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Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Caring but Concerned ()
Date: October 22, 2015 09:56AM

I recently learned that the Board of Supervisors wants to place low-income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls. I also was told School Board Member Janie Strauss supports this plan and wants to turn our area schools into a population more like Reston/Herndon. Does anyone know where she plans to put this low income housing in the community? Thanks.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: jdsfg ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:13AM

Caring but Concerned Wrote:

> Does anyone know where
> she plans to put this low income housing in the
> community? Thanks.

Right next to your home. That way, the vermin don't need to travel far to steal shit. Gotta respect the rights of criminals, ya know.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Inqusitionist ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:24AM

Caring but Concerned Wrote:
> I recently learned that the Board of Supervisors
> wants to place low-income housing in McLean,
> Vienna and Great Falls.

Really? Where did you 'learn' this? Please post a link to the source.

> I also was told School Board Member Janie Strauss
> supports this plan and wants to turn our area
> schools into a population more like Reston/Herndon.

Really? Who told you this about 'our area schools'? Aren't Reston & Herndon in the same 'area' as McLean, Vienna and Great Falls?

Really, you need to provide more information about this.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Caring but Concerned ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:36AM

It was discussed at our neighborhood association meeting this week. Here is information from the county government: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/planning/rsu/rsu.htm

And this questionnaire from Janie Strauss was also circulated:

#3. How will you address the growing economic divide in county schools?

#We must also urge the Board of Supervisors to avoid as much as possible, housing patterns that tend to over- concentrate high poverty in certain regions.

I don't have the documentation, but our HSA showed the SB minutes from 2013 where she voiced support - along with SB rep Pay Hynes from Reston/Herdon - for the BOS actions.

This is VERY disturbing for property values.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: When Great falls,So falls Great ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:36AM

Good Christians would open the homes and hearts for others less fortunate.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: lkwefgfh ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:42AM

When Great falls,So falls Great Wrote:
> Good Libtardz would be stupid enough to open their homes and hearts
> for complete strangers who are less fortunate.

corrected it for you

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Caring but Concerned1 ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:49AM

This is just the hope and change you all voted for. Celebrate diversity!

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: abe ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:51AM

If you don't want low income housing in your area, don't accept low income workers in your area. Drive to the poor areas to get your nails done.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Bumpkin ()
Date: October 22, 2015 01:01PM

I'm loving every minute of this. How can one of the greatest counties in the country self destruct themselves in such a short period of time. It is truly amazing to watch. Sell your property now while you can. Monkey County MD and Fairfax will be ghettos in 15-20 years, if not sooner.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Inqusitionist ()
Date: October 22, 2015 01:17PM

Caring but Concerned Wrote:
> It was discussed at our neighborhood association
> meeting this week. Here is information from the
> county government:
> http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/planning/rsu/rsu.htm

Really? You discussed a two year old proposal at your neighborhood association
meeting this week? Why? That makes no sense whatsoever.

> And this questionnaire from Janie Strauss was also
> circulated:
> #3. How will you address the growing economic
> divide in county schools?
> #We must also urge the Board of Supervisors to
> avoid as much as possible, housing patterns that
> tend to over- concentrate high poverty in certain
> regions.
> I don't have the documentation

Of course you don't, because it's a lie.

> This is VERY disturbing for property values.

This is a very bad attempt to take down Janie Strauss. lol.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: October 22, 2015 01:18PM

Bumpkin Wrote:
> How can one of the greatest counties in the
> country self destruct themselves in such a
> short period of time.

Ya can't fix stupid!



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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Bumpkin ()
Date: October 22, 2015 01:25PM

Conserva-tards! Wrote:
> Bumpkin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How can one of the greatest counties in the
> > country self destruct themselves in such a
> > short period of time.
> Ya can't fix stupid!
> Conserva-tards!
> LoLz!

Can't fix stupid is what I was saying to you, diversitard.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: October 22, 2015 01:51PM

Bumpkin Wrote:
> Can't fix stupid is what I was saying to you,
> diversitard.

Fairfax County will just fine, especially after all of the low-info, god 'n guns morons like you move out to Winchester or WV.

YOU = ...well, Bumpkin.



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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: America #101 ()
Date: October 22, 2015 02:06PM

I thought Fairfax County was low income housing.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Bumpkin ()
Date: October 22, 2015 02:07PM

Conserva-tards! Wrote:
> Bumpkin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Can't fix stupid is what I was saying to you,
> > diversitard.
> Fairfax County will just fine, especially after
> all of the low-info, god 'n guns morons like you
> move out to Winchester or WV.
> YOU = ...well, Bumpkin.
> Conserva-tards!
> LoLz!

Your schools are being overrun by ESL poors and Section 8 dwellers. Your stores cater to EBT receiptients, your daughters are being inseminated by nogs and other trash. Your neighborhoods are "embracing diversity", while, in fact, they are embracing failure much like the third-world and inner-city garbage they are "embracing".

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: October 22, 2015 02:49PM

Bumpkin Wrote:
> Your schools are being overrun by ESL poors and
> Section 8 dwellers.

"Poors"? Speaking of ESL... lol. No, friend, my children's school is fantastic!

> Your stores cater to EBT receiptients

Anger & hate make for bad spelling & poor grammar, friend. lol. So, where do you shop, Aldi? lol. The store I shop don't.

> Your daughters are being inseminated by nogs and other trash.

What's a "nog"? No one has inseminated my daughters. lol.

> Your neighborhoods are "embracing diversity"

My neighborhood has a very nice level of diversity. We love it!

I can't imagine how challenging it must be for you to live here in civilization when you're dumb as a box of rocks and dirt poor. So, when are you, your sister/wife, and your inbred rugrats heading for the distant hills n' hollers where your kind belong?



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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: the real ()
Date: October 22, 2015 05:52PM

Conserva-tards! Wrote:
> Bumpkin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Your schools are being overrun by ESL poors and
> > Section 8 dwellers.
> "Poors"? Speaking of ESL... lol. No, friend, my
> children's school is fantastic!
> > Your stores cater to EBT receiptients
> Anger & hate make for bad spelling & poor grammar,
> friend. lol. So, where do you shop, Aldi? lol. The
> store I shop don't.
> > Your daughters are being inseminated by nogs and
> other trash.
> What's a "nog"? No one has inseminated my
> daughters. lol.
> > Your neighborhoods are "embracing diversity"
> My neighborhood has a very nice level of
> diversity. We love it!
> I can't imagine how challenging it must be for
> you to live here in civilization when you're dumb
> as a box of rocks and dirt poor. So, when are you,
> your sister/wife, and your inbred rugrats heading
> for the distant hills n' hollers where your kind
> belong?
> Conserva-tards!
> LoLz!

