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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: Travis Crabtree ()
Date: January 12, 2018 10:28AM

This broad and Beth Mowins's voice of ESPN are beyond annoying! I scramble to turn down the volume when I hear her shrill induced Maria Leaf intro. Was she apart of one of those "morning flake, zoo crew, two for the road show, fm morning shows from early 90's and she's stuck in that fake style voice.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: OptimusMaximus ()
Date: March 09, 2018 01:08PM

She literally is the female Ted Baxter. So horrible, and she doesn't even know it.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: Mr Vienna ()
Date: March 09, 2018 07:10PM

Maria Leaf is my favorite radio news anchor. Her fast-paced, NY-style delivery makes the news interesting. She gives straight news without the annoying Left-wing bias found on other stations, such as WTOP. Hear her noon-3pm on WMAL.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: JayMar ()
Date: March 13, 2018 02:18PM

She is so loud (if she is the one from WMAL). I love to listen to Chris Plante and Limbaugh, but I cannot stand her 150 decibel voice. She is a good newsreader but overemphasizes her voice so it becomes extremely loud. Tone it down, Maria otherwise I cannot listen to WMAL during your time.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: Hearing Aid ()
Date: September 11, 2018 03:39PM

I heard Maria Leaf say on the news today that the hurricane could dump 15 FEET of rain on us. Did I hear that right, or is it just her usual tardo inflected delivery that was off?

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: t7l4g ()
Date: September 11, 2018 04:55PM

would fuck!

probably is married or under Cris Plante's spell, he's got so much character he could hold 20 women he didn't intend to date on a string!

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: MVXPG ()
Date: September 12, 2018 07:25PM

Who is the woman who cannot pronounce "W" (as in WMAL Traffic)?

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: J Palloy ()
Date: October 04, 2018 05:23PM

While on the subject of WMAL voice personas and what not, does anyone know what happened to Matt Defazio? Haven't heard him on his usual spot w/ Larry O'Connor for weeks; it seems like he's been replaced with someone new.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: ppcdm ()
Date: October 04, 2018 08:12PM

Mr Vienna Wrote:
> Maria Leaf is my favorite radio news anchor. Her
> fast-paced, NY-style delivery makes the news
> interesting. She gives straight news without the
> annoying Left-wing bias found on other stations,
> such as WTOP. Hear her noon-3pm on WMAL.

looser. your still not getting a BJ from her.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: cmtnx ()
Date: October 04, 2018 08:15PM

Twelve Step Program Wrote:
> Do they drug test at Cumulus?

HELL NO. Perhaps they should.

Two male hosts have admitted "their wife does opiates" on the radio, one was saying he was challenging the accusation he might be involved ON THE WHITEHOUSE LAWN.

(thanks for the info: next time keep your personal drug habbits conviction problems off the radio please)

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: cvvtu ()
Date: October 04, 2018 08:16PM

What.a.Fucking.Asshole.You.Are. Wrote:
> Beat it.

OMG maybe i was wrong about the BJ. she's officially showed "interest"

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: tjkex ()
Date: October 04, 2018 08:21PM

uDU4n Wrote:
> will have to find WMAL again on car radio or plug
> my radio clock in some time
> haven't heard once yet
> does she make a better show than this?
> -----------------------------
> "I'm John Batchelor this is the John Batchelor
> Show"
> tensions are high between Turkey, arabia, and
> europe, war is certain to erupt soon. the world
> is 1/2 on fire and you shouldn't think you are
> safe until you are part of one side or the other.
> "I'm John Batchelor this is the John Batchelor
> Show"

They should stop paying him so much. He'll buy mercenaries and start a world war!

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: nptjd ()
Date: October 04, 2018 08:25PM

Maria Leaf Rocks Wrote:
> Maria Leaf has a unique voice and delivery that
> sets hear apart from the masses of other ho hum
> radio people

I agree. Pleasant voice, great choice for rattling off (news updates and what she does).

if they replaced her with some young sexy girl or replace her with someone's cousin: it would be downhill as far as talent goes

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: ce6xh ()
Date: October 04, 2018 08:59PM

Jim3246hike Wrote:
> - The Larry O'Conner show sucks. He has become an
> egotistic self licking ice cream cone.
> I actually called the show to express my
> displeasure with dropping Savage and they hung up
> on me.
> I don't think these guys give a crap.

Larry is talented on the radio and smooth to listen to.

at first i didn't like the way his potential political views were going - he was from California (2 pts lost) lived in maryland (pt lost) and among his first broadcasts on wmal here were supporting a Catholic arguably democrat view. i thought damn! they got rid of savage replaced him with a democrat.

But after more stories covered: Larry is really great at exposing democrat politicians flaws and if he were a democrat he'd wouldn't be.

(he'd do what some tv hosts do: cover a story, have dems explain their side sounding quite reasonable, and the tv host make some forwardly wrong statements for the republican "view", which is just backstabbing the republican party and hiding the view that dems are totally wrong and have no good argument)

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She is a large girl with a msculine demeanor
Posted by: rWz7&? ()
Date: February 09, 2019 01:07PM

Take it from someone who used to work with her - she had no problem packing food away when it was offered to the staff and at company functions. She was always the first one to “clean her plate” and still have room for more. However her photos are from when she weighed a bit less.

She’s a nice girl who loves her food and also has a masculine voice and demeanor mayme better suited for a sports radio station. There is truth about he “face for radio” versus television thing.

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Re: She is a large girl with a msculine demeanor
Posted by: Curiouser ()
Date: February 16, 2019 08:23PM

rWz7&? Wrote:
> Take it from someone who used to work with her -
> she had no problem packing food away when it was
> offered to the staff and at company functions. She
> was always the first one to “clean her plate”
> and still have room for more. However her photos
> are from when she weighed a bit less.
> She’s a nice girl who loves her food and also
> has a masculine voice and demeanor mayme better
> suited for a sports radio station. There is truth
> about he “face for radio” versus television
> thing.

Hey does she have big tits?

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: WV Ol Timer ()
Date: March 30, 2019 10:23PM

I'd recommend Maria Leaf's critics go to YouTube and check out Ma Kettle (Marjorie Main) from the Ma and Pa Kettle film series from the '50's! When I first heard Maria, I was amazed that anyone today could replicate that voice of Ma Kettle.
Today a good media voice is a thing of the past. I have to mute Jessica Tarlov on Fox News who sounds like her voice box is in her tonsils and someone's choking off her wind while rasping vocal sounds escape through her nostrils.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: Keith ()
Date: October 08, 2020 11:07PM

I like her voice. And I think she is a good looking woman.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: Kermit ()
Date: December 09, 2020 11:58AM

I bet you jerked off to Miss Piggy as a kid

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: wasted lunch break ()
Date: December 09, 2020 01:54PM

Kermit Wrote:
> I bet you jerked off to Miss Piggy as a kid

so you mean like yesterday

honestly, the first page looks like it was all written by the same person, the dipshit that revived this thread should be kick in the nuts, hard

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: BOYD WORK ()
Date: March 05, 2021 01:21PM

Maria, Maria. I just met a girl named Maria. And suddenly I've found how horrible the sound can be.

Former ABC foreign correspondent.

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: coitus commentating ()
Date: March 05, 2021 01:28PM

can you imagine her narrating your love making ?

there is a back up on the main artery, but responders are pushing ah ah ah...they have broken through !

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Re: What Does Maria Leaf Look Like?
Posted by: mr bill ()
Date: April 21, 2021 06:22PM

Some of the peoplle who have lest messages must be real a$$holes

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