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The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Lawd Fairfax ()
Date: September 22, 2018 07:48AM

Illegals, cant live with them - cant live without them. lol.


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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:04AM

Lawd Fairfax Wrote:
> Illegals, cant live with them - cant live without
> them. lol.
> https://www.cbsnews.com/news/illegal-immigrants-us
> -economy-farm-workers-taxes/

They do cause a need for more police and corrections officers, due to their violent ways.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: spritzer ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:23AM

The wineries really need the illegal labor this time of year.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid douchebag... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:52AM

Brown Onion Wrote:
> They do cause a need for more police and
> corrections officers, due to their violent ways.

Typically ignorant post from you, perhaps the dumbest and most pathetic of all posters on FFXU. In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each have lower crime and incarceration rates than the native-born. This is especially true with first-generation immigrants. No surprise though that you don't know that.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:56AM

Stupid douchebag... Wrote:
> Brown Onion Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They do cause a need for more police and
> > corrections officers, due to their violent
> ways.
> Typically ignorant post from you, perhaps the
> dumbest and most pathetic of all posters on FFXU.
> In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each have
> lower crime and incarceration rates than the
> native-born. This is especially true with
> first-generation immigrants. No surprise though
> that you don't know that.

Oh yes MS13 the Latin kings appreciate people like you Gerry. Yep the machete attacks, drunk drivings and shootings at Springfield Mall by the "South of the Border" crowd have enhanced the area. 30 people living in an apartment, see those property values. Why don't you have a can of shut the fuck up?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Awash in a sea of fools ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:57AM

The thread title should be restated. The truth is that many important jobs are being filled by undocumented workers, and that the only sensible approach to that problem is to make it easier to become documented. Trump and the asshole right-wing are of course going (and being led) in exactly the wrong direction.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Lol at that one ()
Date: September 22, 2018 09:36AM

Brown Onion Wrote:
> Stupid douchebag... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Brown Onion Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > They do cause a need for more police and
> > > corrections officers, due to their violent
> > ways.
> >
> > Typically ignorant post from you, perhaps the
> > dumbest and most pathetic of all posters on
> > In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each have
> > lower crime and incarceration rates than the
> > native-born. This is especially true with
> > first-generation immigrants. No surprise
> though
> > that you don't know that.
> Oh yes MS13 the Latin kings appreciate people like
> you Gerry. Yep the machete attacks, drunk drivings
> and shootings at Springfield Mall by the "South of
> the Border" crowd have enhanced the area. 30
> people living in an apartment, see those property
> values. Why don't you have a can of shut the fuck
> up?

Lol dude.

Let not forget the endless diseases that are coming back like small pox, Tuberculosis, etc. America eradicated those decades ago. But thanks to the diversity scam we are again among the ranks of other 3rd world countries.

Celebrate the diversity!

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: GTFO! ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:20AM

Awash in a sea of fools Wrote:
> The thread title should be restated. The truth is
> that many important jobs are being filled by
> undocumented workers, and that the only sensible
> approach to that problem is to make it easier to
> become documented. Trump and the asshole
> right-wing are of course going (and being led) in
> exactly the wrong direction.

Cheap pedicures for your nasty old feet aren't worth the cost to the rest of us to support them and their many kids.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Felter Snatch ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:21AM

Perhaps the myth that immigrants are costly to American taxpayers stems from the fact that, at the state and local level, immigrants use more in services than they pay in local taxes (this is true for the vast majority of native citizens as well).
The National Academy of Sciences study found that the average immigrant imposes a net lifetime fiscal cost on state and local governments of $25,000, attributable to their use of schools, roads, and so on. Those with very low levels of education and skill cost states and localities the most, particularly in health care outlays for emergency room and other hospital services. However, most of the taxes that immigrants pay, including Social Security contributions, go to the federal government, and these payments are well in excess of federal benefits received.On balance, immigrants pay substantially more than they receive from all levels of government combined.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:27AM

So with 350 million here we don't have enough people to pick fruit for all

Then wash cars clean toilets mow grass for elitist Democrats who want to save a few dollars for each service rendered

Slam that border door closed, no more immigrants legal or not that cant make their keep

America First

Whats The Problem ?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: HiFelterSnatch ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:29AM

^Felter, a DOD study from late 2016 concluded a number closer to 60K.
Each undocumented arrival when everything is tallied averages 60K annually.

A truly criminal burden that the middle class tax payer is stuck with.
23 Trillion in debt and no end in site.

Most people understand most are escaping poverty but, the system is broken. Our robust liberal welfare system is what attracts them. A large percentage, are happy to game the system. Unfortunately, where I live, there are many living quite well - and they seems happy to just suck off the dole and work off the books as maids and handyman if they work at all.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: HiFelterSnatch ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:30AM

^^^^Please excuse typos....above.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Laws v Lawlessness ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:33AM

The OP may have a point about the need for labor. However, nothing in the OP's argument provides an argument for lawlessness. Therefore, if there's a need for labor not met by current legal residents, increased legal immigration is the answer.

If the OP think's my statement is in error, the OP is free to provide economic justifications for turning us from a nation of laws to a nation of lawlessness.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stooges... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:35AM

GTFO! Wrote:
> Cheap pedicures for your nasty old feet aren't
> worth the cost to the rest of us to support them
> and their many kids.