Your daughters are dogs!


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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: MS-13 ()
Date: October 22, 2015 06:04PM

Hey - my homies gotta go where the money is - and that be those rich muthas in Great Falls. I'm gonna get me a free section 8 house and set up shop.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: church lady ()
Date: October 22, 2015 06:24PM

The Town of Vienna has enough low-income housing already. Patrick St. and the aptly named Locust St. are enough, thank you very much.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: FIFY Once Again ()
Date: October 22, 2015 06:27PM

>Good DEMOCRATS would open the homes and hearts for others less fortunate.

You asked for It , You'll Be Getting It!

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: ted cruise ()
Date: October 22, 2015 07:03PM

FIFY Once Again Wrote:
> Good REPUBLICANS would open their legs and hearts
> for others less fortunate.

Bless them all.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Barry Obamas Vision ()
Date: October 22, 2015 07:11PM

Share the wealth with those mf'ers that don't want to work

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: adam smith ()
Date: October 22, 2015 07:15PM

Barry Obamas Vision Wrote:
> Share the wealth with those mf'ers that don't want
> to work

Do you work? I sincerely doubt that you have any abilities that are valued by any employer.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Spacer ()
Date: October 22, 2015 07:23PM

Lots of room left on Route 7 to put in some Section 8 apartments - perfect for getting into Tyson's Corner as well as Colvin Run and Spring Hill elementary schools. Once those schools go TITLE 1, Janie Strauss can claim she's lowered class size. Ah... she's brilliant.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: The Connection ()
Date: October 22, 2015 08:37PM

Read the answer that Janie Strauss gave to question 3 in the Connection:


"We must also urge the Board of Supervisors to avoid as much as possible, housing patterns that tend to over- concentrate high poverty in certain regions."

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Fairfax Taxpayer ()
Date: October 22, 2015 09:09PM

"3. How will you address the growing economic divide in county schools?

#All schools regardless of the socio economic background of the surrounding community must have the needed resources to sustain high standards, employ excellent teachers and offer all students a rigorous well rounded, rich curriculum."

That's deniably true.

"We must also urge the Board of Supervisors to avoid as much as possible, housing patterns that tend to over- concentrate high poverty in certain regions."

It's a no-brainer: To address the growing economic divide in county schools, we must:

1) Provide all schools the needed resources to sustain high standards, employ excellent teachers and offer all students a rigorous well rounded, rich curriculum; and,

2) Avoid as much as possible, housing patterns that tend to over- concentrate high poverty in certain regions.

Why is this at all controversial?

I will definitely vote for Janie Strauss!

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Al Forit ()
Date: October 22, 2015 09:11PM

It's be great if the wealthy socialist limo lib douchebags had to live next door to the vermin they pretend to love.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: HUD Watch ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:23PM

The Janie Strauss and Pat Hynes comments dovetail with the new HUD regulation called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.


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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: HUD Watch 2 ()
Date: October 22, 2015 10:26PM

HUD is really gung-ho about sprinkling low-income housing across regions.


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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Back to the RSUs ()
Date: October 22, 2015 11:27PM

Two years ago, Fairfax County's zoning staff tried to push through a proposal to waive normal zoning rules for developers who built low-income housing Residential Studio Units, which the zoning people called RSUs. The Supervisors killed it.


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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: First Westchester, then Fairfax ()
Date: October 22, 2015 11:35PM

HUD's been after Westchester County for years, trying to get it to build affordable housing in upscale communities. HUD's view is that Westchester County is racist.


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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: First Westchester, then Fairfax ()
Date: October 22, 2015 11:41PM

First Westchester, then Fairfax Wrote:
> HUD's been after Westchester County for years,
> trying to get it to build affordable housing in
> upscale communities. HUD's view is that
> Westchester County is racist.
> http://nypost.com/2015/09/29/court-clears-westches
> ter-of-team-obamas-racism-charge/

HUD's bureaucrats really have gone after Westchester County. Imagine what they'll do when they pay closer attention to Fairfax County.


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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: A-town ()
Date: October 23, 2015 09:02AM

Just like how Arlington County puts a vast majority of their low-income housing in South Arlington (south of Route 50, basically).

Same thing.

The north arlingtonians are all NIMBY about it and want diversity- just not in "their" side of town!!! They only want them to be "of service" as far as working in their local shops as clerks and cleaning their houses and other low-wage positions, but want them all to catch the bus back to South Arlington (or here to Fairfax County) to live.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Facts are stuburn things ()
Date: October 23, 2015 09:41AM

First Westchester, then Fairfax Wrote:
> HUD's been after Westchester County for years,
> trying to get it to build affordable housing in
> upscale communities. HUD's view is that
> Westchester County is racist.

Read about the case from a source less biased than the NY Post.

Westchester County's response to HUD's requests was wholly inadequate, the county wouldn't work with HUD, so HUD had no choice but to sue.

PS - The Westchester case have nothing to do with locating low-income housing in high income neighborhoods.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: fairfax taxpayer naive ()
Date: October 23, 2015 09:42AM

Fairfax Taxpayer -

It is difficult to speak to the truth. Ok, I get it, it is a nice thought to provide all schools with the needed resources, provide a rigorous well rounded and excellent curriculum, and of course, excellent teachers.

The reality:

Most of the recent immigrants have cognitive abilities far below that of the long time, middle class residents in Fairfax County. I know, I know, you will be voting for Janie Strauss. But how many people with 75 IQ's do you or Janie routinely interact with? I doubt many. It is a very different world than the one you inhabit, especially in terms of future time orientation, memory, and analytic abilities. The idea of expending resources is a nice thought but the racial achievement gap has not been closed anywhere in the country, including Fairfax, despite the expenditure of billions of dollars. The cognitive gaps are real, and so are the problems which arise when you put the 75 IQ kids in the classroom with the 120 or higher IQ kids. Standards lower, behaviors are worse, and that is just the way it is. The Straussian bromides do not change this result. Perhaps re-introducing very structured tracking would help, but that would bring charges of de facto segregation. I don't blame middle class parents for their fears, but it is unfortunate no one can talk honestly about the cognitive gap which drives these problems.

