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Posted by: angry citizen ()
Date: June 07, 2016 12:13PM

My friends and I experienced an awful encounter with BRYC this past Sunday. This is the letter we sent to their administration detailing what happened.

To Whom It May Concern,

We reach out to you all this afternoon in hopes of gaining an explanation for the incredibly rude and disrespectful way that our cricket club was treated this past Sunday by your field director Trish Moxie. Furthermore, we hope by bringing this incident to your attention, BRYC as a whole can grow and improve by holding someone accountable.

Our club, formally called Robinson Cricket Club, was incepted in 2014 and has become a great outlet for many adults to participate in the great sport of cricket. Due to the informal nature of the club, we have never sought the need to register as a nonprofit. However, after recounting the situation that unfolded Sunday afternoon to legal counsel, this may be an avenue that we will pursue. Finally, our club has played on the Robinson Secondary School main field, upper turf field, and upper grass field many times without over the past two and a half years, beginning while we were students. Not once has there ever been any incident whatsoever. In fact, we have only received positive feedback from other facility users and community members.

The events of Sunday afternoon are as follows. Our club went to play on Robinson’s upper turf field due to the occupancy of all other fields. After about 90 minutes of play, a soccer team began to warm up to our right. The team seemed to have enough space to warm up regardless of our position. Despite the players and coach of this team warming up unimpeded, Ms. Moxie came angrily walking towards us. Without incident she began raising her voice and calling for us to leave in an extremely disrespectful tone. When one member spoke to her asking for clarification, she literally charged at him and raised her voice. She then made a snide comment about the university displayed on one of our member’s shirts. In addition she referred to our club in a very derogatory way by calling it “that” cricket group, as if we are a menace to the community. We take this very seriously, for our club aims to be nothing but constructive. Ms. Moxie then said that we had to leave because we were “damaging” the field, and she implied that our use of the field was inherently wrong, even though it is completely permissible per FCPS policy. We were completely taken aback by her actions and saw no reason to comply with Ms. Moxie’s request since she could not (or refused to) show us a field permit, but we tried to work out a compromise and asked if she would be satisfied if we shifted our match about 100 yards away from the soccer team’s warmup, into an empty field space. She rejected this request and said it would have us playing in a puddle. The puddle must have been invisible, because upon inspection the unoccupied area of the field was completely dry. We repeated to Ms. Moxie that despite her belligerent attitude and unprofessional side comments, we would still be happy to leave if she simply produced a field permit. She could not do so and refused to prove she had any right to use the field. The rules of FCPS sports fields indicate that the walk on public may use any field that was not in conflict with a permitted group. These rules are stated on the Fairfax County website:

"The scheduling of organized sport groups and the issuance of permits to those groups shall be in accord with guidelines provided by Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Permits are issued by the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Permit holders shall have first rights for the use of the fields to which they have been assigned. A field not being utilized by a permit holder may be used by others, including the walk-on public".

Ms. Moxie refused to provide this permit even after we asked an additional three times. County guidelines clearly indicate that a permit must be obtained in order to reserve a field, but Moxie was unable to provide us with any documentation proving that she had obtained any such permit. Because of this, we had no obligation to suspend play and relocate fields, but were nonetheless forced to do so because of Ms. Moxie’s tactics of physical and verbal intimidation. Moxie also refused to give us her name, bluntly stating “I’m not giving you shit.” Luckily, finding her name on the BRYC website was not difficult. Finally, Ms. Moxie pretended to call security in order to get us to leave. However, it being a Sunday, and the fact that security never did show up gave us significant reason to believe that Moxie was being dishonest. Ten minutes after leaving the field, the soccer team left to play their game.

Our main grievance is the complete and utter lack of respect we were shown by Ms. Moxie. We were treated with contempt, as if we are not members of the community. We simply were trying to have a good time on a public field that our tax dollars pay for. This is not the image you want to set for your organization. Between us, we have participated in dozens of seasons of youth and VHSL sports. We have the utmost respect for Robinson and Fairfax County’s athletic facilities and for local youth sports. Many bystanders witnessed the way Moxie handled this situation, and I wouldn’t be surprised if any of them were to switch their child to a competing youth organization. We also would venture to guess that this is not the first time Ms. Moxie has acted this way. Finally, we recognize that there is a fair possibility you all will do nothing, but we really do hope you will do your best to take steps to correct this behavior in order to improve your organization as well as your relationship with outsiders.

Please respond to this message outlining what steps will be taken to ensure Ms. Moxie’s behavior is not encountered again. We did nothing wrong and expect to receive an apology from Ms. Moxie. We know our rights as community citizens and were simply following the advertised rules of field use, and we hope that Ms. Moxie will do the same in the future rather than be rude, disrespectful and threatening.

With Respect,

Robinson Cricket Club Executive Board

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Posted by: McCafe ()
Date: June 07, 2016 12:36PM

Did you really consult a legal council after you got in a dispute with a bunch of 7 year olds about a soccer field? What a grievance. Surely the appropriate response is to sue for damages.

You need to get some thicker skin man. I'm sorry some woman didn't speak to you in a soft tone, and hurt your feelings. But, it's time to get over it.

I sincerely hope this is a joke. I have a feeling it is.

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Posted by: Big gov ()
Date: June 07, 2016 12:40PM

Did you have a field permit?

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Posted by: uFd3b ()
Date: June 07, 2016 12:41PM

Fucking wow.

This area has become unconsciously retarded.

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Posted by: Should have been in church ()
Date: June 07, 2016 12:48PM

uFd3b Wrote:
> Fucking wow.
> This area has become unconsciously retarded.

No woman should ever be allowed to talk to a man that way
What has this country come to?

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Posted by: d436d ()
Date: June 07, 2016 12:57PM

Sounds like you don't have formal permission to play there. Besides, you came to America, be American. Americans don't play cricket.

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Posted by: original poster ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:04PM

No we did not,
However BRYC could not produce there permit after we asked repeatedly.

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Posted by: original poster ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:07PM

we came to America? No, We were all born here and are all of Caucasian decent. what does that have to do with anything?

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Posted by: Fury on the field of play ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:25PM


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Posted by: Disgruntled ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:35PM

You have my sympathies. BRYC is a shit program and you are right about the Nazi connection. They were horrible 20 years when my children played on youth teams and after one season, I put my children into a different program. As for tearing up fields: annually, they tear up the little league field on Braddock road near Wakefield Chapel. Never do they come out for field clean up/repair day. But then you've got rich, entitled parents with more entitled children in that group. I hope the next time this happens you stand your ground and ignore her. Or call the police yourself because that is all she could have done on a weekend. The police would have asked for the permit and when none was produced the reply would have been first come/first serve.

