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What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Americans for Sarah Palin 2012 Inc. ()
Date: May 30, 2010 11:57PM

We would like your thoughts on this subject. Please post comments.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: j. q. adams ()
Date: May 31, 2010 12:00AM

Self promotional dullard

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: uhhhcya ()
Date: May 31, 2010 12:07AM

I like her, though to get my vote there needs to be some changes and additions.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: TeaParty4Congress ()
Date: May 31, 2010 12:16AM

Sarah Palin is clearly a genius maverick. One of the most honest politicians I've ever seen despite what the left liberal conspiracy says about her with their 'gotcha' journalism. She'll take 'Main Street' to Washington and clean up special interests.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: May 31, 2010 01:28AM

President of what? The local high school PTA? Maybe
President of this country---absolutely not

Ron Paul is 1000 times more qualified and has a book full of actual solutions for the problems this country faces

Sarah Palin has a book blaming the press for being mean to her

If you cant handle Katie Couric, you cant handle Vladimir Putin or anyone else

I suggest she hang out at home and keep an eye on Russia for us,,,
Maybe take turns blowing up hot air balloons with Sean Hannity

The Republicans would be making a HUGE mistake letting her anywhere near their
2012 ticket

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Superman 4 ()
Date: May 31, 2010 02:02AM

Sarah Palin quit on Alaska after they elected her to be governor.

Sarah Palin didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was until the guy interviewing her on live national tv had to explain it to her.

Sarah Palin has to write "uplift American spirits" on her palm in case she forgets.

Sarah Palin is a puppet, a brand, a product that the corporate media and establishment are promoting.

People are waking up to the fact that each party, Republicans and Democrats, are BOUGHT AND PAID FOR and work for global special interests...NOT the American People.

RON PAUL is a true American. I find it ridiculous that people are STILL entertaining the notion that Palin is electable.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: yourfiend ()
Date: May 31, 2010 05:08AM

She 's just too stupid. Plain and simple.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Hell Yeah ()
Date: May 31, 2010 10:46AM

Run, baby, run. She makes Obama look gooooood.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Right On ()
Date: May 31, 2010 10:47AM

Never say she's too stupid. Think of Bush 43.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: May 31, 2010 12:17PM

i'm democrat, but she got my vote..hopey changey stuff is crap

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dd ()
Date: May 31, 2010 12:44PM

It scares the crap out of me to think Palin has potential to be President of this great country. We are a military family who would take Obama over anyone the Republicans scare up. Every agrument I have heard that defends Palin is based in unthruths. A little information is more dangerous than none at all.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: comic relief ()
Date: May 31, 2010 01:42PM

She'd be OK in local politics. Entertaining, and voted out in two years.

Plus, she'd be around so you could ogle her.

President? No way. We'd end up getting invaded by Uruguay or something.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 31, 2010 02:28PM

Everyone's tired of old, white men. They tried young, white men for about 20 years, but they were controlled by old, white men on Wall Street, the M-I complex, Big Oil, and so on. Now both parties and their backers are desperately trying out blacks and white women as frontmen. As we've seen with financial reform, healthcare, and energy disasters, what matters is who's occupying the important posts at the various departments and agencies that regulate these sectors of the economies.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 31, 2010 02:30PM

The whole system needs a big flush. We have a huge financial meltdown that threatened the entire system, and we can't get even a modicum of reform. I expect the same crap after this oil spill. Obama has been careful to avoid placing direct blame on BP, treating it almost as a incidental disaster that no one could've avoided.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Superman 4 ()
Date: May 31, 2010 02:39PM

I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page...

...All of our recent presidents including Barack Obama are puppets. The Federal Reserve runs this country, and is more powerful than the president.

It is a PRIVATE BANK. People must understand this.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9dVQi-APZ8 --------- Former FED chairman saying that the Federal Reserve is above the law.

THAT is exactly where we're at today. We have a PRIVATE BANK that owns us, and NO politician will address this issue. NOT GEORGE W. BUSH the puppet, NOT SARAH PALIN THE PUPPET, and certainly NOT Barack Obama the puppet president.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

-Thomas Jefferson

"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws."

