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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 09, 2016 06:16PM

Requests for his removal were made to his supervisor and the police. The kids eyes were very large and he seemed very fidgety like someone on meth or maybe bath salts. Maybe that wasn't the case and he had some illness like Bipolar or
Schizophrenia .He was not in control of his emotions. He was laughing at the girls in the wedding crying because he ruined it. I was right beside him hard not to see. He was scheming and planning this all nite. Should be Murder 1

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: listen here William ()
Date: August 09, 2016 07:11PM

Fact: 19 year old boys don't give two shits about anything

They clock in, do the least amount of work, then clock out

Why would this kid harass the guests

Way too much effort

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Stan P ()
Date: August 09, 2016 07:24PM

Please stop saying 19 year old kid. 18 and over you are a man. Period. The police could have done better. MR D keeps saying MR Bonds looked drugged or mentally disturbed in some way. Police are trained to detect these things. Shit, I've been pulled over for speeding and had a few drinks and he knew right away! Anyway, MR Bonds was asked by his supervisor and manager to do too much too soon

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: correction ()
Date: August 09, 2016 07:44PM

Sorry but anyone who can't legally drink a beer is a kid

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Stan P ()
Date: August 09, 2016 08:13PM

Obviously you have no respect for military veterans. I joined the Navy at age 18! I was a man not a kid. Get a grip my friend. He better not be considered a kid in jail either. Even Fairfax ADC is rough. He better find a few woods and stay close. I did time there and it gets a little crazy.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: HGTV ()
Date: August 09, 2016 08:43PM

How many people have been way too in over their heads at their job at SOME point or another in your working career? Did you deal with those overwhelming emotions with violence against others, did you stab someone at your job because you were super stressed? No. Theres no fucking excuse there's no "but".

Whether this was racially motivated or sexuality motivated at the end of the day a hardworking woman is dead and a young man has ruined his life at his own hands. If he was overwhelmed or stressed or clearly on some power trip or on drugs it still doesn't excuse the fact that he committed MURDER. Also, it's not fair to go around saying he was on meth or bath salts (lol those arent even a thing anymore tho) before a tox screen is complete and released.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Yuijg ()
Date: August 09, 2016 09:23PM

MR D Wrote:
> Requests for his removal were made to his
> supervisor and the police. The kids eyes were very
> large and he seemed very fidgety like someone on
> meth or maybe bath salts. Maybe that wasn't the
> case and he had some illness like Bipolar or
> Schizophrenia .He was not in control of his
> emotions. He was laughing at the girls in the
> wedding crying because he ruined it. I was right
> beside him hard not to see. He was scheming and
> planning this all nite. Should be Murder 1

I hope you got the police officer and the supervisor's names! That officer better hope and pray he wasn't on drugs because he or she should have arrested or at least removed MR Bonds from the event due to a potential dangerous situation which obviously and unfortunately occurred. Also you said you have video. Can you release it? YouTube,twitter etc.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Neighbor ()
Date: August 09, 2016 09:44PM

He's a good boy, always been an angel to everyone. Where's that picture of him as a 10yo cherub? He would never hurt anyone. He's innocent. Sad that the savage attacked him and forced him, as a last resort, to defend himself.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: August 10, 2016 12:53AM

We Know... Wrote:
> William, stop pretending to be Mr D. You've been
> ordered to stay away from here.

Whoever says this (quoted), is really Lizzy. Actually, Lizzy is Mr.D. Further, Lizzy is probably half of these people. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Johnny Cochran ()
Date: August 10, 2016 07:18AM

He's every bit of innocent as OJ Simpson.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 10, 2016 07:51AM

The murderer was recording audio all nite to set up his self defence lie. No video was recorded that i know of. Obviouslly his recording did little as the police charged him with Murder. He stabbed a girl OVER AND OVER LIKE AN ANIMAL.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Cherry Picker ()
Date: August 10, 2016 07:59AM

MR D Wrote:
> The murderer was recording audio all nite to set
> up his self defence lie. No video was recorded
> that i know of. Obviouslly his recording did
> little as the police charged him with Murder. He
> stabbed a girl OVER AND OVER LIKE AN ANIMAL.

Sounds like he should have finished you off when he was done with her. Did he just get tired or what?

A nigger woman can be just as lethal as any other animal when they chimp out.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: blahblah ()
Date: August 10, 2016 11:24AM

listen here William Wrote:
> Fact: 19 year old boys don't give two shits about
> anything
> They clock in, do the least amount of work, then
> clock out
> Why would this kid harass the guests
> Way too much effort

you are correct ...

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: eat shit dent head ()
Date: August 10, 2016 11:44AM

MR D Wrote:
> Wrong again. His supervisor had make him turn the
> electric back on. He and the police said stay
> away. He continued to provoke violence and argue
> with many people including me. Ever heard of a
> reception after a wedding dumb ass. Besides that
> he held up the folks packing and made their job
> twice as hard. He is a racist piece of shit
> belongs to a Conferderate civil war group.