They pay all the same taxes that you do, buttfuck. They are typically nicer and smarter peoele as well.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Let them in! ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:39AM

They are vital! We should let them all in. Then, because they can't afford to live in many places, we should ignore make housing affordable by ignoring zoning and building codes. Because they have a different view of right and wrong, we should not prosecute them for violating our discriminatory Jedeo-Christian laws that set limits on behavior, particularly those dealing with sexual assault, physical assault, intoxication, and the like.

Let's do all of this because the laws don't matter when ideology is at stake!

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: GTFO! ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:40AM

Stooges... Wrote:
> GTFO! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Cheap pedicures for your nasty old feet aren't
> > worth the cost to the rest of us to support
> them
> > and their many kids.
> They pay all the same taxes that you do, buttfuck.
> They are typically nicer and smarter peoele as
> well.

False. And where they do it's at a much lower dollar level and not enough to offset their cost.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Suck it, loser... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:42AM

The Dixie Wigger Wrote:
> Whats The Problem ?

For starters, you are nothing but a deplorable asshole dumbfuck. One of way too many that we have around here. Get off the fake-news FOX feed bag and try to catch up to 12-year olds in understanding reality.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: George Fucking Washington ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:48AM

Laws v Lawlessness Wrote:
> The OP may have a point about the need for labor.
> However, nothing in the OP's argument provides an
> argument for lawlessness. Therefore, if there's a
> need for labor not met by current legal residents,
> increased legal immigration is the answer.
> If the OP think's my statement is in error, the OP
> is free to provide economic justifications for
> turning us from a nation of laws to a nation of
> lawlessness.

Millions of laws are broken every single day. It is up to our justice system to decide were enforcement efforts are made and not made. In case you have not noticed Immigration laws are enforced less than 5% of the time. That is because the educated and intelligent citizens of this country realize that undocumented Americans are a benefit to our economy.
Meanwhile, ignorant fucks like you go around complaining about MS13 and shit. The reality is that only a tiny percentage of these immigrants engage in violent gang behavior. That tiny percentage is deserving of some law enforcement efforts while the 95+% of these immigrants only benefit The USA and need to be left alone. People like you are simply blinded by hate, ignorance and cowardice.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: For the record.., ()
Date: September 22, 2018 11:59AM

The smart people create sanctuary areas to protect worthwhile people from the stupid bullshit notions of nowhere near worthwhile people.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: For the record... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 12:27PM

Of the 61,529 criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors; 40 percent or 24,746 were in court districts along the southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas.

The Western District of Texas had the nation’s most significant crime rate with over 6,300 cases filed; followed by the Southern District of Texas with slightly over 6,000 cases.

The Southern California District with nearly 4,900 cases; New Mexico with nearly 4,000 cases and Arizona with over 3,500 criminal cases ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th.

The U.S. Department of Justice documents that in 2014, 19 percent or over 12,000 criminal cases filed by prosecutors were for violent crimes; and over 22 percent or 13,300 cases were for drug related felonies.

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

The misrepresentation of comparisons in who commits crimes between illegal immigrants, legal U.S. immigrants and American citizens

The pro-illegal immigrant lobby consistently misrepresents the criminal involvement of illegal immigrants as compared to immigrants who legally enter the U.S. and American citizens, saying that illegal immigrants commit less crimes than their counterparts. This assertion is false in most cases. Here are the vetted statistics:

In California, there are just over 92 illegal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals as compared to 74 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. In Arizona, the rate is nearly 69 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000, as compared to 54 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants.

In New York, over three times as many illegal immigrants or 169, are imprisoned for crimes per 100,000, as compared to only 48 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. Only the states of Texas and Florida do illegal immigrants commit less crimes than their legal immigrant counterparts (Texas with 54.5 illegals imprisoned per 100,000, compared to 65 legal immigrants and Florida with 55 illegals imprisoned, compared to 68 legal immigrants).

Texas is an epicenter for illegal immigrant crimes

Recent crime analysis by both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Texas law enforcement authorities indicate that between June 2011 and March 2017, over 217,000 criminal immigrants were arrested and booked into Texas jails.

In researching the criminal careers of these defendants, it was revealed that they had jointly committed over nearly 600,000 criminal offenses. Their arrests included nearly 1,200 homicides; almost 69,000 assaults; 16,854 burglaries; 700 kidnappings; nearly 6,200 sexual assaults; 69,000 drug offenses; 8,700 weapons violations; over 3,800 robberies and over 45,000 obstructing police charges. In determining the status of these offenders in the U.S., it was confirmed by DHS that over 173,000 or 66 percent of these immigrant criminal defendants were in our country illegally at the times of their arrests.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Bigots suck... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 12:38PM

Native-born residents committed crimes at much higher rates.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: GDP is important ()
Date: September 22, 2018 01:58PM

The GDP added by illegals easily surpasses whatever social costs their taxes do not pay for. They are a bargain, without question.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: landlord2 ()
Date: September 22, 2018 02:00PM

I own several townhouses in Manassas and one in Centreville. I much prefer to rent to illegals, they make very good tenants and they usually pay on time with cash or money order.
I have had bad experiences with white and black citizens. Illegals have pad off two mortgages for me completely and a third one will be paid in 2020.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 22, 2018 03:14PM

landlord2 Wrote:
> I own several townhouses in Manassas and one in
> Centreville. I much prefer to rent to illegals,
> they make very good tenants and they usually pay
> on time with cash or money order.
> I have had bad experiences with white and black
> citizens. Illegals have pad off two mortgages for
> me completely and a third one will be paid in
> 2020.

