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Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: Arlin ()
Date: February 14, 2022 05:52PM

WTF is up with this cessna circling around Fairfax. It's got a massive camera appendage. How much fuel do these things have?

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: You Make Me Sick ()
Date: February 14, 2022 07:49PM

I guess it's legal just strange.

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: DIA dude ()
Date: February 14, 2022 08:27PM

FBI keeps a very similar aircraft at Manassas Regional Airport.

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: Arli ()
Date: February 15, 2022 12:19AM

ABC, well that narrows it down as expected. If it was some kind of google SAT photo plane why would it need to circle for like 3 hours?

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: Holmes ()
Date: February 15, 2022 11:59AM

I circle around Fairfax with my massive appendage trying to find MILFs.

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Date: February 15, 2022 12:12PM

word is bond, ever since emhoff/biden got sworn in there is aircraft that goes across the skies at my domicile on the same route like every 5 minutes...eye cee it when the sun goes down....eye already got enough stuff to do so eye ignore it but you gotta wonder sometimes.....

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: E-Y-E Guy ()
Date: February 15, 2022 12:36PM

FYI - Anyone who spells "I" e-y-e is a total loser.

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: npvxj ()
Date: February 15, 2022 12:49PM

Yeah, noticed that here last week.

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: Plane sighter DHS with migrants ()
Date: February 15, 2022 04:12PM

the real General Mahdi Wrote:
> word is bond, ever since emhoff/biden got sworn in
> there is aircraft that goes across the skies at my
> domicile on the same route like every 5
> minutes...eye cee it when the sun goes down....eye
> already got enough stuff to do so eye ignore it
> but you gotta wonder sometimes.....

Cub Run, west of Route 28/US 50 area did you see? Here observed white DHS planes every couple or few minutes 01/28 and today 02/15 both days in 9am hour few hundred feet up in air - http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/2/3808902/3809962.html#msg-3809962 supported by same nationally https://nypost.com/2022/01/26/leaked-video-reveals-joe-bidens-hush-hush-migrant-invasion/

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Date: February 16, 2022 08:30PM

om in Annandale

yesterday, during the daylight hours, eye spotted a small aircraft that was painted with colors flying that same exact route that eye cee at night with those aircrafts going by every 5 minutes...so eye kept my i on it...eye was due north of my domicile and it started making a left turn...then about 5 minutes later eye ceen an identical aircraft flying the same route....eye think they are making circles...

next time eye will do a better job remembering the color scheme on it

if eye really get on my beat eye could do sum time lapse video to show you how often these things pass by...

but as eye said....this all started when former vice president biden got sworn in as usurper in chief

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Re: Cessna/Drone circling Fairfax
Posted by: http://www.fairfaxunderground.co ()
Date: February 16, 2022 11:43PM

the real General Mahdi Wrote:
> om in Annandale
> yesterday, during the daylight hours, eye spotted
> a small aircraft that was painted with colors
> flying that same exact route that eye cee at night
> with those aircrafts going by every 5 minutes...so
> eye kept my i on it...eye was due north of my
> domicile and it started making a left turn...then
> about 5 minutes later eye ceen an identical
> aircraft flying the same route....eye think they
> are making circles...
> next time eye will do a better job remembering the
> color scheme on it
> if eye really get on my beat eye could do sum time
> lapse video to show you how often these things
> pass by...
> but as eye said....this all started when former
> vice president biden got sworn in as usurper in
> chief

That Cessna has been around for years, pedophile.

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