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Terrorists for Hillary!
Posted by: nWUT9 ()
Date: August 09, 2016 09:16AM

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Re: Terrorists for Hillary!
Posted by: Muslims Kill Gays (and Enjoy) ()
Date: August 09, 2016 07:04PM

An angry man who hated homosexuals kills scores of people.

His father hates homosexuals as well.

But, there he is, right behind Hillary Rodham Clinton. She welcomes his hatred, because he might bring more Muslim votes.

So, she wants homosexual votes, but then she wants Muslim votes.

Hey Gay Dudes: Muslims want to kill you. They invent horrific ways to kill gays.

The typical Muslim way to kill gays is to bind him up with his hands behind his back, and push him off a building about 40 feet up. You see, if it were 100 feet up, the gay dude would die instantly. But at 40 feet up, the gay dude writhes in pain, while the Muslims come up and kick, stomp, and stone the gay dude.

You gays who vote Democrat are drinking the Kool-Aid.

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Re: Terrorists for Hillary!
Posted by: File This Under Duh! ()
Date: August 10, 2016 07:24AM

America-haters know that voting democrat is the surest way to destroy the USA. Of course they, like felons and illegals, are going to support whatever trash the DNC nominates for office.

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