Excellent teachers? I support FCPS on this score. They typically are competent, if not better. But if you want a diverse teaching force, good luck. Blacks in particular have a hugely difficult task in passing the licensure exams. Perhaps you could lower the passing scores (and that may be the right thing to do based on the data), but the problem in lowering the passing scores is that it interrupts the narrative (held by both liberals and conservatives) that we need excellent teachers. (It is easier for minority students to get into a law school than to pass a licensure exam). Again, you can overlook the cognitive skills gap and pretend it will all work out, but the gap exists, has not closed since the civil rights era, and is the Voldemort problem no one can acknowledge.

As to housing concentration, it is undeniable that Section 8 and public housing brings with it high volumes of crime and uncivil behavior. Some academics object to this, claiming that the crime would have occurred anyway due to neighborhood changes, and are loathe to deem housing programs as the cause. But to someone living in or near those neighborhoods, the academic distinction between correlation and causation is meaningless. There is simply far more crime when Section 8 and public housing arrives.

Look, I am not blaming Strauss or any other candidate. If any candidate expressed the views I have just expressed, well, they would stand no chance of election, or with the gooey, emotional press. But don't kid yourself, the cognitive shortcomings of a growing part of the school population are real, they are made worse by the kill and drill testing regime, they cause an imbalance in teacher diversity, and clearly make, despite shibboleths to the contrary, the schools a less attractive place for the focused, bright and ambitious (although someone like you could argue this group will find a way to do well no matter what, especially since there are most often two caring parents involved).

In any event, some food for thought.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: This is America....not FfC ()
Date: October 23, 2015 11:02AM

If you don't like it, then feel free to move. Most of you are carpetbaggers anyway.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Caring but Concerned ()
Date: October 23, 2015 02:14PM

I don't want to move. I've lived here for 35 years and my parents have lived here even longer. I've worked hard to afford to live here and send my children to good schools. With these types of low-income housing policies advocated by the Supervisors and Janie Strauss, I don't think my grandchildren will ever have the same, quality education my own children have received.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Word to the wise ()
Date: October 23, 2015 02:49PM

Caring but Concerned Wrote:
> I don't want to move. I've lived here for 35
> years and my parents have lived here even longer.
> I've worked hard to afford to live here and send
> my children to good schools. With these types of
> low-income housing policies advocated by the
> Supervisors and Janie Strauss, I don't think my
> grandchildren will ever have the same, quality
> education my own children have received.

Then vote against Strauss, not that it will matter.

The children of the people who you don't want sitting beside your children in class are already here and there are more coming every day. There will be no avoiding the change this will bring.

If change occurs around you, whether or not you welcome that change, you have two choices: Adapt or flee.

The one thing that you absolutely, positively will be unable to do is stop change from happening.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: McLean Expat ()
Date: October 23, 2015 03:01PM

Caring but Concerned Wrote:
> I don't want to move. I've lived here for 35
> years and my parents have lived here even longer.
> I've worked hard to afford to live here and send
> my children to good schools. With these types of
> low-income housing policies advocated by the
> Supervisors and Janie Strauss, I don't think my
> grandchildren will ever have the same, quality
> education my own children have received.

Then you shouldn't have voted democrat.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Wax on,Wax off, Breathe in,..... ()
Date: October 23, 2015 04:03PM

Caring but Concerned Wrote:
> I don't want to move. I've lived here for 35
> years and my parents have lived here even longer.
> I've worked hard to afford to live here and send
> my children to good schools. With these types of
> low-income housing policies advocated by the
> Supervisors and Janie Strauss, I don't think my
> grandchildren will ever have the same, quality
> education my own children have received.

You should have more concern about global climate than the school system. You can't learn if you can't breathe.
Besides, there always the private school consortium.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Nosta Strokas ()
Date: October 23, 2015 04:06PM

Climate change is cyclical. We are just on a hot swing so enjoy the heat.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Yea ()
Date: October 23, 2015 04:12PM

Nosta Strokas Wrote:
> Climate change is cyclical. We are just on a hot
> swing so enjoy the heat.

Mexico thinks its great right now

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: October 23, 2015 04:23PM


Outside of the Tysons area it isn't likely to happen. If you have a limited amount of land to develop, it makes more sense for the developer to build "by right" high profit single family residences than to build multi-family housing. The reason you are seeing low income multi-family units in Tysons, Merrifield and a few other spots is that you already have developers seeking to build multi-family housing units in those areas, and the county can leverage that to get the developer to set aside some of those units for low income housing.

The more likely threat at the moment is that developers may convince the County to allow them to build low income housing units in areas of the County already heavily burdened with low income residents in return for favorable zoning arrangements in more affluent areas. Sort of a win (for the developer)-win (for the high income neighborhood)-win (for the county getting additional low income housing)-fuck you (for the neighborhood burdened with yet more low income residents) arrangement. That is what was driving the RSU proposal from last year.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: My view ()
Date: October 23, 2015 05:15PM

I'm a 30-something who moved to McLean from the Falls Church/Bailey's Crossroads area for a reason. I don't need any of these government people screwing up my property values with this low-income housing crap. I also don't want to see Route 7 become another Route 1. Been there done that too. There is a reason people are willing to pay more to live in a nice place. Who exactly is supporting this so I can vote against them?

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Man, are you dumb ()
Date: October 23, 2015 05:29PM

My view Wrote:
> I'm a 30-something who moved to McLean from the
> Falls Church/Bailey's Crossroads area for a
> reason. I don't need any of these government
> people screwing up my property values with this
> low-income housing crap. I also don't want to see
> Route 7 become another Route 1. Been there done
> that too. There is a reason people are willing to
> pay more to live in a nice place. Who exactly is
> supporting this so I can vote against them?