Hey motherfucker, being Confederate or commemorating or supporting the Confederacy does not equal racist. It's shitheads like you who are the true racists by labeling others as racist.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: no match ()
Date: August 10, 2016 11:49AM

Cherry Picker Wrote:
> MR D Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The murderer was recording audio all nite to
> set
> > up his self defence lie. No video was recorded
> > that i know of. Obviouslly his recording did
> > little as the police charged him with Murder.
> He
> > stabbed a girl OVER AND OVER LIKE AN ANIMAL.
> Sounds like he should have finished you off when
> he was done with her. Did he just get tired or
> what?
> A nigger woman can be just as lethal as any other
> animal when they chimp out.

A grown adult Negress can be extremely dangerous and more than a match for a young effeminate white boy.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: YuJF5 ()
Date: August 10, 2016 05:27PM

causeican Wrote:
> We Know... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > William, stop pretending to be Mr D. You've
> been
> > ordered to stay away from here.
> Whoever says this (quoted), is really Lizzy.
> Actually, Lizzy is Mr.D. Further, Lizzy is
> probably half of these people.
> Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Wrong. Bad guess. Next contestant, sign in please.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Atty Grossowitz ()
Date: August 10, 2016 08:34PM

Look closely at MR Bonds face on mugshot photo. Blow it up and you will see damage to his left eye. Most certainly from a right hand punch from Ms Johns. Lots of redding and bruising. Self defense!

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 10, 2016 08:45PM

Not any redness or any marks and you cant claim self defense in Va when you use a kinife against an unarmed person.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2016 08:51PM by MR D.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Otto Walters ()
Date: August 10, 2016 09:53PM

Self defense. He wasn't on meth. The swabs from the marks left on his neck will establish that Johhs assaulted Mr. Bonds when he confronted her about the theft of park property.
Not her first assault either. She did a year in jail for felony assault. Two other domestic violence convictions.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Otto Walters ()
Date: August 10, 2016 09:56PM

MR D Wrote:
> No one was fucking with him. He was fucking with
> several people in the party. We made him call his
> supervisor and the police. It's all been recorded
> on a phone He was either racist or a mental case
> and amped up on meth. He thoughthe was a big man
> stabbing a girl. He's the biggest piece of shit i
> have ever come across.This should be Murder 1 and
> it might soon be.

Self defense. He wasn't on meth. The swabs from the marks left on his neck will establish that Johhs assaulted Mr. Bonds when he confronted her about the theft of park property.
Not her first assault either. She did a year in jail for felony assault. Two other domestic violence convictions.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Danny Boy ()
Date: August 10, 2016 10:04PM

Clearly self defense against a violent, savage nigger.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Otto Walters ()
Date: August 10, 2016 10:05PM

The cops and the park authority failed everybody involved. The party was out of control and refusing to shut down. Bond's was instructed by his supervisor to cut the power - fairly standard practice to signal the end of a party - but it only escalated things. No further help from the park authority - he was on his own. The cops nutted up when the party guests came on strong with Black Lives Matter rhetoric.
Bond's was assaulted by the deceased when he confronted her about stealing park property. The swabs from the marks left on his neck will establish the assault. Bonds has zero history of violence.
John's did a year in jail for felony assault. Two other domestic violence convictions. The deceased didn't deserve to die - but the accused had a right to defend himself and if he receives a fair trial (difficult the way that the witnesses are colluding against him) he will be exonerated.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: GoFundMe Advocate. ()
Date: August 10, 2016 11:11PM

Because no tragedy should ever pass without having a GoFundMe page set up to profit from it, the individuals at "TeamTY" have done exactly that.

Several friends of Tyonne D. Johns have set up a GoFundMe page and are looking to raise $30,000, which they intend to use to pay for John's funeral, establish a culinary scholarship in her name, and settle Johns' outstanding financial obligations. They've managed to raise $5,357 in the three days the page has been up.

The "Cry for Chef Ty" GoFundMe page is available at https://www.gofundme.com/ACryForChefTy

Here's TeamTY's statement. All emphasis is as in the original.

TeamTY, an alliance of LGBT professionals from the DMV area, unite to support the family and legacy of Tyonne Johns. As close friends of the deceased, we stand in the face of injustice while honoring the accomplishments of a life taken too early.

Tyonne Johns, known to many as CHEF Tyonne, was senselessly murdered on August 6, 2016 for standing up for what she believed. All too often our lives are taken away at the hands of those who deem our existence unnecessary. At this time, let us join together to support our Caring Hardworking Energetic Friend…CHEF Tyonne!

Tyonne was a dedicated friend with a genuine zest for life. Cooking and loving were two of her greatest passions. She poured her soul into every dish she created drawing from past pain and the will to make something from nothing. Tyonne espoused the community in which she lived adopting the "have and have nots." After culinary engagements, Tyonne distributed extra food to homeless individuals lacking nutritional support. She was a true humanitarian and feared no human connection.

Tyonne also lent her smile and energy to school aged youth during her spare time. At a local elementary school near her home, she assisted as a gym teacher to students who knew her as "Coach Ty." She took her spirit and love for food into the classroom where she informed students on how to eat healthier and excercise. The extent to which she touched people was far and wide.