You're enabling these locusts.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid waste... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 03:59PM

Leave if you don’t like it, dipshit. Nobody would miss a loser-ass dumbfuck like you.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 22, 2018 04:11PM

Stupid waste... Wrote:
> Leave if you don’t like it, dipshit. Nobody
> would miss a loser-ass dumbfuck like you.

Says someone who never served

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid waste ()
Date: September 22, 2018 04:27PM

You bring nothing but half-assed trash to the table. Useless.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Plain Truth ()
Date: September 22, 2018 04:44PM

A recent study by Yale University revealed there are presently two illegals for every piece of fruit in America.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Correct the record... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 05:30PM

GDP is important Wrote:
> The GDP added by illegals easily surpasses
> whatever social costs their taxes do not pay for.
> They are a bargain, without question.

Bullshit. Especially bullshit for lower skilled workers who must compete with them for jobs. And considering that GDP includes the money required to support them, to deal with increased crime, jails, etc., it's not a real good measure to begin with. It does greatly benefit the GDP of Mexico and Central American countries which receive significant percentages of their GDP from remittances sent out of the country and also to offload their social costs onto us.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Correct the record... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 05:31PM

Which of course is why they encourage and facilitate their citizens coming here.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Wow... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 05:35PM

You don’t know shit about economic statistics. But like a typical assfuck, you‘ll try to babble on anyway. What a dope.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Correct the record... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 06:05PM

Wow... Wrote:
> You don’t know shit about economic statistics.
> But like a typical assfuck, you‘ll try to babble
> on anyway. What a dope.

Yeah, actually I do. Which is why you couldn't pass off the weak GDP contribution bullshit. Economic activity is activity, not necessarily positive, beneficial economic activity.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Go play in traffic ()
Date: September 22, 2018 06:26PM

You know less than crap. GDP is by disposition. It represents what we all have to divvy up. Way more of that comes from illegals than what they cost in net social service outlays. Go back to school. Pay attention this time.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: bobjones ()
Date: September 22, 2018 07:17PM

Posted by: Go play in traffic ()
Date: September 22, 2018 06:26PM

You know less than crap. GDP is by disposition. It represents what we all have to divvy up. Way more of that comes from illegals than what they cost in net social service outlays. Go back to school. Pay attention this time.

^^You sir or ma'am are a delusional idiot. Nothing else I've heard could be further from the truth.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Bruce S ()
Date: September 22, 2018 07:37PM

Foreman said these jobs are going boys and they ain't coming back.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Go play in traffic ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:10PM

bobjones Wrote:
> ^^You sir or ma'am are a delusional idiot. Nothing else
> I've heard could be further from the truth.

I just have four more decades working with the NIPA data than you do. Go play in some more traffic, pinhead.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Correct the record... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:26PM

Go play in traffic Wrote:
> bobjones Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -
> > ^^You sir or ma'am are a delusional idiot.
> Nothing else
> > I've heard could be further from the truth.
> I just have four more decades working with the
> NIPA data than you do. Go play in some more
> traffic, pinhead.

And yet here you are trying to pass off weak shit like GDP contribution. Deliberate deception just makes it worse. Sounds good though.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: hnpj3 ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:31PM


illegal aliens are used by corrup politicians to stay in power

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Go play in traffic ()
Date: September 22, 2018 08:36PM

Correct the record... Wrote:
> Go play in traffic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > bobjones Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -
> > > ^^You sir or ma'am are a delusional idiot.
> > Nothing else
> > > I've heard could be further from the truth.
> >
> > I just have four more decades working with the
> > NIPA data than you do. Go play in some more
> > traffic, pinhead.
> And yet here you are trying to pass off weak shit
> like GDP contribution. Deliberate deception just
> makes it worse. Sounds good though.

Sorry it all went right over your head, dope. You are now officially outed as a serial NIPA know-nothing.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Logic Dude ()
Date: September 22, 2018 09:52PM

So far no one has shown why illegal aliens are better for this nation than legal aliens.

The OP started out saying we needed the labor force. That labor force can be met either by illegals or by increasing the number of legal aliens.

So, will someone explain why illegal aliens are preferable to legal aliens?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Correct the record... ()
Date: September 22, 2018 09:56PM

Go play in traffic Wrote:
> Correct the record... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Go play in traffic Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > bobjones Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -
> > > > ^^You sir or ma'am are a delusional idiot.
> > > Nothing else
> > > > I've heard could be further from the truth.
> > >
> > > I just have four more decades working with
> the
> > > NIPA data than you do. Go play in some more
> > > traffic, pinhead.
> >
> >
> > And yet here you are trying to pass off weak
> shit
> > like GDP contribution. Deliberate deception
> just
> > makes it worse. Sounds good though.
> Sorry it all went right over your head, dope. You
> are now officially outed as a serial NIPA
> know-nothing.

I know that the and that the benefits of their "GDP contribution" aren't distributed evenly and accrue primarily to employers and others at the top and to the illegals themselves. And to those in their home countries receiving billions/year in remittances. To the great disadvantage of US workers and wages, particularly mid- to lower-skilled workers. Around a $500 billion/year transfer to the former from the latter just on that basis alone.

And I know that what's counted in the overall GDP number includes economic activity that's required to support their presence here which while it contributes to the numeric total isn't necessarily positive beneficial activity.