Man, are you dumb.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: McClean Bible Church ()
Date: October 23, 2015 07:19PM

My view Wrote:
> I'm a 30-something who moved to McLean from the
> Falls Church/Bailey's Crossroads area for a
> reason. I don't need any of these government
> people screwing up my property values with this
> low-income housing crap. I also don't want to see
> Route 7 become another Route 1. Been there done
> that too. There is a reason people are willing to
> pay more to live in a nice place. Who exactly is
> supporting this so I can vote against them?

Tell this to Jesus. He might give a damn.
Not a sermon but just sound advice.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: The names ()
Date: October 23, 2015 09:04PM

For starters MY VIEW - the players supporting these policies in our local area are:

OBAMA and his HUD Department
BOS Chair Sharon BUlova
Supervisor John Foust
School Board Member Jane Strauss

and all the liberal Democrats in this county along with the Democrats from the other Fairfax County districts who serve on the BOS and School Board.

This is a very important local election. Don't let these people ruin our property values.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Local politicians ()
Date: October 23, 2015 11:05PM

When the low-income housing studio units proposal was on the table, one of the three Republicans on the Board of Supervisors - John Cook - was more supportive than John Foust, who opposed it.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Dranesville Obsever ()
Date: October 23, 2015 11:05PM

Makes sense...As the land values in places like Tysons Corner, Great Falls, and McLean are too high to gamble on building low-income housing there.

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Scaremongering.
> Outside of the Tysons area it isn't likely to
> happen. If you have a limited amount of land to
> develop, it makes more sense for the developer to
> build "by right" high profit single family
> residences than to build multi-family housing.
> The reason you are seeing low income multi-family
> units in Tysons, Merrifield and a few other spots
> is that you already have developers seeking to
> build multi-family housing units in those areas,
> and the county can leverage that to get the
> developer to set aside some of those units for low
> income housing.
> The more likely threat at the moment is that
> developers may convince the County to allow them
> to build low income housing units in areas of the
> County already heavily burdened with low income
> residents in return for favorable zoning
> arrangements in more affluent areas. Sort of a
> win (for the developer)-win (for the high income
> neighborhood)-win (for the county getting
> additional low income housing)-fuck you (for the
> neighborhood burdened with yet more low income
> residents) arrangement. That is what was driving
> the RSU proposal from last year.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Completely Responsible ()
Date: October 23, 2015 11:17PM

For all this: DEMOCRATS on the Federal State and Local Level.

Keep the border WIDE OPEN! Diversity ! Your children and Grands, Great Grands and all forever after are all screwed! Thank You Democrats for Fucking Up what was a GREAT Country! For Those who's forefathers built this Nation! Let these other people from where ever Build Up There Own Countries And Not Tear Ours and yours Down!

>If change occurs around you, whether or not you welcome that change, you have two choices: Adapt or flee.

Complete Bullshit. Tell yourself you will not accept this any more. Stand Up and VOTE Democrats the Hell out of this area! This State , This Nation..

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: moco fairfax ()
Date: October 23, 2015 11:36PM

For people on both sides take a look at Annandale High School and the performance of the school

Some of the downward slide was due to taking some of the more affluent neighborhoods out of the district but the trend line is undeniable

Also at a macro level Montgomery County is about five-ten years ahead of us in terms of dealing with major demographic shifts

This is the future we are headed towards county wide

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Xenophobe Sez What? ()
Date: October 23, 2015 11:46PM

Completely Responsible Wrote:
> For all this: DEMOCRATS on the Federal State and
> Local Level.
> Keep the border WIDE OPEN! Diversity ! Your
> children and Grands, Great Grands and all forever
> after are all screwed! Thank You Democrats for
> Fucking Up what was a GREAT Country! For Those
> who's forefathers built this Nation! Let these
> other people from where ever Build Up There Own
> Countries And Not Tear Ours and yours Down!
> >If change occurs around you, whether or not you
> welcome that change, you have two choices: Adapt
> or flee.
> Complete Bullshit. Tell yourself you will not
> accept this any more. Stand Up and VOTE Democrats
> the Hell out of this area! This State , This
> Nation.

Poor deluded xenophobe. lol.

It's FAR too late to stand and fight.

> Keep the border WIDE OPEN!


> Diversity!>


> Your children and Grands, Great Grands
> and all forever after are all screwed!



The USA is no longer your country, xenophobe.

It is ours! You have been overrun and displaced by us, the invading multi-hued hoard! Every day our numbers grow, while you, old and pale, die off.

Don't worry too much though. xenophobe: Your contributions to our great, new, multi-cultural, racially diverse nation will not be forgotten...for at least a decade.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: HUD will change Fairfax housing ()
Date: October 24, 2015 05:00AM

Bill.N. Wrote:

> The more likely threat at the moment is that
> developers may convince the County to allow them
> to build low income housing units in areas of the
> County already heavily burdened with low income
> residents in return for favorable zoning
> arrangements in more affluent areas. Sort of a
> win (for the developer)-win (for the high income
> neighborhood)-win (for the county getting
> additional low income housing)-fuck you (for the
> neighborhood burdened with yet more low income
> residents) arrangement. That is what was driving
> the RSU proposal from last year.

This may have partly described what would have happened in 2013. That was before the new HUD Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation. Bill N.'s summary does not describe what will happen to Fairfax County in the future.

HUD will use its new regulation to force counties to do whatever it takes to create ensure that previously middle and upper-income neighborhoods are sprinkled with low-income housing. That includes using government funds to buy up land or existing buildings at market rates, then reselling or renting them at below-market prices to low-income minority tenants or purchasers.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Minor League Bullshit ()
Date: October 24, 2015 06:18AM

Anything to take your minds off of the serious issues that's gonna change everything. But hey, who am I to post as an anonymous troll?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: 8 more years!! ()
Date: October 24, 2015 06:47AM

I am so happy that my kids have already matriculated thru FCPS when they did and are out living their adult lives (with one settled in for the moment in Alexandria). Thankfully they got to avoid this whole mess that's inevitable.

I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire away to ANY place other than this hellhole.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: An unfinished life ()
Date: October 24, 2015 08:12AM

8 more years!! Wrote:
> I am so happy that my kids have already
> matriculated thru FCPS when they did and are out
> living their adult lives (with one settled in for
> the moment in Alexandria). Thankfully they got to
> avoid this whole mess that's inevitable.
> I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire away to
> ANY place other than this hellhole.

