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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Jim C ()
Date: June 14, 2010 07:44PM

I am writing to tell a true story about how the Fairfax County Police helicopter is threatening to ruin my life.. it all started about 2 years ago when I was home alone on a Saturday night and I heard an annoying thump, thump, thump that seemed to go away for 10 minutes or so and then return. After an hour of this I called the non-emergency police line and was told that there was "a police event" in my neighborhood. The police clerk spoke nonchalantly enough that I said "and.. that's it?" and he said "yes, a police event". So, knowing that most "police events" in my neighborhood usually involve traffic control during Edison High parades or church crossings, I decided to venture out to see what this event was all about. Well, a short walk down Franconia Road past some gas stations revealed that there were about 16 police cars gathered in one area with lights flashing. A television crew was setting up as well. No one knew exactly what was going on. Seeing that this was a mysterious and somewhat boring "event", I passed this scene and continued down the road until I reached a bike path. I often jog in the area and I knew this path would take me in a large circle around and away from the "event". The neighborhood was dark, and extremely quiet. I found myself lightly jogging at times. As I turned a corner, getting nearer to my house, I see a flashlight come on in the bushes about 200 feet from where I stood. "Get down on the ground!" they yell. "Now!" I'm thinking, wow! This is like COPS and they just found some criminal hiding in those bushes! I turn slightly, knowing that I shouldn't get involved and they are far enough away that I haven't been seen. "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND OR WE'LL RELEASE THE DOGS!" Cool! What if I witness them turn the dogs loose on this bad guy? I was 2 seconds from lightly jogging away from this drama when a new and closer flashlight turned on, pointed right at me. "GET DOWN NOW!" Oooohh, bad deal! I just had surgery on my stomach but you better believe I was laying down face first in a hurry. Spread armed, I sensed the dogs now excitedly next to me and about 5 or 6 weapons trained directly on me. Ummm.. yeah! So I am led down the street to questions like "WHO ARE YOU?, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?, DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON?" I'm led over a fence, through a backyard, and into the center of the 16 car police "event" I had witnessed earlier. Little did I know, for the next 20 minutes or so I was the main suspect in a SHOTGUN MURDER that had occurred a couple hours earlier! I finally explained my innocence, explained why I had left my house, and the last thing a detective told me as he led me out of the police manhunt perimeter was "when there is a police helicopter doing circles over your house, just stay inside next time!" Words to live by, and I vowed to do just that. But.. it was just a week or so later that I hear the helicopter again.. thump, thump, thump. I peer out the window.. he's doing circles again, right above my house! I run downstairs and lock the doors.. thump, thump, thump. Is there a murderer hiding in my house? I suffer until the morning! And then a couple days later.. thump, thump, thump! There he is again! Ugh, the agony! Well, it's been a couple years now and I am still keenly aware of the helicopter doing circles about my house on average about once a month. Just last night I hear them again, circling from about 4:30am to 5:30am. I can't sleep. I check downstairs and turn the lights on in the backyard. As I leave for work at 6am I see two cruisers with lights on just down the road. I half expected to get pulled over and yanked out of my truck. SO DO I NEED TO JUST MOVE NOW OR WHAT?

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 14, 2010 07:58PM


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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: webb ()
Date: June 14, 2010 08:04PM

What a puss

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: June 14, 2010 08:13PM

Next time, put on a hoody and run right up to the po-lice with your hands in your pockets. Talking about a good time!! Dude, the stories your family would be able to tell...

Or, stay the fuck inside and watch the news the next day.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: June 14, 2010 08:17PM

That sucks. I sometimes chill outside when the Chopper comes around, but one time they did confuse me with a suspect. They were circling about a 1/4 to 1/2 mile away, as usual, and I was out in the driveway talking with a friend. They kept progressing their search pattern until it got nearer my house, and then they came to a full hover right over my yard. A family member came out to see what was going on, because it was hovering right over their bedroom, and so I just waved at the helo, and they then broke off and flew back to their original grid.

