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What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: they learned nothing ()
Date: September 07, 2011 06:05PM

Fairfax workers may get bigger raise
By: Liz Essley | 09/06/11

Fairfax County employees are asking for a 3.5 percent pay raise -- 2 percent higher than the county was slated to approve next week -- and the county's Board of Supervisors may give it to them.

The county now has an extra $8 million to give out as part of its $104 million budget surplus after a judge dismissed a lawsuit filed against the county by Verizon. Staff had budgeted the $8 million for the lawsuit in case the judge ruled against the county.

The county also has an extra $250,000 after the federal government dropped a requirement last week that would have forced the county to upgrade its street signs to make them easier to read.

Fairfax County employees, who haven't had a raise in three years, say at least some of that extra money should go to them.

"We've seen a large increase in our health care costs as well as other costs of employment, such as getting to work," said Karen Conchar, president of the county employees' union. "We looked at the surrounding jurisdictions and saw they were awarded between 3 and 4 percent in the last year."

Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Sharon Bulova on Tuesday indicated she may seek a bigger raise for employees. Both Democratic and Republican board members expressed support for it to The Washington Examiner.

"I definitely think our employees are entitled to a compensation increase at this point," said Supervisor John Foust, D-Dranesville. "We haven't done it because we couldn't afford it, and if it's a possibility I think we should."

Supervisor John Cook, R-Braddock, agreed, saying a 2.5 to 3 percent raise would be appropriate given increasing costs like health care.

"I know there are citizens who might look at this and say, 'Gee that's a big raise,' but it's really not. All 3 percent does is keep them even in their take-home," he said.

Bulova said that she wants to make sure most of the surplus is set aside for next year as a buffer in case the economy doesn't rebound.

"You continue to hear concerns in the community about us not recovering as quickly as we'd like to," she said. "I think we need to be especially careful."

Residents have protested county employee salaries and pensions in the past, saying the county pays far more in salaries and benefits than the private sector or the federal government.

The board will vote on the surplus package at its Sept. 13 meeting.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 07, 2011 06:15PM

As someone who doesn't work for Fairfax County, I support their request for a 3.5 pay raise once every 3 years.

You're an idiot if you think all government employees should have their salaries frozen during every recession.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Private Sector ()
Date: September 07, 2011 07:00PM

Let us put the surplus away for a rainy day. You think the county will win every lawsuit every time??

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: welcome to reality ()
Date: September 07, 2011 08:03PM

Yes, you private sector folks are a real treat to watch, 5 years ago you all were gloating about the golf trips, retreats at high dollar resorts and your bonuses the company gave you to everyone at the neighborhood block party. This year its all gloom and doom because they are doing large scale downsizing and the workers on either side of you disappeared. You laughed for years why anyone would be a civil servant but now you hear your old pals are scraping to get a bus driver job so they can get health care. Now when times get tough you complain that county employees who have waited for years to get a COLA would like a 3 percent raise.Two words for you ... fuck you

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 07, 2011 08:05PM

Wow, this is great news - if it goes through. I know it will irritate a lot of taxpayers as well as those posters on this forum. However, they frozen pay has been really tough on those who have not had raises - yet, the medical premiums have continued to keep on going up as well as other incurred inflation costs.

In 2010, only 7% of the companies gave out raises. It was a tough year. Then again, you have to wonder how many of those companies are just using the economy issues as an excuse not to reward their employees with raises just because they're cheap? I think it's pretty obvious that as soon as the economy starts to rebound, there's a lot of people in the private sector that will be jumping ship to other companies after being shorted by small raises for the past few years.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: My 500+ a month ()
Date: September 07, 2011 08:13PM

Private sector workers don't get pensions & have to make a profit. Public sector employees feed off taxpayers like me and get pensions. I pay over $500 a month for the priviledge of living in Fairfax County. What are you doing for me?? I have no kids in school, the road in front of my house is falling apart, snow plow never comes on my street. WTF am I paying $5700 a year in real esatate taxes for?? Oh I know - to listen to county employees like you whine.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: another satisfied customer ()
Date: September 07, 2011 08:22PM

Well thats apples and oranges ass wipe, Im not whining, just enjoying watching the gloaters squirm, since the county isnt in the business of turning a profit and I paid 12 percent of my salary for that pension, I guess I deserve it. I dont have any kids in school and pay the same taxes so whats your point, if you couldnt afford to live here, you wouldnt. I suggest you try calling to get some action for your taxes or move to another place where you pay less and get no services, and that would be most ofthe rest of the state.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 07, 2011 08:24PM