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Piggy ()
Date: May 31, 2010 04:41PM

Palin as President? Not a bad idea. She sure could use some refinement. Sure beats the hell out of electing a community organizer who is in way over his head. I sleep well at night knowing I did not help elect this neo nazi facist into office.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Arty Burns ()
Date: May 31, 2010 05:14PM

Superman 4 Wrote:
> I just want to make sure everyone is on the same
> page...
> ...All of our recent presidents including Barack
> Obama are puppets. The Federal Reserve runs this
> country, and is more powerful than the president.
> It is a PRIVATE BANK. People must understand
> this.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9dVQi-APZ8
> --------- Former FED chairman saying that the
> Federal Reserve is above the law.
> THAT is exactly where we're at today. We have a
> PRIVATE BANK that owns us, and NO politician will
> address this issue. NOT GEORGE W. BUSH the
> puppet, NOT SARAH PALIN THE PUPPET, and certainly
> NOT Barack Obama the puppet president.
> "I believe that banking institutions are more
> dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
> If the American people ever allow private banks to
> control the issue of their currency, first by
> inflation, then by deflation, the banks and
> corporations that will grow up around will
> deprive the people of all property until their
> children wake-up homeless on the continent their
> fathers conquered. The issuing power should be
> taken from the banks and restored to the people,
> to whom it properly belongs."
> -Thomas Jefferson
> "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I
> care not who makes its laws."

The comment by Al is taken completely out of context. The Fed is directly
accountable to the House and Senate Banking Committee's. I highly
recommend you familiarize yourself with the Fed's structure before
signing on with crackpots.


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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 31, 2010 05:51PM

Members of the Fed board have been vetted through various administration and congressional staff posts. The most common path to the Chairman of the Fed seems to be to serve on the President's Council of Economic Advisors.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: somepeople ()
Date: May 31, 2010 05:53PM

All this crap from ultra right wing nuts about the Federal Reserve conspiracy is so fucking stupid. The Federal Reserve is NOT a private organization and does NOT operate for the purpose of making a profit. The Chairman and The Board of Governors are nominated by the president and approved by congress. Without The US Federal Reserve system we would be living in the stone age when it comes to money and banking.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: May 31, 2010 06:56PM

" The Fed is directly accountable to the House and Senate Banking Committees"

I feel so much better now,,,the House and Senate have done such a great job with
everything else they oversee

I assume Ron Paul is one of the "crackpots" your refering to,,,

You just keep supporting this broken system until it affects YOU

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: idiot ()
Date: May 31, 2010 07:15PM

Piggy Wrote:
> Palin as President? Not a bad idea. She sure could
> use some refinement. Sure beats the hell out of
> electing a community organizer who is in way over
> his head. I sleep well at night knowing I did not
> help elect this neo nazi facist into office.

She's a college dropout and a sports caster.
He went to fucking harvard law school. Are you an idiot?

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: she ()
Date: May 31, 2010 07:20PM

She's also a half-term governor of a state with a population less than that of Fairfax. Her husband is part of the Alaskan secessionist movement- TREASONOUS by definition.

She also tried to cover up her daughter's pregnancy by claiming that she herself was pregnant, like some sort of a celebrity.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Piggy ()
Date: May 31, 2010 08:13PM

Hey Idiot!

A Harvard degree means what exactly? W and Ted Kaczynski are also alums of Harvard. So Idiot, does really having a Harvard degree equate to smarts?

Am I an idiot? Depends on who you ask really. Remember, proper names are capitalized!

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: May 31, 2010 08:47PM

idiot Wrote:
> Piggy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Palin as President? Not a bad idea. She sure
> could
> > use some refinement. Sure beats the hell out of
> > electing a community organizer who is in way
> over
> > his head. I sleep well at night knowing I did
> not
> > help elect this neo nazi facist into office.
> She's a college dropout and a sports caster.
> He went to fucking harvard law school. Are you an
> idiot?