Family, friends, and most of all FUNDS are needed! We are asking the community to stand, take action, and bridge the financial gap resulting from this unfortunate hate crime that transpired in the suburbs of our nations capital. Funds and resources are also needed to continue to highlight the ongoing assault in our communities, in our schools, and NOW on our jobs. We are also aspiring to continue her legacy through scholarships and awareness. Tyonne should not be remembered as a victim, but as a entrepreneur to a thriving catering business known as CHEF Tyonne.

Your financial support will be dispensed in three areas:

1. Family funeral expenses
2. Culinary Scholarship for an African American Lesbian Identifying Woman to promote the life and legacy of Tyonne Johns
3. Close out financial obligations for Tyonne Johns

Fund collected will be entrusted to the following individuals to carry out the above endevours:

1. Mother (Sonya J.)- Funeral Expenses
2. Scholarship Recipient (Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School)
3. Partner (Shannon N.) - Financial Close out

In one of the last conversations with Tyonne she stated, "Lets make this money." Wont WE don’t it!


#SupportCHEFTyonne #YourCaringHardworkingEnergeticFriend
#SheNeedsYou #WeNeedEachOther #WhenOneOfUsHurts #WeAllHurt #SHARE #Give #EncourageOthersToShare


“I love her powerful drive, desire and sheer unrelenting loving energy that she dedicated to her grind…”

- Kimberley Bush, Business Associate August 7, 2016


Seymone Spence
Business Owner (SES Construction LLC)
Project Manager
Stylist (SeyWhat Styles)
Eraena Seymore
Mathematics Coordinator
Shannon Nuzzelillo
Educator (English Language Arts)
Gladece Knight
Educator & Events Coordinator
Daryln Gordon
Interior Decorator
Art Director (Independent Movies & Films)
Anna Ray
Community Connector
Pamgrace Gachenge
Healthcare Administrator
Kimberly Bush
Film Festival Director
(Reel Affirmations: DC International LGBTQ Film Festival)
Executive Director (DC Short Film Festival)

I'm impressed they made it through four paragraphs before they invoked the magic words- "hate crime".

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Buford T. Justice ()
Date: August 10, 2016 11:30PM

So she did hard time for violent assault, and he has a squeaky clean record. Pretty clear that he did society a favor taking out the trash.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Nog hauler rider ()
Date: August 11, 2016 08:54AM

This is where the left and the media have lead us.

A few years back, the cops and everyone else would have shut it down and made these monkeys go home. What happens today? Well, that's a party full of niggers and we like having our jobs...so we are just going to walk away so we don't get called racist for doing our job. We'll tell the nigger kid how to get the niggers outta here, but we aren't going to be here when they chimp the fuck out.

It's great, because all this "deference" demanded by niggers is just getting more and more of them killed.

If I was a cop or the manager...I would have done the exact same thing. Let the niggers deal with the niggers.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: N3XdW ()
Date: August 11, 2016 10:10AM

Video of Tyonne Johns shouting "Black lives matter" in New York City on July 10.


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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: njKeV ()
Date: August 11, 2016 10:20AM

Nog hauler rider Wrote:
> This is where the left and the media have lead
> us.
> A few years back, the cops and everyone else would
> have shut it down and made these monkeys go home.
> What happens today? Well, that's a party full of
> niggers and we like having our jobs...so we are
> just going to walk away so we don't get called
> racist for doing our job. We'll tell the nigger
> kid how to get the niggers outta here, but we
> aren't going to be here when they chimp the fuck
> out.
> It's great, because all this "deference" demanded
> by niggers is just getting more and more of them
> killed.
> If I was a cop or the manager...I would have done
> the exact same thing. Let the niggers deal with
> the niggers.

Sadly, that makes the most sense out of it all. Poor boy was a victim. Set up by the sorry-ass whimpy scared manager and cops. Too bad he didn't just walk away and let them tear the place down.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Here is idea for you ()
Date: August 11, 2016 10:26AM

Nog hauler rider Wrote:
> This is where the left and the media have lead
> us.
> A few years back, the cops and everyone else would
> have shut it down and made these monkeys go home.
> What happens today? Well, that's a party full of
> niggers and we like having our jobs...so we are
> just going to walk away so we don't get called
> racist for doing our job. We'll tell the nigger
> kid how to get the niggers outta here, but we
> aren't going to be here when they chimp the fuck
> out.
> It's great, because all this "deference" demanded
> by niggers is just getting more and more of them
> killed.
> If I was a cop or the manager...I would have done
> the exact same thing. Let the niggers deal with
> the niggers.

I think the best thing for you to do is kill yourself.
Really it would make the world better
Sorry your life sucks

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Stan P ()
Date: August 11, 2016 11:17AM

Are there any details of the actual stabbing? We know he stabbed her. Was he struck or assaulted or threatened? Did he display the weapon and warn her? How many stab wounds? Any witnesses?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: UKNm6 ()
Date: August 11, 2016 12:02PM

Stan P Wrote:
> Are there any details of the actual stabbing? We
> know he stabbed her. Was he struck or assaulted or
> threatened? Did he display the weapon and warn
> her? How many stab wounds? Any witnesses?