My 500+ a month Wrote:
> Private sector workers don't get pensions & have
> to make a profit. Public sector employees feed
> off taxpayers like me and get pensions. I pay
> over $500 a month for the priviledge of living in
> Fairfax County. What are you doing for me?? I
> have no kids in school, the road in front of my
> house is falling apart, snow plow never comes on
> my street. WTF am I paying $5700 a year in real
> esatate taxes for?? Oh I know - to listen to
> county employees like you whine.

As far as your road issues go, you should be communicating to VDOT. If VDOT doesn't control the road in front of your place, it might be a private road and belong to your HOA. Do a bit of additional digging to see who truly is responsible for the road. I very much doubt that it is the county of Fairfax.

Also, your comment on how private employers don't have pension plans - well, yes, some do. You just have to find the right employer. Defense contractors usually don't offer pensions, just 401K plans. However, their justification is more along the lines that they pay you enough as it is, so you can fund your 401K with your extra salary that you make over the public sector employees.

I'll be collecting a pension from a private employer when I retire.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: taxpayer$ ()
Date: September 07, 2011 09:32PM

welcome to reality Wrote:
> Yes, you private sector folks are a real treat to
> watch, 5 years ago you all were gloating about the
> golf trips, retreats at high dollar resorts and
> your bonuses the company gave you to everyone at
> the neighborhood block party. This year its all
> gloom and doom because they are doing large scale
> downsizing and the workers on either side of you
> disappeared. You laughed for years why anyone
> would be a civil servant but now you hear your old
> pals are scraping to get a bus driver job so they
> can get health care. Now when times get tough you
> complain that county employees who have waited for
> years to get a COLA would like a 3 percent
> raise.Two words for you ... fuck you

Wow, that really makes me what to call my supervisor and ask them to support your pay raise.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 07, 2011 09:46PM

taxpayer$ Wrote:
> Wow, that really makes me what to call my
> supervisor and ask them to support your pay raise.

Which district do you reside in? I'll personally deliver your message for you. Are you active in your community? Or, do you just whine to the supervisor for your district when the county employees might be getting a raise?

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: tgbwc ()
Date: September 07, 2011 09:51PM

Here is my issue with this possible raise: The Board of Supervisors stressed over and over that the school system should limit any raise given to school employees to a similar level that the county would be giving. No additional transfer. That's part of the reason the SB reduced employee raises from 2% to 1%.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: taxpayer$ ()
Date: September 07, 2011 09:51PM

Sweet News Wrote:
> taxpayer$ Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Wow, that really makes me what to call my
> > supervisor and ask them to support your pay
> raise.
> Which district do you reside in? I'll personally
> deliver your message for you. Are you active in
> your community? Or, do you just whine to the
> supervisor for your district when the county
> employees might be getting a raise?

Hah. Dranesville. And I really don't begrudge a 3.5% pay raise. My comment was more on the very pleasant response from the county employee that ended with "fuck you".

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: GetOverYourself ()
Date: September 07, 2011 09:53PM

taxpayer$ Wrote:
> Wow, that really makes me what to call my
> supervisor and ask them to support your pay raise.

Like he gives a flying fuck what your opinion on the matter is.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 07, 2011 10:02PM

taxpayer$ Wrote:
> Hah. Dranesville. And I really don't begrudge a
> 3.5% pay raise. My comment was more on the very
> pleasant response from the county employee that
> ended with "fuck you".

Unfortunately, there's a few bad apples everywhere you go. Unfortunately, one individual chose to speak out in an unprofessional manner. The person probably isn't a county employee.

I've worked in both public and private industry. Each has its own share of slackers. However, in private industry, they usually react a bit quicker (in most cases) to get rid of those with the attitude or work ethic issues. But, I've also seen private industry take plenty of time to document poorly performing workings and it was a pain to have a team go through the mess. In the end, the morale of the whole team was pretty much drained by the time the offending employee was fired. The cost of watching the ex-employee get escorted out the door? Priceless!

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Eve T. ()
Date: September 07, 2011 11:05PM

County employees deserve a raise. health insurance has gone up, property taxes raised, cost of living is higher... All while they are making the same salary since 2008.

