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Objectifying Women
Posted by: Troofer ()
Date: March 18, 2021 02:12PM

Despite the last 50+ years of empowering women, angry lesbian movement, and calculated attempt by the media to castrate men...you will not get rid of the evolution of human DNA.

Men are driven by sex. Sure, dudes want a partner as well. But, we can get everything mental and emotional from our male friends. Women have been indoctrinated with a bullshit message that men should appreciate them for who they are rather than as sex objects. Ok. So men should take women out, spend money on them, and appreciate them as people with no guarantee of at least some type of intimacy? No thanks. I can go out with the guys (who pay their own way) and have a great time bullshitting around with no expectations of sexual intimacy. Why are women so different? Shouldn't you pay your own way 100% of the time until there is a sexual commitment? I have never had a piece of ass that was worth the financial expense.

I have plenty of female friends who complain that they can't find a tall, successful guy to date and possibly settle down with. Of course, I think to myself "but you're fat and you fold clothes for a fucking living." The tall successful guy has options. You are not close to a high-quality option. And if you think your nasty fat ass inappropriately wearing yoga pants is going to attract a quality guy, think again. Guys will tap and run (as will plenty of women these days). But don't get all butthurt if he doesn't stick around.

Objectifying is a term that the far left angry man-hating (possibly lesbian) women came up with as a way to control women. It's not controlling men. Dress as sexy as you want. Wear that make-up to hide your flaws. Push-up bra lies, go for it. You aren't doing it for yourself. You are doing it to portray yourself in the best light you can. You are doing it to attract others. The objectifying of women is nothing more than men reacting to the image (usually a sexual) you broadcast.

Now, eat your pizza and donuts and then go get that 6'2" stud model you deserve. I'm sure he will appreciate you for friendship.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Where’s like button ()
Date: March 18, 2021 02:32PM

Are you sayin only skinny chics that don’t wear make up should survive

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Troofer ()
Date: March 18, 2021 02:37PM

Where’s like button Wrote:
> Are you sayin only skinny chics that don’t wear
> make up should survive

"Skinny" is a term used today by fat women to describe athletic women

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: DNA ()
Date: March 18, 2021 03:18PM

Speaking of DNA. It goes beyond that fit, skinny chick. Does she really enjoy sex. If she's a passive, wet washcloth in the bedroom, then guess what, you'll begin to prefer anything better than that!!! Second, is her mom still hot??? If she's an angry tub of lard, then guess what your hot babe is gonna turn into??? Last, if you think your fatherless, trailer trash whore can be trained to be a motherly, warm harted partner, good luck!!! She's probably gonna fuck your brother, your friend AND your dad!!!

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Positive ()
Date: March 18, 2021 03:26PM

I'm positive not my brother dad possible

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: kdshjfewvhwj ()
Date: March 18, 2021 03:34PM

The discussion on the definition of a woman's shape is NOT about body shaming. I just want to make sure it's clear to you triggered people hanging out just hoping for something to be offended about.

The discussion is about having a realistic view of body shape. Be fat if you want. Just don't call it curvy. Fat is fat, and that's ok. Just don't expect to date a lean muscular guy with an athletic lifestyle unless he happens to have a fetish for fatties.
real scale.png

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: I'm k. I think I'm gay. ()
Date: March 18, 2021 04:02PM

i suck 3 cocks today!


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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Only3 ()
Date: March 18, 2021 07:00PM


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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: ViennaInndian ()
Date: March 18, 2021 08:49PM

8 Yoga Toned Young Vibrant Clean Happy No Mess Best

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Mark Ultra ()
Date: March 21, 2021 06:51AM

Guys, do you think that all men have a high level of sex constitution? Well, it does not work that way. Take a look at the percentage of men who suffer from different sexual issues that make them inactive. I was in that row as well. If you want to get back to a normal life Visit Uk Meds.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: poobear ()
Date: March 21, 2021 11:48PM

Women are yucky

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: gfahdshg ()
Date: March 22, 2021 09:33AM

Mark Ultra Wrote:
> Guys, do you think that all men have a high level
> of sex constitution? Well, it does not work that
> way. Take a look at the percentage of men who
> suffer from different sexual issues that make them
> inactive.

Yeah, it's potentially caused by a few issues.

1. Poor diet/lifestyle: ED, erectile dysfunction, and what docs call Early Death is only a symptom of heart disease.

2. Stress: work, life, anxiety, depression, etc

3. Attraction: Women do not age well. In their teens and twenties, women are generally in demand. Age takes its toll on beauty. It's pretty remarkable what a hot 20 year old woman with a lean sexy body, soft skin, and perky tits will do to somehow "cure" a man's lack of desire for sex.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Date: March 22, 2021 06:50PM

"spend money on them"

that was funny

you don't spend money on a woman until she proves her Love for you

1 or 2 months isn't enough time to prove that Love

even if she gives you pussy, that still isn't proving her Love for you

these DMV bitches, particularily NOVA bitches, are scared you dudes are going to find out whut bums they are

until then, the scam continues....