So employers benefit, illegals benefit, their countries benefit greatly, and most everyone else pays the bill. And if you're so familiar with the data then you know that too. Which is why you only want to point to top line GDP.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Boo fn hoo ()
Date: September 22, 2018 10:01PM

Stupid douchebag... Wrote:
> Brown Onion Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They do cause a need for more police and
> > corrections officers, due to their violent
> ways.
> Typically ignorant post from you, perhaps the
> dumbest and most pathetic of all posters on FFXU.
> In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each have
> lower crime and incarceration rates than the
> native-born. This is especially true with
> first-generation immigrants. No surprise though

Prove it..show valid research

We dont want ILLEGALS here. Period
> that you don't know that.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Kokoeej ()
Date: September 22, 2018 10:06PM

Stooges... Wrote:
> GTFO! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Cheap pedicures for your nasty old feet aren't
> > worth the cost to the rest of us to support
> them
> > and their many kids.
> They pay all the same taxes that you do, buttfuck.
> They are typically nicer and smarter peoele as
> well.

Awwww! You are butt hurt...daddy and mommy sneak in and your embarassed, right?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 22, 2018 10:22PM

Sharon Bulova has done quite well thanks to illegal aliens. She's one of them.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: motel maintenance man ()
Date: September 23, 2018 05:21AM

We have tried to hire Americans to clean the rooms at my motel but guess what? Americans are not worth a fuck when it comes to working! White people, black people are no different, Americans will not work hard. Hispanic people are honest and hardworking legal or not.
The Americans that will actually clean motel rooms are usually drug addicts who will not show up for work when they are supposed to and they steal shit all the time. We have to fire them the first two weeks.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Go play in traffic ()
Date: September 23, 2018 10:28AM

Correct the record... Wrote:
> I know that the and that the benefits of their
> "GDP contribution" aren't distributed evenly and
> accrue primarily to employers and others at the
> top and to the illegals themselves. And to those
> in their home countries receiving billions/year
> in remittances.

You've messed up yet again. Private remittances are part of the balance of payments accounts, not the GDP accounts. Meanwhile, dollars anywhere are a claim on the US economy. If they are spent here, they are an increase in personal consumption expenditures which boosts GDP. If they are spent abroad, they are an increase in net exports which boosts GDP.

> And I know that what's counted in the overall GDP
> number includes economic activity that's required
> to support their presence here which while it
> contributes to the numeric total isn't necessarily
> positive beneficial activity.

Like what? Come on with your tired-ass schools, hospitals, and first responders nonsense. Do it -- make yourself look even dumber than you do already.

> So employers benefit, illegals benefit, their
> countries benefit greatly, and most everyone else
> pays the bill.

Everyone benefits, dummy. You just don't understand how or why. That's a shortcoming on your part.

< And if you're so familiar with the data then you
> know that too. Which is why you only want to point
> to top line GDP.

Yes, I am quite familiar with the data and you don't yet know the first thing about any of it. You just babble on about delusional trash that you have sucked up on some phony anti-immigrant website. You owe it to yourself to do a lot better than that.

The plain economic facts of the matter are that whether legal or illegal, immigrant contributions to GDP far outweigh any net social services costs that they might bring. This is so clear that it isn't really a question in the minds of serious people.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid douchebag... ()
Date: September 23, 2018 10:41AM

Boo fn hoo Wrote:
> > In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each have
> > lower crime and incarceration rates than the
> > native-born. This is especially true with
> > first-generation immigrants. No surprise though

> Prove it..show valid research

Here ya go, assho'...

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: ^^ STUPID GRAPH^^^ ()
Date: September 23, 2018 10:57AM

As a total number, there are more native-born Americans than illegals, something like 250 to 300 million to 20 million. Of course the numbers will be higher, there is a larger pool of native-born Americans.

Now compare as a percentage of population, that is where you get a look at what's really happening. This graph is like the argument that since 55% of welfare benefits go to white people and 45% go to blacks that whites use more welfare, case closed. Yes, but if you compare the % of population of both groups, whites use far less as a whole then blacks, blacks use about twice as much.

Also, Cato Institute? Open-borders libertarians who bow to the corporate masters of the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street. It is pricks like these who got us into this mess with their bastardization of libertarian thought.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 23, 2018 10:59AM

Go play in traffic Wrote:
> Correct the record... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I know that the and that the benefits of their
> > "GDP contribution" aren't distributed evenly
> and
> > accrue primarily to employers and others at the
> > top and to the illegals themselves. And to
> those
> > in their home countries receiving
> billions/year
> > in remittances.
> You've messed up yet again. Private remittances
> are part of the balance of payments accounts, not
> the GDP accounts. Meanwhile, dollars anywhere are
> a claim on the US economy. If they are spent
> here, they are an increase in personal consumption
> expenditures which boosts GDP. If they are spent
> abroad, they are an increase in net exports which
> boosts GDP.
> > And I know that what's counted in the overall
> > number includes economic activity that's
> required
> > to support their presence here which while it
> > contributes to the numeric total isn't
> necessarily
> > positive beneficial activity.
> Like what? Come on with your tired-ass schools,
> hospitals, and first responders nonsense. Do it
> -- make yourself look even dumber than you do
> already.
> > So employers benefit, illegals benefit, their
> > countries benefit greatly, and most everyone
> else
> > pays the bill.
> Everyone benefits, dummy. You just don't
> understand how or why. That's a shortcoming on
> your part.
> < And if you're so familiar with the data then you
> > know that too. Which is why you only want to
> point
> > to top line GDP.
> Yes, I am quite familiar with the data and you
> don't yet know the first thing about any of it.
> You just babble on about delusional trash that you
> have sucked up on some phony anti-immigrant
> website. You owe it to yourself to do a lot
> better than that.
> The plain economic facts of the matter are that
> whether legal or illegal, immigrant contributions
> to GDP far outweigh any net social services costs
> that they might bring. This is so clear that it
> isn't really a question in the minds of serious
> people.