Departments have cut budgets and positions while the public's needs have increased. More work spread over fewer employees for three years... Give them 3%. They will barely be breaking even.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: mancannon ()
Date: September 07, 2011 11:22PM

seriously, have they learned nothing, when you have a surplus you keep it so you have it when you need it later. right now we have a surplus of about $100 per capita from last year so while 100M sounds like alot, its really not when you are talking about using it on a million people that live in the county.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Yucky23 ()
Date: September 07, 2011 11:51PM

Everyone in my family works for the government.

Feels great.

My father was making like 150k+ a year as a G15, retired, gets like 80k a year in retirement and now works in the private sector and my mother is making like 88k a year.

That's why we have a Range Rover and BMW M5 in the driveway of our 6 bedroom, 800k+ home.

And we still have tons of extra cash per month to spare.

We're totally immune from recessions.

My family is all like "What recession? Let's buy a vacation home and take another vacation to Europe! ROFL!"

And you slave niggers in the private sector are paying for it. LMAO

Thanks fo' yo cash money, beeotch.

We're straight up high classin' this white collar welfare life.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Yes You hit it on the head ()
Date: September 08, 2011 12:06AM

Your father is what is wrong with this country.
Government red tape workers who sort papers for a living.
I wish the Federal government would move to Kansas so
this crapweasel county would revert to the backwater it really is.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Yucky23 ()
Date: September 08, 2011 01:21AM

It's true.

From what I could tell, he only talked on the phone and went to meetings all day.

He also got to travel all over the world to go to conference after conference.

Something which probably could have been easily done over the internet.

And you fucktards gave him 150k+ a year for it. HAHAHA

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Penny Pincher ()
Date: September 08, 2011 01:32AM

tgbwc Wrote:
> Here is my issue with this possible raise: The
> Board of Supervisors stressed over and over that
> the school system should limit any raise given to
> school employees to a similar level that the
> county would be giving. No additional transfer.
> That's part of the reason the SB reduced employee
> raises from 2% to 1%.

FCPS staff are getting raises and a step increase. They are getting what ammounts to a 3.5% as well, which is why the County's Union fought for this.

If there is money for a raise, then why not. If the County is giving raises and then asking for cuts next year, then just give out a one time bonus and keep jobs next year.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 08, 2011 06:08AM

mancannon Wrote:
> seriously, have they learned nothing

Seriously, you're an idiot. I promise. :-)

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Date: September 08, 2011 07:12AM

During the actual recession many Fairfax employees were getting furloughed without pay. This goes both ways. I have no problem with what is essentially a cost of living adjustment (if that).


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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: tgbwc ()
Date: September 08, 2011 07:25AM

Eve T. Wrote:
> County employees deserve a raise. health insurance
> has gone up, property taxes raised, cost of living
> is higher... All while they are making the same
> salary since 2008.
> Departments have cut budgets and positions while
> the public's needs have increased. More work
> spread over fewer employees for three years...
> Give them 3%. They will barely be breaking even.

They should get the same thing the school employees received...1%.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: history wont repeata ()
Date: September 08, 2011 07:39AM

tgbwc Wrote:
> Here is my issue with this possible raise: The
> Board of Supervisors stressed over and over that
> the school system should limit any raise given to
> school employees to a similar level that the
> county would be giving. No additional transfer.
> That's part of the reason the SB reduced employee
> raises from 2% to 1%.

How quickly you forget or you are a youngster, back in the 80's, school employees got raises and COLAS when the general county employees got nothing for several years. If had been the other way around there would have been the standard lame threats of leaving and child will be an idiot as a result.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Dr Mimms ()
Date: September 08, 2011 08:08AM

1.5% increase is bullshit - for the average worker it amounts to 40 dollars every 2 weeks after taxes.That will pay for the price of gas rising since raises were last given out in 2008 - even a 3.5% raise wont keep up with inflation

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: darkdickfuckstick ()
Date: September 08, 2011 09:38AM

Government workers should be systematically put to death.

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Re: What Recession? County employees need to get raises!
Posted by: Government Watchdog - In favor ()
Date: September 08, 2011 09:59AM

Ok...I am in support of the county employees getting a 3.5% raise (or any at all). They have not had one since 2008, and that is fair. Naysayers of course are probably idiots who cant get hired by the county and have no chance in Government. Now go back to flipping burgers you idiot......or perhaps you can keep committing fraud selling B.S. life insurance or some magazine subscriptions.