A intelligent adult would be "already gone" if this hellhole is intolerable. You must be hung up on your capitalistic expectations to live everyday in misery.
Just make sure you stay alive long enough to find your paradise.
Most die long before.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: ironicmuch ()
Date: October 24, 2015 08:18AM

I love your name caring and concerned. You pay good money to get away from those nasty poor people. What if one sits next your kid at Great falls elementary or langley

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Not "if", "when" ()
Date: October 24, 2015 12:00PM

ironicmuch Wrote:
> I love your name caring and concerned. You pay
> good money to get away from those nasty poor
> people. What if one sits next your kid at Great
> falls elementary or langley

Not "if", "when".

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Pay attention ()
Date: October 25, 2015 10:20AM

HUD will change Fairfax housing Wrote:
> HUD will use its new regulation to force counties
> to do whatever it takes to create ensure that
> previously middle and upper-income neighborhoods
> are sprinkled with low-income housing. That
> includes using government funds to buy up land or
> existing buildings at market rates, then reselling
> or renting them at below-market prices to
> low-income minority tenants or purchasers.

Pat Hynes and Janie Strauss on the School Board think this is a good idea. They are entitled to their opinions. Maybe a majority of the voters agree with them.

HUD believes that the way to "close the achievement gap" is to ensure that every neighborhood has the same percentage of low-income and minority students as the overall metropolitan area in which it is located. Fairfax County is filing the HUD-mandated report with information that HUD will use in the future to achieve this goal.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: I'm Free ()
Date: October 25, 2015 10:29AM

Xenophobe Sez What? Wrote:
> Completely Responsible Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > For all this: DEMOCRATS on the Federal State
> and
> > Local Level.
> >
> > Keep the border WIDE OPEN! Diversity ! Your
> > children and Grands, Great Grands and all
> forever
> > after are all screwed! Thank You Democrats for
> > Fucking Up what was a GREAT Country! For Those
> > who's forefathers built this Nation! Let these
> > other people from where ever Build Up There Own
> > Countries And Not Tear Ours and yours Down!
> >
> > >If change occurs around you, whether or not
> you
> > welcome that change, you have two choices:
> Adapt
> > or flee.
> >
> > Complete Bullshit. Tell yourself you will not
> > accept this any more. Stand Up and VOTE
> Democrats
> > the Hell out of this area! This State , This
> > Nation.
> Poor deluded xenophobe. lol.
> It's FAR too late to stand and fight.
> > Keep the border WIDE OPEN!
> YES.
> > Diversity!>
> Yes!
> > Your children and Grands, Great Grands
> > and all forever after are all screwed!
> YES!!!!!
> The USA is no longer your country, xenophobe.
> It is ours! You have been overrun and displaced by
> us, the invading multi-hued hoard! Every day our
> numbers grow, while you, old and pale, die off.
> Don't worry too much though. xenophobe: Your
> contributions to our great, new, multi-cultural,
> racially diverse nation will not be
> forgotten...for at least a decade.

So true


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: 6 and counting down ()
Date: October 25, 2015 10:36AM

8 more years!! Wrote:
> I am so happy that my kids have already
> matriculated thru FCPS when they did and are out
> living their adult lives (with one settled in for
> the moment in Alexandria). Thankfully they got to
> avoid this whole mess that's inevitable.
> I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire away to
> ANY place other than this hellhole.

It warms my cockles to know I'll be retiring soon after my last graduates from FCPS. While I feel I paid enough in taxes for using the services my family used, I won't be paying extra for more than a couple years. Then I'm outta here. Good luck replacing my tax revenue on my salary north of $300K and property taxes on a $850K house. It will take 20 illegals to make up that difference and they'll take 10 times as much out of the system for services.

Yeah Fairfax, good luck with that indeed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Way to early... ()
Date: October 25, 2015 10:47AM

6 and counting down Wrote:
> 8 more years!! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am so happy that my kids have already
> > matriculated thru FCPS when they did and are
> out
> > living their adult lives (with one settled in
> for
> > the moment in Alexandria). Thankfully they got
> to
> > avoid this whole mess that's inevitable.
> >
> > I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire away to
> > ANY place other than this hellhole.
> It warms my cockles to know I'll be retiring soon
> after my last graduates from FCPS. While I feel I
> paid enough in taxes for using the services my
> family used, I won't be paying extra for more than
> a couple years. Then I'm outta here. Good luck
> replacing my tax revenue on my salary north of
> $300K and property taxes on a $850K house. It
> will take 20 illegals to make up that difference
> and they'll take 10 times as much out of the
> system for services.
> Yeah Fairfax, good luck with that indeed.

Typical bullshit poster. Just Sunday and already lying.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Life's winners are leaving FXCO ()
Date: October 25, 2015 11:03AM

Way to early... Wrote:
> 6 and counting down Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 8 more years!! Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I am so happy that my kids have already
> > > matriculated thru FCPS when they did and are
> > out
> > > living their adult lives (with one settled in
> > for
> > > the moment in Alexandria). Thankfully they
> got
> > to
> > > avoid this whole mess that's inevitable.
> > >
> > > I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire away
> to
> > > ANY place other than this hellhole.
> >
> >
> > It warms my cockles to know I'll be retiring
> soon
> > after my last graduates from FCPS. While I feel
> I
> > paid enough in taxes for using the services my
> > family used, I won't be paying extra for more
> than
> > a couple years. Then I'm outta here. Good
> luck
> > replacing my tax revenue on my salary north of
> > $300K and property taxes on a $850K house. It
> > will take 20 illegals to make up that
> difference
> > and they'll take 10 times as much out of the
> > system for services.
> >
> > Yeah Fairfax, good luck with that indeed.
> Typical bullshit poster. Just Sunday and already
> lying.

