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Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: FCPS News ()
Date: January 02, 2014 11:21AM

Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors
New positions support efforts to increase efficiency

The county School Board last week approved the creation of two auditing positions to help the school system tighten its belt.

The board’s unanimous vote comes as part of an overarching campaign for improved efficiency in a tough budget year, as the school system stares down a $132 million projected deficit in funds for next year. The School Board wants to fill the new positions as soon as February to help narrow that gap.

“It would be foolhardy to think there aren’t significant efficiencies to be gained,” said board member Elizabeth Schultz (Springfield District). “And if we ever need efficiencies, by heavens, we need them now. “

A junior-level position will be added to provide support to the internal auditing office. The second new position will be a senior-level position reporting directly to the School Board, providing some level of independent financial counsel.

Exact position descriptions have not been nailed down. The board will likely meet in February to pin down the details of both positions, according to board member Dan Storck (Mount Vernon District), the chairman of the audit committee, who hopes to see the hiring process completed by the end of February.

The School Board set aside funding for the two positions more than a year ago. After considering the results of an independent state audit earlier this year, the audit committee recommended the hiring of the positions as part of its midyear budget review.

School Board members were divided on the timeline for hiring. While some wanted to see the new auditors in place quickly, others expressed concern over the still-nebulous definition of the senior-level position in particular.

Yet Storck tried to impress on his colleagues the urgency of the school system’s situation. The senior level position is needed to oversee a planned financial risk assessment, according to Storck, and that work will help define and refine the position’s purview.

School Board member Patty Reed (Providence District) concurred with Storck.

“I know some of my colleagues are encouraging me to be patient, but my patience has worn thin,” Reed said. “I think that the time has come for us.”

County supervisors have long encouraged the School Board to bring in an independent auditor to advise on the school system’s $2.5 billion budget.

The county controls the school system’s purse strings. For next year’s budget, the Board of Supervisors has promised a 2 percent increase in funding for schools, which would lower the projected budget shortfall to $98 million. The School Board hopes to convince the county to provide more, but even then it would not receive enough to cover the entire shortfall.

The school system’s midyear budget review did show a revenue increase of $3.5 million for the current year, largely the result of an increase in sales tax revenue, which will be rolled into the beginning balance for next year. But the deficit remains large, reinforcing the importance of getting the new auditors in place, according to School Board member Janie Strauss (Dranesville District).

“We know that revenues are tight and our student enrollment continues to grow,” Strauss said. “Therefore, we have to make sure that we are the most efficient and the most effective in everything that we do.”

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: election time ()
Date: January 02, 2014 11:25AM

Sorry, they are lucky to get what they are getting, they will have to learn to live with the shortfall.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: Fed Auditor ()
Date: January 03, 2014 09:46AM

Hmmm...might be time to make dat switch to dey local gubment level, you feel me breh? no ferrrlows on dey local gubment leevel.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: good idea? ()
Date: January 03, 2014 10:51AM

political cover for the cuts that are going to be made . . . they are too wimpy to make decisions themselves . . . "the "auditors" recommended it" . . . everybody else is off the hook . . . but, gosh, this didn't work for the feds (their "committee" of "outside" people idea) . . .

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: Change on the way ()
Date: January 03, 2014 11:05AM


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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: Bring in the Bobs ()
Date: January 05, 2014 03:23PM

What would you say you do here?

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: uh? ()
Date: January 05, 2014 05:10PM

I think this is encouraging - Don't know that the auditors could address specifics, but I'd be interested to know how much the kids of illegals are costing FCPS to educate - specifically, a cost analysis per child that compares the amount that is taken in with taxes vs. what is actually spent.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: yes? ()
Date: January 05, 2014 05:13PM

Will the findings be made public? We have a right to know what's been going on with this largest school system in the country. FOIA?

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: board watcher ()
Date: January 05, 2014 05:29PM

"I think this is encouraging - Don't know that the auditors could address specifics, but I'd be interested to know how much the kids of illegals are costing FCPS to educate - specifically, a cost analysis per child that compares the amount that is taken in with taxes vs. what is actually spent."

