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Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Bugs Bunny ()
Date: August 09, 2016 02:19PM


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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Hillary is ()
Date: August 09, 2016 02:40PM

I don't know about mickey, but I sure as shit know Hillary is a bigger liar than Donald. Let's take a look:

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: You are... ()
Date: August 09, 2016 03:36PM

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: idiots abound ()
Date: August 09, 2016 04:14PM

Everyone knows what a liar Hillary is. The best defense is a good offense. This is why the left is trying so hard to portray Trump as a liar. He has been accused of many things. Being a liar has not traditionally been one of them.

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Chris Mcfeely ()
Date: August 09, 2016 04:28PM

You are... Wrote:
> Donald ...
> https://youtu.be/O70dSyX2pvg

I don't dispute that he has contradicted himself. I've seen him do it a number of times. The difference between him and Hillary is that he's not a polished politician that has been just about bred for DC. Hillary still gets caught up in lies in spite of all I just wrote. She flipflops on anything so long as she thinks it will get her votes. She's just as munch a demagogue as Trump is. The problem is she just has teleprompters making her nonsense sound better.

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Indeed, you are an idiot ()
Date: August 09, 2016 05:01PM

idiots abound Wrote:
> Everyone knows what a liar Hillary is. The best
> defense is a good offense. This is why the left is
> trying so hard to portray Trump as a liar. He has
> been accused of many things. Being a liar has not
> traditionally been one of them.

You should move beyond his talks with Meatloaf on The Apprentice.

"The left is trying so hard"????

Here's Fox News

Wall Street Journal


World Net Daily


Mark Levin from Brietbart


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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: brinkley ()
Date: August 09, 2016 05:20PM

idiots abound Wrote:
> Everyone knows what a liar Hillary is. The best
> defense is a good offense. This is why the left is
> trying so hard to portray Trump as a liar. He has
> been accused of many things. Being a liar has not
> traditionally been one of them.

If you truly believe this, you are in need of psychiatric care. Historians are in universal agreement agreement that no other Presidential candidate in recent memory has come close to Trump in terms of the number of untrue statements. It is simply not close. Even his wife lied about graduating from college. She probably lied about her immigration status, too. She even plagiarized. You have been duped.

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Hillary is the Biggest Liar ()
Date: August 09, 2016 07:01PM

While Trump was building buildings in the 1990s, Hillary was a consummate prevaricator.

Let me remind you naifs of her special vocabulary: "I don't recall."

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Dim bulb ()
Date: August 10, 2016 12:27AM

Hillary is the Biggest Liar Wrote:
> While Trump was building buildings in the 1990s,
> Hillary was a consummate prevaricator.

'building Buildings'? Lol!!!!

Like the Taj Mahal in 1990???
Financed with $675 million in junk bonds at a 14% interest rate, the project entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy the following year. Banks and bondholders, facing potential losses of hundreds of millions of dollars, opted to restructure the debt. The Taj Mahal emerged from bankruptcy on October 5, 1991, with Trump ceding 50 percent ownership in the casino to the bondholders in exchange for lowered interest rates and more time to pay off the debt. He also sold his financially challenged Trump Shuttle airline and his 282-foot (86 m) megayacht, the Trump Princess. The property was repurchased in 1996 and consolidated into Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, which filed for bankruptcy in 2004 with $1.8 billion in debt, filing again for bankruptcy five years later with $50 million in assets and $500 million in debt. The restructuring ultimately left Trump with 10% ownership in the Trump Taj Mahal and other Trump casino properties. Trump served as chairman of the organization, which was renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts.

Trump is good at bizness! Derp.

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Left leaning ()
Date: August 10, 2016 10:08AM

I have no doubt that Left leaning, liberal historians would say that about Trump. They're terrified that Trump is going to be elected President.

brinkley Wrote:
> idiots abound Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Everyone knows what a liar Hillary is. The best
> > defense is a good offense. This is why the left
> is
> > trying so hard to portray Trump as a liar. He
> has
> > been accused of many things. Being a liar has
> not
> > traditionally been one of them.
> If you truly believe this, you are in need of
> psychiatric care. Historians are in universal
> agreement agreement that no other Presidential
> candidate in recent memory has come close to Trump
> in terms of the number of untrue statements. It
> is simply not close. Even his wife lied about
> graduating from college. She probably lied about
> her immigration status, too. She even
> plagiarized. You have been duped.

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: More winners than losers ()
Date: August 10, 2016 10:25AM

Trump has a few bankruptcys but far more success than most libtards could ever imagine.

When Hillary and Obozo fail, they just print more money.

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Blood From Her ()
Date: August 10, 2016 10:31AM

It's tough to top conman Trump when it comes to being a good liar or flip flopping on what a statement "really meant."

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Re: Is Mickey a bigger liar than Donald?
Posted by: Derpers gonna derp. ()
Date: August 10, 2016 12:11PM

More winners than losers Wrote:
> Trump has a few bankruptcys but far more success
> than most libtards could ever imagine.
> When Hillary and Obozo fail, they just print more
> money.

Hillary has been a First Lady, US Senator, and Secretary of State
all positions that have no control of printing 'more money'.

Obama is the President and has been been a US Senator, all positions that have no control of printing 'more money'.

The Federal Reserve 'prints more money'.
It is based on a federal system that comprises a central governmental agency (the Board of Governors) in Washington, DC and 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks that are each responsible for a specific geographic area of the U.S. The Federal Reserve Bank is considered to be independent because its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or any other government official.

Keep on derpin' in the free world!

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