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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Virginia Child Support
Posted by: George P. ()
Date: July 19, 2012 11:38PM

Why do I have to pay soo much for child support? I have to pay 36% of my income before taxes!!! WTF VIRGINIA I HAVE BEEN paying child support since 2006. I can't stand it my kids are still 16,15,13,10. I got lucky that they think I GOT a lower paying lower than I really do but still $560.00 dollars a month goes to child support I only earn about 36k yearly. I think I might move to PA

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: your mommy ()
Date: July 19, 2012 11:40PM

George, For the betterment of mankind, please wear a condom. Mom

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: flight risk ()
Date: July 20, 2012 08:17AM

Sorry dude, you have 8 more years until the youngest turns 18.

Cheaper to keep her...but too late for that now.

Consider getting snipped if you don't want any more "issues".

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: That's all? ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:01PM

That's all you pay? Dude, I pay 3x that much for one child and I have another 12 years to go. On top of that I have to 70% of the med bills, dental bills, etc. Don't get me wrong, he is worth it. I am just pissed the commonwealth allowed my ex to screw me over.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Serious Question ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:13PM

Does anyone know the answer to this - in Va once your kid turns 18 can you just take them off the books or do you have to go through the court system again to get the custody agreement redone? I've googled like crazy but can't seem to get a good answer and I'm sick to death of fucking lawyers.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: AngryWhiner ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:15PM

If you don't want to talk to a lawyer then stick to Google. When you figure out that you do need to talk to a lawyer then do it.

If I could move out and only pay $145 a month per kid I'd leave this afternoon.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: George P. ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:17PM

That's all? Wrote:
> That's all you pay? Dude, I pay 3x that much for
> one child and I have another 12 years to go. On
> top of that I have to 70% of the med bills, dental
> bills, etc. Don't get me wrong, he is worth it. I
> am just pissed the commonwealth allowed my ex to
> screw me over.

My monthly income before taxes is $2974. and They think my monthly income is much ,lower than it really it is. I got a new job a year ago and didn't tell my xwife about it and they never found out about it. Before my new job I Woulnd't have any money for anything beside child support. they should look at both side

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: That's all? ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:53PM

George P. Wrote:
> That's all? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That's all you pay? Dude, I pay 3x that much
> for
> > one child and I have another 12 years to go. On
> > top of that I have to 70% of the med bills,
> dental
> > bills, etc. Don't get me wrong, he is worth it.
> I
> > am just pissed the commonwealth allowed my ex
> to
> > screw me over.
> My monthly income before taxes is $2974. and They
> think my monthly income is much ,lower than it
> really it is. I got a new job a year ago and
> didn't tell my xwife about it and they never found
> out about it. Before my new job I Woulnd't have
> any money for anything beside child support. they
> should look at both side

They do look at both sides. It's this fucked up formula they have that goes like this:
1) Add your monthly income and her monthly income together
2) Figure what your percentage of that total amount you make up
3) Look at the handy dandy chart they provide-find your combined income, cross reference it against your number of children
4) Take that amount, multiple it by your percentage-this is what you'll owe
5) Stick your dick in a blender

Lawyers will give you bullshit about they have the latest software blah blah blah. Using the Commonwealth's chart, formula, and excel I was able to figure what I owed within 3ยข.


If you are really interested, I can post a clean copy of the spreadsheet calc I made later this evening.

Where I got fucked is that they accepted her argument that it should only be monthly job income. She has investments which she is using the earned interest to supplement working for a non-profit. It's all bullshit.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: That's all? ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:56PM

Serious Question Wrote:
> Does anyone know the answer to this - in Va once
> your kid turns 18 can you just take them off the
> books or do you have to go through the court
> system again to get the custody agreement redone?
> I've googled like crazy but can't seem to get a
> good answer and I'm sick to death of fucking
> lawyers.

Depends on what your child support agreement says. If it specifies that on their 18th bday the payments stop then you are set. If not, you will have to go back to court and request that the cs order be modified since the child is an adult, etc.