Hey idiot you got a degree from Harvard or anywhere else? If you don't, I guess you are a stupid as Palin. She is a lot smarter than that community organizer and professor of constitutional law (????) from what I have seen. Come on idiot and tell us this good lie about your degree, maybe in basket weaving or community organizing.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Piggy = idiot ()
Date: May 31, 2010 09:10PM

Sarah Palin is so freaking stupid she makes George Bush look like the president of the Kennebunkport Mensa chapter. To give Bush his due, he got through Yale and HBS in the allotted number of years. It took Palin years to scratch out a joke degree after attending several joke schools.

Similarly, Obama has degrees from Columbia and HLS. Palin couldn't spell Columbia if you spotted her C-o-l-u-m-b.

By all means encourage Palin to run in 2012. I'm sure the other Republicans will roll over for her because they, like the rest of the world, want to see Palin debate Obama.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Westin ()
Date: May 31, 2010 09:23PM

Palin needs to stay home and look after her 2 grandchildren..she's an idiot!

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: ArizonaRulz ()
Date: May 31, 2010 09:32PM

Obama and Palin have one huge thing in common: reliance on the Telepromter.

Best choice for President in 2012 is someone not just full of rhetoric and sound bites, ala Obama or Palin.
We need someone fiscally conservative to reel in the massive federal wastepit of spending, but someone who also is not a minion of Wall Street.
In this regard, I like Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, MD.

Obama is not smarter than a typical president. Obama got into Harvard by getting a key recommendation from a former black panther on the faculty. I doubt his academic prowess was more a determinant factor.

Palin is helped out in the polls by her elegant looks. Anyone who votes for her should ask themselves the question: Would I be voting for her if she looked like Janet Reno?

I wonder what political views Jessica Alba has?

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: fishy ()
Date: May 31, 2010 09:51PM

Her 5 minutes of fame is over, this woman is a joke. Not sure why she's still in the news!!

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: j.q. adams ()
Date: June 01, 2010 02:25AM

I must admit if Ms. Palin posed for playboy I'd certainly give it a look

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: June 01, 2010 04:00AM

Westin Wrote:
> Palin needs to stay home and look after her 2
> grandchildren..she's an idiot!

What 2 grandchildren? She has only one at this time. You need a Harvard degree or any degree to help you count.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: June 01, 2010 04:14AM

Did anybody notice your little federal tax increase in your paycheck this month? It might take someone as smart as Sarah Palin to notice that. More money to GMC, Chrysler, banks and entitlement programs (fund the welfare and illegals). Most folks on this site don't work anyway and are entitled, so great payday for you. Thanks to HOPE and CHANGE.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: joe pine ()
Date: June 01, 2010 06:11AM

Maybe its for the clean up in gulf when bp declares bankruptcy and gets out of paying for the mess yuck yuck

hasn't obama been a big backer of reviving the nuclear power industry and offshore oil drilling some things that even el presidente shrub chose not to go after

and Obama hasn't gotten around to ordering the justice department to go after the wall street /banking assholes in full force

and i bet a lot of the health care plans create a boondoggle for the drug companies

come on Obama ain't nearly the flaming liberal you knee jerks think he is

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dd ()
Date: June 01, 2010 07:41AM

Gosh, darn it, Joe Pine. For golly sakes, can't you get your facts straight?

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: June 01, 2010 09:43AM

I'd bone her...oh I thought this was a hot or not thread....

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Failin' Palin ()
Date: June 01, 2010 10:35AM

Are you fucking kidding me? Really? Sarah Palin for President? Who the fuck wants that stupid cunt running the country. This is the bimbo who when asked, "What newspapers you read," said, "Derr....all of them?" Fine, we get it. You're illiterate. But you could at least have said the name of a newspaper: Wash Po, NYT, WSJ, even The USA Today. But she's so fucking stupid, she couldn't come up with anything. And then she cried about "gotcha journalism." Whatever, cunt.

This bimbo who acts like a 15-year-old girl, calling out her "enemies" on Facebook, you want her for president? Facebook? Are you for real?

This is the shithead who just up and quit as governor because it was soooooo hard for her. Yeah, Alaska is probably the easiest state in the Union to govern--it runs itself. There's like 10 people that live there, and they're all sucking big oil teat, getting a fat check once a year. And before that she was governor of a shithole town. Oooooh, well at least she has "executive experience."