I am not a county employee.....however, I believe that there are many hard working people who actually get shit done......they may or may not be or neighbors.....I know a few personally that work there asses off and some have had some financial issues as the cost of living has increased and food cost have indeed gone up.

Now the few idiots that do work in the county that hang out at all the "American" restaurants on Fridays acting as they own the land should be weeded out. What is sad....is that recently I met a county employee (still had badge on at 8pm and acting tough) was some Indian/Pakistani idiot 'accountant' who claimed to smoke pot, and was pretty fucking stupid. He didn't know the basics of accounting....when asked what his qualifications were....he claimed to have gone to some University in India or Pakistan?!?! Pssst. Apparently he got his job via nepotism/friendships within the same department. This type of action is not EEO. I don't have a problem with family members working for the same organization, however, they should not be located within the same department whatsoever. Not even if they have no supervision over each other....or they started fucking after the fact, or they got married after working with each other....its a conflict of interest....end of story!

I also know of some corruption (non-public safety)....like who gets promotions because their supervisor is doing or has done something shady. But what these idiots do not know is that they are being watched as well.

Also vote wisely this November, there are a few candidates running for BOS spots that have no right to be involved in any form of Government....and I hope they enjoy their 15 minutes of fame.......because after that, we (the citizens) will only remember them as the losers!

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: tgbwc ()
Date: September 08, 2011 04:01PM

history wont repeata Wrote:
> tgbwc Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Here is my issue with this possible raise: The
> > Board of Supervisors stressed over and over
> that
> > the school system should limit any raise given
> to
> > school employees to a similar level that the
> > county would be giving. No additional transfer.
> > That's part of the reason the SB reduced
> employee
> > raises from 2% to 1%.
> How quickly you forget or you are a youngster,
> back in the 80's, school employees got raises and
> COLAS when the general county employees got
> nothing for several years. If had been the other
> way around there would have been the standard lame
> threats of leaving and child will be an idiot as a
> result.

I've been with FCPS for 19 years. I remember there were years around 2000, 2001, 2002 when county employees received twice the COLA as FCPS employees. So your point is moot.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 08, 2011 08:40PM

tgbwc Wrote:
> They should get the same thing the school
> employees received...1%.

Reread the other posts in this thread. The school employees received a 1% raise + step increases. When it's all said and done, the FCPS employees received nearly a 3.5% raise. Most FCPS employees received a 2 step increase along with the 1%. Not bad. Plus, last year, the FCPS medical / dental premiums didn't increase nearly as much as the premiums for the other county employees.

In the end, it all works out the same for both the county employees and the teachers.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: You're what's wrong! ()
Date: September 08, 2011 09:00PM

Yucky23 Wrote:
> Everyone in my family works for the government.
> Feels great.
> My father was making like 150k+ a year as a G15,
> retired, gets like 80k a year in retirement and
> now works in the private sector and my mother is
> making like 88k a year.
> That's why we have a Range Rover and BMW M5 in the
> driveway of our 6 bedroom, 800k+ home.
> And we still have tons of extra cash per month to
> spare.
> We're totally immune from recessions.
> My family is all like "What recession? Let's buy a
> vacation home and take another vacation to Europe!
> ROFL!"
> And you slave niggers in the private sector are
> paying for it. LMAO
> Thanks fo' yo cash money, beeotch.
> We're straight up high classin' this white collar
> welfare life.

People like you and your family members are what's wrong with this country! They go to work for another company (or in the private sector) and still collect a sizable pay check from the government. One day everything will change, and people like you will beg in the streets to get a few dollars for bread.

Am I advocating communism? No, I am not. But I'm sick of the gap between the poor and the rich narrowing every year. County workers deserve a raise, they're understaffed and underpaid (mainly because of this being a right to work state). Once they retire, they shouldn't accrue 1/2 as much retirement as they did when they were paid regularly.

Have fun... for now

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: the untroll ()
Date: September 08, 2011 09:21PM

Yucky23 Wrote:
> It's true.

you're full of bs and a troll.

I'm not a county worker, but support the raise. You want bad services, then don't pay our government workers a competitive salary. The deadbeats will hang on and the good workers move to the private sector as the economy improves.

