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maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: 9/11 happened ()
Date: December 03, 2016 08:35AM

banksters attacked USA on 9/11, why ?

patriots (real men, not metro snowflakes) fight against enslavement and for the constitution...so spill their blood in mideast on useless wars

a debt free usa would not be enslaved to debt owning fed reserve...so create trillions of dollars from nothing to create wars, refugees around the world and put the usa on the hook to pay it back (fed reserve and irs working together for wars as they did from the start with world war 1)

never has a steel building collapsed from fires...before or after 9/11...but on 9/11 THREE buildings collapsed...the third building is world trade center 7 (wtc7)...not hit by a plane and collapses exactly like a controlled demolition

use your God given common sense or believe the lying crooked media...your choice


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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: Get back on your meds, Gerry ()
Date: December 03, 2016 08:53AM

Um, ok. And Hitler was a sasquatch that arrived on a UFO. You need to use a thicker gauge metal in your tin foil hat.

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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: uhepL ()
Date: December 03, 2016 08:59AM

now that the brainwashed snowflakes have been truly and well represented....

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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: What the fuck is maga anyway ()
Date: December 03, 2016 09:52AM

9/11 happened Wrote:
> banksters attacked USA on 9/11, why ?
> patriots (real men, not metro snowflakes) fight
> against enslavement and for the constitution...so
> spill their blood in mideast.....

Unless, of course, "banksters" wrote the Constitution.... wouldn't that be mindfuck? Maybe George Washington had a secret pact with the space aliens- lets throw in a conspiratorial cabal of Freemasons into the mix!
The what do the real men do? Grab a bottle of lube and get it on with the "metro snowflakes"?

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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: YWW7P ()
Date: December 03, 2016 10:07AM

sanders folks are a mixed crowd...the antiwar, antibank folks are actually not too far from MAGA folks...they are strong and open minded enough to see the common interest for people against banksters...

then there are the snowflakes who only care about having their gender confused empty lifestyles validated...Bernie and Hillary might pretend to care about you...but just like yourself...they despise your lifestyle beyond caring that you are easily manipulated fools

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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: U Retardates ()
Date: December 03, 2016 12:18PM


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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: LpxkE ()
Date: December 03, 2016 04:24PM

are all the butt hurt snowflake responses OP ? what the heck is OP anyway ?

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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: just saying ()
Date: December 03, 2016 06:05PM

Popular mechanics had a whole issue devoted to debunking all the outlandish claims of explosives and government agencies causing this act of terrorism. I watched the second plan hit. I Had friends in the Pentagon when the plane hit. I'm also a metal worker and welder. Ive read the engineering data and have demolished buildings on a smaller scale, and it all fits fine with known engineering norms. I'm not usually into labeling, but I have to say that you are an idiot.

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Re: maga will never happen if 9-11 lies keep happening
Posted by: W4HND ()
Date: December 03, 2016 08:36PM

did you watch the video ? do you realize a THIRD building fell and it was not hit by a plane ? i will go ahead and give you a no on both of those..but you go ahead and believe everything the lying crooked media tells you...just like an idiot

just saying Wrote:
> Popular mechanics had a whole issue devoted to
> debunking all the outlandish claims of explosives
> and government agencies causing this act of
> terrorism. I watched the second plan hit. I Had
> friends in the Pentagon when the plane hit. I'm
> also a metal worker and welder. Ive read the
> engineering data and have demolished buildings on
> a smaller scale, and it all fits fine with known
> engineering norms. I'm not usually into labeling,
> but I have to say that you are an idiot.

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