Fucking dumb twat and her bullshit Fargo phony accent. Nobody else in Alaska talks like that. And where was she born, Idaho? Montana? Nobody talks like that there either. But it plays to the rubes. They get all moist and weepy every time she drops a "you betcha" or a "goshdarn" and think she's one of them.

And let's not even talk about that tard baby she dragged around everywhere like a prop. Or how about this delusional bimbo thinks Russia give a happy monkey fuck about Alaska.

Sarah Palin is the stupidest, most useless, idiotic, retarded cunt of a politician. In better days she'd have been dipped in hot tar, covered in feathers, and set adrift on an ice floe. If you think she'd make a worthy president, you are a lousy, incompetent human being, and ought to commit suicide.

Fuck Sarah Palin, fuck her hick husband, her slut daughter, and the rest of her retarded family. I fucking hate that stupid cunt.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Les ()
Date: June 01, 2010 10:48AM

Pretty much the entire DC area is on the dole in some way, In a recession, it's even more true since stimulus results in more government spending and contracting.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: June 01, 2010 10:52AM

Failin' Palin Wrote:
> Are you fucking kidding me? Really? Sarah Palin
> for President? Who the fuck wants that stupid cunt
> running the country. This is the bimbo who when
> asked, "What newspapers you read," said,
> "Derr....all of them?" Fine, we get it. You're
> illiterate. But you could at least have said the
> name of a newspaper: Wash Po, NYT, WSJ, even The
> USA Today. But she's so fucking stupid, she
> couldn't come up with anything. And then she cried
> about "gotcha journalism." Whatever, cunt.
> This bimbo who acts like a 15-year-old girl,
> calling out her "enemies" on Facebook, you want
> her for president? Facebook? Are you for real?
> This is the shithead who just up and quit as
> governor because it was soooooo hard for her.
> Yeah, Alaska is probably the easiest state in the
> Union to govern--it runs itself. There's like 10
> people that live there, and they're all sucking
> big oil teat, getting a fat check once a year. And
> before that she was governor of a shithole town.
> Oooooh, well at least she has "executive
> experience."
> Fucking dumb twat and her bullshit Fargo phony
> accent. Nobody else in Alaska talks like that. And
> where was she born, Idaho? Montana? Nobody talks
> like that there either. But it plays to the rubes.
> They get all moist and weepy every time she drops
> a "you betcha" or a "goshdarn" and think she's one
> of them.
> And let's not even talk about that tard baby she
> dragged around everywhere like a prop. Or how
> about this delusional bimbo thinks Russia give a
> happy monkey fuck about Alaska.
> Sarah Palin is the stupidest, most useless,
> idiotic, retarded cunt of a politician. In better
> days she'd have been dipped in hot tar, covered in
> feathers, and set adrift on an ice floe. If you
> think she'd make a worthy president, you are a
> lousy, incompetent human being, and ought to
> commit suicide.
> Fuck Sarah Palin, fuck her hick husband, her slut
> daughter, and the rest of her retarded family. I
> fucking hate that stupid cunt.