You know who is overpaid? The defense contractors. Those pukes suck the Pentagon's teet and bleed us taxpayers dry. Their day is coming, and soon.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 08, 2011 09:39PM

the untroll Wrote:
> You know who is overpaid? The defense contractors.
> Those pukes suck the Pentagon's teet and bleed us
> taxpayers dry. Their day is coming, and soon.

That's not entirely true. There's plenty of defense contractors in our area that are not getting large salaries as many think. This is mainly because of the parent companies' greed. However, you are right about the cuts that are coming. 10% for each of the next three years is going to be painful for many people in this area. The Defense Department and associated agencies will cut contractors rather than fire their own people. Contract employees will be used as hinge pins. It's kind of sad, but it's also reality.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: qewrqwr ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:05PM

My 500+ a month Wrote:
> Private sector workers don't get pensions & have
> to make a profit. Public sector employees feed
> off taxpayers like me and get pensions. I pay
> over $500 a month for the priviledge of living in
> Fairfax County. What are you doing for me?? I
> have no kids in school, the road in front of my
> house is falling apart, snow plow never comes on
> my street. WTF am I paying $5700 a year in real
> esatate taxes for?? Oh I know - to listen to
> county employees like you whine.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:19PM

My 500+ a month Wrote:
> Private sector workers don't get pensions & have
> to make a profit. Public sector employees feed
> off taxpayers like me and get pensions. I pay
> over $500 a month for the priviledge of living in
> Fairfax County. What are you doing for me?? I
> have no kids in school, the road in front of my
> house is falling apart, snow plow never comes on
> my street. WTF am I paying $5700 a year in real
> esatate taxes for?? Oh I know - to listen to
> county employees like you whine.

If you had any real care for your country, you wouldn't be worrying about the current taxes that you pay or even Government workers in general. I think your focus should be paid on all the illegal immigration that's going on. I'd be willing to bet that a large portion of your tax dollars are going towards the education of the children from the families of illegal immigrants. Very little of your tax dollars are going towards the Government employees. Actually, the education system eats up 51% - 52% of the county budget for Fairfax - as well as most other counties.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: tgbwc ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:24PM

Sweet News Wrote:
> Reread the other posts in this thread. The school
> employees received a 1% raise + step increases.
> When it's all said and done, the FCPS employees
> received nearly a 3.5% raise. Most FCPS employees
> received a 2 step increase along with the 1%. Not
> bad. Plus, last year, the FCPS medical / dental
> premiums didn't increase nearly as much as the
> premiums for the other county employees.
> In the end, it all works out the same for both the
> county employees and the teachers.

Yes, I know FCPS employees received 1% plus step. I went up one step, not two.

County employees were going to get 1.5%, now possibly 3.5%. From what I read that is all COLA. Are they not getting step increases also?

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:30PM

tgbwc Wrote:
> Yes, I know FCPS employees received 1% plus step.
> I went up one step, not two.
> County employees were going to get 1.5%, now
> possibly 3.5%. From what I read that is all COLA.
> Are they not getting step increases also?

No step increases for the employees that I'm aware of.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: tgbwc ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:32PM

Sweet News Wrote:
> No step increases for the employees that I'm aware
> of.

Are you aware of a freeze in step for the employees?

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:36PM

tgbwc Wrote:
> Are you aware of a freeze in step for the
> employees?

I am not. It just appears that they are handling the potential raises for the county employees a bit different than the FCPS employees. However, everyone has to wait until Tuesday, Sept. 13th when the board meets to vote on the raise. Until then, everything is up in the air.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Buff ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:46PM

Sweet News Wrote:
> tgbwc Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Are you aware of a freeze in step for the
> > employees?
> I am not. It just appears that they are handling
> the potential raises for the county employees a
> bit different than the FCPS employees. However,
> everyone has to wait until Tuesday, Sept. 13th
> when the board meets to vote on the raise. Until
> then, everything is up in the air.

Regular employees (non FCPS/non public safety) don't get step increases. Any increase in pay that we receive is entirely based on a pay for performance system. Because the Board of Supervisors has not funded the pay for performance system in the last three years, we have not received any increase in pay. We don't get an automatic cost of living increase. The 1.152% proposed by the Board (now they're considering somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3%) is a one-time pay increase because of additional revenue.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: tgbwc ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:50PM

> Regular employees (non FCPS/non public safety)
> don't get step increases. Any increase in pay that
> we receive is entirely based on a pay for
> performance system. Because the Board of
> Supervisors has not funded the pay for performance
> system in the last three years, we have not
> received any increase in pay. We don't get an
> automatic cost of living increase. The 1.152%
> proposed by the Board (now they're considering
> somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3%) is a
> one-time pay increase because of additional
> revenue.