Nope, it's all true. $300K income isn't all that great (two GS15's make that). If you bought a $300K house 20 years ago, you too would be living in a $850K house today. Sucks for you that these moderate levels of income and house value seem so unattainable. Great for me though. Great indeed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Ten Years After ()
Date: October 25, 2015 11:49AM

Life's winners are leaving FXCO Wrote:
> Way to early... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 6 and counting down Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > 8 more years!! Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I am so happy that my kids have already
> > > > matriculated thru FCPS when they did and
> are
> > > out
> > > > living their adult lives (with one settled
> in
> > > for
> > > > the moment in Alexandria). Thankfully they
> > got
> > > to
> > > > avoid this whole mess that's inevitable.
> > > >
> > > > I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire
> away
> > to
> > > > ANY place other than this hellhole.
> > >
> > >
> > > It warms my cockles to know I'll be retiring
> > soon
> > > after my last graduates from FCPS. While I
> feel
> > I
> > > paid enough in taxes for using the services
> my
> > > family used, I won't be paying extra for more
> > than
> > > a couple years. Then I'm outta here. Good
> > luck
> > > replacing my tax revenue on my salary north
> of
> > > $300K and property taxes on a $850K house.
> It
> > > will take 20 illegals to make up that
> > difference
> > > and they'll take 10 times as much out of the
> > > system for services.
> > >
> > > Yeah Fairfax, good luck with that indeed.
> >
> > Typical bullshit poster. Just Sunday and
> already
> > lying.
> Nope, it's all true. $300K income isn't all that
> great (two GS15's make that). If you bought a
> $300K house 20 years ago, you too would be living
> in a $850K house today. Sucks for you that these
> moderate levels of income and house value seem so
> unattainable. Great for me though. Great indeed.

You're trying to hard.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: The best tolls are subtle ()
Date: October 26, 2015 12:21PM

Ten Years After Wrote:
> You're trying to hard.


The best tolls are subtle.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: quarters in the toll booth ()
Date: October 26, 2015 12:25PM

The best tolls are subtle Wrote:
> Ten Years After Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You're trying to hard.
> Indeed.
> The best tolls are subtle.

The toll payer doesn't even recognized they're getting tolled.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Tim Thompson ()
Date: October 27, 2015 06:39PM

I'm Janie's stooge on all things FCPS for the Great Falls and Mclean area. You'll know me by the stupid shorts and the out-of-date penny loafers with no socks that I wear all year round. Anyway, I can tell all you readers here - in confidence - that Janie would love to stick it to all you rich people! I finally talked her out of trying to redistrict Great Falls to Herndon high school, but I don't think I'll be able to talk her out the HUD, low-income proposal. If it has a big fat liberal, Obama stamp on it - well TEAM JANIE is all over it! My influence only goes so far people. But since I live here, I sort of care too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Pretty funny ()
Date: October 28, 2015 12:18AM

Tim Thompson Wrote:
> I'm Janie's stooge on all things FCPS for the
> Great Falls and Mclean area. You'll know me by
> the stupid shorts and the out-of-date penny
> loafers with no socks that I wear all year round.
> Anyway, I can tell all you readers here - in
> confidence - that Janie would love to stick it to
> all you rich people! I finally talked her out of
> trying to redistrict Great Falls to Herndon high
> school, but I don't think I'll be able to talk her
> out the HUD, low-income proposal. If it has a big
> fat liberal, Obama stamp on it - well TEAM JANIE
> is all over it! My influence only goes so far
> people. But since I live here, I sort of care
> too.

Pretty funny. And accurate, too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: acdc ()
Date: October 28, 2015 12:23AM

I'm sure anything and everything near the Silver Line will be suitable sites for a new ghetto.

My property taxes almost tripled the past 3 years because school system is $100M in the hole (i have no kids), Silver Line metro (which I live nowhere near, but was incorporated into that district) and EZ-pass which I will never use.

Big thanks to all the FuckTardz who run this county. Oh yeah, VDOT has a special place in my heart too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Libertarians are... ()
Date: October 28, 2015 08:22AM

acdc Wrote:
> I'm sure anything and everything near the Silver
> Line will be suitable sites for a new ghetto.
> My property taxes almost tripled the past 3 years
> because school system is $100M in the hole (i have
> no kids), Silver Line metro (which I live nowhere
> near, but was incorporated into that district) and
> EZ-pass which I will never use.
> Big thanks to all the FuckTardz who run this
> county. Oh yeah, VDOT has a special place in my
> heart too.

Libertarians are stupid, myopic fuckheads.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Ricardo Rodriquez ()
Date: October 28, 2015 08:42AM

my famlee tired of living in 6bedroom house in vienna. i wanna nicer place in mclean or great falls - county should get me out of slum and into more comforable free home. cant wate to mov on up. thanx taxpayers and demoncrat poltishuns!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Wayfarer ()
Date: October 28, 2015 08:44AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2018 11:39PM by Wayfarer.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Demographer ()
Date: October 28, 2015 08:45AM

Fairfax Taxpayer Wrote:
> Why is this at all controversial? I will definitely
> vote for Janie Strauss!

So will everyone else with an IQ above 80. It's quite a different demographic that we have to deal with here, however.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Wttmb ()
Date: October 28, 2015 08:51AM

Demographer Wrote:
> Fairfax Taxpayer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Why is this at all controversial? I will
> definitely
> > vote for Janie Strauss!
> So will everyone else with an IQ above 80. It's
> quite a different demographic that we have to deal
> with here, however.

That leaves out the nigs, mexicans and most libs. Janie be in trouble it would seem

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Common Sense... ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:00AM

The names Wrote:
> This is a very important local election. Don't
> let these people ruin our property values.

Every election is important. Never vote for Republicans, and we'll all be fine.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Better Sense... ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:10AM

Common Sense... Wrote:
> The names Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This is a very important local election. Don't
> > let these people ruin our property values.
> Every election is important. Never vote for
> Republicans, and we'll all be fine.

Your argument is less than compelling. If our schools weren't falling apart, scores were raising and classrooms sizes were manageable with a budget of over $2 billion a year, keeping what we've got might make sense. But alas, they are falling apart, scores are tanking and class sizes are too big and growing. The current board, like your post, have failed horribly in a crash and burn of epic proportion.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Retriement Advice ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:20AM

8 more years!! Wrote:
> I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire away to
> ANY place other than this hellhole.