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Posted by: I can top this story easy ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:38PM

A friend of mine coaches high school girls soccer
Last year her team was practicing on a Saturday morning
They were on the schedule
Along comes an 8 year old boys syc team thinking they had a game
My friend politely informed them that she had use of the field
The parents then berated her and formed a ring around the field trying to block her players from practicing
They then told their kids to take the field
She even called the county and they confirmed that the high school team had the field
They remained on the field refusing to go
Finally someone called syc and they realized the game was scheduled at another field
No apologies were offered by the parents
They left shouting obscenities at the girls

So get used to it Pal
Nova is filled with self entitled ass holes

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Posted by: Kimbo Slice ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:38PM

What a pussy she is. I would have produced a fake permit and kicked your sorry asses off. All you need is a printer to make these stupid little permits. Thanks for your whiny story.

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Posted by: Policy Reader ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:41PM

Unrelated to this I have been reading policy for community use, and my understanding is that the parking lot-type areas (hoops etc) are open to public on first come first serve basis, but things like fields and rooms are under the FCPS community use program where activity leaders can reserve space subject to approval.

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Posted by: Fox News ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:45PM


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Posted by: Community ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:49PM

I can totally understand your frustration. You had every right to be on that field. Sounds like the lady enjoyed her little power trip by trying to talk down to some young men who did no wrong. Way to completely miss the point of youth sports. What a wench

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Posted by: Schedule Reader ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:56PM

Looks to me like BRYC had 3 fields reserved all day on Sunday. I see no reservation for the Cricket. I have seen cricket on the Lake Braddoock back parking lot, which would be OK as far as I know.

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Posted by: Easy fix ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:58PM

Apply for a field use permit
It can be done online through the county website

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Posted by: Original Poster ()
Date: June 07, 2016 01:58PM

Disgruntled Wrote:
> You have my sympathies. BRYC is a shit program
> and you are right about the Nazi connection. They
> were horrible 20 years when my children played on
> youth teams and after one season, I put my
> children into a different program. As for tearing
> up fields: annually, they tear up the little
> league field on Braddock road near Wakefield
> Chapel. Never do they come out for field clean
> up/repair day. But then you've got rich,
> entitled parents with more entitled children in
> that group. I hope the next time this happens
> you stand your ground and ignore her. Or call
> the police yourself because that is all she could
> have done on a weekend. The police would have
> asked for the permit and when none was produced
> the reply would have been first come/first serve.

Thank you kind person

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Posted by: burkemama ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:06PM

While she probably did act like an officious little b*&%tc and I personally cannot stand BRYC, the fact remains that they were permitted for the fields and you were not. Really, end of story.

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Posted by: these are the results ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:09PM

Nice to see the public private partnerships are working well
BRYC chips in for the fields and feels like they own them

No organization should be given use of 3 fields all day Sunday

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Posted by: W...T...F...? ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:20PM

Um, what...because you own a home here you think you belong to this community? What...because you own businesses, send your kids to public schools and pay taxes you think you belong to this community? No. You do not belong to this community.

In order to belong to this community, you must be white. If you are unable to present yourself as white, then you must take every step to assimilate into our society. Cricket is not an American sport. Playing cricket is culturally forbidden in this country. You people like starting sentences with, "In my country..." or "In my culture..." as a means of excusing whatever non-American behavior you deem appropriate.

You came here seeking a better life for you and your family, yes? You chose to live in the United States because you heard how wonderful life is here. Well, life is wonderful here. You should have been here 40 years ago but, it's still pretty wonderful here. And it's wonderful here because those like you that came before you submitted themselves willfully to America...our customs, our ways, our attitudes and our laws.

That increase in your quality of life is not free. That increase to your quality of life is paid for with your social compliance. Am I able to go to YOUR country and order a cheeseburger on every corner? No, I must eat the foods that are native to your country. Am I able to go to YOUR country and turn your cricket pitch into an ice hockey rink? No, I must learn to play cricket because cricket is your national game. Am I able to wear my jeans, t-shirts and cargo shorts wherever I want? No. Those are American or western-style clothes, I must willingly release myself to your culture because after all, I wasn't born there...I'm not native. I could live my whole life in YOUR country and I would always be treated as a guest.

It's the same here. This is our country. My people, the white people, came over here and took it by force from the natives so, we are for damn sure not going to let you and your native minions come and take it for your own deviant purposes. This is America. This is our country. Conform to our ways or you are free to leave whenever you wish. If you want to live as your people live, then please return from whence you came. If however you want to live here America and take advantage of what we have to offer, then learn what it means to be an American.

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Posted by: Read the post next time ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:22PM

burkemama Wrote:
> While she probably did act like an officious
> little b*&%tc and I personally cannot stand BRYC,
> the fact remains that they were permitted for the
> fields and you were not. Really, end of story.


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Posted by: Yes - Beware ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:26PM

Here is a little free advise. Those folks are not to be messed with, and they have long arms that can ruin lives. They have connections that can make things very difficult.

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Posted by: Sam Yates ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:29PM

Lol we're all white

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Posted by: Rufussssssssss ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:29PM

W...T...F...? Wrote:
> Um, what...because you own a home here you think
> you belong to this community? What...because you
> own businesses, send your kids to public schools
> and pay taxes you think you belong to this
> community? No. You do not belong to this
> community.
> In order to belong to this community, you must be
> white. If you are unable to present yourself as
> white, then you must take every step to assimilate
> into our society. Cricket is not an American
> sport. Playing cricket is culturally forbidden in
> this country. You people like starting sentences
> with, "In my country..." or "In my culture..." as
> a means of excusing whatever non-American behavior
> you deem appropriate.
> You came here seeking a better life for you and
> your family, yes? You chose to live in the United
> States because you heard how wonderful life is
> here. Well, life is wonderful here. You should
> have been here 40 years ago but, it's still pretty
> wonderful here. And it's wonderful here because
> those like you that came before you submitted
> themselves willfully to America...our customs, our
> ways, our attitudes and our laws.
> That increase in your quality of life is not free.
> That increase to your quality of life is paid for
> with your social compliance. Am I able to go to
> YOUR country and order a cheeseburger on every
> corner? No, I must eat the foods that are native
> to your country. Am I able to go to YOUR country
> and turn your cricket pitch into an ice hockey
> rink? No, I must learn to play cricket because
> cricket is your national game. Am I able to wear
> my jeans, t-shirts and cargo shorts wherever I
> want? No. Those are American or western-style
> clothes, I must willingly release myself to your
> culture because after all, I wasn't born
> there...I'm not native. I could live my whole life
> in YOUR country and I would always be treated as a
> guest.
> It's the same here. This is our country. My
> people, the white people, came over here and took
> it by force from the natives so, we are for damn
> sure not going to let you and your native minions
> come and take it for your own deviant purposes.
> This is America. This is our country. Conform to
> our ways or you are free to leave whenever you
> wish. If you want to live as your people live,
> then please return from whence you came. If
> however you want to live here America and take
> advantage of what we have to offer, then learn
> what it means to be an American.