Ok. Thanks. That explains quite a bit more of it. Then it is about the same as FCPS employees have received over the past 3 years.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:51PM

Buff Wrote:
> Regular employees (non FCPS/non public safety)
> don't get step increases. Any increase in pay that
> we receive is entirely based on a pay for
> performance system. Because the Board of
> Supervisors has not funded the pay for performance
> system in the last three years, we have not
> received any increase in pay. We don't get an
> automatic cost of living increase. The 1.152%
> proposed by the Board (now they're considering
> somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3%) is a
> one-time pay increase because of additional
> revenue.

Oh yeah, you are correct. The pay scales for the county employees only feature bottom, mid and top pay points. Not step scales like the FCPS does.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Buff ()
Date: September 08, 2011 10:56PM

tgbwc Wrote:
> >
> > Regular employees (non FCPS/non public safety)
> > don't get step increases. Any increase in pay
> that
> > we receive is entirely based on a pay for
> > performance system. Because the Board of
> > Supervisors has not funded the pay for
> performance
> > system in the last three years, we have not
> > received any increase in pay. We don't get an
> > automatic cost of living increase. The 1.152%
> > proposed by the Board (now they're considering
> > somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3%) is a
> > one-time pay increase because of additional
> > revenue.
> Ok. Thanks. That explains quite a bit more of it.
> Then it is about the same as FCPS employees have
> received over the past 3 years.

Right, the whole reason the Union lobbied for 3.5% was to make it around the same as what other jurisdictions and the FCPS employees have received. The Board is also planning on changing the general employee system so it's a combination of a COLA and pay for performance. If they do that, then in theory the general employees will always get COLA even if the Board doesn't fund the pay for performance.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: capt obvioius ()
Date: September 09, 2011 01:37AM

My 500+ a month Wrote:
> Private sector workers don't get pensions & have
> to make a profit. Public sector employees feed
> off taxpayers like me and get pensions. I pay
> over $500 a month for the priviledge of living in
> Fairfax County. What are you doing for me?? I
> have no kids in school, the road in front of my
> house is falling apart, snow plow never comes on
> my street. WTF am I paying $5700 a year in real
> esatate taxes for?? Oh I know - to listen to
> county employees like you whine.

so quit bitching and get a county job?

btw, Fairfax employees PAY into their pension....if you were smart you would pay into your own "pension"...it's called 401K...which I also put money into....

when you are all done crying your tears I'll use them as lube ;)

don't hate because you chose whatever job it is you chose. I'm sure in a couple years things will turn around (they always do) and you all will be once again talking about the new boat/truck/car/motorcycle you bought......

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: capt obvious ()
Date: September 09, 2011 01:43AM

Yucky23 Wrote:
> Everyone in my family works for the government.
> Feels great.
> My father was making like 150k+ a year as a G15,
> retired, gets like 80k a year in retirement and
> now works in the private sector and my mother is
> making like 88k a year.
> That's why we have a Range Rover and BMW M5 in the
> driveway of our 6 bedroom, 800k+ home.
> And we still have tons of extra cash per month to
> spare.
> We're totally immune from recessions.
> My family is all like "What recession? Let's buy a
> vacation home and take another vacation to Europe!
> ROFL!"
> And you slave niggers in the private sector are
> paying for it. LMAO
> Thanks fo' yo cash money, beeotch.
> We're straight up high classin' this white collar
> welfare life.

amen, preach on!

what the idiots fail to see is THEY too can do it, but they choose to do something else....

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 13, 2011 05:10PM

Well, it looks like the FCPS still beat out the employees of Fairfax County by getting a larger pay increase. A 2% raise will be effective as of September 24, 2011.

Chairman Sharon Bulova today moved a measure that will increase employee salaries by 2 percent, the first for Fairfax County employees since Fiscal Year 2009. The board in April had set aside funds to increase employee compensation by 1.5 percent, but because of unexpected savings Chairman Bulova was able to increase that adjustment.

“This increase is a well-deserved recognition of the hard work and sacrifices our County employees have endured and continue to endure as we recover from the Great Recession,” Bulova said. “I am confident that our workforce will continue to identify efficiencies and savings to help Fairfax County continue our recovery.”