It's reported that Bonds stabbed Johns multiple times with a 3 inch (roughly 76 millimeters or 2 baslschwanzen) long knife.

I checked, and the knife on my multi-tool (Leatherman Wave) is 3 inches long. It's a nasty little blade, but I think I'd have to really work at it or be extremely lucky to actually kill somebody with it.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MeToo ()
Date: August 11, 2016 05:47PM

Was she inbetween pimps at the time?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Otto Walters ()
Date: August 11, 2016 06:20PM

UKNm6 Wrote:

> It's reported that Bonds stabbed Johns multiple
> times with a 3 inch (roughly 76 millimeters or 2
> baslschwanzen) long knife.
> I checked, and the knife on my multi-tool
> (Leatherman Wave) is 3 inches long. It's a nasty
> little blade, but I think I'd have to really work
> at it or be extremely lucky to actually kill
> somebody with it.

Ummm ... no. A single stab wound under the ribs - because the deceased had her hands on the throat of the accused. The knife was a homemade, legal sized pocket knife that was given to the accused by his deceased father.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: August 11, 2016 06:50PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2016 12:19AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 11, 2016 07:12PM

Who seen her with her hands on his throat? No one Multible stab wounds have been reported several times.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: different world today ()
Date: August 11, 2016 07:14PM

Expect the park authority to require a cop at all future weddings

Was alcohol being served

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: August 11, 2016 07:21PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2016 12:21AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Does anyone remember laughter? ()
Date: August 11, 2016 07:25PM


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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Harry Balz ()
Date: August 11, 2016 07:47PM

different world today Wrote:
> Expect the park authority to require a cop at all
> future weddings
> Was alcohol being served

I think they might stop having weddings there, at least with alcohol being served. Too much liability. I can already envision the meetings with attorneys for all involved and lawsuits being prepared. I wonder how a young boy of 18 could have been left to handle a raucous crowd of drunks by himself. I believe that an adult over the age of 21 has to be present at any event serving alcohol in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It's called an ABC manager. Who knows, maybe they waive that requirement for County run events, I don't know.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Just do it ()
Date: August 11, 2016 08:34PM

MeToo Wrote:
> Was she inbetween pimps at the time?

I think the best thing for you to do is kill yourself.
Really it would make the world better

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: just browsing ()
Date: August 11, 2016 08:38PM

She said on the proposal that she promised an "unforgettable experience". That's one nigga that delivers on her promise.

Where is her Yelp page? 5 stars for my nigga!!

Do we still have to pay?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: story sure changed ()
Date: August 11, 2016 09:24PM

Harry Balz Wrote:
> different world today Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Expect the park authority to require a cop at
> all
> > future weddings
> >
> > Was alcohol being served
> I think they might stop having weddings there, at
> least with alcohol being served. Too much
> liability. I can already envision the meetings
> with attorneys for all involved and lawsuits being
> prepared. I wonder how a young boy of 18 could
> have been left to handle a raucous crowd of drunks
> by himself. I believe that an adult over the age
> of 21 has to be present at any event serving
> alcohol in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It's
> called an ABC manager. Who knows, maybe they waive
> that requirement for County run events, I don't
> know.

The park authority left a large adult gathering with booze to a kid
Heads should roll
I can't think of any county property that permits alcohol

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Rev Caresmore ()
Date: August 11, 2016 09:28PM

The more we read about the caterer, the happier we should be that the nasty bitch is dead.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: btnPM ()
Date: August 11, 2016 09:37PM

Rev Caresmore Wrote:
> The more we read about the caterer, the happier we
> should be that the nasty bitch is dead.

Sadly, she ruined the life of a 19yo boy on her way out.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: gmk ()
Date: August 14, 2016 07:56PM

fracturedfairfax Wrote:
> news reader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > News reports indicate that Bonds is from
> Clifton,
> > MD not Clifton, VA.
> >
> > Not sure why he has only been charged with 2nd
> > degree murder. He stabbed a woman over fold up
> > chairs. Horrible.
> The Washington Post and WUSA are probably wrong.
> As far as I can tell, Kempton A. Bonds is a
> resident of Clifton, Virginia.
> His father, 61-year-old Don E. Bonds, passed away
> early on the morning of July 31, 2014 at the
> family home at 7433A Clifton Road in Clifton.
> Picture is of Don and Kempton.
> Edit: removed redundant date to remove redundancy.
Very nice house in Clifton. Many acres of land with horses. 19 year old from the country overlooking a black lesbian wedding reception by himself? And he called the police and they did nothing? Many heads should roll on this travesty. I know MR Ray Morrough will be thorough and fair on prosecuting the case. MR Bonds Was wronged by Fairfax County, the police, and the reception crowd! The victim had served time in prison for violent assault and probably got more violent after her release. Case should be dropped or reduced to misdemeanor. Thanks