I agree, but you forgot to mention that she's really smart because she's good looking.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: touche ()
Date: June 01, 2010 11:22AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Failin' Palin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you fucking kidding me? Really? Sarah Palin
> > for President? Who the fuck wants that stupid
> cunt
> > running the country. This is the bimbo who when
> > asked, "What newspapers you read," said,
> > "Derr....all of them?" Fine, we get it. You're
> > illiterate. But you could at least have said
> the
> > name of a newspaper: Wash Po, NYT, WSJ, even
> The
> > USA Today. But she's so fucking stupid, she
> > couldn't come up with anything. And then she
> cried
> > about "gotcha journalism." Whatever, cunt.
> >
> > This bimbo who acts like a 15-year-old girl,
> > calling out her "enemies" on Facebook, you want
> > her for president? Facebook? Are you for real?
> >
> > This is the shithead who just up and quit as
> > governor because it was soooooo hard for her.
> > Yeah, Alaska is probably the easiest state in
> the
> > Union to govern--it runs itself. There's like
> 10
> > people that live there, and they're all sucking
> > big oil teat, getting a fat check once a year.
> And
> > before that she was governor of a shithole
> town.
> > Oooooh, well at least she has "executive
> > experience."
> >
> > Fucking dumb twat and her bullshit Fargo phony
> > accent. Nobody else in Alaska talks like that.
> And
> > where was she born, Idaho? Montana? Nobody
> talks
> > like that there either. But it plays to the
> rubes.
> > They get all moist and weepy every time she
> drops
> > a "you betcha" or a "goshdarn" and think she's
> one
> > of them.
> >
> > And let's not even talk about that tard baby
> she
> > dragged around everywhere like a prop. Or how
> > about this delusional bimbo thinks Russia give
> a
> > happy monkey fuck about Alaska.
> >
> > Sarah Palin is the stupidest, most useless,
> > idiotic, retarded cunt of a politician. In
> better
> > days she'd have been dipped in hot tar, covered
> in
> > feathers, and set adrift on an ice floe. If you
> > think she'd make a worthy president, you are a
> > lousy, incompetent human being, and ought to
> > commit suicide.
> >
> > Fuck Sarah Palin, fuck her hick husband, her
> slut
> > daughter, and the rest of her retarded family.
> I
> > fucking hate that stupid cunt.
> I agree, but you forgot to mention that she's
> really smart because she's good looking.

Then you must be real stupid because you're ugly.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: June 01, 2010 11:54AM

Failin' Palin Wrote:
> Are you fucking kidding me? Really? Sarah Palin
> for President? Who the fuck wants that stupid cunt
> running the country. This is the bimbo who when
> asked, "What newspapers you read," said,
> "Derr....all of them?" Fine, we get it. You're
> illiterate. But you could at least have said the
> name of a newspaper: Wash Po, NYT, WSJ, even The
> USA Today. But she's so fucking stupid, she
> couldn't come up with anything. And then she cried
> about "gotcha journalism." Whatever, cunt.
> This bimbo who acts like a 15-year-old girl,
> calling out her "enemies" on Facebook, you want
> her for president? Facebook? Are you for real?
> This is the shithead who just up and quit as
> governor because it was soooooo hard for her.
> Yeah, Alaska is probably the easiest state in the
> Union to govern--it runs itself. There's like 10
> people that live there, and they're all sucking
> big oil teat, getting a fat check once a year. And
> before that she was governor of a shithole town.
> Oooooh, well at least she has "executive
> experience."
> Fucking dumb twat and her bullshit Fargo phony
> accent. Nobody else in Alaska talks like that. And
> where was she born, Idaho? Montana? Nobody talks
> like that there either. But it plays to the rubes.
> They get all moist and weepy every time she drops
> a "you betcha" or a "goshdarn" and think she's one
> of them.
> And let's not even talk about that tard baby she
> dragged around everywhere like a prop. Or how
> about this delusional bimbo thinks Russia give a
> happy monkey fuck about Alaska.
> Sarah Palin is the stupidest, most useless,
> idiotic, retarded cunt of a politician. In better
> days she'd have been dipped in hot tar, covered in
> feathers, and set adrift on an ice floe. If you
> think she'd make a worthy president, you are a
> lousy, incompetent human being, and ought to
> commit suicide.
> Fuck Sarah Palin, fuck her hick husband, her slut
> daughter, and the rest of her retarded family. I
> fucking hate that stupid cunt.

That's stupid.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Palin Smart? ()
Date: June 01, 2010 01:20PM

The question is "Would I want Sarah Palin to be the next President". Do we want an idiot running the country? If the answer is yes, then please vote for Sarah Palin. I am waiting for either party that puts forth a moderate that is willing to make decisions on what is right and not what the party wants. I am also waiting for Jimi Hendrix, Duane Allman and Stevie Ray Vaugan to rise from the dead and jam all night long.

