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Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Resonse from SCOTUS ()
Date: March 04, 2020 05:36PM

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Vote them out! ()
Date: March 04, 2020 05:45PM

Sounds like Shitbag Schumer stepped in it. What a piece of dog shit he is. Along with Piglosi.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Ccrider ()
Date: March 04, 2020 07:07PM

See how triggered Dematards get when they can't kill babys.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: I LOVE TRUMP & PENCE ()
Date: March 04, 2020 07:25PM

Ccrider Wrote:
> See how triggered Dematards get when they can't
> kill babys.

There was a chick on South Park that was actually addicted to getting abortions! That is the way the demo-craps want for our children!

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: No Guns To Grab Yet Chuckels ()
Date: March 04, 2020 07:26PM

Did not get to burn the Bill of Rights huh Nazi Police State supporter

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Registered Democrat ()
Date: March 04, 2020 07:36PM

Fake news Chuckles would do no such thing he's a "Rule of Law" Democrat

Cite the source please Trumptards

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Cheese Slipped Off His Cracker ()
Date: March 04, 2020 07:45PM

NO BS Its True and So Slickly SO


Chucklies has seen the writing on the wall . Democrats will lose it all in Nov 2020

When the F.S.A did not show for Bernie Chuck knew all his leeches will be blowing dope and no way do they care to vote plus he's getting his secret codes from the libs on the high court and that NYC Gun Control case and California's magazine ban is going to bite him on his NY ass

Next time he pulls this crazy shit "Chief" tell the Court Marshall to lock his ass up , its legal as long as he did not call for a vote to keep his ass out of the slammer

DAJAX Ya you can take my word for it Chief LOL

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Joe Bidens navy secretary ()
Date: March 04, 2020 09:10PM

If joe Biden wins,
Hunter can be secreatary of the navy

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Slow Joe Loses In Nov To Trump ()
Date: March 04, 2020 10:34PM

First he must push Bernie under the bus wheels and he will , the rest of the states wait as Florida is filled with the FSA look at Maryland Monkey Co and PG could put Bernie over the top

FSA = Free Shit Army

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Me or ()
Date: March 04, 2020 10:44PM

I don’t see anything wrong with that statement. Very vague “wait and see what happens” type of comment. Calling it a threat is a stretch.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Liberal hate machine ()
Date: March 04, 2020 11:08PM

Me or Wrote:

> I don’t see anything wrong with that statement.
> Very vague “wait and see what happens” type of
> comment. Calling it a threat is a stretch.

Shut up commie..

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Gee set using ()
Date: March 04, 2020 11:30PM

Liberal hate machine Wrote:
> Me or Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don’t see anything wrong with that
> statement.
> > Very vague “wait and see what happens” type
> of
> > comment. Calling it a threat is a stretch.
> Shut up commie..

I’m sorry my opinion hurt your feelings.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: NoVa hater ()
Date: March 05, 2020 02:42AM

Me or Wrote:
> I don’t see anything wrong with that statement.
> Very vague “wait and see what happens” type of
> comment. Calling it a threat is a stretch.

You are an idiot.

I quote - "I want to tell you Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch: You have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price."

That last part could be construed as a threat...not necessarily for physical harm, but "harm" has many legal connotations.

So, please, continue....

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: vkvej ()
Date: March 05, 2020 10:18AM

NoVa hater Wrote:
> Me or Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don’t see anything wrong with that
> statement.
> > Very vague “wait and see what happens” type
> of
> > comment. Calling it a threat is a stretch.
> You are an idiot.
> I quote - "I want to tell you Justice Kavanaugh
> and Justice Gorsuch: You have unleashed a
> whirlwind, and you will pay the price."
> That last part could be construed as a
> threat...not necessarily for physical harm, but
> "harm" has many legal connotations.
> So, please, continue....

"You will not know what hit you"

That is a threat. Bottom line is that this is what real obstruction of justice looks like. Direct intimidation of justices deciding a court case. Roger Stone is headed to jail for tiddlywinks - Schumer should be arrested and put on trial. If a jury decides it is OK then so be it. But he should not be allowed to get away with intimidating judges.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Rev. Al ()
Date: March 05, 2020 10:39AM

Speaking the truth is NOT a threat

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: pandora’s box ()
Date: March 05, 2020 11:02AM

Trump has made much worse threats against people during his presidency, so you’re just gonna have to deal with, fuckheads. This is the way things go now, so deal with it. Thank your clown-faced superhero for setting the new precedent.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: pe49m ()
Date: March 05, 2020 11:12AM

pandora’s box Wrote:
> Trump has made much worse threats against people
> during his presidency, so you’re just gonna have
> to deal with, fuckheads. This is the way things
> go now, so deal with it. Thank your clown-faced
> superhero for setting the new precedent.

Oh, we'll deal with it very soon, cocksucker.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: emjx4 ()
Date: March 05, 2020 11:21AM

pandora’s box Wrote:
> Trump has made much worse threats against people
> during his presidency, so you’re just gonna have
> to deal with, fuckheads. This is the way things
> go now, so deal with it. Thank your clown-faced
> superhero for setting the new precedent.

Wrong asshat. Criticizing people, making fun of them, etc. is not making threats.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Old Men - Limp Weiners ()
Date: March 05, 2020 11:55AM

He actually passionate about old men NOT telling young women what to do with their bodies.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: trump is the mang! ()
Date: March 05, 2020 12:06PM

emjx4 Wrote:
> Wrong asshat. Criticizing people, making fun of
> them, etc. is not making threats.

Trump could phone in a bomb threat to a children’s hospital and not lose a single vote.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Uncle Ralph ()
Date: March 05, 2020 12:45PM

A problem will always defy solution until you discover its root.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Well done ()
Date: March 06, 2020 04:24AM

Maybe Chuck finally fucked himself.


With plenty of case law citations.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: The Ugly Face Of Democrat Hate ()
Date: March 06, 2020 12:31PM

Democrat Charles Schumer hides behind the 1st amendment while he attacks US Supreme Court Justices with threats of death to suppress their opinions in a abortion case so abortionists can kill more unborn children

All the while Schumer is destroying the 2nd amendment rights of the people to keep and bear arms

Charles Schumer (D) NY further brings extremely ugly division between the American people . He is one of those Democrats who started the hate toward their fellow Americans who voted for President Trump when the President won election in 2016 .

Schumer must be brought to the bar of justice with his open death threats to two justices NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW ! OBEY THE RULE OF LAW CHUCK!

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Mother Teresa ()
Date: March 07, 2020 07:19AM

Every democrat is a vile, hate-filled piece of shit.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Urgent Warning ()
Date: March 07, 2020 05:58PM


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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: Schumer =good guy ()
Date: March 07, 2020 07:40PM

Schumer is a good guy.
He has supper at 1630 and goes to bed by 1900

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: scvge ()
Date: March 07, 2020 09:44PM

Mother Teresa Wrote:
> Every democrat is a vile, hate-filled piece of
> shit.

Thanks for stating the obvious.

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Re: Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Imbecile) threatens two SCOTUS justices
Posted by: mtxee ()
Date: March 08, 2020 12:03PM

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