Read your child support order first before you start googling. You will drive yourself mad.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: sorry to tell ya ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:59PM

George P. Wrote:
> Why do I have to pay soo much for child support?
> I have to pay 36% of my income before taxes!!! WTF
> VIRGINIA I HAVE BEEN paying child support since
> 2006. I can't stand it my kids are still
> 16,15,13,10. I got lucky that they think I GOT a
> lower paying lower than I really do but still
> $560.00 dollars a month goes to child support I
> only earn about 36k yearly. I think I might move
> to PA

Damn it took you four kids to realize you didnt love your wife? Moving to PA wont help at all and neither will quitting your job. Dont think you are the first person to think up that angle, better men than you have tried it.

BTW your child support is not tax deductible and ex wife doesnt have to count it as income but can claim all four as dependants on her tax return you cannot.
The system is rigged against men get used to it.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: face it ()
Date: July 20, 2012 01:42PM

I am somewhat happily married with two kids. The three of them spend every dime I earn. That's just the way it is. Man up and provide for your family.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Gunrunner ()
Date: July 20, 2012 02:24PM

Boy I'm glad I never got married and had kidz.Shit like the above is ridiculous.Death to marriage.Better yet let the fags get married.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: lolyer ()
Date: July 20, 2012 05:06PM

lucky SOB.. I pay 1300 a month for my 3 year old.. I provide 62% of his care + medical .. and im unemployed.. and was under-employed with a 11/hr temp job during the hearing.. fucking scrubs...

It's a dummy tax.. lol - because we' men are very stupid. I cannot wait until one of the fairfax male judges go through a divorce and 50% of their income must be paid via child support.. ! I would bust a nut..

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Osama bin laden ()
Date: July 20, 2012 05:47PM

Osama bin laden

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: What about alimony ()
Date: July 20, 2012 06:35PM

I pay $4800 a month for child support and alimony. I have 1 kid and make about $8000 a month after commission before taxes. My alimony + child support, plus her health insurance for her & the kid stick it to me and leave me with $1200 a month for rent, food, utilities and everything else. I also have to pay the mortgage on the house until the kid completes high school. I was living on credit cards, but those are maxed out. I got nothing left. Landlord is kicking me out at the end of the month. Even with that I still have to pay every month. Wife doesn't care. Got no place to go, strongly considering doing myself in.

So yeah, its cheaper to keep her, but she threw me out, got a restraining order and said I was threatening her with bodily harm ( I never touched her or said anything threatening to her). Couldn't afford a good lawyer, so I am paying the price now.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: July 20, 2012 07:16PM

Couldn't afford a good lawyer? It sounds like you are paying more than if you advanced all of your credit cards to pay for legal advice up front.

Did she have a lawyer? If she did, it sounds like her investment is paying off.

Are your paychecks being garnished? If not, stop paying and use the money to hire a lawyer. If your pay is being garnished, can you hop jobs and get some pay going before the garnishment is reinstated at your new job?

Sorry to hear about your situation bro. I hope that you can get in front of a judge that sees that she's killing the goose that's laying golden eggs.

BTW, don't kill yourself... especially if she's the beneficiary.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Randall ()
Date: July 21, 2012 12:50AM

@alimony ()

-No way dude, don't kill your self, Your kid needs you. If the stress is too much, talk to your wife. It's in both of your interest to keep things sane. Make her realize that a few dollars less is better than zero dollars

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: meh ()
Date: July 21, 2012 02:06AM

Gunrunner Wrote:
> Boy I'm glad I never got married and had kidz.Shit
> like the above is ridiculous.Death to
> marriage.Better yet let the fags get married.

well, we already have retards complaining about marriage and child support, do we really need a bunch of retarded fags complaining too?