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: August 14, 2016 11:48PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2016 09:22AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: LEPtw ()
Date: August 14, 2016 11:57PM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> gmk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Very nice house in Clifton. Many acres of land
> > with horses. 19 year old from the country
> > overlooking a black lesbian wedding reception
> by
> > himself? And he called the police and they did
> > nothing? Many heads should roll on this
> travesty.
> > I know MR Ray Morrough will be thorough and
> fair
> > on prosecuting the case. MR Bonds Was wronged
> by
> > Fairfax County, the police, and the reception
> > crowd! The victim had served time in prison for
> > violent assault and probably got more violent
> > after her release. Case should be dropped or
> > reduced to misdemeanor. Thanks
> Johns had two domestic violence convictions in
> Washington, DC, one on 1/3/2006 (2004 DVM 003070)
> and one just a week later, on 1/11/2006 (2005 DVM
> 004131).
> I also found her 2006 conviction on grand larceny
> charges in Hopewell Circuit Court. She got a
> nickel for that, but only had to serve 18 months.
> Case CR06000129-00 in Hopewell Circuit Court
> records.
> She also had her probation revoked once she got
> out of the can. (Case CR06000129-01, Hopewell
> Circuit Court.)
> Bonds' family has hired Peter Greenspun, who you
> can bet your left nut is going to do everything he
> can to get the best deal possible for Kempton.
> My prediction is that he'll leverage Johns'
> previous convictions into a plea deal for
> manslaughter and Kempton will do 3-5 years. If she
> did in fact assault him, he'll use that, too. ("I
> didn't mean to kill her, I just wanted her to stop
> choking me.")
> Does anyone know how big Kempton Bonds is? I'm
> thinking about 5'8" and maybe a buck thirty-five,
> and Tyonne Johns was 5'10" and 150 pounds. I'm
> wondering if he's going to try to claim
> self-defense (which won't work, but he still might
> try).

She? As in district attorney because she chef be dead.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Yuijg ()
Date: August 15, 2016 10:44AM

gmk Wrote:
> fracturedfairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > news reader Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > News reports indicate that Bonds is from
> > Clifton,
> > > MD not Clifton, VA.
> > >
> > > Not sure why he has only been charged with
> 2nd
> > > degree murder. He stabbed a woman over fold
> up
> > > chairs. Horrible.
> >
> > The Washington Post and WUSA are probably
> wrong.
> > As far as I can tell, Kempton A. Bonds is a
> > resident of Clifton, Virginia.
> >
> > His father, 61-year-old Don E. Bonds, passed
> away
> > early on the morning of July 31, 2014 at the
> > family home at 7433A Clifton Road in Clifton.
> >
> > Picture is of Don and Kempton.
> >
> > Edit: removed redundant date to remove
> redundancy.
> Very nice house in Clifton. Many acres of land
> with horses. 19 year old from the country
> overlooking a black lesbian wedding reception by
> himself? And he called the police and they did
> nothing? Many heads should roll on this travesty.
> I know MR Ray Morrough will be thorough and fair
> on prosecuting the case. MR Bonds Was wronged by
> Fairfax County, the police, and the reception
> crowd! The victim had served time in prison for
> violent assault and probably got more violent
> after her release. Case should be dropped or
> reduced to misdemeanor. Thanks

Case should be reduced to misdemeanor. Kempton was assaulted first and didn't run away from the violent larger aggressor. He stood his ground and unfortunately had to defend himself

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 15, 2016 11:08AM

Kempton Bonds provoked people all nite. He was asked to keep his distance by the police and his Supervisor. He went to the car to get his kinfe and came back accusing the deceased of stealing her own chairs. Facts that will be evident at trial. He deserves Murder 1

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: August 15, 2016 11:48AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2016 05:17PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 15, 2016 01:42PM

Denied bail today again at bail hearing. Must be a pretty solid case the DA is presenting.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 15, 2016 04:04PM

"...Thus, . . . [one] who expects to be attacked should first employ the means in his power to avert the necessity of self-defence, and, until he has done this, his right of self-defence does not arise." Hash v. Commonwealth, 88 Va. 172, 192, 13 S.E. 398, 405 (1891). "The 'bare fear' of serious bodily injury, or even death, however well-grounded, will not justify the taking of human life." Commonwealth v. Sands, 262 Va. 724, 729, 553 S.E.2d 733, 736 (2001)..."
"...Under these facts, we hold, therefore, that it was not "necessary" for Barbosa to use deadly force to avert the perceived impending "gang beating." The fact that he was surrounded by Serna and his friends and that Serna "bumped into his gun," stating he was not afraid, does not constitute an "overt act indicative of imminent danger." See Vlastaris v. Commonwealth, 164 Va. 647, 651-52, 178 S.E. 775, 776-77 (1935) (holding that accused's fear for his life was without foundation because victim made no overt act at the time of the shooting). "

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Anthony23 ()
Date: August 15, 2016 04:32PM