I vote for the individual, not the party. The problem is that the Republicans have been putting forth canidates that have their nose so far up the ass of the religious right that you look to the democrats.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: mjcc1987 ()
Date: June 01, 2010 03:55PM

Sarah Palin and Ron Paul

Double the stipidity, double the fun

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: somepeople ()
Date: June 01, 2010 04:15PM

dika-dika Wrote:
> Did anybody notice your little federal tax
> increase in your paycheck this month? It might
> take someone as smart as Sarah Palin to notice
> that. More money to GMC, Chrysler, banks and
> entitlement programs (fund the welfare and
> illegals). Most folks on this site don't work
> anyway and are entitled, so great payday for you.
> Thanks to HOPE and CHANGE.


General Motors Pays Back $8 Billion to Taxpayers Ahead of Schedule

Chrysler repays half of loan

Bank of America repays entire $45 billion TARP loan

according to the Congressional Research Service, the investigative arm of Congress...FACTS: To the contrary, undocumented immigrants are not eligible to receive any "welfare" benefits and even legal immigrants are severely restricted in the benefits they can receive.

As the Congressional Research Service points out in a 2007 report, undocumented immigrants, who comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the country, are not eligible to receive public "welfare" benefits -- ever.

This is why I no longer trust the Republican / Tea Party. Dika-Dika is a perfect example of how the right wing operates these days.. They just make crap up that suits what they are saying. Even if it has no truth to it at all. That's why they've lost my vote a while ago.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: somepeople ()
Date: June 01, 2010 04:17PM

Les Wrote:
> Pretty much the entire DC area is on the dole in
> some way, In a recession, it's even more true
> since stimulus results in more government spending
> and contracting.

Having a job with the Federal Government or a contractor is not being on the dole

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: June 01, 2010 05:02PM

somepeople Wrote:
> dika-dika Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Did anybody notice your little federal tax
> > increase in your paycheck this month? It might
> > take someone as smart as Sarah Palin to notice
> > that. More money to GMC, Chrysler, banks and
> > entitlement programs (fund the welfare and
> > illegals). Most folks on this site don't work
> > anyway and are entitled, so great payday for
> you.
> > Thanks to HOPE and CHANGE.
> General Motors Pays Back $8 Billion to Taxpayers
> Ahead of Schedule
> http://abcnews.go.com/WN/general-motors-repays-81-
> billion-government-loans/story?id=10437944
> Chrysler repays half of loan
> http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Money/Sto
> ry/STIStory_527873.html
> Bank of America repays entire $45 billion TARP
> loan
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34350133/ns/business-u
> s_business/
> according to the Congressional Research Service,
> the investigative arm of Congress...FACTS: To the
> contrary, undocumented immigrants are not eligible
> to receive any "welfare" benefits and even legal
> immigrants are severely restricted in the benefits
> they can receive.
> As the Congressional Research Service points out
> in a 2007 report, undocumented immigrants, who
> comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the
> country, are not eligible to receive public
> "welfare" benefits -- ever.
> http://blogs.chron.com/immigration/archives/2008/0
> 1/post_80.html
> This is why I no longer trust the Republican / Tea
> Party. Dika-Dika is a perfect example of how the
> right wing operates these days.. They just make
> crap up that suits what they are saying. Even if
> it has no truth to it at all. That's why they've
> lost my vote a while ago.

Need I say more, thanks for confirmation. Did you check yoour taxes?

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Making_stuff ()
Date: June 01, 2010 05:36PM

I'd vote for Palin at gunpoint. Other than that, I'll vote for anybody else.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: June 01, 2010 05:41PM

Making_stuff Wrote:
> I'd vote for Palin at gunpoint. Other than that,
> I'll vote for anybody else.

You just made that up, didn't you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 01, 2010 06:27PM

She is probably the second best example of someone who should stay a local politician. The best example would be Obama.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Bigdog1 ()
Date: June 03, 2010 02:20AM

NO!!!!!!!!!! Need we say more.

In the begining she couldn't think for her self, name a paper she read or a court case that mattered.

Now the guy who writes her speaches still knows more than she does.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dirkadirka ()
Date: June 03, 2010 07:23AM

dika-dika Wrote:
> Did anybody notice your little federal tax
> increase in your paycheck this month? It might
> take someone as smart as Sarah Palin to notice
> that. More money to GMC, Chrysler, banks and
> entitlement programs (fund the welfare and
> illegals). Most folks on this site don't work
> anyway and are entitled, so great payday for you.
> Thanks to HOPE and CHANGE.

