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McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: FCPS Follies ()
Date: June 09, 2016 12:32PM

I wanted to give you all a heads up about something that is happening during tonights school board meeting, and to ask you to pray and if at all possible attend tonights school board meeting at Luther Jackson Middle School at 7:00pm.
Below is a proposed amendment to the SR&R (Student Rights & Responsibilities handbook) being put forth by Ryan McElveen. Of course the fact that community does not have a chance to comment on such a late, incoming motion is no surprise.

As way of background:

This document (the SR&R) was posted on April 28th for the public to review,at that time it did not include the gender identity language. It was also not included at the May 9 work session when the SR&R was discussed.

The staff later wanted to make the change in language to include gender identity but realized there was not adequate time for community discussion so it was not included in 2016-2017 document up for vote later tonight.

Last night, Ryan McElveen emailed the school board at 10:30pm with the following proposed amendment:

I move to amend the motion by replacing the first sentence of Chapter I, Section J with the following: No student in FCPS shall, on the basis of age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity.

There are no speaker spots available and it is too late to submit video testimony. There are many questions that have not been discussed. For example how many definitions of gender identity is FCPS defining (NYC defines 31)? Can any student identifying as any gender play on any sport team? (Note the recent transgender student who won girls track records in Alaska). How will FCPS treat a student who requests the "same birth gender" accommodations for their own privacy on an overnight school trip? Will that student be disciplined for "violating" this new regulation?

The Board promised last May when they passed the nondiscrimination policy that no changes would occur. They were hiring a consultant and the Board would have a report before anything happened. There have been no reports to the Board at this time.

The amendment is not even posted yet (as of 10:30 this morning) and the vote is coming at 7pm tonight. In addition, requests to Ryan McElveen to table the amendment until there can be community discussion have thus far been denied. In short we need people there tonight and to email the board (see below email addrreses) with your concern that this document that has been posted for a month, is now being changed at the last minute without the opportunity to comment. Thank you!


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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Crazy Libtardz! ()
Date: June 09, 2016 12:48PM


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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Mcelveen the goat sex lover ()
Date: June 09, 2016 01:08PM

Dems always, always sneak thier stuff under the radar .
That man (and goat fucker) is going places.

Make FCPS great again.

Meanwhile, I'm going to open an adult baby diaper fetish shop so he can shop locally.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: surfing with the alien ()
Date: June 09, 2016 01:17PM

he looks like on of those aliens that got drunk from drinking spoiled milk

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Beldar ()
Date: June 09, 2016 01:30PM

surfing with the alien Wrote:
> he looks like on of those aliens that got drunk
> from drinking spoiled milk


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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Goona ()
Date: June 09, 2016 01:46PM

Highly recommend guys cut from their boys teams just go ahead and play girls sports.

Maybe then these idiots would understand the can of worms they're opening.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Gerry's kid ()
Date: June 09, 2016 01:50PM

I stopped reading when the OP asked me to pray. What did the rest of it say?

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: say NO to the meals tax ()
Date: June 09, 2016 02:41PM

Vote against the meals tax-McElveen and friends will use the money to build facilities for all 31 recognized gender groups.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: lvedhtraone ()
Date: June 09, 2016 03:47PM

"No student in FCPS shall, on the basis of age, race, color, sex,"

On the basis of age? So a 30 year-old MAN can dress like a woman, become a student and use the little girls room?

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: think of the children? ()
Date: June 09, 2016 10:16PM

lvedhtraone Wrote:
> "No student in FCPS shall, on the basis of age,
> race, color, sex,"
> On the basis of age?

some high school kids are over the age of 18. should we have special locker rooms and bathrooms for them too?

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Hhbb ()
Date: June 09, 2016 10:24PM


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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Inquisitive One ()
Date: June 09, 2016 10:44PM

Good bye girls sports. I hope that they are good enough to compete with the boys!

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: hillarysucs ()
Date: June 09, 2016 10:59PM


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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Jgbn ()
Date: June 09, 2016 11:06PM

Why are Republicans so obsessed with other people's private parts? Fucking perverts.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: June 09, 2016 11:30PM

Gerry's kid Wrote:
> I stopped reading when the OP asked me to pray.
> What did the rest of it say?

The word “pray” has that much power over you? Interesting. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: McElveen the tranny ()
Date: June 09, 2016 11:32PM


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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: YHnPb ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:45AM

It seems the attitude of some is"Let's see how close we can get to mimicking Sodom and Gomorrah .. in an effort to prove that God, nor his judgement exist"

I am not sure if God would judge in thew same way he did in the Old T, by bringing down fire and brimstone and completely destroying a place from its' foundation upwards.