MR D Wrote:
> "...Thus, . . . [one] who expects to be attacked
> should first employ the means in his power to
> avert the necessity of self-defence, and, until he
> has done this, his right of self-defence does not
> arise." Hash v. Commonwealth, 88 Va. 172, 192, 13
> S.E. 398, 405 (1891). "The 'bare fear' of serious
> bodily injury, or even death, however
> well-grounded, will not justify the taking of
> human life." Commonwealth v. Sands, 262 Va. 724,
> 729, 553 S.E.2d 733, 736 (2001)..."
> "...Under these facts, we hold, therefore, that it
> was not "necessary" for Barbosa to use deadly
> force to avert the perceived impending "gang
> beating." The fact that he was surrounded by Serna
> and his friends and that Serna "bumped into his
> gun," stating he was not afraid, does not
> constitute an "overt act indicative of imminent
> danger." See Vlastaris v. Commonwealth, 164 Va.
> 647, 651-52, 178 S.E. 775, 776-77 (1935) (holding
> that accused's fear for his life was without
> foundation because victim made no overt act at the
> time of the shooting). "

You sound like a hot head. Have you ever been to anger management?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 15, 2016 04:41PM

I think the hot head is in jail in Fairfax just my guess of course.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Farvis Trumpington IV ()
Date: August 15, 2016 05:23PM

MR D Wrote:
> I think the hot head is in jail in Fairfax just my
> guess of course.

Fortunately the female chimp is no longer a threat to the community.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Stan P ()
Date: August 15, 2016 05:57PM

MR D Wrote:
> Kempton Bonds provoked people all nite. He was
> asked to keep his distance by the police and his
> Supervisor. He went to the car to get his kinfe
> and came back accusing the deceased of stealing
> her own chairs. Facts that will be evident at
> trial. He deserves Murder 1

You are full of shit! The police told didn't do nothing.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Chantilly 97 ()
Date: August 15, 2016 08:30PM

Police are supposed to arrest someone or diffuse the problem. Sounds like they actually made it worse! Ms Johns became more belligerent because Kempton called the cops! She was now extra mad and knew how to make Kempton look like the bad guy. Police should have run Ms Johns arrest record and seen her violent past. They were indifferent and unprofessional police and should be firef!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: whateverspeoppppppp ()
Date: August 15, 2016 08:51PM

i don't what happened but a women is dead by a person with a 3 inch knife how you can blame anyone else is ridiculous people do not have a right ti kill people over chairs .

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Cherry Picker ()
Date: August 15, 2016 10:09PM

Chantilly 97 Wrote:
> Police are supposed to arrest someone or diffuse
> the problem. Sounds like they actually made it
> worse! Ms Johns became more belligerent because
> Kempton called the cops! She was now extra mad and
> knew how to make Kempton look like the bad guy.
> Police should have run Ms Johns arrest record and
> seen her violent past. They were indifferent and
> unprofessional police and should be firef!

Cops do not get involved with chimp outs any more. Else they lose their jobs and wind up on CNN. Just walk away.

And it worked beautifully. One nog in jail and the other dead - 2 more niggers gone and no cops got hurt or lost their jobs.

This is the new paradigm from the liberals. Get used to it.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Free ()
Date: August 15, 2016 10:44PM

Free Kempton

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Don John ()
Date: August 16, 2016 06:44AM

Why is he being held? There should be a parade in his honor for ridding society of a violent menace!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Self defense ()
Date: August 16, 2016 08:55AM

I would NOT convict him.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: truth police here ()
Date: August 16, 2016 09:45AM

First of all the woman was a caterer because of her violent history and criminal past

She was unemployable

Maybe the couple who hired her should be liable

Was there a witness to the stabbing

If not, and the kids was smart not to talk to cops, his story is the only story

He called the cops earlier which makes him look


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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 16, 2016 11:25AM

He didn't call the cops a person from the wedding party called them. I was there when the call was placed. They also called his supervisor.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2016 11:26AM by MR D.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: cra cra ()
Date: August 16, 2016 11:57AM

MR D, or which ever white woman you claim to be. Just because you were there doesn't make your facts correct. You have no fricken clue if he called the cops or not. Why are you so hell bent on this issue? Someone died which is tragic but not necessarily murder. There was no intent to kill her. It was an ugly situation that got out of hand. A young man is in jail awaiting trail. He will have a trial and a jury will determine guilty or not. But right now he is innocent of murder. That's the way our legal system works and he does not need to be in jail awaiting the trial.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 16, 2016 12:10PM

Why do ou think no bail was set? Because the evidence agaist him is quite extensive. I was standing beside the person who called the police as were many others. This kid killed a girl with a kinfe and she had no weapon. Might want to check out the defense laws in Va. He has to prove that the force he used was his only resort. It's the defense burden to prove he was innocent in Va. He was asked by his Sup and the police to keep his distance. He chose to start another argument as they were packing. No he don't belong in jail. He should be under it. He started arguments with over 10 different people and it will come out in court.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Fag Love ()
Date: August 16, 2016 12:52PM

You better hope I'm not on that jury.

That nigga is going home if so.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: many details missing ()
Date: August 16, 2016 01:46PM

So the supervisor told this kid to cut the power


Because the wedding party wouldn't leave

How long did they overstay
Must have been long if the power was cut Off

Sounds like the guests were unruly disrespectful and were trespassing

A lot of blame to go around here

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 16, 2016 02:15PM

No the Sup made him turn it back on i was at the panel room when he flipped the breaker
.No one over stayed and trespassing charges were never discussed or mentioned by the police. He killed an unarmed women over nothing that's the facts that all gave to the police.

