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FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Seith ()
Date: June 18, 2012 05:23PM

My Daughter learned about Evolution this school year. Here are my reasons why it shouldn't be taught. It is not part of the scientific field. Read any peer-reviewed journal or read the minutes (or attend) any scientific conference. There is no debate in the scientific community about whether or not evolution occurred.There is no theory within intelligent design. It merely point to a god without actually talking about why or how a designer did things a certain way. In other words, "if a god did it, how did he do it?" They don't address the question.There is no research or application of the scientific method in intelligent design. Nothing is testable or falsifiable. That's exactly what science is not. Because there is no research, there is no peer review or replication. In other words, it still isn't science. It makes no novel predictions or research paths. Therefore, it still isn't science.
The Teacher (African American Liberal) Gave her an 45.66 F for the 4th quarter grade, because she wouldn't complete any UNIT 10 Assignment since we all know that;s BS. her final grade for the class ended up to be an D+. SHE would of gotten like an C if they didn't teach her Evolution. I went to school in Mississippi in 1970s and we never learned that.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: sssssssssss ()
Date: June 18, 2012 05:28PM

Seith Wrote:
> My Daughter learned about Evolution this school
> year. Here are my reasons why it shouldn't be
> taught. It is not part of the scientific field.
> Read any peer-reviewed journal or read the minutes
> (or attend) any scientific conference. There is no
> debate in the scientific community about whether
> or not evolution occurred.There is no theory
> within intelligent design. It merely point to a
> god without actually talking about why or how a
> designer did things a certain way. In other words,
> "if a god did it, how did he do it?" They don't
> address the question.There is no research or
> application of the scientific method in
> intelligent design. Nothing is testable or
> falsifiable. That's exactly what science is not.
> Because there is no research, there is no peer
> review or replication. In other words, it still
> isn't science. It makes no novel predictions or
> research paths. Therefore, it still isn't
> science.
> The Teacher (African American Liberal) Gave her an
> 45.66 F for the 4th quarter grade, because she
> wouldn't complete any UNIT 10 Assignment since we
> all know that;s BS. her final grade for the class
> ended up to be an D+. SHE would of gotten like an
> C if they didn't teach her Evolution. I went to
> school in Mississippi in 1970s and we never
> learned that.

Good story.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: wacko ()
Date: June 18, 2012 05:29PM

What have you been smoking? I can't follow this at all. If your daughter is as illogical as you are, she is probably lucky she got a D+.

Please explain why and how bacteria mutate and become resistant to antibiotics with whatever theory you have. And that's just for starters.

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Are you kidding?
Posted by: NG ()
Date: June 18, 2012 05:37PM

Are you saying your child was taught Intelligent Design or Evolution??? Your original thread is impossible to decipher. You say:

- My Daughter learned about Evolution this school year. Here are my reasons why it shouldn't be taught.

Then you say:

- There is no theory within intelligent design.

What are you saying?

And if you're saying that Creationism should be taught in our schools - better get ready for an ass-kicking

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Mick Townsend ()
Date: June 18, 2012 05:55PM

You are a fucking moron and I pray for your daughter's soul. Why don't you just send her to Mississippi where your inbred hickass learned how to barely put together a sentence and pick on kids of other races? Actually, you both should probably just drink the Kool-Aid and save yourself the trouble.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 18, 2012 06:00PM

I agree with other posters. It sounds like you are saying that there is no scientific reason for Intelligent Design a.k.a. Creationism to be taught in science class, but you keep saying that Evolution shouldn't be taught.

-1 For your daughter getting a lower grade for not completing coursework regardless of the idiocy.

-1 For your incoherent post.

+1 For reminding everyone that Intelligent Design is bogus.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: u_related_to_baboon ()
Date: June 18, 2012 06:07PM

Instead of complaining about it, why don't you sit her down and show her/explain the holes in the evolution theory, and show her why intelligent design (or whatever) is your preferred belief.

Your initial fallacy is being dependent on the public schools to teach your kids everything. You need to take the initiative and teach them yourself.

Believe it or not, curriculum and lesson plans can change in 40 years, and not all schools teach the same exact thing when you get specific.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Seith ()
Date: June 18, 2012 06:16PM

Ebery boddy knows my inbisible friend Jebus invented the werld. I done accepted him as my personel lord and savior! Praise Jebus!

