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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Up is where you should shut ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:55AM

Demographer Wrote:
> Off is where you should fuck to Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yawn. You'll get your bonds passed. The
> sheeple will see to it.
> Bonds support capital projects, dumbass. The
> problems are in the operating budget that's seen
> cut after cut and then nothing restored despite
> the improving times.
> You can't drive a Cadillac for the price of a
> Yugo, but a lot of right-wingers are just plain
> too dumb to figure that out.
> > You, on the other hand, should die quickly to
> save us from any
> > more of your boring ramblings.
> I'm sure you find lots of stuff boring. All that
> material that simply sails right over your
> worthless head, for example.

Yawn. "Let's throw more money at it". The typical automatic, thoughtless, guttural chant of the liberal sheeple. The problem isn't lack of funding douche. It's too many fucking illegals and too much social engineering at the expense of basic education.

But you, being a super-genius, just fall back on liberal memes and uninformed bullshit, like all of asshole spotter's rantings do.

The fact that you're still breathing is a blight on this once-great county. Next time you decide to vomit more of your bullshit on here, put a bullet in your pea-brain instead. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Yep, still you ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:58AM

Spot the dumbfuck... Wrote:
> The crazies have arrived Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL. What a retard. Thinking GS-15's are
> > something special.
> "Life's Winners" stated that two of them would
> earn about $300K. That's nearly triple the median
> household income for the area.
> > Who the hell thinks anyone in the government is
> some
> > higher class of anything.
> I would guess that nearly all of them would be of
> a higher class than you. More intelligent.
> Better educated. Better read. More aware of the
> world. All that sort of stuff.

Worshiping the government worker. You are a special kind of retarded. And your 'guessing', like much of you life, would be a fail. But you already knew that, didn't ya?

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Retirement Advice ()
Date: October 28, 2015 11:12AM

Can you spell 'retirement'? Wrote:
> Sorry, still wrong. Again, who/what the fuck is
> Bankrate? Everyone has heard of Forbes, Money
> Magazine, Kiplingers, AARP. Why should anyone
> give a shit about some never-heard-of site? Can
> you answer that question or not?

The only answer here is that you are too fucking dumb to have heard of BankRate, a major financial services company probably best known for its work in personal financial matters such as where would be a good place to retire to. Their listings are the first non-sponsored results that google returns when you type in "top retirement communities". It must be kind of painful to be as fucked-over dumb as you appear to be.

> And cost of living is everything when it comes to
> retirement. While 'a great many' might have saved
> up money, all studies show most Americans don't
> have enough. Use the google genius and see for
> yourself. Search 'not enough savings retirement'.

Stupid beyond belief. Plainly not everyone can overcome the hurdle of the cost of living in NoVa, otherwise it would not be a hurdle. God, but you are just buttfuck dumb!

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: You so BAD!!! ()
Date: October 28, 2015 11:18AM

Bankrate is a top 1 million site Wrote:
> "olo". That's such a fail on so many levels. Can
> you get any more moronic? Sadly, you probably can.

Get down with those funky typos, mofo. You doin' big-ass damage here, awright.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Never heard of Bankrate.com? ()
Date: October 28, 2015 11:31AM

Bankrate is a top 1 million site Wrote:
> Never heard of Bankrate.com? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Never heard of bankrate? It would seem that you
> > are the "typical brainless stupid shit" of
> which
> > you speak. olo.
> "olo". That's such a fail on so many levels. Can
> you get any more moronic? Sadly, you probably
> can.

That's all you've got? lol.

Yep, "typical brainless stupid shit" is what you are.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Demographer ()
Date: October 28, 2015 03:45PM

Up is where you should shut Wrote:
> Yawn. "Let's throw more money at it".

The grand-daddy of all lame-ass, paint-by-numbers, push-button arguments. How can anyone be that feeble. If you knew anything of the relevant history, you would know full well that funding is in fact the problem here. You can't take, take, take and never put anything back. They teach that to kindergartners. How did you manage to miss out?

> The problem isn't lack of funding douche. It's too many
> fucking illegals and too much social engineering at the
> expense of basic education.

Public schools are tasked with teaching all who show up on the doorstep. Think of all the tainted little shits who show up crippled through having worthless assholes for parents. Parents who push exactly that sort of racist, nativist clap-trap down their throats, leaving the school system to pull it all back out again. People like you cannot function successfully in a modern society. It takes time and effort and money to assure that your pitiable children will not end up in the same dumbass, socially dysfunctional boat as you.

> The fact that you're still breathing is a blight
> on this once-great county. Next time you decide
> to vomit more of your bullshit on here, put a
> bullet in your pea-brain instead. Thanks in
> advance.