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: vilomena ()
Date: March 22, 2021 07:45PM

The fat nasty ones give the best head, so that's what I hear.

Also, I've noticed most men pounce on the pudgy, 4-5 basic chicks in the bar first. They don't want to work too hard to get those cottage cheese filled yoga pants off.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Wings 2 go ()
Date: March 23, 2021 01:15PM

This thread needs nudity, so we can really focus on the topic. I prefer to objectify a woman such as this....

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: beenwaiting ()
Date: March 23, 2021 11:53PM

Now were talking! I have been waiting for some real objectifying in this post for a while now.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: annie annie ()
Date: March 24, 2021 12:44AM

Yeah, the underground posters are getting weak, lets step it up, BITCHES!

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: College Life ()
Date: March 24, 2021 12:51AM

In college I decided to make some money while saving some money by working in a bar. That place was a sexual harassments lawsuit waiting to happen. The men objectified the hell out of the women and the women gave even better than they got. At one point the boss hired a couple of nice girls and told everyone to cool it. Within a couple of weeks those girls were just as bad as everyone else.

That was back in the day when men had to be tough. If women wanted to compete in the same arena they had to be just as tough. And they could be.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: 567g ()
Date: March 24, 2021 01:02AM

Ah, the good old days! These snow flakes today couldn't handle the meat grinder we put women threw back in the day. I always respected the women that could laugh it off or just smack a Bitch!

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Oooh, yeah!! Daddy, please! ()
Date: March 25, 2021 03:58PM

For your cunt-sideration...

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Booby patrol ()
Date: March 28, 2021 04:55PM

More objectifying, please.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Black Caulk ()
Date: March 29, 2021 01:01PM

Why wine and dine her when you can instead break every tooth in that whore’s head to get what is owed you?

R is for RAPE

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Bitches know... ()
Date: March 29, 2021 10:44PM

Bitches know they got that gold between dem legs, some are simply smarter about how they use. Be smart ladies. Check out how much this cum guzzler loves her job!

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Vag hunter ()
Date: March 30, 2021 04:47PM

I love this thread. I thinks its time to objectify my "slow" cousin. Give her a Twinkie and those clothes just fall off.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Rumpelstiltskin ()
Date: March 31, 2021 09:03AM

Ponder this.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: UNOUWOOD ()
Date: March 31, 2021 09:14AM


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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Yellow Fever ()
Date: March 31, 2021 10:17AM

Please share hot pics of Asian ladies.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Yyuuupp ()
Date: March 31, 2021 11:40AM

Love this...

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Yellow Fever ()
Date: March 31, 2021 02:22PM

Thanks for sharing this great photo. She’s a beauty and keep ‘me coming. She has very kissable lips.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Black Caulk ()
Date: March 31, 2021 06:08PM

Are these nudes or leftovers from Arby’s?

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Vagasaurus ()
Date: March 31, 2021 09:36PM

A band saw and some hydroperoxide can change these ladies lives in just a few weeks..

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Orient Express ()
Date: April 01, 2021 11:08AM


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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: AsianInvasion ()
Date: April 01, 2021 07:16PM

Me rikey long time.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Reality1 ()
Date: April 19, 2021 08:20PM

Any guy who wants to fuck an asshole over a pussy is party gay. WTF would you want to fuck a hole where shit comes out of? Are you serious? A pussy feels 10x better - LOL.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Your choice ()
Date: April 20, 2021 08:39AM

Spoken like a true homophobe. Sex if you think about it is disgusting no matter how it is done. Sex is a sensual act, not an intellectual one.

The primary attraction of anal sex is the taboo of anal sex. Because most women won't do it, men think they are on top of the world when they find one who will. The other attraction for anal sex is that the "grip" on the penis is much firmer than with vaginal sex. Stack those up against the negatives. Many women find the sensations of anal sex about at sexy as having a turd caught in their rectum. To comfortably engage in anal sex most women will want the guy to lube up, which negates part of the advantage of fucking a woman in the ass. The ass cheeks on most women are working against the guy in anal sex. Then there is the need to clean up afterwards.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: BenDover ()
Date: April 20, 2021 12:46PM

Liberal females love anal because it empowers them. At least, that's what I tell them. You're strong. You're independent. You don't need a guy. You "deserve" the best. And anal sex is the best. You go girl; show the world how independent and enlightened you are. And turn your feet it. I'm told it hurts less.

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: ksahfjeg ()
Date: April 20, 2021 01:01PM


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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Derek Mohler fan ()
Date: April 21, 2021 03:14AM

I like this, the more fucked up, the better...

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: .AARPer. ()
Date: April 21, 2021 07:52AM


Bill Barr?

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Re: Objectifying Women
Posted by: Monika Kim ()
Date: April 21, 2021 02:44PM

Hello. Recently I realized that I could never meet a nice guy on the street. Because when I approach the guys, I start to get very worried. Therefore, I registered on this dating site http://100freedatingsites.net/benaughty-review/ Since there is no such excitement over the Internet. And in the end, with the help of this site, I was able to meet several guys.

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