No, I didn't. Because there wasn't one, you liar.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: June 03, 2010 05:34PM

dirkadirka Wrote:
> dika-dika Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Did anybody notice your little federal tax
> > increase in your paycheck this month? It might
> > take someone as smart as Sarah Palin to notice
> > that. More money to GMC, Chrysler, banks and
> > entitlement programs (fund the welfare and
> > illegals). Most folks on this site don't work
> > anyway and are entitled, so great payday for
> you.
> > Thanks to HOPE and CHANGE.
> No, I didn't. Because there wasn't one, you liar.

Hey dirkadirka do we know each other? Probably not. I feel your pain and I know that Moonbat Palin Derangement Syndrome is hurting you. I don't want you to jump off a building, point a plastic gun at a police, lay down on train tracks, or crawl across the interstate looking for your head. Here are some great services available in Fairfax to help with your Moonbat Palin Derangement Syndrome and anger problem:

The Anger Coach
We offer anger and stress management classes, resources and products for adults, couples, and the workplace. We also have a home-study program. We currently have a book, an e-book, and a CD. Try our Online Anger Quiz. We have Professional Certification Training and we offer a Free Newsletter.

Anger Management Online
This is one of the world's first completely web-based anger management programs for adults and couples. Learn the eight tools of anger control from the convenience of your home. Our program is accepted by many courts. This is also great for personal development and growth. We now have a New Educator Certification Program for Martial Arts Instructors.

AJ Novick Group - Stress and Anger Management
We are a leading national provider of anger management classes, home study and online anger management classes, anger management coaching, workplace anger management programs, education and training. Our programs are ideal for court, business, occupational and personal requirements.

Anger Class Online - Online Anger Management Classes
We offer the most comprehensive and convenient anger management class available on the internet. It is ideal for court, business and personal needs. Anger Class Online is available 24 hours a day and can be completed in the privacy of your own home, internet cafe, bookstore, or where ever internet access is available. Proof of enrollment and certificate of completion are issued.

Controlling Anger Before It Controls You
We offer information from the APA on anger, anger management; strategies for handling anger and counseling.

ACT Against Violence
Adults and Children Together Against Violence is a violence prevention project that is designed to prevent violence by providing young children with positive role models and environments that teach nonviolent problem-solving.

Insight Practical Therapy-Commonsense LLC
A ten session anger management group that will assist you to deal with your anger and meet the requirements of referring agency.

Virginia Institute for Interpersonal Development
We offer anger management classes for teens and adults by certified anger management instructors.

Look them up online and you know they might just be free or maybe covered by Obamacare.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: ZipIt ()
Date: June 03, 2010 05:46PM

Honestly I'm just not going to take her seriously unless she takes her top off. Then maybe. But probably not.

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: June 03, 2010 06:16PM

mjcc1987 Wrote:
> Sarah Palin and Ron Paul
> Double the stipidity, double the fun

First---Comparing Palin to Ron Paul is not a valid comparison in my opinion

Second--What exactly is "stipidity" and how does this "double the fun"

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: SubPop ()
Date: June 04, 2010 01:17PM

I would have Nixon, Bush, and Hoover back if it would stop Sarah Palin from being elected. She advertises her mentally challenged baby for support, she can't communicate any idea with intelligent diction, and she has the most narrow view of the world that I have seen in a politician. She is completely naive and inexperienced. She can't think for herself. I can't take her seriously at all.

How that drill, baby, drilly stuff going for ya?

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Re: What do Fairfax residents think about Palin running for President?
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: June 04, 2010 03:40PM

I think the the main difference between Palin and Ron Paul is Palin doesn't have an original idea in her head. You can be sure Ron Paul's ideas are either his own or consistent with his own.

Also,,,these donkey dicks that have been preaching "Drill Baby Drill" the last few years can put aside their political aspirations for the foreseeable

Any politician whose philosophies can be summed up in catchphrases cannot be taken seriously

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