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Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: PUTIN ()
Date: July 11, 2014 02:59PM


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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Real American ()
Date: July 11, 2014 03:13PM

You are a little late. Your number 2, Sarah Palin has already posted this....
And may I say, It was masterpiece of an Idea to Start the US Teaparty. They have done more damage to America that all the wars put togather. I'm not sure what sewer you got Ted Cruz, Rush, Cheeney and Sara from but it was brillant. They hate America more then even Castro. Will you please take them home? Having to listen to them speak is cruel and against the Geneva Convention. They are just beyound stupid. If you call them home, You can have East Germany back.

Warmest Regards

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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Flush Twice To Get Rid Of Turds ()
Date: July 11, 2014 06:04PM

>Real Un American Turd

Hero of the sewer socialist pig. You don't represent America with your left wing hate of this country.

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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: GETXm ()
Date: July 11, 2014 09:44PM

Flush Twice To Get Rid Of Turds Wrote:
> >Real Un American Turd
> Hero of the sewer socialist pig. You don't
> represent America with your left wing hate of this
> country.

I see you are back early from the MAMBLA Teaparty meeting.....Don't you have to go beat up your wife and rape your home schooled children for Jesus?

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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Sick Socialist Leftist ()
Date: July 11, 2014 09:53PM

So thats the kind of shit that runs thru your mind asshole?

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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: 6 pack leader vs helmet faggot ()
Date: July 11, 2014 10:22PM


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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: True America ()
Date: July 11, 2014 10:53PM

It is well known that the teaparty was conceived by a joint venture between the Russians and Muslims
They assumed this wasthe best way to bring down the great USA.
True Americans know this and reject the teaparty.

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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: eLester ()
Date: July 11, 2014 11:25PM

The Supreme Court did uphold the unconstitionality of his recess appointments.


No serious person who is paying attention can deny that Obama and his administration have abused and violated the public trust and disregarded the Constitution. Let me count the ways.

Without notifying Congress as required by law, he set free terrorist prisoners at a time of war when they can return to the battlefield to kill our troops.

In violation of our Constitution, he regularly ignores court orders, changes laws by executive fiat, and refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t like, including our immigration laws.

When Congress declined to pass amnesty for illegal immigrants’ offspring, he unilaterally enacted his own version of it, which created the current crisis on our border as illegal youth pour into our country to receive what he illegally promised them.

He committed fraud on the American people when he promised that if we liked our health care plan we could keep it.

He got us into a war in Libya without Congressional approval. When our ambassador begged for security at the consulate in Benghazi, he was ignored and then murdered when the consulate was attacked as predicted. Americans were left behind to die, as the president did nothing to rescue our people there. Afterwards, he helped spread the lie that a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video was to blame for this highly organized, premeditated terrorist attack.

Obama’s IRS targeted his political opponents for harassment. Then the agency lied to and stonewalled Congress and likely destroyed subpoenaed evidence, while Obama falsely declared there’s no corruption there, not even a smidgen.

From the VA scandal to his unconstitutional recess appointments, to his DOJ wiretapping reporters and giving guns to Mexican drug cartels, to violating religious freedom exercised by businesses and ignoring in-house illegal fundraising, the list of abuse goes on and on.

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Re: Putin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Obama THE GREATEST PREZ! ()
Date: July 12, 2014 10:57AM

When Putin heard this crap from a liberal village idiot.

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