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: meh ()
Date: July 21, 2012 02:08AM

What about alimony Wrote:
> I pay $4800 a month for child support and alimony.
> I have 1 kid and make about $8000 a month after
> commission before taxes. My alimony + child
> support, plus her health insurance for her & the
> kid stick it to me and leave me with $1200 a month
> for rent, food, utilities and everything else. I
> also have to pay the mortgage on the house until
> the kid completes high school. I was living on
> credit cards, but those are maxed out. I got
> nothing left. Landlord is kicking me out at the
> end of the month. Even with that I still have to
> pay every month. Wife doesn't care. Got no place
> to go, strongly considering doing myself in.
> So yeah, its cheaper to keep her, but she threw me
> out, got a restraining order and said I was
> threatening her with bodily harm ( I never touched
> her or said anything threatening to her).
> Couldn't afford a good lawyer, so I am paying the
> price now.

Wow, she is really sucking you dry huh. Sorry to hear bud. Stay strong and get back on your feet. Just remember, she is the leach, you are the human.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Hallelujah ()
Date: July 21, 2012 04:32AM

Me and mine ex got divorced (Hallelujah)
No kids (Hallelujah)
Uncontested (Hallelujah)
$600.00 cost (Hallelujah)
She stays on one side of FFC and I on the other side (Hallelujah)
She don't call me and I don't call her for no reason (Hallelujah)
Never getting married again (Hallelujah)
Take no free pussy, buy it when I need it and forget about it when it over (Hallelujah)
I'm Happy (Hallelujah)

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: July 21, 2012 08:00AM

In divorce, the best revenge is living well. I got a divorce about 12 years ago. Thankfully there were no children or assets to sort out.

By the time the divorce was going through, I had recovered from the mess and was doing very well. She was pregnant and had lost her money/job/car due to some get-rich-quick scheme.

She wasn't the type to squeeze all possible money out of me but she was definitely in a desperate situation.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Im NOT A LAWYER just Person to person advice! ()
Date: July 21, 2012 08:26AM

Hallelujah Wrote:
> Me and mine ex got divorced (Hallelujah)
> No kids (Hallelujah)
> Uncontested (Hallelujah)
> $600.00 cost (Hallelujah)
> She stays on one side of FFC and I on the other
> side (Hallelujah)
> She don't call me and I don't call her for no
> reason (Hallelujah)
> Never getting married again (Hallelujah)
> Take no free pussy, buy it when I need it and
> forget about it when it over (Hallelujah)
> I'm Happy (Hallelujah)

Preach. Bonus points if you get snipped so you NEVER have to worry again- and can go back to fucking freely (with protection, still gotta watch out for diseases!) and at least know you will NEVER have a child support case. And if the broad decides to try to pop you for CS, you have the upper hand....and can EMBARRAS her with your paper from the docs stating you are shooting BLANKS....and that shows she was cheating on you! If YOU didnt get her preggo....who did? See where I'm going????

Oh, and per this calculator, even if you both made minimum wage (7.25 x 160 hours per month= 1160 gross pay) and assuming she paid $100 a week in daycare so $400 a month you would STILL be on the hook for $386/month for ONE kid. It goes up if she pays medical. If it were an infant at kindercare where it's $250/week for that childcare and she paid say $100/month for healthcare, still making minimum wage? Who cares, it went up to $886 a month...for ONE kid!!!!


WRAP IT UP, SNIP IT, TAKE CARE OF IT if you don't want child support PLEASE. If you choose to fuck a broad raw and you're not snipped- make her sign and get notarized a paper saying she agrees to immediatly get an abortion if she gets pregnant- not that it would help much legally but its worth a shot. Have $5-600 ready to pay for it and BE A MAN and GO WITH HER to the clinic to make sure it gets done. Don't worry- no one will find out, they have pretty good security because of protesters and the appointment only should take 3-4 hours max. Take that 7am appointment and be done by lunch and you can get her a little gift if you want when its over then send her on her way (getting a copy of her paperwork and your reciept if you want in case she tries to say you got her preggo later).

If you just give her the money, she will probably go shopping with it and have the baby anyways- especially if you have a good paying job and she knows she will get child support from you (there are girls out here that play that game!)

