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William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: dvtdw ()
Date: July 02, 2016 06:25PM

He made Attorney General and offer she couldn't refuse.

1. What do you think he has on her?

2. Is anyone dumb enough to believe this was a chance encounter?

3. Does anyone care?

Connection to Fairfax County: Many public employees with insider connections live here.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: geppetto ()
Date: July 02, 2016 06:41PM

dvtdw Wrote:
> He made Attorney General and offer she couldn't
> refuse.
> 1. What do you think he has on her?
> 2. Is anyone dumb enough to believe this was a
> chance encounter?
> 3. Does anyone care?
> Connection to Fairfax County: Many public
> employees with insider connections live here.

They were in the same airport at the same time. If he had wanted to plan an encounter, that would not have been the place or time. You (and your puppet masters) have too much time on your hands.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: vdV7L ()
Date: July 02, 2016 06:52PM

Loretta and Hillary had a lesbian affair. Bill has pictures.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: Rocko ()
Date: July 02, 2016 08:06PM

Folks, the fix was in a long time ago. Under Obama the justice dept. is worse than Venezuela and Cuba Combibined. Two standards of justice, one for the politically connected and the other for the assholes like the rest of us

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: For God's Sake ()
Date: July 02, 2016 08:22PM

geppetto Wrote:
> dvtdw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He made Attorney General and offer she couldn't
> > refuse.
> >
> > 1. What do you think he has on her?
> >
> > 2. Is anyone dumb enough to believe this was a
> > chance encounter?
> >
> > 3. Does anyone care?
> >
> >
> > Connection to Fairfax County: Many public
> > employees with insider connections live here.
> They were in the same airport at the same time.
> If he had wanted to plan an encounter, that would
> not have been the place or time. You (and your
> puppet masters) have too much time on your hands.

This. Not everything is a conspiracy.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: Just Like in Seinfeld ()
Date: July 02, 2016 08:35PM

We need a real president to be elected so that a real Attorney General can seek indictments against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch.

The Judge could say at sentencing, "I can think of nothing more fitting than for the three of you to spend a year removed from society so that you can contemplate the manner in which you have conducted yourselves."

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: fgghh ()
Date: July 02, 2016 08:46PM

Does no one understand how utterly corrupt our political system is?

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: W6Uex ()
Date: July 02, 2016 09:38PM

FINALLY, bipartisan agreement that this alleged "chance" encounter was full of impropriety and unethical. She comes out the next day and announced whe will do just what the prosecutors recommend.

Bill hates Hildebeast just enough to set her up?

Maybe Lynch cant's stand Handebeast enough to allow the set up?

Why Lynch allowed him on her GOVERNMENT funded plane boggles the mind.

But, someone with ethics reported it. Good.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: just wrong ()
Date: July 02, 2016 11:19PM

Lawyers are officers of the court first and foremost. Without ethical standards, there really is no law, and no reason to have lawyers. She is the top lawyer in the US. She should know better. If she doesn't, she's not qualified for the position. It's not about what was said, it's about the appearance of impartiality. She is supposed to work for us. All of us. Now it would seem that may not be the case in this instance. We can never really know. Once tainted, you can't regain the trust squandered over such an obvious and foolish move for someone in her position. She needs to resign. Not doing so only adds to damage already done, and makes it more egregious. We'll see if the Whitehouse was serious about having an "open and transparent" administration, or if it was just an empty campaign promise. Excuses are not acceptable actions in this instance, but I suspect that's what we will get in the form of rationalizations.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: Rocko ()
Date: July 02, 2016 11:29PM

just wrong Wrote:
> Lawyers are officers of the court first and
> foremost. Without ethical standards, there really
> is no law, and no reason to have lawyers. She is
> the top lawyer in the US. She should know better.
> If she doesn't, she's not qualified for the
> position. It's not about what was said, it's about
> the appearance of impartiality. She is supposed to
> work for us. All of us. Now it would seem that
> may not be the case in this instance. We can never
> really know. Once tainted, you can't regain the
> trust squandered over such an obvious and foolish
> move for someone in her position. She needs to
> resign. Not doing so only adds to damage already
> done, and makes it more egregious. We'll see if
> the Whitehouse was serious about having an "open
> and transparent" administration, or if it was just
> an empty campaign promise. Excuses are not
> acceptable actions in this instance, but I suspect
> that's what we will get in the form of
> rationalizations.

You obviously are an intelligent poster with excellent points. As I said earlier, Obama , Lynch, the Clintons, and the majority of the Democrats are corrupt beyond words. This meeting was discovered due to a reporter in Phoenix observing what was going on. Mark my words, Hil-a-lie will skate and the uneducated fools in the country will elect her in Nov.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: Vince Foster ()
Date: July 02, 2016 11:53PM

Bill just wanted to remind her of what happens to people who cross the Clintons.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: yellowcake is not a dessert ()
Date: July 03, 2016 06:37AM

As you celebrate the 4th of July, remember the thousands of our men and women who were killed or maimed fighting in Iraq in a war that was based on a faulty premise. Other than Rand Paul, Ron Paul and Donald Trump, few Republicans dare express regret about that war. But they are happy to spend countless hours talking about Benghazi. Bush lied and thousands of people died.