The increase (effective September 24) was approved as part of the budget process known as “carryover,” which deals with the balance of funds at the end of the fiscal year. In addition to responsible and conservative annual budgeting, higher than expected sales tax revenue, the resolution of a lawsuit that would have impacted the County, and the easing of an unfunded federal mandate led to a $104 million positive balance for FY2011, which ended in June.

“As budget chairman for the last 20 years, I am proud that we have been able to meet rising demand on services in the face of declining revenue while keeping tax bills steady. I am also proud of our County employees, who made across the board cuts and found ways to do more with less during these tough economic times,” Bulova said. “County employees deserve much of the credit for Fairfax County weathering this economic storm.”

In addition to the compensation increase, FY2011 carryover funds will be used for continuing the ongoing update of the county software system (FOCUS Project) and funding toward a new public safety headquarters. More than $28 million will be placed in a reserve fund to help prepare for FY2013, which we know will be challenging. The County Executive has also been authorized to use part of this reserve for countywide cleanup and recovery efforts related to the floods of September 8.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Fairfaxian ()
Date: September 13, 2011 06:10PM

Sorry with unemployment at 10% and layoffs everywhere in the private sector now is not the time for a raise. I work in the private sector and haven't had a raise is years either, I bet I pay a hellava lot more that county employees for my health care.

I'm not one of those people that is down on all public employees but there is a time and a place for everything and when the county is facing deficits; when citizens are hurting from an economic down turn; when home values are down; when taxes are sky high; now is not the time.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Quit ()
Date: September 13, 2011 06:16PM

Fairfaxian Wrote:
> Sorry with unemployment at 10% and layoffs
> everywhere in the private sector now is not the
> time for a raise. I work in the private sector and
> haven't had a raise is years either, I bet I pay a
> hellava lot more that county employees for my
> health care.
> I'm not one of those people that is down on all
> public employees but there is a time and a place
> for everything and when the county is facing
> deficits; when citizens are hurting from an
> economic down turn; when home values are down;
> when taxes are sky high; now is not the time.

County has a surplus, not a deficit. Sounds like sour grapes, if you don't like your pay, quit and find something better.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 13, 2011 09:25PM

Fairfaxian Wrote:
> Sorry with unemployment at 10% and layoffs
> everywhere in the private sector now is not the
> time for a raise. I work in the private sector and
> haven't had a raise is years either, I bet I pay a
> hellava lot more that county employees for my
> health care.
> I'm not one of those people that is down on all
> public employees but there is a time and a place
> for everything and when the county is facing
> deficits; when citizens are hurting from an
> economic down turn; when home values are down;
> when taxes are sky high; now is not the time.

I've known many people in both the public and private sectors at the current moment. Most people are essentially paying the same premiums towards their medical and dental coverage. For example, $400 a month is about right for medical and some sort of dental coverage premiums for most employees. It doesn't matter if you're public or private sector. Most human resources groups study other companies, agencies, etc. to see what is a "competitive" rate of benefits to pay an employee. Now, if your situation is greatly unusual and you're paying much more than that per month ... and, you've not received a raise in several years, then I can't feel sorry for you. You can wallow in your own pity, or you can update your skills and your resume and start looking for a company that will take better care of you and respect your skills more so than your current employer does.

I don't want to gloat, but I've received 3 pay increases this year (in 2011.) Each of the 3 added up to a total of 14%. Just a matter of playing the cards right and being at the right place at the right time ... with a good attitude and a great set of skills.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: tgbwc ()
Date: September 13, 2011 10:56PM

Just curious, what do county employees pay for healthcare premiums? Is that $400 estimate for an individual for family? As an FCPS employee, it is about $429/month for healthcare through Kaiser plus dental.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: just why? ()
Date: September 13, 2011 11:17PM

The majority of us are in the same boat..We are fucked...
america spends billions to try and stimulate our economy. At the same time, america employs and supports millions of illegals who jump a fence and keep the illegal locust safe and give the illegal employment...

We, who pay taxes, are being screwed. i'm tired of the illegal hispanic locust.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: JEEZ ()
Date: September 15, 2011 08:00PM

What's 2 percent when you look at the grand scheme of things... check out some of the highest paid state employees... some making more than 500,000 a year... jeez. Someone find me one of these jobs.