We're all white dumbass

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Posted by: ExCoach ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:37PM

Read the post next time Wrote:
> burkemama Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > While she probably did act like an officious
> > little b*&%tc and I personally cannot stand
> > the fact remains that they were permitted for
> the
> > fields and you were not. Really, end of story.

Maybe she had one but didn't have it with her. Ever think of that you self entitled asshole?

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Posted by: cny3G ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:42PM

Disgruntled Wrote:
> You have my sympathies. BRYC is a shit program
> and you are right about the Nazi connection. They
> were horrible 20 years when my children played on
> youth teams and after one season, I put my
> children into a different program. As for tearing
> up fields: annually, they tear up the little
> league field on Braddock road near Wakefield
> Chapel. Never do they come out for field clean
> up/repair day. But then you've got rich,
> entitled parents with more entitled children in
> that group. I hope the next time this happens
> you stand your ground and ignore her. Or call
> the police yourself because that is all she could
> have done on a weekend. The police would have
> asked for the permit and when none was produced
> the reply would have been first come/first serve.

One of the wettest, worst fields in the county and yes they destroy the turf

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Posted by: Robo Cricket Club ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:44PM

We will not be intimidated. BRYC had no busness kicking us off that field if they didn't have a permit to be there. Sports are for everyone to enjoy, not just those who are members of organized leagues

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Posted by: Rules are rules ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:46PM

Robo Cricket Club Wrote:
> We will not be intimidated. BRYC had no busness
> kicking us off that field if they didn't have a
> permit to be there. Sports are for everyone to
> enjoy, not just those who are members of organized
> leagues

You stil have to have a permit
You did not have

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Posted by: Field use ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:49PM

If a youth club has a permit to the field the coach is supposed to have that permit with them anytime they are to use the field.

Not having the permit with them = no permit.

The cricket players were never in the wrong because no permit was shown. It is the duty of the permit holder to be prepared because the use of the fields are open use when a permitted group is not actively using the field. Honestly, I would have refused to leave until a permit was produced as I have a feeling that these groups are under permitting to save costs.

As to the demeanor of the person at BRYC, that's shameful and the other parents of the organization should be made aware of how this person is representing them. Most parents do not want this type of behavior, it's a shame that the few that don't seem to mind are the most involved.

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Posted by: PussySayWhat ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:51PM

Robo Cricket Club Wrote:
> We will not be intimidated. BRYC had no busness
> kicking us off that field if they didn't have a
> permit to be there. Sports are for everyone to
> enjoy, not just those who are members of organized
> leagues

It sounds like you were definitely intimidated and now you are coming on here to whine about it like the little pussy faggot you are. Get a permit or get the fuck out.

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Posted by: PussySayWhat ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:55PM

Do you want us all to coddle you because "the mean lady wasn't nice to me and my gay ass club, whaaaa! Fucking grow a set of balls dude, fuck I hate people around here! Beta males!

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Posted by: bNDHE ()
Date: June 07, 2016 02:59PM

Bullshit. White people dont play cricket. Crochet, yes. Cricket, no.

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Posted by: menX4 ()
Date: June 07, 2016 03:06PM

original poster Wrote:
> No we did not,
> However BRYC could not produce there permit after
> we asked repeatedly.

It has been years since I had a kid in these leagues. When I did though the league would arrange for a permit, but they didn't have it with them at the field. The permit would be with the league officials, not with the team coaches and referees who would be the ones present.

Assuming the facts are as represented by the OP, and that is a huge leap of faith, it still appears the OP and his friends are every bit as classless, and perhaps even more so, as Ms. Moxie:

1. Your cricket team was using a field that they did not have a permit for. When the soccer team showed up, you didn't immediately verify the soccer team wasn't supposed to use the field they were on, and you didn't immediately verify your use of the field was not improprly interfering with the soccer team's use of the field. For all we can tell the soccer team may have been supposed to be on the field OP and his friends were on, and simply decided to use the area next to it so as not to interfere with the OP.

2. You accuse Ms. Moxie of "a complete and utter lack of respect" towards you. However by taking this dispute public by posting it on this forum, you are showing a complete and utter lack of respect towards her. If you have a beef with officials of BRYC you take it up with BYRC. If you don't get a satisfactory response you then take the issue to whichever County authority controls the field.

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Posted by: 9xxUG ()
Date: June 07, 2016 03:15PM

burkemama Wrote:
> While she probably did act like an officious
> little b*&%tc and I personally cannot stand BRYC,
> the fact remains that they were permitted for the
> fields and you were not. Really, end of story.

What is it about BRYC, you cannot stand?
I'm curious, got kids and perhaps I need to know.

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Posted by: BRYC sucks ()
Date: June 07, 2016 03:17PM

Years back my daughter played travel soccer with BRYC
One of her coaches would come to practice drunk
The other one would berate the players

I wrote a letter
They did nothing

Sounds like it's being run by the same idiots

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Posted by: NoBalls ()
Date: June 07, 2016 03:21PM

menX4 Wrote:
> original poster Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No we did not,
> > However BRYC could not produce there permit
> after
> > we asked repeatedly.
> It has been years since I had a kid in these
> leagues. When I did though the league would
> arrange for a permit, but they didn't have it with
> them at the field. The permit would be with the
> league officials, not with the team coaches and
> referees who would be the ones present.
> Assuming the facts are as represented by the OP,
> and that is a huge leap of faith, it still appears
> the OP and his friends are every bit as classless,
> and perhaps even more so, as Ms. Moxie:
> 1. Your cricket team was using a field that they
> did not have a permit for. When the soccer team
> showed up, you didn't immediately verify the
> soccer team wasn't supposed to use the field they
> were on, and you didn't immediately verify your
> use of the field was not improprly interfering
> with the soccer team's use of the field. For all
> we can tell the soccer team may have been supposed
> to be on the field OP and his friends were on, and
> simply decided to use the area next to it so as
> not to interfere with the OP.
> 2. You accuse Ms. Moxie of "a complete and utter
> lack of respect" towards you. However by taking
> this dispute public by posting it on this forum,
> you are showing a complete and utter lack of
> respect towards her. If you have a beef with
> officials of BRYC you take it up with BYRC. If
> you don't get a satisfactory response you then
> take the issue to whichever County authority
> controls the field.

