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Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: McNmx ()
Date: July 14, 2016 09:07PM

Hillary was just on O'Rielly, complaining about Europeans not sharing intelligence.

They'll never share it with you because you'll mishandle it. That's why your email scandal matters.

No one will ever share anything they don't want to see on wikileaks with you.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: HjGey ()
Date: July 14, 2016 09:14PM

LOL! Stick with Pokemon Go, dummy.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: CVpMm ()
Date: July 14, 2016 09:29PM


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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: yDUVd ()
Date: July 15, 2016 01:11AM

>Hillary was just on O'Rielly, complaining about Europeans not sharing intelligence.

>They'll never share it with you because you'll mishandle it. That's why your email scandal matters.

>No one will ever share anything they don't want to see on wikileaks with you.

Hillary was just on O'Rielly (Fox News), complaining about Europeans not sharing intelligence.

They'll never share it with you Hillary because you'll (Hillary Clinton) mishandle it. That's why your (Crooked Hillary's) email scandal matters.

No one (The Intelligence Community, including Europeans) will ever share anything (especially intelligence secrets) they don't want to see on wikileaks with you (Crooked Hillary who can't be trusted with little things).

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: eJcFH ()
Date: July 15, 2016 01:13AM

>LOL! Stick with Pokemon Go, dummy.

Is that the best you can do HjGey? Sad.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: Subject says it ()
Date: July 15, 2016 10:59AM

eJcFH Wrote:
> >LOL! Stick with Pokemon Go, dummy.
> Is that the best you can do HjGey? Sad.

Yeah, she wants you to Pokemon Go to the polls! Hahahahahahahahaha! She's fucking hilarious! Can't she get any talent out of all the Hollywood Dems to write her material? Where are all of them for her? Sad.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: Ian Flrming ()
Date: July 15, 2016 11:37AM

yDUVd Wrote:
> No one (The Intelligence Community, including
> Europeans) will ever share anything (especially
> intelligence secrets) they don't want to see on
> wikileaks with you (Crooked Hillary who can't be
> trusted with little things).

LOL! You have no history in the intelligence community at all. The problem here was not Hillary, but the State Department. They do not now and never have had a proper concern or respect for security matters. They think they are the Foreign Service (cue the trumpets) and are therefore too important for all that. It was meanwhile State's responsibility to tell the Secretary what sort of arrangements she could and could not have, but they failed to do so. Just as they did with Colin Powell and Condi Rice, each of whom had similarly problematic e-mail set-ups.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: XDJwD ()
Date: July 15, 2016 11:41AM

Ian Flrming Wrote:
> yDUVd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No one (The Intelligence Community, including
> > Europeans) will ever share anything (especially
> > intelligence secrets) they don't want to see on
> > wikileaks with you (Crooked Hillary who can't
> be
> > trusted with little things).
> LOL! You have no history in the intelligence
> community at all. The problem here was not
> Hillary, but the State Department. They do not
> now and never have had a proper concern or respect
> for security matters. They think they are the
> Foreign Service (cue the trumpets) and are
> therefore too important for all that. It was
> meanwhile State's responsibility to tell the
> Secretary what sort of arrangements she could and
> could not have, but they failed to do so. Just as
> they did with Colin Powell and Condi Rice, each of
> whom had similarly problematic e-mail set-ups.

Oh so your father worked in personnel at Langley? An overpaid loser for sure.

Hillary's intentions were clear and that was to obfuscate and conceal. Not American secrets so much, but her secrets.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: HjGey ()
Date: July 15, 2016 11:46AM

eJcFH Wrote:
> Is that the best you can do HjGey? Sad.

What's sad is the dumpster-grade pap that you little boys and girls post here thinking that you are some sort of winners. You are actually total know-nothing losers who merely babble on and on incoherently, occasionally re-posting worthless tripe from some pointless node on the disinformation media. You are in short what the founders most feared when they considered the future of the republic they had created.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: Progo ()
Date: July 15, 2016 11:54AM

It would be a serious error in judgement for the American people to elect Hillary Clinton as President.

Then again, Gaza keeps electing leaders who do not act in their interest.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: Ian Fleming ()
Date: July 15, 2016 12:00PM

XDJwD Wrote:
> Oh so your father worked in personnel at Langley?
> An overpaid loser for sure.