If you get her pregnant, it's too late since at this point it's basically HER choice. God help you if you make a lot of money when you get her pregnant.....

If you WANTED the kid, then just BE THERE for him/her. Time>>>>>>>>>>>>money.

Not a sermon guys....just a thought.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Father of the year ()
Date: July 21, 2012 10:16PM

I don't believe the ass that created this post. You are complaining about having to give up $560 for 4 children. So each of your children cost you $140 a month. Are you kidding me? I feel sorry for your children that you don't think they are worth that. I hope your ex finds out what you make more money. Daycare for your 10 year old is more that $560 a month. The only saving grace is that with your absence the kids won't be exposed to your stupidity as much as they would have been if you still lived with them.

As for some of the other posters sorry that most of your disposable income goes to the kids. It's crazy that it's based off what you make. Anything over $1000 per child is highway robbery.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Ivy Bigbee ()
Date: July 22, 2012 06:37PM

George P. Wrote:
> Why do I have to pay soo much for child support?
> I have to pay 36% of my income before taxes!!! WTF
> VIRGINIA I HAVE BEEN paying child support since
> 2006. I can't stand it my kids are still
> 16,15,13,10. I got lucky that they think I GOT a
> lower paying lower than I really do but still
> $560.00 dollars a month goes to child support I
> only earn about 36k yearly. I think I might move
> to PA

The reason you pay so much child support is because you had so many kids and that poor woman that was married to you, got stuck having to raise them. Tell us the truth, you were cheating on her weren't you? Why don't you have custody?

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: wayne l ()
Date: April 19, 2014 07:57AM

my son is all ready 18 and graduates from high school mid month can i prorate to amount i normally pay since it the last payment and its not a full month

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Legal Warning ()
Date: April 19, 2014 08:32AM


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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Confused Puppy ()
Date: June 19, 2014 01:01PM

So my son just graduated from high school, and is already 18 years old. My Child Support decree states this as condition for ending support payments. I have another son who is still in school for another year. Do I just cut the monthly support payment by 50%, and continue paying child support for his brother, or do I have to re-do the support calculations for just ONE child?

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Legal warning ()
Date: June 19, 2014 01:11PM


This is a common mistake. If you have any children under 18 or under 19 and attending high school, or if you have any child support arrears, the child support order remains in effect. If you cut the amount by one half, the other parent or DCSE can pursue you for the balance, and the court will have no choice but to award it.

If you have a child graduate from high school you have grounds to petition the court to lower your child support or apply to DcSE to lower the support amount. You should remember though that the new support amount will be based on your current income and current cost of insurance. If either you or the other parent has additional children born after the last support order was entered, the court can take that into consideration as well. Since income, daycare costs, health insurance costs and the number of children are used to determine guideline child support, it sometimes works out that the new guideline amount for fewer children will end up being higher than the old guideline amount for more children. Have your attorney run the calculations for you based on what you think the new numbers are before you ask the court to reconsider the child support amount.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: ???????????????????? ()
Date: June 19, 2014 01:13PM

Why is it men always want to have sex, like their women to stay home and take care of everything, and then do nothing but complain about child support and alimony when things don't work out?

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: useurbrain ()
Date: June 20, 2014 12:07AM

George P. Wrote:
> Why do I have to pay soo much for child support?
> I have to pay 36% of my income before taxes!!! WTF
> VIRGINIA I HAVE BEEN paying child support since
> 2006. I can't stand it my kids are still
> 16,15,13,10. I got lucky that they think I GOT a
> lower paying lower than I really do but still
> $560.00 dollars a month goes to child support I
> only earn about 36k yearly. I think I might move
> to PA

Better you than me!

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Carlos ()
Date: February 21, 2016 05:05PM

I am paying $500 each with my three kids and $900 alimony. My monthly income before was $6000 when i was still working overseas as a military but now i am living in states with my new family with our one child plus my income is not the same anymore when i was working overseas. Now i want to lower the child support and alimony. Is that possible to happen?