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: June 18, 2012 06:30PM


You make no sense.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 18, 2012 06:32PM

Seith is a convert to Jebus.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Date: June 18, 2012 07:04PM

troll post. move along, people. nothing to see here

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: I.D. ()
Date: June 18, 2012 07:44PM

Their's no reason evolution should be taught in schools,its been proven wrong time and time again. Facts:

1. It's just a theory
2. Darwin renounced it as a hoax on his death bed
3. Evolution leads to ethnic cleansing, atheism, racism, and liberal politics like global warming and gay marriage
4. Evolution violates the third law of thermal dynamics
5. If people came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
6. Evolution has never been observed
7. Evolution is for stupid people, stupid because they refuse to acknowledge the Word of God in their life
8. There's no such thing as "the fossil record". Why aren't people fossilized before they were evolved?

It's just stupid "intellectual" garbage to make religious people feel stupid and turn them from God.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 18, 2012 07:47PM

So I.D....

I have some questions for you then:

Where did dinosaurs come from?

How old is the Earth?

Could you explain how dog or horse breeding works if not through natural or artificial selection?

Why do bacteria and diseases become immune to antibiotics?

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: How long ago ()
Date: June 18, 2012 07:54PM

Did you move here from Mississippi?

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: June 18, 2012 08:03PM

I.D. Wrote:
> Their's no reason evolution should be taught in
> schools,its been proven wrong time and time again.
> Facts:

> 4. Evolution violates the third law of thermal
> dynamics

> It's just stupid "intellectual" garbage to make
> religious people feel stupid and turn them from
> God.

Will forgive your spelling, but please explain how it violates the third law of thermodynamics?

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: fapfapfap ()
Date: June 18, 2012 08:11PM

OP would actually have a really good argument if it was retitled "FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Intelligent Design" and the first sentence were reworded in the same way

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 18, 2012 08:22PM

Its funny that these imbeciles always have a problem with Evolution because it makes the Bible look like a bunch of fairytales. However, you never see them trying to disprove the Theory of Gravity.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: I.D.iot ()
Date: June 18, 2012 08:23PM

I.D. must be one hell of a redneck - third law of "thermal" dynamics my ass - let's all agree that if you can't spell "thermodynamics" then you can't use it in an argument.

I.D., let me suggest that you read at least the most entry-level text on evolution, you'll see that your claims are bogus. Nowhere does evolution claim that "people came from monkeys"; humans and monkeys came from a common ancestor.

I, on the other hand, have read the Bible - where is says humans came from "dirt" (Genesis 2:7 - God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life.). What am I more likely to believe: common ancestor to a living breathing animal; or spontaneous creation from an inanimate object? If you say the latter, then you might as well believe in Santa, Fairies and Unicorns...

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Christianna Amanpour ()
Date: June 18, 2012 08:27PM

Mitt Romney and George Allen are both opposed to teaching evolution. Both are racists. Allen is also a hick.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: and so it begins again ()
Date: June 18, 2012 08:45PM

Given that the virulently anti-science koch-funded cucinelli is likely to be in the running for governor, we're likely to have the GOP trying to foist creationist crap into our classrooms over the next year or so

The poor excuse for a man is a disgrace - it stuns me that throwbacks like him get elected

I feel a trip to the supreme court coming on

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Prove Christ Wrong ()
Date: June 18, 2012 10:29PM

> Where did dinosaurs come from?

The Bible tells us that God created all of the land animals on the sixth day of creation. As dinosaurs were land animals, they must have been made on this day, alongside Adam and Eve, who were also created on Day Six (Genesis 1:24–31).

If God designed and created dinosaurs, they would have been fully functional, designed to do what they were created for, and would have been 100% dinosaur. This fits exactly with the evidence from the "fossil record".

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 18, 2012 10:33PM

And how long ago was that?

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: hehehehe ()
Date: June 18, 2012 11:27PM

I.D. Wrote:
> Their's no reason evolution should be taught in
> schools,its been proven wrong time and time again.
> Facts:
> 1. It's just a theory
> 2. Darwin renounced it as a hoax on his death
> bed
> 3. Evolution leads to ethnic cleansing, atheism,
> racism, and liberal politics like global warming
> and gay marriage
> 4. Evolution violates the third law of thermal
> dynamics
> 5. If people came from monkeys, why are there
> still monkeys?
> 6. Evolution has never been observed
> 7. Evolution is for stupid people, stupid because
> they refuse to acknowledge the Word of God in
> their life
> 8. There's no such thing as "the fossil record".
> Why aren't people fossilized before they were
> evolved?
> It's just stupid "intellectual" garbage to make
> religious people feel stupid and turn them from
> God.

