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Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Impeach Obama ()
Date: July 09, 2014 07:58AM

Palin calls for Obama's impeachment

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said the spike in illegal border crossings is another reason to impeach President Obama.

"Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president," Palin wrote on the Brietbart website. "His unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, 'no mas.'"

The former Alaska governor, picked by Republican presidential nominee John McCain to be his running mate in 2008, also protested the federal debt, health care, executive orders and "unsustainably generous welfare-state programs" in a litany of complaints against Obama.

"President Obama's rewarding of lawlessness, including his own, is the foundational problem here. It's not going to get better, and in fact irreparable harm can be done in this lame-duck term as he continues to make up his own laws as he goes along," Palin writes.

She adds: "It's time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment."

While the Republican-run House, in theory, has the numbers to vote for impeachment, it is impossible to imagine that the Democratic-run Senate would take up such a matter.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Oblamer In Chief ()
Date: July 09, 2014 07:59AM

Ms Palin - To the gallows you go!

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: obama your mama ()
Date: July 09, 2014 12:11PM

Obama needs to be impeached. He thinks he is a dictator. I said from the start that he acts like he "wants to destroy the US from within". Good job so far.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Seriously... ()
Date: July 09, 2014 12:34PM

On what charges, Ms. Palin?

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Impeachable ()
Date: July 09, 2014 01:10PM

Seriously... Wrote:
> On what charges, Ms. Palin?

Treason. Violating the oath of office to uphold the Constitution. Killing Americans without due process. You name it!

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 09, 2014 01:13PM

Seriously... Wrote:
> On what charges, Ms. Palin?

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: LmFcK ()
Date: July 09, 2014 01:20PM

So the retarded baby factory and village idiot wants to impeach Obama? Geez that is newsworthy. Next news Item...Putin dislikes America! NRA member accidentally shoot spouse with unloaded gun! Teaparty members have low IQs!

Somethings are so obvious they don't rate as news.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Hockey Mom ()
Date: July 09, 2014 01:25PM

Sarah Palin is a disgrace to everyone and everywhere. She defines the term loser-bitch.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Independent ()
Date: July 09, 2014 01:27PM

Impeachable Wrote:
> Seriously... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > On what charges, Ms. Palin?
> Treason. Violating the oath of office to uphold
> the Constitution. Killing Americans without due
> process. You name it!

The same thing 43 did? Ohh boy.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Independent ()
Date: July 09, 2014 01:27PM

In reality, a Neo-Con should be thrilled with the Obama administration, I know I am. But because he's a Democrat and does the same thing Bush did, it's a problem.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Impeach Him Over and over ()
Date: July 09, 2014 10:53PM

Let him go down in history as impeached for failure to defend the constitution and secure Americas borders as well as being a pityfull president. He would be # 3 . #1 was Johnson for corrupt administration Obama joins him with that then Bill Clinton #2 who lied about a blow job but was not that bad a president otherwise.. Obama #3 is corrupt and refuses to obey the oath he swore to . Impeach his ass.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: In the shadows ()
Date: July 09, 2014 10:55PM

He's not liberal enough for me!

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Independent ()
Date: July 09, 2014 10:55PM

Impeach Him Over and over Wrote:
> Let him go down in history as impeached for
> failure to defend the constitution and secure
> Americas borders as well as being a pityfull
> president. He would be # 3 . #1 was Johnson for
> corrupt administration Obama joins him with that
> then Bill Clinton #2 who lied about a blow job
> but was not that bad a president otherwise..
> Obama #3 is corrupt and refuses to obey the oath
> he swore to . Impeach his ass.

So, he's basically Bush 43...correct?

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 09, 2014 10:56PM

palin is dumb as fuck

even I know Obama has done well for the country

all our fake scandals and voting to get rid of obamacare 60 times has kept us too bust to reign in the palins

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: night night ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:00PM

Isn't it past your bedtime?