LOL! NoVa is an excellent and increasingly popular retirement destination. In fact, BankRate rates Arlington the second best city in the US to retire to (after Phoenix). Moderate climate. Low taxes. Public transit. Unbeatable medical, cultural, and environmental amenities. All you need to be able to deal with here is the cost of living. Meanwhile, you've no idea how much worse these other areas you have in mind will turn out to be once you get there! Can you say "rude awakening"?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Can't Trust GOP WIth Our Schools ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:24AM

Better Sense... Wrote:
> Your argument is less than compelling. If our
> schools weren't falling apart, scores were raising
> and classrooms sizes were manageable with a budget
> of over $2 billion a year, keeping what we've got
> might make sense. But alas, they are falling
> apart, scores are tanking and class sizes are too
> big and growing. The current board, like your
> post, have failed horribly in a crash and burn of
> epic proportion.

Our schools would be in far worse shape with Republicans at the helm.

See Texas & Kansas.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Spot the dumbfuck... ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:31AM

Life's winners are leaving FXCO Wrote:
> Nope, it's all true. $300K income isn't all that
> great (two GS15's make that).

You aren't fooling anyone. Actual GS-15's don't think or talk the way you do. People like you are never promoted to such a level. They are sent to sensitivity training instead. You won't be hard to replace at all, so do us all a favor and take an early retirement. The sooner you are out of here, the better.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Better "Retriement" Advice ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:34AM

Retriement Advice Wrote:
> 8 more years!! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I cannot wait 'til the day I can retire away to
> > ANY place other than this hellhole.
> LOL! NoVa is an excellent and increasingly
> popular retirement destination. In fact, BankRate
> rates Arlington the second best city in the US to
> retire to (after Phoenix). Moderate climate. Low
> taxes. Public transit. Unbeatable medical,
> cultural, and environmental amenities. All you
> need to be able to deal with here is the cost of
> living. Meanwhile, you've no idea how much worse
> these other areas you have in mind will turn out
> to be once you get there! Can you say "rude
> awakening"?

What the fuck is BankRate? I've never seen Washington DC or NoVa in any list of the best places to retire. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Check out Forbes, Kiplinger, USNewsandWorldReport, AARP. None of them have anything near DC. You find some obscure site, apparently tied to banks that ranks Arlington for the same reason that it's a good place for anyone to live there. You then you discount the cost of living, which is way too high for most retirees.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: I found him, it's YOU ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:39AM

Spot the dumbfuck... Wrote:
> Life's winners are leaving FXCO Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nope, it's all true. $300K income isn't all
> that
> > great (two GS15's make that).
> You aren't fooling anyone. Actual GS-15's don't
> think or talk the way you do. People like you are
> never promoted to such a level. They are sent to
> sensitivity training instead. You won't be hard
> to replace at all, so do us all a favor and take
> an early retirement. The sooner you are out of
> here, the better.

Uh-huh. LoLz

happy bunny crazy ramblings.jpg

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Demographer ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:40AM

Wttmb Wrote:
> That leaves out the nigs, mexicans and most libs.
> Janie be in trouble it would seem

How easily the ones with the IQ's below 80 are duped. We've done the research -- we know that these people you love to hate are a threat to you because you fear that so many of them may actually be your betters. You might well be onto something there.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: hawhaw!!!!!!!!!! ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:43AM

good thing they opened up that gun store in Vienna!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:45AM

Demographer Wrote:
> Wttmb Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That leaves out the nigs, mexicans and most
> libs.
> > Janie be in trouble it would seem
> How easily the ones with the IQ's below 80 are
> duped. We've done the research -- we know that
> these people you love to hate are a threat to you
> because you fear that so many of them may actually
> be your betters. You might well be onto something
> there.

Fear and loathing, it's the conserva-tard way!



Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Jorge Soros ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:48AM

Demographer Wrote:
> Wttmb Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That leaves out the nigs, mexicans and most
> libs.
> > Janie be in trouble it would seem
> How easily the ones with the IQ's below 80 are
> duped. We've done the research -- we know that
> these people you love to hate are a threat to you
> because you fear that so many of them may actually
> be your betters. You might well be onto something
> there.

Yes, the nigs, mexicans and libs are easily duped. We've manipulated the results of your research to fool you once again. And like good little brain-dead pawns, you play your part in our global chess match. And like all pawns, you'll be quickly and easily sacrificed soon. Very soon indeed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Demographer ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:48AM

Better Sense... Wrote:
> Your argument is less than compelling. If our
> schools weren't falling apart, scores were raising
> and classrooms sizes were manageable with a budget
> of over $2 billion a year, keeping what we've got
> might make sense. But alas, they are falling
> apart, scores are tanking and class sizes are too
> big and growing. The current board, like your
> post, have failed horribly in a crash and burn of
> epic proportion.

You're as dumb as a stick. FCPS was stuck like a pig by both the state and the county during the Great Recession that moron right-wingers gifted us with. That dark cloud has been substantially cleared, but the missing funds have not been put back. The state needs to lay off with the austerity nonsense and the county needs to add at least several extra cents to the real estate tax rates and turn 100% of the new revenue over to FCPS until isuch time as it can get back to where it was a decade ago.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Blah, blah, blah ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:50AM

Conserva-tards! Wrote:
> Demographer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wttmb Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > That leaves out the nigs, mexicans and most
> > libs.
> > > Janie be in trouble it would seem
> >
> > How easily the ones with the IQ's below 80 are
> > duped. We've done the research -- we know that
> > these people you love to hate are a threat to
> you
> > because you fear that so many of them may
> actually
> > be your betters. You might well be onto
> something
> > there.
> Fear and loathing, it's the conserva-tard way!
> Conserva-tards!
> LoLz!

kirk no more blah.jpg

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Off is where you should fuck to ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:53AM

Demographer Wrote:
> Better Sense... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Your argument is less than compelling. If our
> > schools weren't falling apart, scores were
> raising
> > and classrooms sizes were manageable with a
> budget
> > of over $2 billion a year, keeping what we've
> got
> > might make sense. But alas, they are falling
> > apart, scores are tanking and class sizes are
> too
> > big and growing. The current board, like your
> > post, have failed horribly in a crash and burn
> of
> > epic proportion.
> You're as dumb as a stick. FCPS was stuck like a
> pig by both the state and the county during the
> Great Recession that moron right-wingers gifted us
> with. That dark cloud has been substantially
> cleared, but the missing funds have not been put
> back. The state needs to lay off with the
> austerity nonsense and the county needs to add at
> least several extra cents to the real estate tax
> rates and turn 100% of the new revenue over to
> FCPS until isuch time as it can get back to where
> it was a decade ago.