LOL! You aren't good enough at it to be able to hide the fact that you don't know what you are talking about. All you are is one more street-urchin total dumbass stooge out shooting his damned-fool mouth off with nothing at all behind a single word of it. Again, you have no history in the intelligence community at all.

> Hillary's intentions were clear and that was to
> obfuscate and conceal. Not American secrets so
> much, but her secrets.

As Comey remarked, no prosecutor in the world would have taken up such a case as this one. You do so only because of the abject partisan stupidity that taints your every waking moment as well as those of various other mindless right-wing dumbfucks.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: OJ is innocent too ()
Date: July 15, 2016 12:09PM

Ian Fleming Wrote:
> XDJwD Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh so your father worked in personnel at
> Langley?
> > An overpaid loser for sure.
> LOL! You aren't good enough at it to be able to
> hide the fact that you don't know what you are
> talking about. All you are is one more
> street-urchin total dumbass stooge out shooting
> his damned-fool mouth off with nothing at all
> behind a single word of it. Again, you have no
> history in the intelligence community at all.
> > Hillary's intentions were clear and that was to
> > obfuscate and conceal. Not American secrets so
> > much, but her secrets.
> As Comey remarked, no prosecutor in the world
> would have taken up such a case as this one. You
> do so only because of the abject partisan
> stupidity that taints your every waking moment as
> well as those of various other mindless right-wing
> dumbfucks.

Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman.

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: UnT6D ()
Date: July 15, 2016 12:22PM

Ian Fleming Wrote:
> XDJwD Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh so your father worked in personnel at
> Langley?
> > An overpaid loser for sure.
> LOL! You aren't good enough at it to be able to
> hide the fact that you don't know what you are
> talking about. All you are is one more
> street-urchin total dumbass stooge out shooting
> his damned-fool mouth off with nothing at all
> behind a single word of it. Again, you have no
> history in the intelligence community at all.
> > Hillary's intentions were clear and that was to
> > obfuscate and conceal. Not American secrets so
> > much, but her secrets.
> As Comey remarked, no prosecutor in the world
> would have taken up such a case as this one. You
> do so only because of the abject partisan
> stupidity that taints your every waking moment as
> well as those of various other mindless right-wing
> dumbfucks.

So are you with the "Agency"? OMG do tell us some stories!

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: I love America ()
Date: July 15, 2016 12:32PM

Progo Wrote:
> It would be a serious error in judgement for the
> American people to elect Hillary Clinton as
> President.
> Then again, Gaza keeps electing leaders who do not
> act in their interest.

Hillary thinks America is great
Trump does not

I'll go with the person who thinks its great

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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: Part of the retarded 6% ()
Date: July 15, 2016 12:40PM

Ian Fleming Wrote:
> XDJwD Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh so your father worked in personnel at
> Langley?
> > An overpaid loser for sure.
> LOL! You aren't good enough at it to be able to
> hide the fact that you don't know what you are
> talking about. All you are is one more
> street-urchin total dumbass stooge out shooting
> his damned-fool mouth off with nothing at all
> behind a single word of it. Again, you have no
> history in the intelligence community at all.
> > Hillary's intentions were clear and that was to
> > obfuscate and conceal. Not American secrets so
> > much, but her secrets.
> As Comey remarked, no prosecutor in the world
> would have taken up such a case as this one. You
> do so only because of the abject partisan
> stupidity that taints your every waking moment as
> well as those of various other mindless right-wing
> dumbfucks.

Sucks to be you LOL

Only 6% Believe Hillary did nothing wrong...


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Re: Hillary you stupid cunt
Posted by: Landslide ()
Date: July 15, 2016 12:42PM

I love America Wrote:
> Progo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It would be a serious error in judgement for
> the
> > American people to elect Hillary Clinton as
> > President.
> >
> > Then again, Gaza keeps electing leaders who do
> not
> > act in their interest.
> Hillary thinks America is great
> Trump does not
> I'll go with the person who thinks its great

Only 25% of Americans think the US is heading in the right direction. Once again, Hillary is on the wrong side of an issue. Trump should destroy her in November.

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