However, I do believe a more subtle reaping will appear of the seeds of abomination which have been sown.
Westboro Baptist has it all wrong on the judgement guess.

I believe that we will see the decay in a more real and personal way.
It's it sad to see society fall so far in the name of "progress".

May God have mercy on those making poor decisions on the behalf of young people in our schools system.

Jesus warned what should become of those who harm any of the little ones ..

Lord Forgive them for they know not what they do!

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Oh Lordy... ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:52AM

^ Yeah, you're normal.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Graduate ()
Date: June 10, 2016 01:07AM

Can I wear any color graduation robe I want next week?

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: N9VMj ()
Date: June 10, 2016 02:04AM

you know if we just stick to choosing the BEST ATHELETES for sports teams that ALL of the GIRLS teams would consist of ONLY trans MEN

so, no sports for girls

great idea

see how open miss helicopter parents are when there daughter does not make the gymnastics team

see how open miss helicopter parents are when there daughter does not get a scholarship for college gymnastics

see how open miss helicopter parents are when college softball etc....on espn.....is only MEN who identify as women

if they are going to do this, just make ONE team of each sport, no separations by gender

good luck

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: June 10, 2016 07:18AM

Oh Lordy... Wrote:
> ^ Yeah, you're normal.

But you are? You're a fucking perverted freak. Die.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: mc hammer ()
Date: June 10, 2016 08:29AM

causeican Wrote:
> Gerry's kid Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I stopped reading when the OP asked me to pray.
> > What did the rest of it say?
> The word “pray” has that much power over you?
> Interesting. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray.
> Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray.
> Pray. Pray. Pray.

we've got to pray just to make it today

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: ans to nvsm ()
Date: June 10, 2016 08:30AM


The girls will still be on the gymnastic team--but you didn't mention track and field........swimming........agree with you about softball...pretty sure field hockey and girls lacrosse......soccer, etc will all have problems.


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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: WatchingATrainWreck ()
Date: June 10, 2016 10:25AM

What is going on with that crew? There's a process and procedure for these things and several on the Board are misguided at best.

How about we call out those with no children? What do they know really? It will get worse before it gets better. That looney guy will take over the Board soon. When what? We all move away?

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: my view ()
Date: June 10, 2016 11:00AM

That crew? Did you listen? It didn't matter what anyone said--it was predetermined that they would vote for it. Strauss et al always vote lockstep. Thought it would get better once Smith and Gibson was gone. Wrong about that.

Hough, in particular, brought up some valid, common sense questions.
Wilson tried to be a peacemaker and bring the group to some kind of reasonable solution.
Schultz, as always, was combative --but right.

I did not hear one cogent answer from the others--except that we had to make it match what we voted for last year.

Case by case basis is not a valid solution to something that you make students sign. As Hough asked--how do you explain these terms to my child, when I don't even know what they mean? She asked for definitions, and not one person on staff could answer.

NO ONE wants these kids to suffer. But, what happens when we cannot decide? Who will be the decider if a girl says to a biological boy, that she doesn't think it fair for "her" to be on the team? Is that bullying? Harrassment? Discrimination?

If anyone knows, please answer.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: CESSPOOL ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:33PM

FCPS is poster child of the cesspool public schools are becoming.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: MJYkJ ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:35PM

This reminds me of times when Congress convenes on Christmas eve to vote on something, when no one is really paying attention.

Improper and unfair proceedings deserve consequences and impeachment.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: TrannyWrestlers ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:40PM

What ould trannies in Wrestling look like?

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:41PM

> FCPS is poster child of the cesspool public
> schools are becoming.

It's really disturbing.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Jesus H. Christ ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:49PM

I believe in equality for all my children. Anyone who doesn't will certainly burn in Hell. Have a nice day.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: tMKMG ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:56PM

^^ Equal insanity for all?

Looks like your one of those false messiahs.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Jesus H. Christ ()
Date: June 10, 2016 12:58PM

tMKMG Wrote:
> ^^ Equal insanity for all?
> Looks like your one of those false messiahs.

and it looks like you'll be spending eternity deep in the bowels of Hell.

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: ImpeachMiniMe ()
Date: June 10, 2016 01:20PM

How does "mini-me" get elected to the pubic srewall board in Fairfax county and then somehow gets to shove his junk down everyone's throats witout them first getting a word in edgewise?

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Re: McElveen: More Transgender Funny Business
Posted by: Bobby ()
Date: June 11, 2016 12:48PM

For those parents who don't want their children molested:

K12 FREE Accredited schools including in Virginia.



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