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Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: Alexandria Is A Northern State ()
Date: August 12, 2017 08:33AM

Alexandria’s City Council voted to strip the name of the president of the Confederacy from U.S. 1, Jefferson Davis Highway several months ago.

The City Manager will forward suggestions for a new name to the City Council.

The Jefferson Davis Highway designation represents pride in Confederate history and heritage for most Americans, but as with the renaming of schools in Fairfax County, there are a few small politically astute outside groups that are adept at forcing their will on local communities.

The cost to the city to replace road signs is in the $20,000 range. That does not include costs to businesses along the route to rebrand their location and notify their customers, which is expected to run into the millions of dollars.

The officially titled Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Renaming Jefferson Davis Highway includes a former president of the Arlington Historical Society, Gerry Laporte and Elmer Lowe, Sr. a former president of the Arlington branch of the NAACP.

The group includes Arlington-based members because most of Alexandria residents oppose the change. The Arlington County Board has no plans to change the road name in their county.

Suggestions for a new name for Jefferson Davis Highway can be anonymously submitted here:


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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: Billy.T.Sherman ()
Date: August 12, 2017 08:37AM

Yup...erasing the Confederacy's participation trophies continues. Don't like being erased? Don't lose the war. Filthy, slaving, loser traitors...that's the South.

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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: By any other name ()
Date: August 14, 2017 04:44PM

Woman, who had her car stolen, being statement officer.

Woman: and then, he shoved me aside and..
Cop: ...aside. Yes. Are you hurt?

Woman: Well, my monolo blanc's are ruined!! See. Right there.. it's got scratch.
Cop: um, ma'am, that's the bottom of the shoe..and, okay. What color was your vehicle?

Woman: it was deep sunset rose solange carmine metallic.

Cop: red.

Woman: no!! I said it was deep sunset roads solange carmine metallic!

Cop: yeah- red.

Meanwhile, I've had this nasty sinus infection induced migrain (also, a bit gassy) so I'm havin a little go dissing out if "....represents pride in Confederate History and heritage for most Americans.." is ironic, tongue-in-cheek, snarky, or delusionally sincere.

Please, define "most Americans" in this context 'cause I'm thinking Charlottesville might disagree with you: and quite famously.

The confeds gave it a go and they lost. The rest of the same world is having a little bit understanding this latching in to the good ole slave owning fixation.
Kinda like having had to sit next to Justin Bieber on long flight; it happened. acknowledged it, but it's never to be spoken of....ever.

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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: redneck white trash hillbillies ()
Date: August 14, 2017 06:14PM

> Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council
> Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway

It's highly doubtful President Davis ever even travelled that section of road-- because Alexandria was a Union city throughout the civil war! So it's not erasing history- he never had anything to do with the place. Why the heck was it named after him in the first place, is a better question. If you want to name things after confederates, at least pick stuff that's relevant, not forcing it upon people.

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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: James P. Moron ()
Date: August 14, 2017 06:37PM

Name it after me.

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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: End the drama ()
Date: August 14, 2017 06:47PM

Good God - Give it a fucking rest.

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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: Contra-Ponies ()
Date: August 14, 2017 07:49PM

James P. Moron Wrote:
> Name it after me.

Okay! I second that questionable suggest.
Sure can't be any worse than slapping Reagan's name on it.

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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: Nguyen ()
Date: August 14, 2017 07:55PM

Confederate status have now become the rallying cry for racists who want to kick out non.whites out the country.

I say dismantle them all now, or the alt.right has won this war. They can't be allowed to remain.

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Re: Erasing History Continues: Racist Alexandria City Council Seeks New Name For Jefferson Davis Highway
Posted by: Dustin ()
Date: August 14, 2017 08:02PM

I dated a girl named Uyen.
Made for some unintentionally funny conversations.

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