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Independent ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:05PM

True The Vote ! Wrote:
> palin is dumb as fuck
> even I know Obama has done well for the country
> all our fake scandals and voting to get rid of
> obamacare 60 times has kept us too bust to reign
> in the palins

Obama has been an average president...and I'm being extremely nice when I say that.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: eff ewe. ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:06PM


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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:09PM

eff ewe. Wrote:
> retardz

thanks for the intelligent post, please continue being a huge douche

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Managers Corner ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:11PM

As if we never heard the "Impeach Bush!" morons every day for years.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Hack:Bush Did It Bush Did It Bus ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:12PM

>So, he's basically Bush 43...correct?

A long way from Bush.. Hack.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:19PM

Gerry's shit is getting very weak, he is posting as True The Vote! Suck it Gerry.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Independent ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:20PM

Hack:Bush Did It Bush Did It Bus Wrote:
> >So, he's basically Bush 43...correct?
> A long way from Bush.. Hack.

Why? Because I don't toe the party line and appease 43? No, if you weren't a hack, you'd realize Obama is basically 43. Don't be so stupid.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Sugar Soda Lady ()
Date: July 09, 2014 11:21PM

Palin... Making a joke out of the GOP since 2008

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: dumb kid ()
Date: July 10, 2014 05:29AM

sorry someone explain what she means by battered wife 'no mas'

Is she saying the illegals coming in beat their wife?

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: 395runner ()
Date: July 10, 2014 05:33AM

Independent Wrote:
> In reality, a Neo-Con should be thrilled with the
> Obama administration, I know I am. But because
> he's a Democrat and does the same thing Bush did,
> it's a problem.

Damn it, this is FU! Don't say Neo-Con like a little fag, come right out and say GOP Jew, which is what a Neo-Con is and what you mean,

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: 395runner ()
Date: July 10, 2014 05:37AM

dumb kid Wrote:
> sorry someone explain what she means by battered
> wife 'no mas'
> Is she saying the illegals coming in beat their
> wife?

Yes, Illegals have several hobbies.

1. Beating wife
2. Welfare and free medical care
3. Raping white women and slicing their asses with razor blades
4. Drunk driving
5. Car ownership, license, and insurance fraud
6. Shoplifitng and burglary
7. Getting drunk and blasting music at 3am, while throwing trash everywhere

Diversity is clearly our strength

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Huey ()
Date: July 10, 2014 08:16AM

So then Palin really wants President Joe Biden? Has she thought this through?

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Jury Verdict ()
Date: July 10, 2014 08:24AM

Obama is hands down the worst president in history. Any deniers of this are clearly braindead and should be involuntary institutionalized for their own good.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: sdfdsf ()
Date: July 10, 2014 08:33AM

Jury Verdict Wrote:
> Obama is hands down the worst president in
> history. Any deniers of this are clearly
> braindead and should be involuntary
> institutionalized for their own good.

Yeah, so much worse than Ulysses S. Grant and Calvin Coolidge? LOL.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Get Educated ()
Date: July 10, 2014 09:36AM

sdfdsf Wrote:
> Jury Verdict Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Obama is hands down the worst president in
> > history. Any deniers of this are clearly
> > braindead and should be involuntary
> > institutionalized for their own good.
> Yeah, so much worse than Ulysses S. Grant and
> Calvin Coolidge? LOL.

Or Nixon, Johnson, Hoover, Buchanan...who basically let the Civil War start.

What's funny is that any presidential historian, regardless of ideology, doesn't even rank Obama among the worst ever; same with Bush.

Gotta love the hacks and Fox/MSNBC drones who believe everything they hear. But I guess I'm brainwashed for not agreeing with the thoughts and views of that guy.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Watergating ()
Date: July 10, 2014 09:39AM

Palin, almost our Vice President. Well played GOP, well played.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Educated You Are? ()
Date: July 10, 2014 09:49AM

One look at the southern border tells the story, Obama is a corrupt incapable President. He should be impeached.

3.7 billion! More then the FX Co budget for 40-50 thousand kids to send them back where they belong?