The real issue is OP is butt hurt because someone wasn't nice to them and wanted to come on here to exact revenge on the "mean lady". Complete douche bag. My buddies and I will be looking for them this weekend and start playing football on their faggot cricket shit.

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Posted by: Michael Hunt ()
Date: June 07, 2016 03:26PM

NoBalls Wrote:
> menX4 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > original poster Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > No we did not,
> > > However BRYC could not produce there permit
> > after
> > > we asked repeatedly.
> >
> > It has been years since I had a kid in these
> > leagues. When I did though the league would
> > arrange for a permit, but they didn't have it
> with
> > them at the field. The permit would be with
> the
> > league officials, not with the team coaches and
> > referees who would be the ones present.
> >
> > Assuming the facts are as represented by the
> OP,
> > and that is a huge leap of faith, it still
> appears
> > the OP and his friends are every bit as
> classless,
> > and perhaps even more so, as Ms. Moxie:
> >
> > 1. Your cricket team was using a field that
> they
> > did not have a permit for. When the soccer
> team
> > showed up, you didn't immediately verify the
> > soccer team wasn't supposed to use the field
> they
> > were on, and you didn't immediately verify your
> > use of the field was not improprly interfering
> > with the soccer team's use of the field. For
> all
> > we can tell the soccer team may have been
> supposed
> > to be on the field OP and his friends were on,
> and
> > simply decided to use the area next to it so as
> > not to interfere with the OP.
> >
> > 2. You accuse Ms. Moxie of "a complete and
> utter
> > lack of respect" towards you. However by
> taking
> > this dispute public by posting it on this
> forum,
> > you are showing a complete and utter lack of
> > respect towards her. If you have a beef with
> > officials of BRYC you take it up with BYRC. If
> > you don't get a satisfactory response you then
> > take the issue to whichever County authority
> > controls the field.
> The real issue is OP is butt hurt because someone
> wasn't nice to them and wanted to come on here to
> exact revenge on the "mean lady". Complete douche
> bag. My buddies and I will be looking for them
> this weekend and start playing football on their
> faggot cricket shit.

We'll throw pick sixes on your ass, fuck your bitches, and go on to enjoy ourselves a game of cricket

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Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: June 07, 2016 03:36PM

I can top this story easy Wrote:
> A friend of mine coaches high school girls soccer
> Last year her team was practicing on a Saturday
> morning
> They were on the schedule
> Along comes an 8 year old boys syc team thinking
> they had a game
> My friend politely informed them that she had use
> of the field
> The parents then berated her and formed a ring
> around the field trying to block her players from
> practicing
> They then told their kids to take the field
> She even called the county and they confirmed that
> the high school team had the field
> They remained on the field refusing to go
> Finally someone called syc and they realized the
> game was scheduled at another field
> No apologies were offered by the parents
> They left shouting obscenities at the girls
> So get used to it Pal
> Nova is filled with self entitled ass holes

^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^

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Posted by: Permit??? ()
Date: June 07, 2016 03:56PM

As far as I know there is no permit req'd, you just get approved for using the facility on the school calendar, unless it's different for fields.

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Posted by: DUHHHH ()
Date: June 07, 2016 04:06PM

A permit simply guarantees you the field. "the walk on public" may use the field at all other times.

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Posted by: hodor ()
Date: June 07, 2016 04:17PM

Field use Wrote:
> If a youth club has a permit to the field the
> coach is supposed to have that permit with them
> anytime they are to use the field.
> Not having the permit with them = no permit.
> The cricket players were never in the wrong
> because no permit was shown. It is the duty of the
> permit holder to be prepared because the use of
> the fields are open use when a permitted group is
> not actively using the field. Honestly, I would
> have refused to leave until a permit was produced
> as I have a feeling that these groups are under
> permitting to save costs.
> As to the demeanor of the person at BRYC, that's
> shameful and the other parents of the organization
> should be made aware of how this person is
> representing them. Most parents do not want this
> type of behavior, it's a shame that the few that
> don't seem to mind are the most involved.


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Posted by: I Wonder If This Woman ()
Date: June 07, 2016 04:31PM

Was the one with a rental swim team that took over more then 1/2 of South Run Recs pool and shouted at a woman and her elderly mother to get out of the first shallow lane as "This Lane Is Rented by the Victor swim Team" in a nasty as hell tone. What a Bitch! And complete BS for FCPA to rent out more then half the lanes to private teams that are charging $1000 a kid per season. Cottage Industry getting Rich with The Publics assets. While shortchanging the public of their right to use Bond Referendum money projects paid for by the public. Ya "Its For the Children." And the swim teams owners pocket too.. Im not talking about Public High School teams using the Rec pools in the fall and winter. Thats Public use.

Its Public property these play fields, the woman should have shown her permit to the Cricket people. They should have called the cops.

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Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: June 07, 2016 04:53PM

There is zippy chance you guys playing cricket and causing problems are white. If you were white, you wouldn't be causing these problems. Build your own fucking cricket fields or stay the fuck home...either way, ZERO fucks are given about what you think you're entitled to. That was a soccer field, over there are football fields, we also have tennis courts, ice rinks, softball fields, field hockey fields. Just because you think you are special snowflakes doesn't mean you get to use something for which it wasn't designed for. The other reason Fairfax County and all of the local municipalities have a permit system for fields in addition to avoiding scheduling conflicts is to review how a group will be using a field or facility. You're forbidden from playing cricket here in Fairfax County because there are no cricket fields here.

If you want to play cricket, go down to the grassy area near the Lincoln Memorial in downtown DC. My friends and I have formed a casual cricket group and we bat the ball around every Saturday morning from 9 - 11am and no one bothers us. Come on down and join us...assuming you don't have an issue with Indians.

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Posted by: give me a break ()
Date: June 07, 2016 04:59PM

Huh??? Wrote:
> There is zippy chance you guys playing cricket and
> causing problems are white. If you were white, you
> wouldn't be causing these problems. Build your own
> fucking cricket fields or stay the fuck
> home...either way, ZERO fucks are given about what
> you think you're entitled to. That was a soccer
> field, over there are football fields, we also
> have tennis courts, ice rinks, softball fields,
> field hockey fields. Just because you think you
> are special snowflakes doesn't mean you get to use
> something for which it wasn't designed for. The
> other reason Fairfax County and all of the local
> municipalities have a permit system for fields in
> addition to avoiding scheduling conflicts is to
> review how a group will be using a field or
> facility. You're forbidden from playing cricket
> here in Fairfax County because there are no
> cricket fields here.
> If you want to play cricket, go down to the grassy
> area near the Lincoln Memorial in downtown DC. My
> friends and I have formed a casual cricket group
> and we bat the ball around every Saturday morning
> from 9 - 11am and no one bothers us. Come on down
> and join us...assuming you don't have an issue
> with Indians.