This one cracked me up!

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Seith ()
Date: June 19, 2012 12:00AM

hehehehe Wrote:
> I.D. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Their's no reason evolution should be taught in
> > schools,its been proven wrong time and time
> again.
> > Facts:
> >
> > 1. It's just a theory
> > 2. Darwin renounced it as a hoax on his death
> > bed
> > 3. Evolution leads to ethnic cleansing,
> atheism,
> > racism, and liberal politics like global
> warming
> > and gay marriage
> > 4. Evolution violates the third law of thermal
> > dynamics
> > 5. If people came from monkeys, why are there
> > still monkeys?
> > 6. Evolution has never been observed
> > 7. Evolution is for stupid people, stupid
> because
> > they refuse to acknowledge the Word of God in
> > their life
> > 8. There's no such thing as "the fossil
> record".
> > Why aren't people fossilized before they were
> > evolved?
> >
> > It's just stupid "intellectual" garbage to make
> > religious people feel stupid and turn them from
> > God.
> This one cracked me up!

The same people who thinks Evolution is the same people that belive in Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve. this is why America is so broken. Liberals thinks God is not real and that we came from monkeys.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: SeithIsTrollSpelledBackwards ()
Date: June 19, 2012 12:02AM


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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 19, 2012 12:05AM

Have you seen God? What does she look like?

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: i never understand ()
Date: June 19, 2012 11:59AM

What? Not teach evolution? What is there to fear from learning science, and in particular evolution? I don't understand how one can truly understand biology or science without a grasp of evolution theory. Read the 1995 book "The Beak of the Finch" - by Jonathon Weiner, an eminently readable work about two Princeton professors working in the Galapagos Islands and their study of evolution. What is fascinating is the revelation that evolution is dynamic and literally taking place all around us, whether it be pests which surprisingly adapt to pesticides in a single growing season, guaranteeing Monsanto product obsolescence, or changes in bacteria, which morph constantly to survive (and create both positive and negative impacts to human health). Moreover, evolution must be taught in a larger sense as part of the inductive method which is so crucial to scientific knowledge and development.

The problem I have with intelligent design is that it starts from a deductive principle - great for lawyers and theologians but not for scientists. Who decides what constitutes irreducible complexity, the linchpin of intelligent design theory? Theologians? Social conservatives? Or green eye shade college administrators? What some see as irreducibly complex, i.e, a certain feature of function of an organism seeming to serve no transparent or logical purpose and therefore a product of an intelligent designer, others see as proof of evolution, questioning indeed whether the feature or function even lacks the utility to which intelligent designers ascribe. That kind of debate is essential for science, and any notion that inquiry must stop because, well, soemthing has been deemed too irreducibly complex will frustrate progress. Of course, intelligent design can be taught as a clever deductive argument, but its failings must be openly taught as well.

I disliked the humanities in general and took classes at one of the best divinity schools in the country for undergraduate religion courses. I needed the credits to graduate. I came into contact only with professors who did not object to the study of evolution, rightly asserting that only literalists find science and religion mutually exclusive and incompatible. I remain troubled in an educated and civilized society, where we have obtained so much advantage in terms of technology and science, a key linchpin of science is questioned. Let's advance theologic studies as best we can in the critical tradition, free of historical mores which have inhibited discussions, and yet still keep science and scientific progress on track, furthering our understanding of evolutionary theory as we go. People can have differing views, but I don't understand why this balanced view is not dominant.

By the way, if you want to throw politics in the mix, I am a fiscal conservative, but hardly a social conservative. This of course provides me with no one I can vote for with any sense of conviction. There are worse burdens, however.


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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: believers ()
Date: June 19, 2012 01:45PM

Believing (if that's the right word for science) in evolution and God are not mutually exclusive. If your belief in God is threatened by some school teacher teaching evolution, you really don't have a very strong faith. Faith is a belief that is not based on proof. There a million reasons to question your faith in God - evolution being one of the smaller ones. Wars, disease, famine, evil people in the world all jump to mind. Evolution would be pretty far down my list.

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: Mr. Reasonable ()
Date: June 20, 2012 08:01AM

Stop it! You'll make the Jesus ponies cry!

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Re: FCPS Bio Students have a Unit on Evolution
Posted by: NAWT ()
Date: June 20, 2012 08:10AM

Jesus taught evolution.

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