LOL! Good thing I went to lunch. You were about to have something hemorrhage on you over there.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: mutual money lover ()
Date: October 29, 2015 10:43PM

newt and freddie mac worked hard to make mclean a rich area using loans

you would be trying to steal some of it back by giving it away to mexicans illegally here in USA would you ?


which is why i'd like to catch you doing it

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: libfag sheeple go baaaaaaah. ()
Date: October 30, 2015 08:45AM

Demographer Wrote:
> Up is where you should shut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yawn. "Let's throw more money at it".
> The grand-daddy of all lame-ass, paint-by-numbers,
> push-button arguments. How can anyone be that
> feeble. If you knew anything of the relevant
> history, you would know full well that funding is
> in fact the problem here. You can't take, take,
> take and never put anything back. They teach that
> to kindergartners. How did you manage to miss
> out?
> > The problem isn't lack of funding douche. It's
> too many
> > fucking illegals and too much social engineering
> at the
> > expense of basic education.
> Public schools are tasked with teaching all who
> show up on the doorstep. Think of all the tainted
> little shits who show up crippled through having
> worthless assholes for parents. Parents who push
> exactly that sort of racist, nativist clap-trap
> down their throats, leaving the school system to
> pull it all back out again. People like you
> cannot function successfully in a modern society.
> It takes time and effort and money to assure that
> your pitiable children will not end up in the same
> dumbass, socially dysfunctional boat as you.
> > The fact that you're still breathing is a
> blight
> > on this once-great county. Next time you
> decide
> > to vomit more of your bullshit on here, put a
> > bullet in your pea-brain instead. Thanks in
> > advance.
> LOL! Good thing I went to lunch. You were about
> to have something hemorrhage on you over there.

He's right. Kill yourself. Libfags like you have killed this county.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: You understand nothing ()
Date: October 30, 2015 08:57AM

mutual money lover Wrote:
> newt and freddie mac worked hard to make mclean a
> rich area using loans
> you would be trying to steal some of it back by
> giving it away to mexicans illegally here in USA
> would you ?

Full Retard.jpg

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: yeah right ()
Date: November 02, 2015 03:07AM

Low income housing in Great Falls? Yeah, right.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: 027[2n' b ()
Date: November 03, 2015 02:49AM

The goobermint is trying to force -inject the lower classes into the high-end residential conclaves. That is a racist move, because they are not giving the higher-classes the same treatment and force-injecting them in to the inner cities to live. They should be sued for not treating everybody in the population the same way.

Are you aware that their plan eventually is to do away with all dwellers of the countryside and to force everyone to live only in the vast high-density cities (metro areas) that will be created? The wilderness areas and countryside is to be closed to dwelling. Guess they will need everyone to be squashed into gigantic high-rises like they have in Hong Kong.

Part of the plans to merge Canada, the US and Mexico and Central America into one country, it seems.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: Late night rantings ()
Date: November 03, 2015 08:13AM

027[2n' b Wrote:
> The goobermint is trying to force -inject the
> lower classes into the high-end residential
> conclaves. That is a racist move, because they
> are not giving the higher-classes the same
> treatment and force-injecting them in to the inner
> cities to live. They should be sued for not
> treating everybody in the population the same
> way.

Looks like someone stayed up way past their bedtime.

> Are you aware that their plan eventually is to do
> away with all dwellers of the countryside and to
> force everyone to live only in the vast
> high-density cities (metro areas) that will be
> created? The wilderness areas and countryside is
> to be closed to dwelling. Guess they will need
> everyone to be squashed into gigantic high-rises
> like they have in Hong Kong.

What color is the sky in this nightmarish world you inhabit?

> Part of the plans to merge Canada, the US and
> Mexico and Central America into one country, it
> seems.

Wasn't that already accomplished with NAFTA? It seems your a couple of decades behind.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: aggie888 ()
Date: November 03, 2015 08:13PM

McClean Bible Church Wrote:
> My view Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm a 30-something who moved to McLean from the
> > Falls Church/Bailey's Crossroads area for a
> > reason. I don't need any of these government
> > people screwing up my property values with this
> > low-income housing crap. I also don't want to
> see
> > Route 7 become another Route 1. Been there
> done
> > that too. There is a reason people are willing
> to
> > pay more to live in a nice place. Who exactly
> is
> > supporting this so I can vote against them?
> Tell this to Jesus. He might give a damn.
> Not a sermon but just sound advice.

Bleeding heart I bet you have some choice words for homos. You self righteous bigot christian can stick a grenade up your asses to make the world a better place. Never have seen such a bunch of judgmental pricks.