I remember going for a late night walk on a path back about six years ago. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to just take a stroll. I had heard a Chopper circling the area, and police sirens, but everything had been silent for the past 15 minutes (I heard them pass on down the street, out of range). I took my dog with me, and we started up the street, and down the pathway (Which follows a major roadway). We were about halfway to a shopping center, when suddenly the dog froze. I tried to coax her along, and I tugged on her leash, but she leaned backwards and refused to go any further. Finally, I gave in, and as soon as I started back towards the house the dog began walking all normal again (Spry and alert). As soon as I got back to my front door, and not a minute sooner, I heard sirens again, and the Chopper started re-circling at the area where we had just been. I could've gotten into a really messed up situation if it wasn't for my dog, alerting me to whoever it was that happened to be hiding in the bushes up ahead.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Maverick ()
Date: June 14, 2010 08:43PM

It's hard to not take it personally when bad stuff happens around your neighborhood and you end up getting detained just for checking out what's happening, but it's not personal. The cops get called to a scene and can't possibly know who the good guys and the bad guys are until they get control of the situation. Ocassionally someone that's inncocent gets cuffed or hauled in but it all ultimately gets worked out. Emotions run high when facing down an armed criminal. Cops are human and can't just turn it on or off at a moments notice. While you didn't deserve to be yelled at I hope you understand the officer's concern was for your safety.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: K? ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:24PM

Jim C Wrote:
> I am writing to tell a true story about how the
> Fairfax County Police helicopter is threatening to
> ruin my life.. it all started about 2 years ago
> when I was home alone on a Saturday night and I
> heard an annoying thump, thump, thump that seemed
> to go away for 10 minutes or so and then return.
> After an hour of this I called the non-emergency
> police line and was told that there was "a police
> event" in my neighborhood. The police clerk spoke
> nonchalantly enough that I said "and.. that's it?"
> and he said "yes, a police event". So, knowing
> that most "police events" in my neighborhood
> usually involve traffic control during Edison High
> parades or church crossings, I decided to venture
> out to see what this event was all about. Well, a
> short walk down Franconia Road past some gas
> stations revealed that there were about 16 police
> cars gathered in one area with lights flashing. A
> television crew was setting up as well. No one
> knew exactly what was going on. Seeing that this
> was a mysterious and somewhat boring "event", I
> passed this scene and continued down the road
> until I reached a bike path. I often jog in the
> area and I knew this path would take me in a large
> circle around and away from the "event". The
> neighborhood was dark, and extremely quiet. I
> found myself lightly jogging at times. As I turned
> a corner, getting nearer to my house, I see a
> flashlight come on in the bushes about 200 feet
> from where I stood. "Get down on the ground!" they
> yell. "Now!" I'm thinking, wow! This is like COPS
> and they just found some criminal hiding in those
> bushes! I turn slightly, knowing that I shouldn't
> get involved and they are far enough away that I
> haven't been seen. "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND OR
> WE'LL RELEASE THE DOGS!" Cool! What if I witness
> them turn the dogs loose on this bad guy? I was 2
> seconds from lightly jogging away from this drama
> when a new and closer flashlight turned on,
> pointed right at me. "GET DOWN NOW!" Oooohh, bad
> deal! I just had surgery on my stomach but you
> better believe I was laying down face first in a
> hurry. Spread armed, I sensed the dogs now
> excitedly next to me and about 5 or 6 weapons
> trained directly on me. Ummm.. yeah! So I am led
> down the street to questions like "WHO ARE YOU?,
> ON?" I'm led over a fence, through a backyard, and
> into the center of the 16 car police "event" I had
> witnessed earlier. Little did I know, for the next
> 20 minutes or so I was the main suspect in a
> SHOTGUN MURDER that had occurred a couple hours
> earlier! I finally explained my innocence,
> explained why I had left my house, and the last
> thing a detective told me as he led me out of the
> police manhunt perimeter was "when there is a
> police helicopter doing circles over your house,
> just stay inside next time!" Words to live by, and
> I vowed to do just that. But.. it was just a week
> or so later that I hear the helicopter again..
> thump, thump, thump. I peer out the window.. he's
> doing circles again, right above my house! I run
> downstairs and lock the doors.. thump, thump,
> thump. Is there a murderer hiding in my house? I
> suffer until the morning! And then a couple days
> later.. thump, thump, thump! There he is again!
> Ugh, the agony! Well, it's been a couple years now
> and I am still keenly aware of the helicopter
> doing circles about my house on average about once
> a month. Just last night I hear them again,
> circling from about 4:30am to 5:30am. I can't
> sleep. I check downstairs and turn the lights on
> in the backyard. As I leave for work at 6am I see
> two cruisers with lights on just down the road. I
> half expected to get pulled over and yanked out of


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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: soooo...... ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:36PM

Was this based on a true story..?