The parents of these children are UNFIT parents and should be removed from the US, Deported or NEVER allowed to come in.

>Gotta love the hacks and Fox/MSNBC drones

Drone.. low information voter..Thats you all right with your Obamalove

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Issue due to Bush ()
Date: July 10, 2014 09:53AM

Educated You Are? Wrote:
> One look at the southern border tells the story,
> Obama is a corrupt incapable President. He should
> be impeached.
> 3.7 billion! More then the FX Co budget for 40-50
> thousand kids to send them back where they
> belong?
> The parents of these children are UNFIT parents
> and should be removed from the US, Deported or
> NEVER allowed to come in.
> >Gotta love the hacks and Fox/MSNBC drones
> Drone.. low information voter..Thats you all
> right with your Obamalove

Except the law which requires we hold the minors for immigration judges to determine their cases was a Bush era law dumb fuck. And so far, the House Republicans cant get their shit together to remember to breath let alone pass a bill which includes BOTH border security and improvements to our immigration processing (the issue that is actually causing this problem not putting up 2000 miles of walls and spending 150 billion dollars per year to put the national guard along it).

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Get Educated ()
Date: July 10, 2014 09:54AM

Educated You Are? Wrote:
> Drone.. low information voter..Thats you all
> right with your Obamalove

You don't know who I voted for or what my views are regarding Obama. I guess logic and facts shouldn't be used here, unless you want to be called a name. Here's a little hint retard, you are committing a fallacy by appealing to emotion.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Al-palin ()
Date: July 10, 2014 09:55AM

Educated You Are? Wrote:
> One look at the southern border tells the story,
> Obama is a corrupt incapable President. He should
> be impeached.
> 3.7 billion! More then the FX Co budget for 40-50
> thousand kids to send them back where they
> belong?
> The parents of these children are UNFIT parents
> and should be removed from the US, Deported or
> NEVER allowed to come in.
> >Gotta love the hacks and Fox/MSNBC drones
> Drone.. low information voter..Thats you all
> right with your Obamalove

The 3.7 billion is to increase the number of 1) guards on our southern border 2) increase the number of judges that decide the cases so that they can be removed faster 3) to house the people prior to that date because otherwise they are taking up space in local jails, which just pushes the cost that should be on the federal system onto local systems.

You are the one who needs to educate yourself and stop reading breitbart and following the teachings of Emam Al-Palin

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Uneducated Democrat Drones ()
Date: July 10, 2014 10:35AM

Democrat Hacks, Bullshit yourselves with the 3.7 billion. They will hire 10 border guards and 10 thousand lawyers to get the illegals either "Refugee" status or "Asylum".

Democrat hacks are so ate up with hate that they are sending their childrens futures down the drain with "Illegallove" to get more Democrat votes.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Thomas Lord Pi of Fairfax ()
Date: July 10, 2014 05:45PM

The good news is that, while Democrats have been pulling this recent stunt to get Latino voters, the DNC is losing the Millenials in huge numbers.

People born in the 1990s distrust government, see the bullshit that Democrats and Obama are doing and will mostly vote Conservative (Republican for now) in the future.

Democrats will be left as a patchwork of gays/lesbians/unions/greens/blacks, and will lose the U.S. Senate this fall, as well as a few more state legislatures.

Thank you, Obama.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: July 10, 2014 06:25PM

Good Call from Sarah

Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 10, 2014 06:41PM

Gunlover Wrote:
> Good Call from Sarah

you are such an ignorant pussy

go sell your tough guy shit somewhere else

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: July 10, 2014 09:37PM

Gerry has lost it. Brian kicked the shit outta him, now he posts as True the vote. It is easy to spot Gertardz sock puppets. Gerry spit out his pill.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: You might as well face it... ()
Date: July 10, 2014 10:52PM

Thomas Lord Pi of Fairfax Wrote:
> The good news is that, while Democrats have been
> pulling this recent stunt to get Latino voters,
> the DNC is losing the Millenials in huge numbers.
> People born in the 1990s distrust government, see
> the bullshit that Democrats and Obama are doing
> and will mostly vote Conservative (Republican for
> now) in the future.
> Democrats will be left as a patchwork of
> gays/lesbians/unions/greens/blacks, and will lose
> the U.S. Senate this fall, as well as a few more
> state legislatures.
> Thank you, Obama.