Look at the mug shot he claimed scratches and marks on his neck. No marks or scratches are visible.

The kid was studing criminal justice and thought he was a cop . Turns out he was just a punk Murderer .

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: bG3Nd ()
Date: August 16, 2016 02:48PM

cra cra Wrote:
> MR D, or which ever white woman you claim to be.
> Just because you were there doesn't make your
> facts correct. You have no fricken clue if he
> called the cops or not. Why are you so hell bent
> on this issue? Someone died which is tragic but
> not necessarily murder. There was no intent to
> kill her. It was an ugly situation that got out
> of hand. A young man is in jail awaiting trail.
> He will have a trial and a jury will determine
> guilty or not. But right now he is innocent of
> murder. That's the way our legal system works and
> he does not need to be in jail awaiting the trial.

Mr D is the appointed spokesperson for the group. It is their intent to stick together on whatever story Mr D spins. That's why you don't hear from any of the other guests. And that's why no one should consider anything Mr D has to say factual or representative of the events. To the contrary, whatever Mr D says (on behalf of the group) should be considered prejudicial.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: August 16, 2016 03:18PM

No spokesperson or member of any group. Too bad the truth upsits you. Im not concerned the facts as i stated will all come out in court. The kid was on drugs or had mental issues which one i havn't a clue.
He could have backed off or walked away at ant time. No one was chasing or detaining him in any way. That's what will convict him not my words.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: y33XY ()
Date: August 16, 2016 06:35PM

If no one was chasing or detaining him in any way, what were they doing? Why wasn't the party over when it was suppose to be over. Why were you drinking alcohol? Why did owner have electric turned off? Were you and others provoking the kid? Why couldn't you behave like civilized people and respect the property of someone else? Did you think the owner was white and therefore you had the right to do whatever you wanted regardless of the rules as some sort of reimbursement for black slaves a long long time ago?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Hopefully you are not a current ()
Date: August 16, 2016 06:47PM

y33XY Wrote:
> If no one was chasing or detaining him in any way,
> what were they doing? Why wasn't the party over
> when it was suppose to be over. Why were you
> drinking alcohol? Why did owner have electric
> turned off? Were you and others provoking the
> kid? Why couldn't you behave like civilized
> people and respect the property of someone else?
> Did you think the owner was white and therefore
> you had the right to do whatever you wanted
> regardless of the rules as some sort of
> reimbursement for black slaves a long long time
> ago?

Racist says what.......

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: I See What You Did There ()
Date: August 16, 2016 07:22PM

Mr D's first name is William, and his real last name starts with an M. And he's not supposed to be hanging out here with his shtick.

Don't make me report you Willy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: You can't handle the truth? ()
Date: August 16, 2016 07:40PM

I See What You Did There Wrote:
> Mr D's first name is William, and his real last
> name starts with an M. And he's not supposed to
> be hanging out here with his shtick.
> Don't make me report you Willy.

Cool story bro

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: cra cra ()
Date: August 16, 2016 08:20PM

There goes MR D, or william, just like the rest of the that group, threatening violence to the kid yet claiming the kid was never threatened at any time at the event that they were all present at? Hmmmm, maybe they have a screwed definition of threating behavior?. They sure seem like a violent and threatening bunch based on what they are posting on social media.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Grow a pair ()
Date: August 16, 2016 08:27PM

cra cra Wrote:
> There goes MR D, or william, just like the rest of
> the that group, threatening violence to the kid
> yet claiming the kid was never threatened at any
> time at the event that they were all present at?
> Hmmmm, maybe they have a screwed definition of
> threating behavior?. They sure seem like a
> violent and threatening bunch based on what they
> are posting on social media.

Look a scared bitch

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Tu6NE ()
Date: August 16, 2016 11:36PM

What happened to Mr. D, he be fired or just preparing a new persona?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Uncle Jemima ()
Date: August 17, 2016 12:07AM

The woman, if you can call it that, was a violent savage. Set the boy free.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Any news ()
Date: September 05, 2016 05:52PM

Any updates?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Courthouse Insider ()
Date: September 05, 2016 06:33PM

Any news Wrote:
> Any updates?

Greenspan is pushing hard for self defense due to the fact that she hit Kempton in the face before he stabbed her in self defense. Virginia law states that you can defend yourself when you feel your life is in danger of bodily harm.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Yea no.... ()
Date: September 05, 2016 06:50PM

Courthouse Insider Wrote:
> Any news Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Any updates?
> Greenspan is pushing hard for self defense due to
> the fact that she hit Kempton in the face before
> he stabbed her in self defense. Virginia law
> states that you can defend yourself when you feel
> your life is in danger of bodily harm.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Bond ()
Date: September 05, 2016 07:25PM

Is the guy still on jail?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Danny Boy ()
Date: September 05, 2016 09:53PM

The kid deserves a medal for taking out the trash!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Queen Sharon ()
Date: September 07, 2016 07:53AM

Everyone should know that it is a felony to defend yourself against violent black savages when they attack you. Instead, you are required to sit back and enjoy the rape/beating/killing.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Hey fuck you Mr.D ()
Date: September 08, 2016 08:42PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: EHNtM ()
Date: September 08, 2016 09:07PM

MR D Wrote:
> He was not in control of his emotions.