The field was a multi purpose field not a soccer field
We would love to play

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Posted by: EVENT MANAGER ()
Date: June 07, 2016 05:01PM

I Wonder If This Woman Wrote:
> Was the one with a rental swim team that took over
> more then 1/2 of South Run Recs pool and shouted
> at a woman and her elderly mother to get out of
> the first shallow lane as "This Lane Is Rented by
> the Victor swim Team" in a nasty as hell tone.
> What a Bitch! And complete BS for FCPA to rent out
> more then half the lanes to private teams that are
> charging $1000 a kid per season. Cottage Industry
> getting Rich with The Publics assets. While
> shortchanging the public of their right to use
> Bond Referendum money projects paid for by the
> public. Ya "Its For the Children." And the swim
> teams owners pocket too.. Im not talking about
> Public High School teams using the Rec pools in
> the fall and winter. Thats Public use.
> Its Public property these play fields, the woman
> should have shown her permit to the Cricket
> people. They should have called the cops.


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Posted by: Hamlet without the prince ()
Date: June 07, 2016 05:12PM

This whole thread seems bogus. There are dozens of posts ripping BRYC, yet not one person has mentioned Hugo Phan.

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Posted by: BAC ()
Date: June 07, 2016 05:42PM

Classic case of a power hungry lady just bullying some kids

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Posted by: xxxxxxx ()
Date: June 07, 2016 06:42PM

you all handled the situation well. Screw BRYC

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Posted by: sammybones ()
Date: June 07, 2016 06:59PM

If you play cricket you must be Indian and are use to your mom wiping your butt at 25 and making you some naan bread and chole. How about you wipe up the tears and go do some math or fix a computer. loser...

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Posted by: sammybones ()
Date: June 07, 2016 07:00PM

original poster Wrote:
> we came to America? No, We were all born here and
> are all of Caucasian decent. what does that have
> to do with anything?

not buying your balogna Luigi!!!

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Posted by: Thucydides ()
Date: June 07, 2016 08:15PM

BRYC and NVSL (a men's soccer league) paid for the turf installation on the upper field and a portion of the stadium field at Robinson. BRYC also pays a significant portion of the cost for the care of the grass soccer field.

As such, they get first priority use of those fields outside of Robinson Secondary School use, which means that during the spring and fall, they have use of those fields pretty much all weekend long and weekday evenings after school use.

Also, school fields are different from parks authorit fields in that the schools and athletic programs that use them can limit the fields to permit use only whereas Parks Authority fields allow community use whenever the field is not being used and the park is open.

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Posted by: Weres Your Permit? ()
Date: June 07, 2016 08:26PM

> Its Public property these play fields, the woman
> should have shown her permit to the Cricket
> people. They should have called the cops.


So Where's The Permit?? That's why the County made the rules.. Show the permit or anyone can share the field, Its Not BRYC's property its the Publics. Follow the rules. Carry the Permit. Simple.

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Posted by: BRYC Does Not OWN The Property ()
Date: June 07, 2016 08:30PM

>BRYC also pays a significant portion of the cost for the care of the grass soccer field.

SO What..They don't OWN the Property. The Public OWNS the property. Follow the God Dammed Rules.

>Its Not BRYC's property its the Publics. Follow the rules. Carry the Permit. Simple.


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Posted by: Macho Grande ()
Date: June 07, 2016 08:35PM

Weres Your Permit? Wrote:
> > Its Public property these play fields, the
> woman
> > should have shown her permit to the Cricket
> > people. They should have called the cops.
> --------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------
> So Where's The Permit?? That's why the County made
> the rules.. Show the permit or anyone can share
> the field, Its Not BRYC's property its the
> Publics. Follow the rules. Carry the Permit.
> Simple.

Permits? We don't need no stinkin permits!

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Posted by: Uhhhhh ()
Date: June 07, 2016 10:08PM

What did you think? On a Sunday you would just walk up to one of the busiest ball fields in NOVA and muscle your way on to a space? Not in those uniforms Gunga Din.

You got bullied by a little boys soccer team and their moms, you should have written yourself a letter condemning yourself for being such a bunch of faggots.

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Posted by: coreolanious ()
Date: June 07, 2016 10:09PM

Thucydides Wrote:
> BRYC and NVSL (a men's soccer league) paid for the
> turf installation on the upper field and a portion
> of the stadium field at Robinson. BRYC also pays a
> significant portion of the cost for the care of
> the grass soccer field.
> As such, they get first priority use of those
> fields outside of Robinson Secondary School use,
> which means that during the spring and fall, they
> have use of those fields pretty much all weekend
> long and weekday evenings after school use.
> Also, school fields are different from parks
> authorit fields in that the schools and athletic
> programs that use them can limit the fields to
> permit use only whereas Parks Authority fields
> allow community use whenever the field is not
> being used and the park is open.

THE FIELDS THAT BRYC helped pay for are owned by FCPS
And thus fall under the guidelines of use detailed in the original message. BRYC does not get special treatment just cause they helped pay for the field.

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Posted by: Learn your history ()
Date: June 07, 2016 10:16PM

Cricket is UnAmerican? Learn your History you fucking Micks. It was popular before your patato loving grandpa snuck his way onto the boat over. https://www.facebook.com/TheEconomist/posts/10154277450164060

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Posted by: This Is BullShit ()
Date: June 07, 2016 10:56PM

>> BRYC and NVSL (a men's soccer league) paid for the
> turf installation on the upper field and a portion
> of the stadium field at Robinson. BRYC also pays a
> significant portion of the cost for the care of
> the grass soccer field.
> As such, they get first priority use of those
> fields outside of Robinson Secondary School use,
> which means that during the spring and fall, they
> have use of those fields pretty much all weekend
> long and weekday evenings after school use.

BLA BLA BLA.. They paid the money to Improve the fields..For there Use and any one elses..The Fields are PUBLIC PROPERTY. BRYC has no Legal Claim and can not make any Legal Claim to these PUBLIC FIELDS.. The County can not convert Public Property To any Group..Or Some Ones Ass will be going to JAIL..

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Posted by: Jimmy McGill ()
Date: June 07, 2016 11:13PM

This thread seems to gotten under the skin of a few of the shit eating dick ticklers of BRYC. Mission accomplished?

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Posted by: causeican ()
Date: June 07, 2016 11:20PM

original poster Wrote:
> No we did not,
> However BRYC could not produce there permit after
> we asked repeatedly.

They don’t have to produce them to you, they just have to have them. Did it occur to you that if you don’t play nice, you could lose your privilege to even think you can use the field. Better act right.

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Posted by: No Thats Baloney ()
Date: June 07, 2016 11:37PM

They don’t have to produce them to you, they just have to have them/

B.S Show The Permit..