Too long. Stop being pretty with your words and stick to the facts. If illegal immigration is beneficial why do no other countries want it?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid douchebag... ()
Date: September 23, 2018 11:21AM

^^ STUPID GRAPH^^^ Wrote:
> As a total number, there are more native-born Americans than 1
> illegals, something like 250 to 300 million to 20 million. Of
> course the numbers will be higher, there is a larger pool of
> native-born Americans.

God, are you dumb! The graph was drawn in terms of RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION. It said so right on it. An imbecile would have seen that, and only an imbecile would try to continue the claims that the graph simply obliterates.

Whether legal or illegal, immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than the native-born. End of story.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Go play in traffic ()
Date: September 23, 2018 11:30AM

Brown Onion Wrote:
> Too long. Stop being pretty with your words and
> stick to the facts. If illegal immigration is
> beneficial why do no other countries want it?

What you mean is that you are too fucking dumb to have understood any of it, and with that, I will certainly not disagree.

Meanwhile, having a nearby pool of young, healthy, willing and able workers is one of the things that separates the US from other aging economies such as China, Japan, Korea, and the big names of Old Europe. We are the fortunate ones here, and the ones that those other places envy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Plain Truth ()
Date: September 23, 2018 12:10PM

How would the graph chart look with niggers removed from the equation? Now reorder the chart by including niggers with immigrants both legal and illegal and get back to us with the results.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: v4hn7 ()
Date: September 23, 2018 12:22PM

Stupid douchebag... Wrote:
> Boo fn hoo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each
> have
> > > lower crime and incarceration rates than the
> > > native-born. This is especially true with
> > > first-generation immigrants. No surprise
> though
> > Prove it..show valid research
> Here ya go, assho'...
> .

So you're saying that illegals add to crime and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants.

Good job.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Phil Intheblanks ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:13PM

Brown Onion Wrote:
> Go play in traffic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Correct the record... Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I know that the and that the benefits of
> their
> > > "GDP contribution" aren't distributed evenly
> > and
> > > accrue primarily to employers and others at
> the
> > > top and to the illegals themselves. And to
> > those
> > > in their home countries receiving
> > billions/year
> > > in remittances.
> >
> > You've messed up yet again. Private
> remittances
> > are part of the balance of payments accounts,
> not
> > the GDP accounts. Meanwhile, dollars anywhere
> are
> > a claim on the US economy. If they are spent
> > here, they are an increase in personal
> consumption
> > expenditures which boosts GDP. If they are
> spent
> > abroad, they are an increase in net exports
> which
> > boosts GDP.
> >
> > > And I know that what's counted in the overall
> > GDP
> > > number includes economic activity that's
> > required
> > > to support their presence here which while it
> > > contributes to the numeric total isn't
> > necessarily
> > > positive beneficial activity.
> >
> > Like what? Come on with your tired-ass
> schools,
> > hospitals, and first responders nonsense. Do
> it
> > -- make yourself look even dumber than you do
> > already.
> >
> > > So employers benefit, illegals benefit, their
> > > countries benefit greatly, and most everyone
> > else
> > > pays the bill.
> >
> > Everyone benefits, dummy. You just don't
> > understand how or why. That's a shortcoming on
> > your part.
> >
> > < And if you're so familiar with the data then
> you
> >
> > > know that too. Which is why you only want to
> > point
> > > to top line GDP.
> >
> > Yes, I am quite familiar with the data and you
> > don't yet know the first thing about any of it.
> > You just babble on about delusional trash that
> you
> > have sucked up on some phony anti-immigrant
> > website. You owe it to yourself to do a lot
> > better than that.
> >
> > The plain economic facts of the matter are that
> > whether legal or illegal, immigrant
> contributions
> > to GDP far outweigh any net social services
> costs
> > that they might bring. This is so clear that
> it
> > isn't really a question in the minds of serious
> > people.
> Too long. Stop being pretty with your words and
> stick to the facts. If illegal immigration is
> beneficial why do no other countries want it?

Because we are stuck in a growth based economy. If we stop growing we go into a recession and eventually a depression.
Undocumented Americans are just our latest round of servants. In the past we used the Irish, Blacks, Chinese.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:21PM

>I own several townhouses in Manassasd in

There only thing that's the truth is you voted for Hillary and proved it

If was not a welfare system here that's so generous thanks to Democrats, legal immigration would be at a trickle and illegals would come and go in the shadows like they should with no assistance drivers licenses nothing, go home and come back legally

Never Vote For A Democrat your seeing live and clear what they have done to this country and are doing it with their Dirty Tricks

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Spot the loonies... ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:29PM

^^^ Paranoid dropout assfucks who can’t compete anywhere at all. Not even here.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:31PM

>We have tried to hire Americans to clean the rooms at my motel but guess what? Americans are not worth a fuck when it comes to working!

The same generous Democrat welfare system that attract others to crowd here, is the same generous Democrat welfare system that creates lazy people too, reduce the welfare and stop a lot of it, the lazy will either get off their asses and work or they will starve or they will commit crimes get caught go to prison or commit crimes get shot and buried or they will starve.

Do you know how many people on welfare are grossly overweight on the free dime from taxpayers pockets

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:34PM

>^^^ Paranoid dropout assfucks who can’t compete anywhere at all. Not even here.