You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: DMbxM ()
Date: July 03, 2016 07:53AM

yellowcake is not a dessert Wrote:
> As you celebrate the 4th of July, remember the
> thousands of our men and women who were killed or
> maimed fighting in Iraq in a war that was based on
> a faulty premise. Other than Rand Paul, Ron Paul
> and Donald Trump, few Republicans dare express
> regret about that war. But they are happy to
> spend countless hours talking about Benghazi.
> Bush lied and thousands of people died.

You hypocrite! First remove the beam out
> of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to
> remove the speck out of your brother's eye.
> Matthew 7:5

Yup...it's clearly Bush's fault. *yawn*

Time to grow up, little girl.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: yellowcake is not a dessert ()
Date: July 03, 2016 08:14AM

DMbxM Wrote:
> yellowcake is not a dessert Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As you celebrate the 4th of July, remember the
> > thousands of our men and women who were killed
> or
> > maimed fighting in Iraq in a war that was based
> on
> > a faulty premise. Other than Rand Paul, Ron
> Paul
> > and Donald Trump, few Republicans dare express
> > regret about that war. But they are happy to
> > spend countless hours talking about Benghazi.
> > Bush lied and thousands of people died.
> >

You hypocrite! First remove the beam
> out
> > of your own eye, and then you can see clearly
> to
> > remove the speck out of your brother's eye.
> > Matthew 7:5
> Yup...it's clearly Bush's fault. *yawn*
> Time to grow up, little girl.

This point was about posters, not Bush. But that obviously sailed right over your head. Have your mom read the post and explain it to you.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: 3uDc7 ()
Date: July 03, 2016 08:23AM

yellowcake is not a dessert Wrote:
> DMbxM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > yellowcake is not a dessert Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > As you celebrate the 4th of July, remember
> the
> > > thousands of our men and women who were
> killed
> > or
> > > maimed fighting in Iraq in a war that was
> based
> > on
> > > a faulty premise. Other than Rand Paul, Ron
> > Paul
> > > and Donald Trump, few Republicans dare
> express
> > > regret about that war. But they are happy to
> > > spend countless hours talking about Benghazi.
> > > Bush lied and thousands of people died.
> > >

You hypocrite! First remove the beam
> > out
> > > of your own eye, and then you can see clearly
> > to
> > > remove the speck out of your brother's eye.
> > > Matthew 7:5
> >
> >
> > Yup...it's clearly Bush's fault. *yawn*
> >
> > Time to grow up, little girl.
> This point was about posters, not Bush. But that
> obviously sailed right over your head. Have your
> mom read the post and explain it to you.

Your post was nothing but a strawman. Liar.

Time to grow up, little girl.

Clintons are crooked, and that's being generous. They are unethical. NOW, we're back on topic.

See how that work? You poor little publicly educated non-thinker.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: just wrong ()
Date: July 03, 2016 08:50AM

Rationalization #1. Republicans started gulf war, Hillary gets a free pass on actions under her command and control. Therefore, the actions of the ag Loretta Lynch is ancillary due to illegal actoins of others. #2. After 8 years of Bush, it's our turn to behave however we choose because its our turn to be in charge. #3. If a tree falls in bengazi and someone dies, but the Secretary of state isn't there to see it, did it really happen? More importantly, "does it really matter?" (quoting Hillary as not to plagiarize).
Predictable. You can do better than this? Next.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: MkHxh ()
Date: July 03, 2016 09:19AM

yellowcake is not a dessert Wrote:
> As you celebrate the 4th of July, remember the
> thousands of our men and women who were killed or
> maimed fighting in Iraq

While we do need to honor our warfighters, July 4 is actually a holiday to remember those that died almost 250 years ago securing our independence from the Brits, a population of patriots that would puke at the sight of what liberalism has done to this country. They'd probably put down their muskets and ask why bother, rule under the crown would be better than having government destroy what would later be the Bill of Rights via "executive order".

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: yellowcake is not a dessert ()
Date: July 03, 2016 11:23AM

just wrong Wrote:
> Rationalization #1. Republicans started gulf war,
> Hillary gets a free pass on actions under her
> command and control. Therefore, the actions of the
> ag Loretta Lynch is ancillary due to illegal
> actoins of others. #2. After 8 years of Bush, it's
> our turn to behave however we choose because its
> our turn to be in charge. #3. If a tree falls in
> bengazi and someone dies, but the Secretary of
> state isn't there to see it, did it really happen?
> More importantly, "does it really matter?"
> (quoting Hillary as not to plagiarize).
> Predictable. You can do better than this? Next.