I would be interested as well. However, I suspect you will not see this type of analysis. I think this is more on a departmental efficiency/value type of analysis.
Ironic that the members are for this, but still will not have an outside auditor as pushed by the Supervisors and Schultz.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: otrb ()
Date: January 05, 2014 06:04PM

uh? Wrote:
> I think this is encouraging - Don't know that the
> auditors could address specifics, but I'd be
> interested to know how much the kids of illegals
> are costing FCPS to educate - specifically, a cost
> analysis per child that compares the amount that
> is taken in with taxes vs. what is actually spent.

Even if their findings indicate soaring costs due to illegals they'll cover it up and sugar coat anything associated with illegal immigration. Bull-o-va is in the same mindset as Gerry "Conman" Connolly.

"We do not have a problem with illegal immigration in Fairfax County."


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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: Mo Free Barry ()
Date: January 05, 2014 06:52PM

When a family of seven moves into the county and goes on welfare someone has to pay. You have five kids entering the school system with the added expense of free lunches and ESL classes not to mention more space needed to accommodate the increased school population. Anyone who thinks the increased amount of illegals into the county doesnt cost us is a fool or a liar.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: school watcher ()
Date: January 05, 2014 07:19PM

"When a family of seven moves into the county and goes on welfare someone has to pay. You have five kids entering the school system with the added expense of free lunches and ESL classes not to mention more space needed to accommodate the increased school population. Anyone who thinks the increased amount of illegals into the county doesnt cost us is a fool or a liar."

Sad. Don't know what the answer is--but if they know they won't be deported, what can we do? We have to educate them and feed the children. Churches even provide weekend food packages for the kids. When Prince William cracked down on illegal immigrants, many more came to Fairfax.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: don't matter ()
Date: January 05, 2014 08:36PM

uh? Wrote:
> I think this is encouraging - Don't know that the
> auditors could address specifics, but I'd be
> interested to know how much the kids of illegals
> are costing FCPS to educate - specifically, a cost
> analysis per child that compares the amount that
> is taken in with taxes vs. what is actually spent.

Both political parties, for their own reasons, want the illegals here. The Supreme Court has ruled that we must attempt to educate them.

That's that, it doesn't matter what it costs. Get over it.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: dope ()
Date: January 05, 2014 08:38PM

yes? Wrote:
> Will the findings be made public? We have a right
> to know what's been going on with this largest
> school system in the country. FOIA?

Fairfax County Public Schools is big, but it's not in the Top Ten of largest school systems in the country.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: ???? ()
Date: January 05, 2014 08:52PM

So let me get this straight...

We have a large illegal alien population here. We have laws against this that the local police can't enforce, because it's a federal law? And they've chosen not to do anything. Now those illegals are reproducing at a large rate and we the tax payers are expected to pay for them??? There's a reason we have a process for immigration and laws to govern it. When those are ignored it leads to imbalance, and is a strain on resources. I have nothing against immigration. I do have a big problem with illegal immigration.

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Re: Fairfax County School Board to hire two auditors; New positions support efforts to increase efficiency
Posted by: don't matter ()
Date: January 05, 2014 10:26PM

???? Wrote:
> So let me get this straight...
> We have a large illegal alien population here. We
> have laws against this that the local police can't
> enforce, because it's a federal law? And they've
> chosen not to do anything. Now those illegals are
> reproducing at a large rate and we the tax payers
> are expected to pay for them??? There's a reason
> we have a process for immigration and laws to
> govern it. When those are ignored it leads to
> imbalance, and is a strain on resources. I have
> nothing against immigration. I do have a big
> problem with illegal immigration.

Well, you're just going to have to have a big problem with illegal immigration. The powers that be want them here.

The only way the locusts will ever leave is when (not if) this country collapses. When it gets as bad or worse here than it is back home, they'll go home.

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