You don't have shit to say, your sayings mean nothing because all know your full of shit with your attempts to cut down

Debate talking points shithead , you cant you don't have the intelligence to do that nor any real policies that will work, your A DEMOCRAT that's why

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Contractor6 ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:41PM

Back when the new home building boom was on I made a shitload of money off illegals. So much so that I am now comfortably retired. I love Illegals!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Spot the loonies... ()
Date: September 23, 2018 01:43PM

One of the indisputable things that I have say here is that you are an uneducated asshole who doesn't know shit from shinola but keeps making a total ass of himself here anyway. You are just plain dumbfuck stupid, and that’s a fact.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Unemployed black man ()
Date: September 23, 2018 02:01PM

Spot the loonies... Wrote:
> ^^^ Paranoid dropout assfucks who can’t compete
> anywhere at all. Not even here.

It's mostly me and legal immigrants who are competing with illegals.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: pif ()
Date: September 23, 2018 02:21PM

Spot the loonies... Wrote:
> One of the indisputable things that I have say
> here is that you are an uneducated asshole who
> doesn't know shit from shinola but keeps making a
> total ass of himself here anyway. You are just
> plain dumbfuck stupid, and that’s a fact.

says the proven ignorant fuck and coward.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Spot the loonies... ()
Date: September 23, 2018 02:29PM

^^^ You mean one of the few prople here who can actually read a graph.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: jj the hand ()
Date: September 23, 2018 02:51PM

I earn 80k a year under the table and still get the ebt card and free medical care. White people owe me because of slavery.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Sheesh... ()
Date: September 23, 2018 02:57PM

^^^ Another 8th grader has weighed in. What an asshole.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Weekly Reader ()
Date: September 23, 2018 03:06PM

Spot the loonies... Wrote:
> ^^^ You mean one of the few prople here who can
> actually read a graph.

Did you read the part where it says that illegals add to crime and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 23, 2018 03:09PM

Spot the loonies...

Its just "West Falls Church and Vienna guy", pay him no mind he thinks he has one, he does not. If he does try to post any facts see how fast he's shut down again

Right LOL... Go ahead post some Democrat "facts" how great illegals are from their playbook of lies

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Spot the loonies... ()
Date: September 23, 2018 03:20PM

The thread is turning into a catalog of all that the assholes do not know or understand. The truth is that whether legal or not, immigrants are involved in crime at rates below that of the native- born.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Unintended Consequences ()
Date: September 23, 2018 04:57PM

Spot the loonies... Wrote:
> The thread is turning into a catalog of all that
> the assholes do not know or understand. The truth
> is that whether legal or not, immigrants are
> involved in crime at rates below that of the
> native- born.

Your chart shows that illegals add to crime and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants. Within the population of TX that would be about an added +800 murder convictions/year.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Numbers don’t lie ()
Date: September 23, 2018 05:01PM

It’s these native-born varmints that do all the crime and killing. Hate the native-born!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 23, 2018 05:48PM

>The truth is that whether legal or not, immigrants are involved in crime at rates below that of the native- born.

Ill agree with that , now what about the illegals, don't you dare call them undocumented immigrants there not. They are Illegally here and should be legally sent home to come back legally after they stand in line with all the others waiting their turn

By the fact they have illegally came into the USA makes them criminals right off the bat now what about their other crimes, tell us what ethnic group makes up the largest population in NOVA's jails

>Numbers don’t lie ()

Democrats lie and so does SHE SAID

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: VYPFW ()
Date: September 23, 2018 10:02PM

The Dixie Wigger Wrote:
> >We have tried to hire Americans to clean the
> rooms at my motel but guess what? Americans are
> not worth a fuck when it comes to working!

We tried to hire Americans for $7.00/hour part time, no benefits, and would you believe no one wanted the job? Americans are so lazy!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 23, 2018 10:14PM

So do it yourself or go out of business 7 dollars an hour no bennies, that's a
good job in a Hong Kong sweat shop, do you make designer clothes ? Are Democrats your best customers do you pay taxes

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: [polpot ()
Date: September 24, 2018 01:17AM

I need to go to sleep now. I will check back in tomorrow.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Mango Mussolini!! ()
Date: September 24, 2018 06:39AM

Lawd Fairfax Wrote:
> Illegals, cant live with them - cant live without
> them. lol.
> https://www.cbsnews.com/news/illegal-immigrants-us
> -economy-farm-workers-taxes/

Yes. Commit less crime and create more jobs.

Facts are hard for the triggered alt-right GOP MAGAs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: fgsdfg ()
Date: September 24, 2018 07:39AM

If they're so essential to our economy, let's just make them slaves. Problem solved!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 07:57AM

The Dixie Wigger Wrote:
> By the fact they have illegally came into the USA
> makes them criminals right off the bat...

The Grammar Police are out after you, Dumbo. You and so many of the unschooled and hideously illiterate right-wing.

Oh, and how many of the undocumented came to the US legally and just never went back home? How many of them have been here legally all along but at some point lost their papers or had them stolen?

More numbers -- two-thirds of the undocumented have been in the country for at least ten years. Just one in seven has been here for less than five years. These are hard-working everyday people in our communities. So very different from worthless scum-creeps like you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: You're going to vouch for them? ()
Date: September 24, 2018 08:01AM

What a farce Wrote:
> The Dixie Wigger Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > By the fact they have illegally came into the
> > makes them criminals right off the bat...
> The Grammar Police are out after you, Dumbo. You
> and so many of the unschooled and hideously
> illiterate right-wing.
> Oh, and how many of the undocumented came to the
> US legally and just never went back home? How
> many of them have been here legally all along but
> at some point lost their papers or had them
> stolen?
> More numbers -- two-thirds of the undocumented
> have been in the country for at least ten years.
> Just one in seven has been here for less than five
> years. These are hard-working everyday people in
> our communities. So very different from worthless
> scum-creeps like you.

