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A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: MAGA ()
Date: July 31, 2020 10:37PM

This couple thought it was okay to throw her coffee at me for not wearing a mask while I was eating my breakfast burrito. I pummeled him but I refused to press charges and ask the cops to make them apologize to me and they did. Video to follow, whole thing was captured on my friend's body cam.


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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: I smell.. ()
Date: July 31, 2020 10:39PM


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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: Djsbsjn ()
Date: August 01, 2020 04:19AM

I smell.. Wrote:
> bullshit

It’s a true story about didn’t happen to OP unless he’s an electrician in LA.

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: what a cuck the boyfriend is ()
Date: August 01, 2020 07:31AM

Here's the video. It's long and boring imo.


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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: Phil M ()
Date: August 01, 2020 07:36AM

Well those faggot libtards are rethinking their virtue signal efforts. How's that lip feeling. I would have finished him off.

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: The bitch did the fighting ()
Date: August 01, 2020 07:54AM

Phil M Wrote:
> Well those faggot libtards are rethinking their
> virtue signal efforts. How's that lip feeling. I
> would have finished him off.

The libcuck was going down hard until the whore (who started it btw) jumped on the MAGA alpha and started ripping his shirt off from behind. Then she got in front of her faggy boyfriend to protect him. The electrician stopped pounded the little pussy because he didn't want to hit the cunt. The libfag didn't even land a punch. Pathetic.

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: call the cuck hotline for help ()
Date: August 01, 2020 07:58AM

cuck hotline.jpeg

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: cckjy ()
Date: August 01, 2020 08:44AM

I smell.. Wrote:
> bullshit

Then stop eating bullshit.

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You think they'll be unfriended?
Posted by: ouch!! ()
Date: August 01, 2020 08:52AM

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Re: You think they'll be unfriended?
Posted by: pvkle ()
Date: August 01, 2020 08:57AM

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: holy shit ()
Date: August 01, 2020 09:38AM

is that a sharpie tattoo on the libshits chest???

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: mmmmmahhhhhdiiiii ()
Date: August 01, 2020 09:52AM

owl watch the video later but if this is true....


you are a hero

when these covid 19 zombie trash give you dirty looks they thinking about doing physical harm to you

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: NOVAisBETTER ()
Date: August 01, 2020 10:11AM

this is what patriots look like in 2020, fuck you wiggers for not wearing a mask

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: go away now ()
Date: August 02, 2020 04:50AM

> this is what patriots look like in 2020, fuck you
> wiggers for not wearing a mask

you really really suck at this

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: Luke. ()
Date: August 02, 2020 05:17AM

Life comes at you fast when you're a libshit.

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: Paul Harvey ()
Date: August 02, 2020 10:34AM

Here's the story .....


What don't you fucking idiots not get??? YOU DON'T NEED A FUCKING MASK OUTSIDE!!!!!!!

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: NOVAisBETTER ()
Date: August 02, 2020 11:15AM

go away now Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > this is what patriots look like in 2020, fuck
> you
> > wiggers for not wearing a mask
> you really really suck at this

is that why you won't hop off my cock?

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: mmmmmahhhhdiiii ()
Date: August 02, 2020 12:09PM

> go away now Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > NOVAisBETTER Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > this is what patriots look like in 2020, fuck
> > you
> > > wiggers for not wearing a mask
> >
> >
> > you really really suck at this
> is that why you won't hop off my cock?

so the edomite psuedo "jew" baby kkkiller "novaisbetter" supports mask wearing da rona zombies throwing hot beverages at folks who are trying to enjoy their meal....you are truly a blessing to this board Esau...post more often...people need to know your true nature

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: mmmmmmmahhhhdiiiii ()
Date: August 02, 2020 12:12PM

"Human beings must breathe oxygen . . . to survive, and begin to suffer adverse health effects when the oxygen level of their breathing air drops below [19.5 percent oxygen]. Below 19.5 percent oxygen . . . , air is considered oxygen-deficient. At concentrations of 16 to 19.5 percent, workers engaged in any form of exertion can rapidly become symptomatic as their tissues fail to obtain the oxygen necessary to function properly"


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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: Caller of BS ()
Date: August 02, 2020 12:25PM

What a great story to wake up to. Self entitled white Karen opens up her ignorant mouth and starts fight with two guys who indulge her politely until she violently throws hot coffee on them. One beats the shit out of cuckold pussyhat wearing libtard boyfriend who then calls cops. Probably the same cops he wants defunded, and never mentions his bitch started the whole thing. Total eunuch. Hope he gets beat up again

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: Paul Harvey ()
Date: August 03, 2020 12:53PM

The reason for the bad camera angles is because the guy apparently wears a body cam on his waist to recorded triggered libtards all the time.

There is a longer video that shows the man calling the police to report being assaulted by "Trump supporters". Hernandez says the man will need to “get your story straight”.“You threw the coffee first, stupid,” Roy says when the man is calling the police.The video goes on to show Roy and Hernandez explain to the police what happened. Hernandez said that he wore a Trump MAGA 2020 hat on the day and a body-cam on his waist. Hernandez said the police made the couple apologize, so he and Roy declined pressing charges. On July 31, the City of Manhattan Beach recorded 264 cases and four deaths of coronavirus. The city issued an emergency service order on July 15 to ask residents to wear a cloth face covering and will issue a fine to those who violate the order.

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: Sister Mary ()
Date: August 03, 2020 07:53PM

Every woke libtard hypocrite needs an asskicking. If you do it right, their lives will improve and they will eventually thank you for showing them the error of the dumbass ways. Tough love - they need some.

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Re: A well-deserved ass kicking has taken place! It's a wonderful thing
Posted by: What a Cuck ()
Date: August 03, 2020 08:31PM

Deserved to be beaten. Probably takes a strap on from that bitchy woman of his

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