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:36PM

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: agreed ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:38PM

tomahawk Wrote:
> http://th04.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/i/2008/322/6/
> c/Grammar_Natzee__Wall_O___Text_by_dinyctis.jpg


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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Right to remain silent ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:54PM

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Wall of Voodoo ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:58PM

Provide date, city, street, name of deceased so that we may verify your story.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Annon Imous ()
Date: June 14, 2010 10:10PM

How is it that Fairfax, with supposedly the best schools in the country, spawns a forum where people make posts like that, and half the threads here are racist rants?

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Date: June 14, 2010 11:03PM


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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: albert young ()
Date: June 15, 2010 08:10AM

Jim C did you get around to finishing that spaghettie sauce?

koreans are taking over the bar i go to all of a sudden they've started showing up by the dozens yuck

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Snapple ()
Date: June 15, 2010 08:14AM

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Qwest ()
Date: June 15, 2010 09:20AM

Ever heard of a paragraph?

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Maverick ()
Date: June 15, 2010 09:41AM

Annon Imous Wrote:
> How is it that Fairfax, with supposedly the best
> schools in the country, spawns a forum where
> people make posts like that, and half the threads
> here are racist rants?

The students who earn that reputation for the schools don't spend a lot of time posting here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2010 09:42AM by Maverick.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Jim C. ()
Date: June 15, 2010 09:42AM

I saw an ice creem truck the otherday that was parked infront of my house. He was pratending to sell cones to kids wile watching me as I was mowing my lawn. Tell the Fairfax County Police that they can't take my life away from me. I am writing this on the web so that I will never be forgoten when I am taken from my bed in my sleep and tortured for everything that I know about the incidents. Tell them to stay away. I WON'T LEaVE. You must take this Ice Creem Man away because I will nolonger be scared anymore by your tactics. Go away and leave me to myself. My tires on my truck were slased on Saturday. They are relly trying to scare me. Why won't you let me be? I pay my taxes. Go away. I live in a feer but I will no longer be scared because I am a citizen of the country and I believe my right is being breeched. Go away MR. Policeman with your strongarm of the law and feel like rules need-not applie. I know people. They are beyond your arms and they will show that Ice Creem Man costumes arenot very good when watching someone that has done no thing wrong. Go away from the premises and tell your commander that you can not torture me with feer no more. You see Jim is not a product of the mass production that todays young are braught up in. You see I have been places. I have seen things and I know something. I know that you will not take me a prisner because I am a citizen of the country. You will not be able to take me as I have told the people that I know what is going on. Go away or pay will be paid.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Kutchurni ()
Date: June 15, 2010 11:47AM

That's an entertaining post, maybe more fiction than fact but I do remember a domestic shotgun murder off Franconia road not too long ago.

What's hilarious to me is 1) all the literary complaints about your story structure 2) all the thugs that pretend that being a murder suspect is an everyday occurence 3) those pretending not to read the whole thing but are and 4) the flat out nutcases like Jim C #2

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Caroline ()
Date: June 15, 2010 02:42PM

Wow, I am sorry to hear that happened to you. Fairfax County police are the worst, and a big reason why I have been searching for properties elsewhere. They really do a magnificent job of discouraging law-abiding citizens from ever leaving their houses for fear of getting harassed, fined, or arrested for nonsensical reasons.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: ZipIt ()
Date: June 16, 2010 09:06AM

Good. Move. Try PG County, I hear it's nice this time of year.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Caroline ()
Date: June 16, 2010 11:10AM

I'm moving back to DC, but thanks for the stellar recommendation asshole.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Wenger ()
Date: June 16, 2010 11:42AM

Last year I was watering the lawn, going outside every 1/2 hour to move the spinkler. There was a chopper not too far away but then in changed direction and was stationed over the house; pretty high up but no searchlights or anything.
A minute later 3 unmarked police cars came down my street pretty quickly and I walked over to the 1st one, who said something about a bike. I asked' "what's this about a bike?" and the cop started yelling, "Who said anything about a bike?!", and asked if I had seen anyone in the neighborhood. He then said that they were looking for a retarded kid who had run off from home.