You don't know who these illegals are and you don't know they are hardworking people.

A positive bias is still a bias. You are as bad as the guy who says they are all bad. Saying they are all good or all hardworking is just as stupid if not stupider.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 08:12AM

Get a life, moron. The numbers don't say 'they are all good.' They say that two thirds of them have been here for at least ten years. They are long term residents. Just the type that would be apt to have stable homes and jobs, go to church on Sunday, pay their taxes, and otherwise act as solid citizens even if they are not officially allowed to be one. You can go back to making a fool of yourself now, Dopey.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Haha you're a weak dude ()
Date: September 24, 2018 08:16AM

What a farce Wrote:
> Get a life, moron. The numbers don't say 'they are
> all good.' They say that two thirds of them have
> been here for at least ten years. They are long
> term residents. Just the type that would be apt
> to have stable homes and jobs, go to church on
> Sunday, pay their taxes, and otherwise act as
> solid citizens even if they are not officially
> allowed to be one. You can go back to making a
> fool of yourself now, Dopey.

There are career criminals who've been in this country for a long time. Residency doesn't make a good citizen.

They deport people for heinous crimes all the time who have been here for years.

The point is you don't know who they are.

Not sure if your motivation is being a liberal Godly dogooder or you have a restaurant and don't like to pay very much, but you are fucking up the country.

You are doing the work of corporatist scum who want wage slaves.

You are weak.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 08:42AM

Truth is strong, but you don't want to have anything to do with truth. It scares you. Heck, the word 'undocumented" scares you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The Dixie Wigger ()
Date: September 24, 2018 09:59AM

>Heck, the word 'undocumented"

Is "What a farce" Their Illegals, Illegals in the USA that came here Illegally

ILLEGALS and criminals by default as such

Go home come back legally, better yet stay there and built your own country up, there's no reason that a central American country with so many beautiful people with their ocean beaches to mountains, that the people should not be living in a paradise that no one would want to leave

The US should be waging full house war on the criminals keeping that from happening

Democrats still need the vote however

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: So fucking dumb... ()
Date: September 24, 2018 10:27AM

The Dixie Wigger Wrote:
> Their Illegals, Illegals in the USA that came here Illegally.

Grammar Police have issued yet another warrant for your arrest. And if you were a whole lot smarter, you might have been smart enough to realize that large numbers of the undocumented in fact came here legally. But all that's apparently right over your head.

> Democrats still need the vote however

LOL! Only US citizens can register and vote in state and federal elections. The idea of large scale voter fraud by anyone is on a par with notions of large scale flying by pigs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Unintended Consequences ()
Date: September 24, 2018 10:44AM

What a farce Wrote:
> Get a life, moron. The numbers don't say 'they are
> all good.' They say that two thirds of them have
> been here for at least ten years. They are long
> term residents. Just the type that would be apt
> to have stable homes and jobs, go to church on
> Sunday, pay their taxes, and otherwise act as
> solid citizens even if they are not officially
> allowed to be one. You can go back to making a
> fool of yourself now, Dopey.

Your own data shows that illegals add to crime and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants. Furthermore, their effect is additive on top of that of our native-born criminals. We don't need to be importing more.

The Cato data based on convictions also is misleading in the way that you're attempting to use it. It's based on convictions only and significantly under counts actual crimes. For example, in 2015 used as the basis there were about 1,300 murders in TX with only 785 convictions counted (many of which are not even within the same year as the murder itself). In the same year TX cleared by arrest or exceptional means only 20% of all tracked offenses reported. For violent crimes reported, only 42% cleared. Arrests of illegals also were substantially below that of natives at about 40% less. Considering that it's much easier to find, arrest, and convict a known vs unknown person and the nature of violent crime associated with illegal criminal activities where parties are more unknown, the actual rates likely are substantially higher. There also is not a one-to-one correlation between crime and conviction which may further reduce the percentage, e.g., you may have multiple convictions for a single murdered individual. Likewise, a single individual may be and typically are responsible for multiple crimes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 10:55AM

^^^ You're nothing but a triggered right-wing asshole. The data are quite clear, but your brain is quite clouded. The facts are that whether legal or illegal, immigrants are involved in crime at rates that are lower than those for the native-born. All this Trump-slop about immigrant crime is total made up bunko bullshit intended to manipulate the weak-minded. Don't get caught up in manufactured crap like that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Unintended Consequences ()
Date: September 24, 2018 11:36AM

What a farce Wrote:
> ^^^ You're nothing but a triggered right-wing
> asshole. The data are quite clear, but your brain
> is quite clouded. The facts are that whether
> legal or illegal, immigrants are involved in crime
> at rates that are lower than those for the
> native-born. All this Trump-slop about immigrant
> crime is total made up bunko bullshit intended to
> manipulate the weak-minded. Don't get caught up
> in manufactured crap like that.

Sorry, your data doesn't show that. What it does show is that in TX in 2015, illegals were convicted of murder at a rate about 5X greater than legal immigrants.