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Legal Warning ()
Date: February 23, 2016 09:03PM

There are some exceptions but child support is generally modifiable until the child is emancipated. Whether alimony can be modified is a more complex issue that would require a review of the agreements and orders.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: This is what feminism looks like ()
Date: February 23, 2016 10:05PM

???????????????????? Wrote:
> Why is it men always want to have sex, like their
> women to stay home and take care of everything,
> and then do nothing but complain about child
> support and alimony when things don't work out?

Because they never get awarded custody of the kids.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Jj jxjxj ()
Date: February 23, 2016 10:38PM

I pay $1,250 per month for 2 kids. No alimony.

I have my kids 36% of the time. Get more custody and pay less child support.

I make over $15,000 per month.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Russell ()
Date: June 18, 2016 08:40PM

So here is my situation. I need help: Childs mother, has child and let me see her less than 5x. She had another man sign the birth certificate, and the third man(her husband) has raised the child for 10 years and the child believes he is her father. So recap, I pay child support, her ex boyfriend signed the birth certificate and her husband assumed role as "Dad". For the benefit of the the child's mental stability I asked her husband did he want to adopt her. They both agreed and then changed their minds later on. How the heck can I get the judge to order adoption or stop my support for the benefit of this child? More to the story but I don't want feedback and people to not skip a long post. Please help brother!

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: BAD LAWYER ()
Date: June 18, 2016 11:05PM


I make 6 grand a month and pay 1k for one kid? VA law is hard on us. Sorry for allcaps

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Vixis ()
Date: June 19, 2016 12:45AM

You also better hope they don't want to go to college, that is considered child support too depending on the State you live in.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Thank Liberal Courts ()
Date: June 19, 2016 08:48PM

Under Virginia law your child support obligation ends when the child turns 18 whether he/she elects to go to college or not. The man is under no legal obligation to pay for that college education.

Face it guys, marriage has become an absolute losing proposition for men these days. 60% of marriages end in divorce and 80% of divorces in this country are initiated by women with no real cause.

It's like playing Russian roulette with live rounds in three of the six chambers. Bad odds, which is why so many men these days are no longer willing to gamble everything they own on the very illusive chance at love.

Remember the old adage.........If it flies, floats or fucks....rent it, don't buy it!

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: ManToMan ()
Date: June 19, 2016 10:00PM

Jj jxjxj Wrote:
> I pay $1,250 per month for 2 kids. No alimony.
> I have my kids 36% of the time. Get more custody
> and pay less child support.
> I make over $15,000 per month.

Shame on you! Why so selfish. You have two children. Are you just mad at their mother? Be mad. Pay your part. What are you doing?

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: Children ()
Date: June 19, 2016 10:03PM


Don't we owe it to our offspring to provide all we can? What else is there really. At the end of the day, if we can make it better for the children, aren't we doing the right thing to provide? Yes, it sucks but they're only young once. If the world fills with kids who have struggled in a broken home.... Okay, be pissed at me now. Or think about it.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: sperm donor's suck ()
Date: June 21, 2016 12:54AM

I raised my 4 kids through divorce and never had a child support order because what ever they needed, I paid. Everything they needed every day. Till they graduated and got jobs and could stand on their own. I still help when needed. That's what a parent does. So pay for your own children or don't have them. It sucks that we the tax payers have to pay for all the unsupported children because their asshole sperm donor's think a parent can work full time, raise 4 kids alone with an additional $18 a day. Hell, that's $4.50 per child. So what meal do we get today? Breakfast lunch or dinner? And cloths? Christmas is every year. This isn't a feed the children account. You made them, you support them or sit in jail jackass. Pennsylvania has jails too.

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Re: Virginia Child Support
Posted by: DEA ()
Date: June 23, 2016 08:03PM

George P. - you must be proud having your children live at poverty levels. $560 a month to care for 4 children? You're a piece of shit father. Please get a healthy life insurance package, name them the beneficiaries, and have the good taste to die.

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