: June 04, 2010 02:58PM

I like Sen. Lugar. Don't like most of the GOP members but Dick is A-OK.


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Re: Sen. Lugars wife arrested for DUI in McLean
Posted by: ...LO*&>>>.. ()
Date: June 04, 2010 03:02PM

lugar Wrote:
> I like Sen. Lugar. Don't like most of the GOP
> members but Dick is A-OK.

That's funny. I heard Lopter said he liked Dick too. Hmmm, come to think of it, I am not sure he meant Sen. Lugar though.

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