They have to show them if asked.. Why the hell do you think the County came up with the permit system..So the SWAT Team can be called out Everytime some one wants to use a Field..Thats why they have a PERMIT System Asshole! Otherwise the County would have to have a bulletin board on the Field ,updated daily with who can use the Field..and that would cost a bunch.. Internet..Fuck That ...that's not a legal notification method .for the Entire general Public! .Show the Paper..thats the way it works..

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Posted by: 1.1 Million People In FXCO ()
Date: June 07, 2016 11:45PM

If BRYC wants to escalate a bitch session.. The County will have to go to a Lottery System to determine Who Gets to use the PUBLICS Fields.

There's 1.1 Million People in FX CO. Today.. And Lots of Groups want access..

BRYC does NOT own these Fields. The Public Does.

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Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: June 07, 2016 11:56PM

1.1 Million People In FXCO Wrote:
> If BRYC wants to escalate a bitch session.. The
> County will have to go to a Lottery System to
> determine Who Gets to use the PUBLICS Fields.
> There's 1.1 Million People in FX CO. Today.. And
> Lots of Groups want access..
> BRYC does NOT own these Fields. The Public Does.

One more time...try to pay attention this time. Yes, we all agree. The public owns the fields. And BRYC negotiated a political compromise that by paying to IMPROVE those fields...improvements that EVERYONE benefits from, they get first right of refusal on all permitting requests. What that means is...now pay attention, this is important...they get a one week exclusive online access to permitting requests each sports season. Once that week is over, then the fields are open for permitting requests to the public. Typically, what BRYC does is book ALL of their field needs for the upcoming season...practices, games and tournaments all during that exclusive week.

No one is saying you can't use the field. But, if you show up to use a field and you do not have a county issued permit and someone else comes along who does have a permit, then you have to clear the field. If BRYC or anyone else shows up and asks you to leave the field and they DON'T have a permit, then call the police and they'll send someone out to resolve the situation. Typically, by the time you pull your phone out, they will have left the field.

Are BRYC Nazis? No, that's a bit harsh. But, they are provincial and they like to try and protect what they think is their private fiefdom. Know the rules. Follow the rules. Get field permits. Carry field permits with you at all times. It's very easy.

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Posted by: Aloha Snackbar ()
Date: June 08, 2016 12:53AM

Tish Moxie did 9/11

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Posted by: Thanks OP ()
Date: June 08, 2016 01:03AM

Every kid that I have known growing up around here that was an asshole, was a part of youth soccer at some point. ESPECIALLY BRYC. Thank you for pissing them off OP, I hope you do so more in the future. In addition, can I play cricket with you some time?

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Posted by: Kookaburra ()
Date: June 08, 2016 01:25AM

angry citizen Wrote:
> This is the letter we
> sent to their administration detailing what
> happened.

Who did you send it to? BRYC is run by volunteers. They don't even have an office, just a PO box, which they might check in a month or two.

> Our club, formally called Robinson Cricket Club,

DOES NOT EXIST. Google finds nothing. Except this thread.

> while we were students.

Robinson has no cricket club or team. Meaning, you are a liar or a troll.

> In fact, we have
> only received positive feedback from other
> facility users and community members.

Who have no names.

> she literally charged at him and raised her voice.

HEADLINE: Soccer mom raises voice to big guy with funny stick.

> She then made a snide comment about the university
> displayed on one of our member’s shirts.

Radford? Or Trump U?

> she implied that our
> use of the field was inherently wrong, even though
> it is completely permissible per FCPS policy.

No, you are wrong. All FCPS High School fields require a permit. Next time you trespass, read the signs there that tell you a permit is required. Elementary schools and some park fields allow walk-ons. Laurel Ridge ES is just around the corner and has a fairly large field.

> The rules of
> FCPS sports fields indicate that the walk on
> public may use any field that was not in conflict
> with a permitted group. These rules are stated on
> the Fairfax County website:
> "The scheduling of organized sport groups and the
> issuance of permits to those groups shall be in
> accord with guidelines provided by Fairfax County
> Public Schools (FCPS) and the Fairfax County Board
> of Supervisors. Permits are issued by the Fairfax
> County Department of Neighborhood and Community
> Services. Permit holders shall have first rights
> for the use of the fields to which they have been
> assigned. A field not being utilized by a permit
> holder may be used by others, including the
> walk-on public".

You left out this part:
"*The rules above pertain to all our fields except for designated high school athletic fields that are restricted for school and authorized community use – such as the stadium field.
Questions regarding the above information should be directed to the FCPS Office of Community Use Section – 571-423-2340, TTY 711."

The signs are posted. Walk-ons might be "tolerated" by some high schools, but that does not mean they are allowed. Fortunately, there is a convenient phone number you may call to resolve your complaint.

> after we asked an additional three times.

And then the cock crowed.

> County
> guidelines clearly indicate that a permit must be
> obtained in order to reserve a field

Which clearly you did not do. That's called trespassing.

> Our main grievance is the complete and utter lack
> of respect we were shown

You were cucked by a soccer mom. Embarrassing.

> Between us, we have
> participated in dozens of seasons of youth and
> VHSL sports.

Not playing Cricket you haven't.

> Please respond to this message

Didn't you say "letter" earlier?

> With Respect,
> Robinson Cricket Club Executive Board

Go ahead, post your bylaws or governing structure or whatever.

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Posted by: angry citizen ()
Date: June 08, 2016 06:33AM

Haha - all you suckers got trolled big time on this one! I never thought I'd get this many suckers when I started this thread!

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Posted by: This was not OP ()
Date: June 08, 2016 08:12AM

angry citizen Wrote:
> Haha - all you suckers got trolled big time on
> this one! I never thought I'd get this many
> suckers when I started this thread!

Options: ReplyQuote
Posted by: Angry Citizen Got Eeshed ()
Date: June 08, 2016 08:21AM

This was not OP Wrote:
> angry citizen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Haha - all you suckers got trolled big time on
> > this one! I never thought I'd get this many
> > suckers when I started this thread!

You looked like a fool and pissed off Robinson HS. Too bad, as there are now a lot of people who will call the cops any time they see any cricket players at Robinson.

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Posted by: Disgruntled ()
Date: June 08, 2016 08:22AM

Hmmmmmmm, I think the only one who got "trolled" would be the person who though BRYC was such a great organization. Glad to see I'm not the only person who would love to see that organization go down.

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Posted by: Robinson Alum ()
Date: June 08, 2016 08:49AM

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Posted by: Giggles ()
Date: June 08, 2016 08:53AM

Robinson Alum Wrote:
> Found a video of the OP:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_1CxAZZkqs

^^ Giggles

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Posted by: Mitwoscents ()
Date: June 08, 2016 09:21AM


Just a guess, but are all the members of your cricket club named Nancy?