It's also disputed by DOJ data showing that about 20% of inmates in federal prison are foreign-born with +90 percent being illegals. 24,476 of the 185,507 inmates in the federal Bureau of Prisons system were not citizens, 92% in the country unlawfully. Immigration status of another 21,209 other foreign-born people in federal custody is reported as yet undetermined (i.e., most likely not citizens). 97 percent of the 13,081 confirmed non-citizens held by the Marshals Service (typically people awaiting trial) were in the country unlawfully. All very far out of proportion to their representation in the population.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 11:54AM

Stupid douchebag is trying to work in the universe of the convicted. The point of course is over relative crime rates among everyone. The relevant data were posted above but have been predictably ignored by a few worthless dumb fucks.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid douchebag... sez wut? ()
Date: September 24, 2018 12:02PM

What a farce Wrote:
> Stupid douchebag is trying to work in the universe
> of the convicted. The point of course is over
> relative crime rates among everyone. The relevant
> data were posted above but have been predictably
> ignored by a few worthless dumb fucks.

Your own data above relates only to convictions you 'Stupid douchebag...'

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 12:12PM

No, they deal with conviction RATES. You dipshits are simply too stupid to know the difference.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid douchebag... sez wut? ()
Date: September 24, 2018 12:23PM

What a farce Wrote:
> No, they deal with conviction RATES. You dipshits
> are simply too stupid to know the difference.

Uh, no... You were whining about using convictions.


What a farce Wrote:
> Stupid douchebag is trying to work in the universe
> of the convicted.

And I directly cited the rate in my post you 'Stupid douchebag...' so it's clear that I know the difference. Your data is for convictions only and does not support your own misuse beyond that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 12:39PM

Go back and read the graph, dumbo. You won’t of course because all you are interested in now is finding some convoluted way of covering your rosy red ass.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: 'Stupid confused douchebag...' ()
Date: September 24, 2018 12:54PM

What a farce Wrote:
> Go back and read the graph, dumbo. You won’t of
> course because all you are interested in now is
> finding some convoluted way of covering your rosy
> red ass.

I have read it. In particular where it says:

"Criminal conviction rates in TX, per 100,000 population, 2015"

'Stupid douchebag...'

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 01:04PM

Try reading that “per 100,000 population” part one more time. That’s the part that ties rates to the notion of everybody. It’s pretty plain, really. At least to most people.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: 'Stupid douchebag' circle jerk ()
Date: September 24, 2018 01:17PM

What a farce Wrote:
> Try reading that “per 100,000 population” part
> one more time. That’s the part that ties rates
> to the notion of everybody. It’s pretty plain,
> really. At least to most people.

Uh, 'Stupid douchebag...' It's the rate of criminal conviction. Obviously it's per N population since that's the basis for the fucking rate you dumb fucker. It is NOT tied to the notion of "everybody" as you're trying to use it. It's only 'tied' to the rate of those CONVICTED. As I said clearly indicating that above and why that's misleading in terms of more broad use. And that it doesn't align with Federal prisoner data. And that even accepting your own bullshit it shows that illegals ADD to crime and at a RATE 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 01:30PM

I’m sorry that you are so ignorant. It explains a lot though.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: 'Stupid douchebag' done ()
Date: September 24, 2018 01:33PM

What a farce Wrote:
> I’m sorry that you are so ignorant. It explains
> a lot though.

I'm sorry that you're trying to misuse your own data.

Which btw says that illegals add to crime and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a farce ()
Date: September 24, 2018 02:16PM

You have no legs left to stand on, numbnuts. Whether legal or illegal, immigrants are involved in crime at lower rates than the native-born. End of story.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Stupid douchebag' ()
Date: September 24, 2018 02:47PM

What a farce Wrote:
> You have no legs left to stand on, numbnuts.
> Whether legal or illegal, immigrants are involved
> in crime at lower rates than the native-born. End
> of story.

Your data does not say that.

It says that they are convicted at a lower rate. It does not say anything about involvement with crime more generally. It does not reflect arrest rates. It does not reflect other alternative actions taken (e.g., removals). It does not reflect those who disappear before trial. Etc.

It does say that illegals are convicted of crimes and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: C. P. ()
Date: September 24, 2018 08:47PM

Stupid douchebag' Wrote:
> What a farce Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You have no legs left to stand on, numbnuts.
> > Whether legal or illegal, immigrants are
> involved
> > in crime at lower rates than the native-born.
> End
> > of story.
> Your data does not say that.
> It says that they are convicted at a lower
> rate. It does not say anything about involvement
> with crime more generally. It does not reflect
> arrest rates. It does not reflect other
> alternative actions taken (e.g., removals). It
> does not reflect those who disappear before trial.
> Etc.
> It does say that illegals are convicted of crimes
> and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal
> immigrants

^^ Coward post ^^

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: P.O.O. ()
Date: September 24, 2018 09:10PM

C. P. Wrote:
> Stupid douchebag' Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What a farce Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > You have no legs left to stand on, numbnuts.
> > > Whether legal or illegal, immigrants are
> > involved
> > > in crime at lower rates than the native-born.
> > End
> > > of story.
> >
> >
> > Your data does not say that.
> >
> > It says that they are convicted at a
> lower
> > rate. It does not say anything about
> involvement
> > with crime more generally. It does not reflect
> > arrest rates. It does not reflect other
> > alternative actions taken (e.g., removals). It
> > does not reflect those who disappear before
> trial.
> > Etc.
> >
> > It does say that illegals are convicted of
> crimes
> > and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal
> > immigrants
> ^^ Coward post ^^

^^ Stupid post ^^

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