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I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: skpped ()
Date: July 10, 2014 01:41PM

I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: jess stop ()
Date: July 10, 2014 01:43PM

Just STFU with all of the dumbass questions already.

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: nytXL ()
Date: July 10, 2014 01:56PM

The unfortunate answer is yes - you could be arrested. Whether or not you would be convicted of any crime is another story. Section 18.2-188 makes the defrauding of an innkeeper (hotel) a criminal act. If the matter is pursued with the police and their investigation uncovers any funny business (incorrect name or address given, expired credit card on account, etc) then they may seek an arrest warrant from the magistrate. I'm assuming from the wording of your inquiry that you at least paid a portion of the bill, so the intent to defraud aspect will likely not be an issue for you. As the above comment states, then you would only have a civil issue.

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: 4FXee ()
Date: July 10, 2014 02:09PM

skpped Wrote:
> I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to
> pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without
> paying. can i get arressted for this or will this
> just go as a unpayed bill??

sure you might be escorted to court to explain why you are not negotiating to pay

it would appear to be an effort to avoid payment (ie, an attempt to pump gas and leave without paying)

co-operate. if your lucky they will allow you to clean toilets, free, as payment.

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: 3pNpu ()
Date: July 11, 2014 12:16PM

I don't believe this; I've never stayed at a hotel that didn't have someone knocking at my door or ringing my phone at 11:01am on the dot for payment if I hadn't paid the next night yet.

They let you go 3 days and no one knocked on your door or let themselves in (ie housekeeping) or rang to ask for money?

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: trolly ()
Date: July 11, 2014 12:19PM


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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: vWu7c ()
Date: July 11, 2014 12:21PM

fx co has been housing people from other areas, green cards, even illegals in hotels "as aide"

free hotels for democrats who don't pay

this of course only is for democrat sacks of shit

yea they'll point the finger at you

but look who's pointing the finger !

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: mdxWK ()
Date: July 11, 2014 12:24PM

3pNpu Wrote:
> I don't believe this; I've never stayed at a hotel
> that didn't have someone knocking at my door or
> ringing my phone at 11:01am on the dot for payment
> if I hadn't paid the next night yet.
> They let you go 3 days and no one knocked on your
> door or let themselves in (ie housekeeping) or
> rang to ask for money?

(bullshit people come and go all day)

ok i'll play along. new rule is they should lock you in the room, have a camera on you as you shower, and escort you out in cuffs if your credit card has a problem that day

you can run back to your facist country any time now. i hope the door slaps you in the ass

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: Same here ()
Date: July 11, 2014 12:39PM

3pNpu Wrote:
> I don't believe this; I've never stayed at a hotel
> that didn't have someone knocking at my door or
> ringing my phone at 11:01am on the dot for payment
> if I hadn't paid the next night yet.
> They let you go 3 days and no one knocked on your
> door or let themselves in (ie housekeeping) or
> rang to ask for money?

Each time I've had to check in, I had to pay in advance for the time I was going to stay there. If I had to cut my visit short, I was refunding the day, I didn't use.

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: bs meter on high ()
Date: July 12, 2014 09:12AM

Lodging facilities have mostly fixed this by requiring payment up front. They put a hold on funds on a debit card, do a trial charge on a charge card, make you leave cash, etc.

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Re: I stayed at a hotel in VA and couldnt afford to pay the last 3 nights of my stay so I left without paying. can i get arressted for this or will this just go as a unpayed bill??
Posted by: mjcc1987 ()
Date: July 12, 2014 01:03PM

It's ok not to pay if you're a tea party and believe in freedoms. Freedoms in baggerville is never having to pay your own way. Live off federal land for free while others pay to use it. Collect Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security but resist others having it. Protect corporations that pollute unless of course you're harmed. You know, the republican way.......

So, no, don't worry about it. It's called freedom! Claim you're a sovereign citizen.

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