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Posted by: Bepis ()
Date: June 08, 2016 10:32AM

BRYC can suck my bepis

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Posted by: kXht4 ()
Date: June 08, 2016 10:55AM

At least the public school facility users are being subjected to the horrible writing skills they passed through for Fairfax County public school graduates.

If it happens again tell whoever is yelling at you to show a field permit or leave. Have someone take some phone video too. If she refuses to leave, call the police (don't bother with school security BS) and report a public disturbance at the field caused by an adult female disrupting your event.

Options: ReplyQuote
Posted by: ???? ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:09AM

kXht4 Wrote:
> At least the public school facility users are
> being subjected to the horrible writing skills
> they passed through for Fairfax County public
> school graduates.
> If it happens again tell whoever is yelling at you
> to show a field permit or leave. Have someone
> take some phone video too. If she refuses to
> leave, call the police (don't bother with school
> security BS) and report a public disturbance at
> the field caused by an adult female disrupting
> your event.

The letter was wonderfully written, you are out of your damn mind.

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Posted by: HNYLM ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:25AM

???? Wrote:
> The letter was wonderfully written, you are out of
> your damn mind.

It could certainly have been worse, but some proofreading would have helped. When you write a letter requesting action, you are less likely to get it if the reader is distracted by writing errors. It makes the events as outlined by the reader less credible.

"Our club, formally called Robinson Cricket Club, was incepted in 2014"

Was incepted? I don't think that word means what you think it means... "formed in 2014" or "created in 2014" would be much better.

"Due to the informal nature of the club, we have never sought the need to register as a nonprofit. However, after recounting the situation that unfolded Sunday afternoon to legal counsel, this may be an avenue that we will pursue"

Nothing else in the note references this, or why registering as a nonprofit would make any difference.

"Not once has there ever been any incident whatsoever."

As opposed to only once whatsoever? Not once sometimes?

"Without incident she began raising her voice and calling for us to leave "

Did you mean "without reason", maybe "without provocation"? She caused an incident.

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Posted by: N3xm7 ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:30AM

TROLL get a life

cricket is an english game and the "hostile lady" is named Moxie which is an urban expression in england

writing fake blogs? get a life

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Posted by: u7b4x ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:31AM

> was unable to provide us with any documentation proving that she had obtained any such permit

this is true no matter what finances or power of authority one looks into these days

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Posted by: True BRYC Listen Up ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:35AM

>Carry field permits with you at all times. It's very easy.


Are BRYC Nazis? No, that's a bit harsh. But, they are provincial and they like to try and protect what they think is their private fiefdom

And YES..

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Posted by: Rotten Fish Smell Here ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:41AM

>And BRYC negotiated a political compromise that by paying to IMPROVE those fields...improvements that EVERYONE benefits from, they get first right of refusal on all permitting requests

So WHEN and HOW did the County Send out Bids for Proposal to improve said fields in Exchange for Preferential Treatment For BRYC.. and HOW LONG Does This SECRET CONTRACT Supposed to LAST.. AND WHO APPROVED THIS.

Some Ones Ass needs to Go To Jail..

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Posted by: o p ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:42AM

N3xm7 Wrote:
> TROLL get a life
> cricket is an english game and the "hostile lady"
> is named Moxie which is an urban expression in
> england
> writing fake blogs? get a life

simply look up Trish Moxie on the BRYC website and you will find her

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Posted by: hXNuJ ()
Date: June 08, 2016 11:53AM

She's the Fields Director? Seems she should be one extremely interested in folks having a permit. BUT realize if she's a Hillary supporter she may also firmly believe that she doesn't have to obey any rules.

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Posted by: LLEkV ()
Date: June 08, 2016 12:04PM

hXNuJ Wrote:
> She's the Fields Director? Seems she should be
> one extremely interested in folks having a permit.
> BUT realize if she's a Hillary supporter she may
> also firmly believe that she doesn't have to obey
> any rules.

That would assume events unfolded as claimed, I'm guessing there are two sides to this story as with any other.

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Posted by: Duh Duh Duh ()
Date: June 08, 2016 12:08PM

BRYC celebrated the opening of a new synthetic turf field on September 14 in the stadium of Robinson Secondary School. The next morning, BRYC U14G recreational soccer teams coached by Kevin Bradburn and Chris Massey played in the very first youth soccer games on the field.

The stadium field, along with the soon-to-open upper field, cost roughly $1.5 million to build. They were funded through a partnership between BRYC (football, travel soccer, rec soccer), Northern Virginia Soccer League (a premier adult soccer league), Robinson Athletics and their booster club, a grant from Fairfax County from the $5.50 fee per player that we pay each season, and Braddock District Supervisor and former BRYC softball coach John Cook, who found some extremely rare county money to enable us to reach our goal.

"These improvements add significantly to the quality of life in our community," said Supervisor Cook, who has worked to obtain funding for this and other turf projects in the Braddock Distict. BRYC is already working with Supervisor Cook to turf Woodson HS next year, and he is working with another club to turf Lake Braddock SS at the same time.

“BRYC is proud to be able to contribute to the community, and to continue our long-time partnerships with Robinson, Northern Virginia Soccer League and Fairfax County," said BRYC President Dane Merkel in an article published by Burke Patch. "This is an exciting time for all youth sports in the area, as quality fields foster good player development and provide the safest environments possible.”

The project is part of a long-term strategic plan started under the leadership of former BRYC President and rec soccer coach, league director, and soccer referee Charles Osborn, and written by BRYC’s Competition Cheer commissioner Dwight Hunt. The plan addresses the need for more outdoor and indoor space for the club’s programs to grow. Mark Dolansky, BRYC’s Travel Soccer Commissioner and rec soccer parent, took on the task of negotiating usage times and fair monetary contributions among the partners, similar to the effort led by former BRYC fields director Bob Lyle for the Wakefield project. Bob was called out of retirement to help again.

"We learned a lot from the Wakefield turf project a few years ago," said BRYC’s Communications Director and soccer referee director John Davis, "and from watching other turf field projects being completed around the county." The BRYC Board sent BRYC Fields Director Trish Moxie and board member Amy Thompson to listen and learn at monthly meetings of the Fairfax County Athletic Council. They brought back invaluable information on the processes and procedures for building and funding these fields, and showed the Council and Fairfax County’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) that we were seriously interested in investing in this project. John noted that in the two years of planning, we had several partners join, only to later drop out for various reasons. "We asked for a lot in the design of these fields, including creating an 80-yard wide field at Robinson that can be used for small-sided soccer games in State Cup. We were ecstatic when Robinson’s Director of Student Activities, Jeff Ferrell, told us, "Build it big or don’t build it at all."