Yawn. You'll get your bonds passed. The sheeple will see to it. You, on the other hand, should die quickly to save us from any more of your boring ramblings.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: The crazies have arrived ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:57AM

Spot the dumbfuck... Wrote:
> Life's winners are leaving FXCO Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nope, it's all true. $300K income isn't all
> that
> > great (two GS15's make that).
> You aren't fooling anyone. Actual GS-15's don't
> think or talk the way you do. People like you are
> never promoted to such a level. They are sent to
> sensitivity training instead. You won't be hard
> to replace at all, so do us all a favor and take
> an early retirement. The sooner you are out of
> here, the better.

LOL. What a retard. Thinking GS-15's are something special. Who the hell thinks anyone in the government is some higher class of anything. What a fucking, moronic retard you are. Now swallow that fact with a piping hot cup of shut the fuck up.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy! ()
Date: October 28, 2015 09:59AM

The crazies have arrived Wrote:
> LOL. What a retard. Thinking GS-15's are
> something special. Who the hell thinks anyone in
> the government is some higher class of anything.
> What a fucking, moronic retard you are. Now
> swallow that fact with a piping hot cup of shut
> the fuck up.

Your anger.jpg

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Retriement Advice ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:08AM

Better "Retriement" Advice Wrote:
> What the fuck is BankRate? I've never seen
> Washington DC or NoVa in any list of the best
> places to retire. You have absolutely no idea
> what you're talking about.

Typical brainless stupid shit...


> You then you discount the cost of living, which is
> way too high for most retirees.

As was noted, the cost-of living is the only down-side to the area. You may end up being squeezed out by that, but a great many retirees would be apt to have more in the way of resources set aside than you would seem to.

The fact remains that NoVa is an increasingly attractive retirement destination.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: FFU FIFYer ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:13AM

Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy! Wrote:
> The crazies have arrived Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL. What a retard. Thinking GS-15's are
> > something special. Who the hell thinks anyone
> in
> > the government is some higher class of anything.
> > What a fucking, moronic retard you are. Now
> > swallow that fact with a piping hot cup of shut
> > the fuck up.


Your anger.jpg

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Spot the dumbfuck... ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:17AM

I found him, it's YOU Wrote:
> Uh-huh. LoLz

Wow! Great comeback, dumbfuck. I bet you get all the girls too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Can you spell 'retirement'? ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:18AM

Retriement Advice Wrote:
> Better "Retriement" Advice Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What the fuck is BankRate? I've never seen
> > Washington DC or NoVa in any list of the best
> > places to retire. You have absolutely no idea
> > what you're talking about.
> Typical brainless stupid shit...
> http://www.bankrate.com/finance/retirement/best-ci
> ties-for-retirement-in-america-10.aspx
> > You then you discount the cost of living, which
> is
> > way too high for most retirees.
> As was noted, the cost-of living is the only
> down-side to the area. You may end up being
> squeezed out by that, but a great many retirees
> would be apt to have more in the way of resources
> set aside than you would seem to.
> The fact remains that NoVa is an increasingly
> attractive retirement destination.

Sorry, still wrong. Again, who/what the fuck is Bankrate? Everyone has heard of Forbes, Money Magazine, Kiplingers, AARP. Why should anyone give a shit about some never-heard-of site? Can you answer that question or not?

And cost of living is everything when it comes to retirement. While 'a great many' might have saved up money, all studies show most Americans don't have enough. Use the google genius and see for yourself. Search 'not enough savings retirement'.

It appears the typical stupid shit is still and will continue to be YOU.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: It's still you ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:20AM

Spot the dumbfuck... Wrote:
> I found him, it's YOU Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Uh-huh. LoLz
> Wow! Great comeback, dumbfuck. I bet you get all
> the girls too.

Sucks to be you. Bettered by a dumbfuck. That just eats at you like a cancer. This makes me smile.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Never heard of Bankrate.com? ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:28AM

Can you spell 'retirement'? Wrote:
> > > What the fuck is BankRate? I've never seen
> > > Washington DC or NoVa in any list of the best
> > > places to retire. You have absolutely no
> idea
> > > what you're talking about.
> >
> > Typical brainless stupid shit...

Never heard of bankrate? It would seem that you are the "typical brainless stupid shit" of which you speak. olo.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Ummm... ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:32AM

hawhaw!!!!!!!!!! Wrote:
> good thing they opened up that gun store in Vienna!

Did you mean the one in McLean? It's not new by the way, just at a new location. Now it's next door to an elementary school instead of across the street from a post office.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Bankrate is a top 1 million site ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:33AM

Never heard of Bankrate.com? Wrote:
> Can you spell 'retirement'? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > > What the fuck is BankRate? I've never seen
> > > > Washington DC or NoVa in any list of the
> best
> > > > places to retire. You have absolutely no
> > idea
> > > > what you're talking about.
> > >
> > > Typical brainless stupid shit...
> Never heard of bankrate? It would seem that you
> are the "typical brainless stupid shit" of which
> you speak. olo.

"olo". That's such a fail on so many levels. Can you get any more moronic? Sadly, you probably can.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Demographer ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:39AM

Off is where you should fuck to Wrote:
> Yawn. You'll get your bonds passed. The sheeple will see to it.

Bonds support capital projects, dumbass. The problems are in the operating budget that's seen cut after cut and then nothing restored despite the improving times.

You can't drive a Cadillac for the price of a Yugo, but a lot of right-wingers are just plain too dumb to figure that out.

> You, on the other hand, should die quickly to save us from any
> more of your boring ramblings.

I'm sure you find lots of stuff boring. All that material that simply sails right over your worthless head, for example.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Spot the dumbfuck... ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:51AM

The crazies have arrived Wrote:
> LOL. What a retard. Thinking GS-15's are
> something special.

"Life's Winners" stated that two of them would earn about $300K. That's nearly triple the median household income for the area.

> Who the hell thinks anyone in the government is some
> higher class of anything.

I would guess that nearly all of them would be of a higher class than you. More intelligent. Better educated. Better read. More aware of the world. All that sort of stuff.

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