You are referring to MILLENIALS, right? The generation born roughly between 1980 and 2000? The generation that voted for Obama in 2012 by a 23% margin? The group that the nonpartisan Pew Research Group has characterized as socially liberal and strongly in favor of activist government? (http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2014/03/07/millennials-in-adulthood/)

I think you might look for your calvary to come riding over another hill!

The ONLY thing keeping the Republican/Conservative/Tea Party in any semblance of power anymore is fear, gerrymandering, cynical manipulations of voting rights, and low voter turnout in off year election years. Your internecine war and declining demographic will, however, eliminate even these "advantages" by 2024.

If you were collectively smart (instead of being the butt of Millenial jokes), you all would be bending over backwards to stress cooperation and bipartisanship with Mr. Obama and the Democrats; because only a residual feeling of good will is going to enable you to keep any of your cherished customs and beliefs (unrestricted weapon ownership, low tax rates on the rich, etc.) in the coming decades.

But you're not, and so you are doomed to be a footnote in U.S. history in two hundred years, the type of thing that fifth graders complain about having to study.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Keep your NSA away ()
Date: July 10, 2014 11:01PM

You might as well face it... Wrote:
> You are referring to MILLENIALS, right? The
> generation born roughly between 1980 and 2000?
> The generation that voted for Obama in 2012 by a

That was then, this is now.

We don't like phony Democrats either.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Gerrymanderturd ()
Date: July 10, 2014 11:13PM

Some reasons why Obama will not be impeached:

The Speaker of the House said it will not happen.
the Senate would never get 2/3 votes to convict.

Doesn't mean it should not happen, just that it won't.

But in the meantime, it's an effective fundraising slogan for both sides.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 11, 2014 12:34AM

True The Vote ! Wrote:
> Gerry has lost it. Brian kicked the shit outta
> him, now he posts as True the vote. It is easy to
> spot Gertardz sock puppets. Gerry spit out his
> pill.

I hadn't even posted on this thread dipshit. Do you find me attractive? I'm not gay you know.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 11, 2014 12:36AM

Anything Sarah Palin seems so irrelevant and obsolete.

But just when I thought I was out, the trolls pull me back in.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Whitey Master of the America ()
Date: July 11, 2014 04:30AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Anything Sarah Palin seems so irrelevant and
> obsolete.
> But just when I thought I was out, the trolls pull
> me back in.

Nigger, who needs you anymore, we are going to replace you with illegals. They coming across the border as I speak. Niggers were fun for the last 400 years now we got new niggers coming or we call them illegals.

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: PMbKV ()
Date: July 11, 2014 02:57PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> Seriously... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > On what charges, Ms. Palin?

aiding and publicly supporting foreign marauding of the country's wealth, likely for black reprisal for (omit discuss of slavery lawsuits)

being at the helm of printing 9x more money than past presidents - and taking advantage of it (ie, transferes to democrat areas or for democrat "progress"). congress or him cannot uses moneys mis-representitively.

taking liberties at appointments (congressional ones, which brings question of why obama was doign it)

some of the things he said on tv weren't exactly true, and some assert he was "conning them", stalling for time to allow things to go forward

do not ask for the bell to ring

i can length that list real long without any research

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: Cl ()
Date: July 12, 2014 10:31AM

Why can't she afford a wig that fits?

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Re: Palin calls for Obama's impeachment
Posted by: iLester ()
Date: July 12, 2014 10:47AM

If successful, it would be good camapaign slogan for Hillary. Three to Impeach. If you want an impeachable president, here I am.

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