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Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: FCPS SRO STORY ()
Date: July 15, 2018 09:24AM

Nice to know school security is not the top priority any longer. This story makes me really glad my kids are out of FCPS. The upshot of this effort is to allow minority students to be disruptive and exhibit anti-social behavior without any consequences.

I think it would be best if FCPS studied what these kinds of efforts brought about in Minnesota.


The fact that kids are getting arrested for disorderly conduct in middle school is pretty ridiculous: only ridiculous in the sense that it is ridiculous that it is necessary.


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Re: Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: hdfnh ()
Date: July 15, 2018 09:58AM

WTF? The NAACP finds that wanting to put police in elementary schools is "a little concerning and strange."

Guess they never heard of Sandy Hook.

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Re: Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: chimp out monitor ()
Date: July 15, 2018 12:15PM

Remember, if more niglets get punished - it's racist.

Never mind that they commit a proportionately high number of offenses, that is irrelevant to the libtards.

As this happens more and more, does anyone wonder why the world despises niggers.

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Re: Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: Ernest ()
Date: July 15, 2018 01:01PM

"The SRO Community Review Committee consists of 17 members representing civil rights advocacy organizations such as the Fairfax County NAACP"

So is it just blacks that have racial representation?

“We were looking to get someone from all different cultures and communities, because their issue might not be the same as ours,”

How can that be? We are all supposed to be the same, right?

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Re: Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: Re@list ()
Date: July 16, 2018 09:35AM


Statistics don't lie.

The SRO program is a joke. Same caliber of people hiding out in schools as the guy @ Parkland.

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Re: Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: all cops should be black ()
Date: July 16, 2018 10:31AM

then maybe libs can shut the fuck up the next time the cops snuff out a gangbanger in the hood

nah it would still be whitey's fault

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Re: Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: The FCPS School Board are IDIOTS ()
Date: July 16, 2018 11:29AM

Thanks for sharing OP, and linking both articles. As usual... City Journal did an excellent job of clear eyed reporting, what the statistics underlying the increased violence look like, how public officials manipulate statistics so that they align with public policy initiatives... and how activists drive all of this nonsense.

FCPS are on a negative trajectory... it’s obvious. The school board clearly loves activists and politically correct policies, and uses input from activist groups on any number of major decisions. In this case, Fairfax NAACP has clearly provided misleading info in order to change policies district wide with respect to SROs.

A PROFESSIONAL and RESPONSIBLE school board would call them out on providing misleading information in a BLATANT attempt to manipulate public policy in order to advantage one minority group, while compromising general safety and the learning environment of everyone else. But it will be a cold day in hell before the FCPS Board can figure that out. These morons are like a bunch of feeble minded cats chasing laser pointers... if you put a mindless politically correct policy initiative in front of them, these idiots will bite and waste time and money on it... EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Smart parents with little kids should MOVE NOW. Or try and attend private. By the time your young kids make it to high school around here, schools are going to be full of chaos and gangs, and test scores down down down... because of the present focus on dumb ass politically correct crap like this by our low IQ school board.

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Re: Transparency, racial profiling among top BOS concerns for FCPS resource officers
Posted by: NAACP wanking about FCPD ()
Date: July 16, 2018 12:45PM

Check out this stupidity. Democrats are now demanding the Fairfax police chief APOLOGIZE to the clown from Fairfax NAACP, because the police chief accused the NAACP guy of misrepresenting the data on arrests and using it unethically.


As usual, black people wanking about arrest rates, accusing people of being racist and misrepresenting facts all ver the place. Then... when someone dares to call them out, the Dems outrage machine kicks into gear, and they demand the police apologize to the liars with the NAACP.

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