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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 15, 2011 08:04PM

just why? Wrote:
> The majority of us are in the same boat..We are
> fucked...
> america spends billions to try and stimulate our
> economy. At the same time, america employs and
> supports millions of illegals who jump a fence and
> keep the illegal locust safe and give the illegal
> employment...
> We, who pay taxes, are being screwed. i'm tired of
> the illegal hispanic locust.

Well, yes, you are quite correct. Also, so much for America's job bill that's trying to get passed when Bank of America announces they'll be cutting 40,000 jobs between now and the next couple of years.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: September 15, 2011 08:50PM

Things always balance out. The more the raise, the less money they'll have when they have to cut back. 3% more money today, 3% fewer employees tomorrow.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sweet News ()
Date: September 15, 2011 09:59PM

wnrsm Wrote:
> Things always balance out. The more the raise,
> the less money they'll have when they have to cut
> back. 3% more money today, 3% fewer employees
> tomorrow.

Actually, the 2% Fairfax County employee raise will be wiped out come January 2012. Also, employees of other companies will see their tax increase by 2%.
Obama-nomics hard at work for the citizens. Please read:

For 2011, the Social Security tax hit is less because of a one-year 2% point reduction in the Social Security tax withholding rate on wages — from the normal 6.2% to 4.2% (your employer’s 6.2% rate is unchanged). For 2012 and beyond, however, Social Security tax withholding on your wages will jump back to the standard 6.2% rate.


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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Sad ()
Date: November 15, 2011 07:19AM

Classic, 3% of not much is well, not much!
Don't forget, as a county employee, most of the public hate you and aren't afraid to say so. Granted, a lot of these guys are worthless, but a few of us try to work honestly. Maybe this huge increase will at least let these guys buy soap & toothpaste, cause believe me, they need it. Love it, when money is abundant, nobody gives a shit, when funds are low, it gets real ugly, still a treat to watch people act like, well, people!

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: don't understand ()
Date: November 15, 2011 09:23AM

Sweet News Wrote:
> just why? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The majority of us are in the same boat..We are
> > fucked...
> > america spends billions to try and stimulate
> our
> > economy. At the same time, america employs and
> > supports millions of illegals who jump a fence
> and
> > keep the illegal locust safe and give the
> illegal
> > employment...
> >
> > We, who pay taxes, are being screwed. i'm tired
> of
> > the illegal hispanic locust.
> Well, yes, you are quite correct. Also, so much
> for America's job bill that's trying to get passed
> when Bank of America announces they'll be cutting
> 40,000 jobs between now and the next couple of
> years.

I never could understand how the poor and needy who are American citizens ally themselves with the illegal immigrants. I mean, if there is only so much to go around to help the poor, shouldn't someone who is poor and black be completely pissed off about someone poor and illegal being here and sucking up resources meant for actual American citizens? Yet they are all part of the same block, voting Democratic in huge margins. Government aid could be a lot better if it only went to Americans.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: Raises Solve Sometimes ()
Date: November 16, 2011 11:12AM

Raises are one thing but, hard work is another thing. Ok? People need to work and have a steady job in order to surive; keep a roof over their head, clothe themselves and have food on the table, let's not forget the electricity. Ok? Money is NOT given freely in this country. Hard labor is what really gets the money coming in. WORK - TIME - HARD LABOR is money + ability + education = able to survive this economy.


Feel free to ask folks.

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Re: What Recession? County employees to get raises!
Posted by: county worker ()
Date: November 18, 2011 05:12AM

Fairfaxian Wrote:
> Sorry with unemployment at 10% and layoffs
> everywhere in the private sector now is not the
> time for a raise. I work in the private sector and
> haven't had a raise is years either, I bet I pay a
> hellava lot more that county employees for my
> health care.
> I'm not one of those people that is down on all
> public employees but there is a time and a place
> for everything and when the county is facing
> deficits; when citizens are hurting from an
> economic down turn; when home values are down;
> when taxes are sky high; now is not the time.

Problem is that we are starting to lose quality people to other counties and the state. A good portion of the county workforce are skilled tradesmen who are always in high demand in any economy. Arlington got one of our top chiller guys recently and our most skilled locksmith is now working at GMU.
Fauquier just approved a $1500 christmas bonus for all its county workers to try and keep them happy. Fairfax needs to come up with a reason to stay soon.

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