The remaining task was obtaining a bank loan to help fund BRYC’s share of the project. This job was expertly negotiated by BRYC’s Treasurer and football coach Steve Bergstrom. The final agreements and check were delivered literally as the bulldozers were showing up to start work.

Recreational soccer commissioner David Knight wrote, "Our U14 Girls teams were thrilled to play on the new field. The players, coaches and parents are still talking about how great it was. We look forward to playing more games at Robinson. These fields are a great addition to the sports fields in this area. Kudos to all who worked so hard to make this happen!"

In addition to soccer, the new fields have allowed BRYC football to play all their home games this season on synthetic turf fields for the first time ever. BRYC football commissioner and Robinson footbal coach Bob Fizpatrick said, "This is a really exciting time for all of BRYC and especially football. The players, coaches and parents are looking forward to games in Coffey Stadium on the new turf and it is a great recruitment tool to develop more growth in youth football. Just can’t wait for the season to get underway."

"These fields are the result of a tremendous amount of work by FCPS, NCS, Robinson Athletics and their Athletics Boosters Club, as well as NVSL and BRYC," Davis added. "We are especially thankful for Supervisor Cook’s efforts in helping us clear the final hurdles. In the end, it was the longstanding trust among all the partners and the neighboring communities that allowed this project to happen."

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Posted by: Special Treatment DUH!! ()
Date: June 08, 2016 12:31PM

Wheres The Bid Proposal?? How long does this Special Treatment 1 week contract Last?? So BRYC can schedule Up all the fields that they want..?? Where is this secret contract agreement located so the PUBLIC CAN SEE ALL OF IT?? Did The Entire BOS approve This?? When did the Vote occur?? Was Va State Contract Law Followed?

Wash Post Listen Up..^^ Whats going on here..^^

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Posted by: Go get em ()
Date: June 08, 2016 12:39PM

Special Treatment DUH!! Wrote:
> Wheres The Bid Proposal?? How long does this
> Special Treatment 1 week contract Last?? So BRYC
> can schedule Up all the fields that they want..??
> Where is this secret contract agreement located so
> the PUBLIC CAN SEE ALL OF IT?? Did The Entire BOS
> approve This?? When did the Vote occur?? Was Va
> State Contract Law Followed?
> Wash Post Listen Up..^^ Whats going on here..^^

They still have to go by the allotment policy and can't be scheduled for more hours than the numbers allow

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Posted by: Trish Moxie ()
Date: June 08, 2016 02:07PM

you all will never play cricket in this town agian

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Permits, Permits, Permits
Posted by: NewsAlert ()
Date: June 08, 2016 04:53PM

Newsflash ---- The 10+ year old online FCPS.edu website calendar shows all school use - even fields. Someone could have used their smartphone, checked the calendar and the issue resolved.

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Posted by: Football Coach ()
Date: June 08, 2016 07:07PM

The fields at all public schools in FFX County can be and are used by Rec. Organizations, such as SYC, BRYC, FPYC and Annandale Boys and Girls club, etc.
There is a long list of these organizations.

I do know that money is paid to use some fields ... for example the Rec Centers ... Clubs have to PAY to use these places, which are run by Fairfax County Gov.
I imagine the same goes for the schools ... The Clubs PAY the school system for their use -- which goes towards maintenance and upkeep of the fields.

Am I incorrect on this? If so, please provide citations / sources.

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Posted by: What about ME ()
Date: June 08, 2016 07:14PM

Youth sports in FFX ......
Don't blame anyone for this town becoming a shit hole because you are the ones who made it this way
Me, me and some more me

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Posted by: Esto Es Muy Injusto ()
Date: June 08, 2016 07:58PM

Esto es muy injusto , los latinos quieren usar Robinson Field también para nuestros partidos de fútbol. Voy a llamar a presidente Hillary para obtener este campo para nuestro uso también. Ustedes BRYC no pueden ser cerdos del campo

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Re: Permits, Permits, Permits
Posted by: Field use ()
Date: June 08, 2016 08:59PM

Can someone provide a link to the fcps field schedule? I agree that this could have bees used in lieu of a permit as long as it is easy to find. I did a quick Google search and I'm not getting anywhere, only links to policies and a closure status page.

However, the burden should be on the BRYC folks to show this, not the kids already occupying the field.

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Re: Permits, Permits, Permits
Posted by: Adolf Hitler - Moxie ()
Date: June 08, 2016 09:06PM

There is nothing left to reserve. The BRYC and the NSDAP have reserved all of the fields in Fairfax County for our Party Rally.

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Posted by: bigger issues ahead of usu ()
Date: June 08, 2016 09:39PM

I sure hope BRYC has another bank loan lined up when these fields need to be replaced in 6 years

Look at how scrappy west Springfield field looks

I bet syc is regretting paying for that field

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Posted by: Pollo ()
Date: June 08, 2016 10:29PM

Esto Es Muy Injusto Wrote:
> Esto es muy injusto , los latinos quieren usar
> Robinson Field también para nuestros partidos de
> fútbol. Voy a llamar a presidente Hillary para
> obtener este campo para nuestro uso también.
> Ustedes BRYC no pueden ser cerdos del campo

Esos tipos de críquet son mamones totales. Ellos chupan pollas y nunca llegan a ninguna mujer.

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Posted by: Paying and Permits ()
Date: June 09, 2016 12:19AM

BRYC is a good club and Yes paper permits are issued for schools and for parks to club management and coaches.

No permit -- no play.

Wait -- shh. quiet .. do I heard sound of crickets???

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Posted by: tbt ()
Date: June 09, 2016 04:58AM

Rather than looking for answers on this site, contact Supervisor Cook's office. It appears he is linked to the field use at Robinson per a post here. He will at least provide some insight as might the AD at Robinson.

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Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: June 09, 2016 09:20AM

Rotten Fish Smell Here Wrote:
> >And BRYC negotiated a political compromise that
> by paying to IMPROVE those fields...improvements
> that EVERYONE benefits from, they get first right
> of refusal on all permitting requests
> So WHEN and HOW did the County Send out Bids for
> Proposal to improve said fields in Exchange for
> Preferential Treatment For BRYC.. and HOW LONG
> Does This SECRET CONTRACT Supposed to LAST.. AND
> Some Ones Ass needs to Go To Jail..

There was no bid process because this was a back-door political agreement. Do you seriously think BRYC would want this out as an open bid? No, of course not...they're trying to secure premium exclusivity to field access.

Oh...and the money? Yeah...that was laundered more ways than a Chinaman's underwear...they'll never follow that cash trail.

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