And let me get this straight, Jesus wants you to support the illegals yet, his father GOD wants to burn most of the people on earth in hell for eternity????? Real nice, yet they are the same guy, bipolar pricks.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: nopenot ()
Date: November 04, 2015 11:34PM

fairfax taxpayer naive Wrote:
> Fairfax Taxpayer -
> It is difficult to speak to the truth. Ok, I get
> it, it is a nice thought to provide all schools
> with the needed resources, provide a rigorous well
> rounded and excellent curriculum, and of course,
> excellent teachers.
> The reality:
> Most of the recent immigrants have cognitive
> abilities far below that of the long time, middle
> class residents in Fairfax County. I know, I
> know, you will be voting for Janie Strauss. But
> how many people with 75 IQ's do you or Janie
> routinely interact with? I doubt many. It is a
> very different world than the one you inhabit,
> especially in terms of future time orientation,
> memory, and analytic abilities. The idea of
> expending resources is a nice thought but the
> racial achievement gap has not been closed
> anywhere in the country, including Fairfax,
> despite the expenditure of billions of dollars.
> The cognitive gaps are real, and so are the
> problems which arise when you put the 75 IQ kids
> in the classroom with the 120 or higher IQ kids.
> Standards lower, behaviors are worse, and that is
> just the way it is. The Straussian bromides do
> not change this result. Perhaps re-introducing
> very structured tracking would help, but that
> would bring charges of de facto segregation. I
> don't blame middle class parents for their fears,
> but it is unfortunate no one can talk honestly
> about the cognitive gap which drives these
> problems.
> Excellent teachers? I support FCPS on this score.
> They typically are competent, if not better. But
> if you want a diverse teaching force, good luck.
> Blacks in particular have a hugely difficult task
> in passing the licensure exams. Perhaps you
> could lower the passing scores (and that may be
> the right thing to do based on the data), but the
> problem in lowering the passing scores is that it
> interrupts the narrative (held by both liberals
> and conservatives) that we need excellent
> teachers. (It is easier for minority students to
> get into a law school than to pass a licensure
> exam). Again, you can overlook the cognitive
> skills gap and pretend it will all work out, but
> the gap exists, has not closed since the civil
> rights era, and is the Voldemort problem no one
> can acknowledge.
> As to housing concentration, it is undeniable that
> Section 8 and public housing brings with it high
> volumes of crime and uncivil behavior. Some
> academics object to this, claiming that the crime
> would have occurred anyway due to neighborhood
> changes, and are loathe to deem housing programs
> as the cause. But to someone living in or near
> those neighborhoods, the academic distinction
> between correlation and causation is meaningless.
> There is simply far more crime when Section 8 and
> public housing arrives.
> Look, I am not blaming Strauss or any other
> candidate. If any candidate expressed the views I
> have just expressed, well, they would stand no
> chance of election, or with the gooey, emotional
> press. But don't kid yourself, the cognitive
> shortcomings of a growing part of the school
> population are real, they are made worse by the
> kill and drill testing regime, they cause an
> imbalance in teacher diversity, and clearly make,
> despite shibboleths to the contrary, the schools a
> less attractive place for the focused, bright and
> ambitious (although someone like you could argue
> this group will find a way to do well no matter
> what, especially since there are most often two
> caring parents involved).
> In any event, some food for thought.

What you propose would rip apart the fabric of society. I don't think the press is being gooey and emotional, journalists make the top 10 list for psychopaths.

They can pretend to be gooey and emotional on things that don't truly threaten the status quo. Such as equality for 1% of the population, who are gay, who want to get married. Such as equality for the 15% ( if that) of women who have IQ's above 120 who honestly want to succeed in a profession.
Most of their "equality" talk in the end just makes life more miserable for the average American.

The real "equality" would be everybody getting an I.Q test and understanding that if you test at 75 and make $10 an hour working your ass off, its really quite "UNEQUAL" that someone with a 125 I.Q makes $100,000 a year putting prescriptions in a bottle at a pharmacy.

I.Q equality would end life has everybody knows it. They can pretend to care about low income people and put them in a few houses for cheap, just something to make them look to be something they aren't- caring. These low income houses aren't going anywhere near the mansions.

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Re: Low Income housing in McLean, Vienna and Great Falls
Posted by: F.O.F. (Friend of Fruppie) ()
Date: November 05, 2015 08:43AM

nopenot Wrote:
> What you propose would rip apart the fabric of
> society. I don't think the press is being gooey
> and emotional, journalists make the top 10 list
> for psychopaths.
> They can pretend to be gooey and emotional on
> things that don't truly threaten the status quo.
> Such as equality for 1% of the population, who are
> gay, who want to get married. Such as equality for
> the 15% ( if that) of women who have IQ's above
> 120 who honestly want to succeed in a profession.
> Most of their "equality" talk in the end just
> makes life more miserable for the average
> American.
> The real "equality" would be everybody getting an
> I.Q test and understanding that if you test at 75
> and make $10 an hour working your ass off, its
> really quite "UNEQUAL" that someone with a 125 I.Q
> makes $100,000 a year putting prescriptions in a
> bottle at a pharmacy.
> I.Q equality would end life has everybody knows
> it. They can pretend to care about low income
> people and put them in a few houses for cheap,
> just something to make them look to be something
> they aren't- caring. These low income houses
> aren't going anywhere near the mansions.

That's stupid.

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