Can't believe I was mistaken for a mongoloid child. Pretty insulting.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: ZipIt ()
Date: June 16, 2010 12:27PM

No problem bitch. The boys in SE should love you. Particularly running the train on you. And if you think FFX cops are bad, you should LOVE DC cops. By all means, hope the door hits you in the ass on the way out skank.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: JR ()
Date: June 16, 2010 01:30PM

Why keep it in for 1 1/2 years?


Fairfax County Police arrested a homeless man Saturday, Nov. 15 for the murder of Morton Fuchs, 43, of no fixed address.

According to a Fairfax County Police release, investigators were called to the 5400 block of Franconia Road in Springfield at approximately 7:02 p.m. Officers found Fuchs lying on the ground outside of a home dead with an apparent gunshot wound to his midsection. Detectives, patrol officers along with K9 and SWAT Team members scoured the area before eventually finding the suspect, James Becker, 51, hiding in a nearby shed.

"There wasn’t a large gap in time, several hours" between the time police discovered the body and when they found Becker, according to Fairfax County Police spokesperson Shelley Broderick.

The release goes on to say that investigators determined that Becker and Fuchs knew each other, and had received reports of an altercation between the two men just prior to the shooting. Broderick declined to elaborate on how investigators knew the men were acquaintances, how they discovered they had argued before the shooting, or whether the gun used in the murder had been found, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation.

"I don’t have any additional information to give out on that," said Broderick.

Becker was transported without incident to the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center on Judicial Drive in Fairfax. He has been charged with one count of murder and could face up to 40 years in prison if convicted.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: engineergirl ()
Date: June 16, 2010 02:46PM

Wow, how mature. I take it you never venture into the city-- probably too big and scary for someone for a little kid like you.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: ZipIt ()
Date: June 16, 2010 02:51PM

Of course I do. Where else would I find hookers like you?

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: RCG239 ()
Date: June 20, 2010 05:51PM

maybe move out to the country.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2011 04:58PM by RCG239.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: flashbacks ()
Date: June 21, 2010 12:06AM

Fairfax = Afghanistan

more choppers flying over than vietnam

I'm waiting for the napalm to come raining down.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: e_nonomus ()
Date: September 02, 2011 11:24AM

The police were obviously searching for a gunman in your immediate vicinity, use common sense and don't make yourself look like him by running or jogging around the scene like a moron. I there are flashlights shined at you and a PO yelling in your direction, he's proll referring to you and not the invisible guy you think is next to you. Lastly, it sounds like you live in the ghetto, deal with it or move.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: 6X ()
Date: September 02, 2011 12:59PM

I heard the guy was so drunk when he shot his friend he didn't remember it. He went to the shed and passed out. I can't find the Final Disposition or how much time he got.

Fairfax County General District (Pay Online)
Criminal Case Details Page : GC08253990-00

Case Number: GC08253990-00 File Date: 11/17/2008 Complainant: TONEY, C L Locality: COMMONWEALTH OF VA
Defendant: BECKER, JAMES E Defendant Status: Custody Defense Attorney: PUBLIC DEFENDER
Address: ALEXANDRIA VA 22310
Sex: Male Race: White Caucasian(Non-Hispanic) DOB: 05/27/****
Charge: MURDER: 2ND DEGREE Code Section: 18.2-32 Case Type: Felony Class: O
Amended Charge: Amended Code: Amended Case Type:
Offense Date: 11/15/2008 Arrest Date: 11/16/2008
Number Date Time Result Hearing Type Courtroom Plea Min Continuance Code
01 11/17/2008 08:30 AM Continued Arraignment 214 Other
02 12/02/2008 09:25 AM Continued Motion 519 Other
03 01/22/2009 02:00 PM Continued Review Progress 2H 729 Other
04 02/03/2009 02:00 PM Finalized Preliminary 2J 519
Final Disposition: Grand Jury - For final case disposition, see Circuit Court Case Information
Sentence: 00Months 000Days Sentence Suspension Time: 00Months 000Days Operator License Suspension Time: 00Years 00Months 000Days
Fine: Cost:
Fine/Costs Due: Fine/Costs Paid: Fine/Costs Paid Date:
Probation Type: Probation Time: 00Years 00Months 000Days Probation Starts:

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Laurie ()
Date: March 28, 2014 09:59PM

Oh that story is sooo funny! I came across this from a Google search as I listened to the police helicopter circle over my house. I've generally thought that I (and the rest of the family) should stay in when we hear the copter, but now I'm sure. Thanks for sharing your story. One time I did see someone wading Cross a wetland after the helicopter left. They really should have a loud speaker broadcasting, "STAY IN YOUR HOME. THER IS A POLICE INCIDENT IN YOUR AREA." You are a very good writer! So funny!

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: SW ()
Date: February 16, 2015 01:10PM

Jim C.,

Are you really that stupid? Stay clear of "event" like that and watch the news. Take your jog some other time. What kind of world are you living in?

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: And now, five years later... ()
Date: February 17, 2015 12:06AM

...a thread is resurrected.

Good advice: If you want to nosy around when the police are conducting an operation in your neighborhood, take your dog, on a leash of course. The police know that dog walkers are not strangers to the neighborhood where they be walking.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: then again ()
Date: February 17, 2015 12:12AM

And now, five years later... Wrote:

> The police know that dog walkers are not
> strangers to the neighborhood where they be
> walking.

Unless the dog walker be speaking Ebonics.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: GymD ()
Date: February 17, 2015 12:49AM

Jim C. Do yourself and everyone else a favor. Take your meds.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Blahblaaaah ()
Date: February 17, 2015 01:08AM

Ugh, why are you living in Alexandria? Sick! Move! Hurry!

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Brother ()
Date: July 27, 2015 10:00PM

You are just fuckin stupid and paranoid. You are probably white talking like this. Negro's ain't scared of shit like this, we run to the sounds of the guns until we find out they are trained on us, then we turn and run the other way:) dumb ass white boy with psychological problems!

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: El.Salvador ()
Date: July 29, 2015 02:37PM

Just yesterday there was 3 Fairfax cruisers parked in our next to my neighbor. I looked them through the window and after sitting there for 10 minutes, they slowly left.

I thought they found out about my indoor grow op. This happened in Burke,near the Gaints.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: 4:20 ()
Date: July 29, 2015 02:47PM

El.Salvador Wrote:
> Just yesterday there was 3 Fairfax cruisers parked
> in our next to my neighbor. I looked them through
> the window and after sitting there for 10 minutes,
> they slowly left.
> I thought they found out about my indoor grow op.
> This happened in Burke,near the Gaints.

Considering your spelling and grammar, you must be a Fairfax County High School graduate, and you also must be sampling your own herb...

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: iLester ()
Date: July 29, 2015 03:01PM

Don't run in the dark or act suspicious when they're doing a perp search from the air. They might have search teams on the ground as well.

I got stopped 15 years ago when I came out to investigate. I walked around the block before encountering the search team who told me to go back inside.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Jack & ()
Date: July 29, 2015 03:10PM

El.Salvador Wrote:
> Just yesterday there was 3 Fairfax cruisers parked
> in our next to my neighbor. I looked them through
> the window and after sitting there for 10 minutes,
> they slowly left.
> I thought they found out about my indoor grow op.
> This happened in Burke,near the Gaints.

They have a real beanstalk problem out there in Burke - What with all of those Giants.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Nice Guy Eddie ()
Date: July 29, 2015 10:47PM

Well I thought it was a very lovely story, and you tell it so well, with such enthusiasm.

Also, you can get a app called 5-0 Radio which is essentially a police scanner on your phone. That way you can find out what is going on without becoming the next John Geer.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: BigPalookaDickDalooka ()
Date: July 30, 2015 12:28PM

It's just a traffic copter. Relax.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: Dale ()
Date: July 30, 2015 04:22PM

Why does Fairfax county have an air force any way. when times are tight we the tax payers are paying to maintain and fly aircraft that are not needed in the first place.

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Re: Stay Indoors when the Fairfax County Police Helicopter Hovers for Hours
Posted by: 703 624 1878 Kewal Paudel ()
Date: March 25, 2016 11:12PM

703 624 1878 Kewal Paudel

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