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Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Back in 1989 flashback ()
Date: August 02, 2020 09:23AM

John W. Jenrette Jr. was one of the many Democrats convicted in the ABSCAM investigation. His wife Rita, later went on to appear in Playboy magazine.



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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Paul Harvey ()
Date: August 02, 2020 10:42AM

She divorced him when he went to jail and then married an Italian Prince. She is now Princess Rita.

Looks like some face lifting going on.

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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: MT9DV ()
Date: August 02, 2020 10:50AM

He banged Rita on the Capitol Steps.

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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Bud. ()
Date: August 02, 2020 10:55AM


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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Caller of BS ()
Date: August 02, 2020 11:27AM

She looks like a horse. Neigh!

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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: spitful old prick ()
Date: August 02, 2020 01:41PM

Paul Harvey Wrote:
> She divorced him when he went to jail and then
> married an Italian Prince. She is now Princess
> Rita.
> Looks like some face lifting going on.

Fucking ugly ass bitch is what that is. Best thing they could do when she goes in for her next procedure is to nick an artery.

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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Bragger of Things ()
Date: August 02, 2020 02:50PM

MT9DV Wrote:
> He banged Rita on the Capitol Steps.

I did a chick at the Reflection Pool. She wore a short skirt commando style and sat on my lap. As she wiggled she started to moan. I had to stick my fingers in her mouth as people started to look.

When I did her at her place later, she was a regular lassie. I'm sure her neighbors heard her often.

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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Giddyup ()
Date: August 02, 2020 02:51PM

Caller of BS Wrote:
> She looks like a horse. Neigh!

She's definitely been ridden hard and put away wet.

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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Caller of BS ()
Date: August 03, 2020 07:55PM

Bragger of Things Wrote:
> MT9DV Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He banged Rita on the Capitol Steps.
> I did a chick at the Reflection Pool. She wore a
> short skirt commando style and sat on my lap. As
> she wiggled she started to moan. I had to stick my
> fingers in her mouth as people started to look.
> When I did her at her place later, she was a
> regular lassie. I'm sure her neighbors heard her
> often.

Total bullshit. This poster’s only sex partner is his hand. Dude masturbating in public doesn’t count as sex

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Re: Congressman John W. Jenrette Jr. (D-SC) convicted of shoplifting from Marshall Dept. Store in Baileys Crossroads
Posted by: Baileys Crossroads=ms-13 ()
Date: August 03, 2020 09:19PM

If this shopping center has the edys chicken and old Olive Garden, surprised he wasn’t macheted to death by the locals....
Tons of illegals here

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