Just listened to the audio. Your story appears to be completely incorrect. There would appear to have been only 1 person at the venue in control of their emotions.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Brandon R. Shapiro DOUCHEBAG ()
Date: September 08, 2016 09:18PM

Asshole CA looking for publicity at this kids expense. No fucking way is this anything but self defense. The kid had the knife because he was being threatened by a crowd of people.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Poor Kid ()
Date: September 09, 2016 01:21AM

Imagine being surrounded by a pack of vicious savage niggers. The angelic kid was lucky to escape with his life.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Courthouse Insider ()
Date: September 09, 2016 08:54PM

Courthouse Insider Wrote:
> Any news Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Any updates?
> Greenspan is pushing hard for self defense due to
> the fact that she hit Kempton in the face before
> he stabbed her in self defense. Virginia law
> states that you can defend yourself when you feel
> your life is in danger of bodily harm.

Sorry Pete, I meant Greenspun. You are the man Pete! I know after watching this video that you will do an outstanding job getting Kempton off of all charges and counter suing Fairfax County Park Authority for multi-million dollars at this tragic event. Putting a 19 year old in charge? Are they that fucking cheap Pete? Hey Pete Mr Bonds civil rights as an employee of the Government of Fairfax County were denied! Do your thing Pete. Love you and love watching you in the courtroom doing an incredible job.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Date: September 09, 2016 09:09PM

The young man was doing is job, and the negroes were stealing park property. The video was filmed at night, case closed. He had Trump stickers on his car? Those niggers put a target on his back from the get go.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: uyhbuyb ()
Date: September 09, 2016 09:15PM

> The young man was doing is job, and the negroes
> were stealing park property. The video was filmed
> at night, case closed. He had Trump stickers on
> his car? Those niggers put a target on his back
> from the get go.

So why were the cops so incompetant? Good point, park shoul have been closed. Police should be disiplined and Peter Greenspun will have a field day suing them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: nah ()
Date: September 09, 2016 11:01PM

Fairfaxres2 Wrote:
> Somebody died.
> Somebody is going to prison.
> This isn't 30 days in local jail.

Looks like it is after all...and they wonder why black people get upset at the "perceived" injustice. This little fucker needs to go to PRISON!


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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Kshif ()
Date: September 09, 2016 11:15PM

Why? Did you see the video?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: ALL NITE LONG! ()
Date: September 09, 2016 11:40PM

Park is closed at dark, video shot at nighttime, witness said the kid was fucking with us all night! The kid stopped the theft of eighty chairs, do the math. Those chairs cost about 2000 dollars? This kid is a hero.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: September 10, 2016 12:10AM

The Park Authority said it has fired Bonds pending the outcome of the investigation.

The Park Authority is part of the problem. Also, what did the judge do about whoever was screaming out in court?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: September 10, 2016 12:12AM

nah Wrote:
> Fairfaxres2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Somebody died.
> > Somebody is going to prison.
> > This isn't 30 days in local jail.
> Looks like it is after all...and they wonder why
> black people get upset at the "perceived"
> injustice. This little fucker needs to go to
> http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Fairfax-Co
> unty-Park-Employee-Released-on-Bond-After-Lawyers-
> Argue-He-Stabbed-Caterer-in-Self-Defense-392757761
> .html

Little fucker? What about the thieving bitch that attacked the little fucker? Do you have anything to say about her?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: nog numbers ()
Date: September 10, 2016 08:46AM

The worst part of this whole thing is that the media keeps calling the monster ape a "wedding caterer".

So if I have a monkey and I give him a typewriter, is he then an "author"?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: aspiring ()
Date: September 10, 2016 09:16AM

nog numbers Wrote:
> The worst part of this whole thing is that the
> media keeps calling the monster ape a "wedding
> caterer".
> So if I have a monkey and I give him a typewriter,
> is he then an "author"?

"Up and coming" caterer is the term they have used.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Mr D needs to respond ()
Date: September 10, 2016 12:12PM

MR D Wrote:
> No the Sup made him turn it back on i was at the
> panel room when he flipped the breaker
> .No one over stayed and trespassing charges were
> never discussed or mentioned by the police. He
> killed an unarmed women over nothing that's the
> facts that all gave to the police.
> Look at the mug shot he claimed scratches and
> marks on his neck. No marks or scratches are
> visible.
> The kid was studing criminal justice and thought
> he was a cop . Turns out he was just a punk
> Murderer .

tapes released
So what say you Mr D?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: legal issuez ()
Date: September 10, 2016 12:16PM

At about 2:30, it sounds like the victim says "I'm gonna knock you out. You think I'm playing?" And then you hear "Hey, hey hey! Ty, Ty!"from the other partygoers. I think it would be easy to conclude she did indeed attack this small young man.

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