Over 4,000 U.S. service members died in Iraq. What is the Republican response? “Yawn.”

Four died in Benghazi. What is the Republican response? “Hillary must pay.”

Where are YOUR principles?

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: yPppe ()
Date: July 03, 2016 11:25AM

yellowcake is not a dessert Wrote:
> just wrong Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Rationalization #1. Republicans started gulf
> war,
> > Hillary gets a free pass on actions under her
> > command and control. Therefore, the actions of
> the
> > ag Loretta Lynch is ancillary due to illegal
> > actoins of others. #2. After 8 years of Bush,
> it's
> > our turn to behave however we choose because
> its
> > our turn to be in charge. #3. If a tree falls
> in
> > bengazi and someone dies, but the Secretary of
> > state isn't there to see it, did it really
> happen?
> > More importantly, "does it really matter?"
> > (quoting Hillary as not to plagiarize).
> > Predictable. You can do better than this? Next.
> Over 4,000 U.S. service members died in Iraq.
> What is the Republican response? “Yawn.”
> Four died in Benghazi. What is the Republican
> response? “Hillary must pay.”
> Where are YOUR principles?

Yet, the Clinton's are still crooked, criminal, unethical, and corrupt.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: Inaqurate quote ()
Date: July 03, 2016 12:18PM

just wrong Wrote:
> Rationalization #1. Republicans started gulf war,
> Hillary gets a free pass on actions under her
> command and control. Therefore, the actions of the
> ag Loretta Lynch is ancillary due to illegal
> actoins of others. #2. After 8 years of Bush, it's
> our turn to behave however we choose because its
> our turn to be in charge. #3. If a tree falls in
> bengazi and someone dies, but the Secretary of
> state isn't there to see it, did it really happen?
> More importantly, "does it really matter?"
> (quoting Hillary as not to plagiarize).
> Predictable. You can do better than this? Next.

Why did you just quote part of what she said?

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: just wrong ()
Date: July 03, 2016 07:13PM

I quoted the part that Hillary blurted out towards the end of her testimony before the Senate because I feel it was a spontaneous utterance to her true feelings of the whole incident. I took her at her word at that moment because she appeared angry and still feel that it was the most honest part of everything said to that point. It also sums up what I believe is her true feelings about the incident. Short, relevant, accurate. Trifecta for a good quote. Cheers.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: just wrong ()
Date: July 03, 2016 07:23PM

While I would be more than willing to critique the bush administration's decision to prosecute the gulf war, for the interest of clarity, I prefer for a tighter subject matter, e.g. the attorney general's recent behavior and it's implications on the current election. Since no one from the Bush family is running, I'll call this rrationalization a logical "red herring"and therefore choose to ignore it. Feel free to look up logical fallacies as this is one of the basic 7. 6 to go.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: You lie ()
Date: July 03, 2016 08:04PM

just wrong Wrote:
> I quoted the part that Hillary blurted out towards
> the end of her testimony before the Senate because
> I feel it was a spontaneous utterance to her true
> feelings of the whole incident. I took her at her
> word at that moment because she appeared angry and
> still feel that it was the most honest part of
> everything said to that point. It also sums up
> what I believe is her true feelings about the
> incident. Short, relevant, accurate. Trifecta for
> a good quote. Cheers.

You chose to quote what fit your agenda
So tell me what did theses hearings produce?
Did they come up with a plan to prevent this in the future?

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: dLuy7 ()
Date: July 03, 2016 08:18PM


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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: just wrong ()
Date: July 06, 2016 09:56PM

I have a theory that one of the reasons that the United States is so different from many other countries is that while not corruption free, we do as a whole try to keep it to a reasonable level. We do this by voting for the opposition when it goes to far. They may not always succeed in properly punishing the guilty, but the day we stop trying is the day we slip into third world status. Of late, I sense us stepping precariously close to that line. Hopefully the majority of the public still maintains enough self respect to say no at some point. I guess time will tell.

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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: Clinton crime family ()
Date: July 06, 2016 10:06PM


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Re: William Clinton Corleone
Posted by: silent majority ()
Date: July 07, 2016 06:59AM

just wrong Wrote:
> I have a theory that one of the reasons that the
> United States is so different from many other
> countries is that while not corruption free, we do
> as a whole try to keep it to a reasonable level.
> We do this by voting for the opposition when it
> goes to far. They may not always succeed in
> properly punishing the guilty, but the day we stop
> trying is the day we slip into third world status.
> Of late, I sense us stepping precariously close to
> that line. Hopefully the majority of the public
> still maintains enough self respect to say no at
> some point. I guess time will tell.

I agree. The Koch brothers and the arms manufacturers have almost succeeded in buying the government they want, not to mention the AARP (aka American Association of Rich People).

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