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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Let The Courts Decide ()
Date: September 10, 2016 12:54PM

legal issuez Wrote:
> At about 2:30, it sounds like the victim says "I'm
> gonna knock you out. You think I'm playing?" And
> then you hear "Hey, hey hey! Ty, Ty!"from the
> other partygoers. I think it would be easy to
> conclude she did indeed attack this small young
> man.

Yes, it would be easy. However, we don't know if she did. I suspect she approached the young man in a threatening manner, and he reacted. Did he react appropriately? Probably, but I don't know and neither do you. That's why we have courts.

One thing I can say for sure is that the level of hatred expressed here towards the guests at that wedding is based a lot more on their color than their behavior. They made inappropriate remarks, but they don't appear to have been violent. You can't lynch people for the comments they make or your (not his) perception of them as threatening.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: hey dumbass ()
Date: September 10, 2016 01:02PM

Let The Courts Decide Wrote:
> legal issuez Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > At about 2:30, it sounds like the victim says
> "I'm
> > gonna knock you out. You think I'm playing?"
> And
> > then you hear "Hey, hey hey! Ty, Ty!"from the
> > other partygoers. I think it would be easy to
> > conclude she did indeed attack this small young
> > man.
> Yes, it would be easy. However, we don't know if
> she did. I suspect she approached the young man in
> a threatening manner, and he reacted. Did he react
> appropriately? Probably, but I don't know and
> neither do you. That's why we have courts.
> One thing I can say for sure is that the level of
> hatred expressed here towards the guests at that
> wedding is based a lot more on their color than
> their behavior. They made inappropriate remarks,
> but they don't appear to have been violent. You
> can't lynch people for the comments they make or
> your (not his) perception of them as threatening.

The kid is mixed race too, no one is saying anything about him. The people who condemn the prevalent ghetto asshole behavior are taking his side. 100%.

Go rescue someone else, white knight.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 01:11PM

He had no marks or scratches or brused marks look at the mug shots enlarged.She never touched him just got a little to close for his coward ass. That will hang him
.Men don't stab unarmed girls try to find another example of this heinous. act. You wont

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR DUMB ()
Date: September 10, 2016 01:26PM

MR D Wrote:
> He had no marks or scratches or brused marks look
> at the mug shots enlarged.She never touched him
> just got a little to close for his coward ass.
> That will hang him
> .Men don't stab unarmed girls try to find another
> example of this heinous. act. You wont

Why was she yelling "I got bail money?"

Why was someone threatening the kid?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 01:30PM

Yes when somone says i have bail money you stab them in the heart that's a great response. All he had to do was walk 10 feet away as he was told by his sup. He went to his car and got a knife instead. Should be Murder 1

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: armchair judge ()
Date: September 10, 2016 01:33PM

After reviewing the evidence the little white boy is guilty of manslaughter 2 and needs to serve 10 to 15 years in a Virginia prison.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 01:36PM

Yes that's the most likely outcome Judge. The home boys in Mecklenburg are anxiously waiting. When he gets out of recieving in Richmond that will be his first stop.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR DUMB ()
Date: September 10, 2016 01:38PM

Other than that, how was the wedding?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: k6vMN ()
Date: September 10, 2016 05:50PM

armchair judge Wrote:
> After reviewing the evidence the little white boy
> is guilty of manslaughter 2 and needs to serve 10
> to 15 years in a Virginia prison.

Now who's talking race? Take a count. Tell me this. While at the wedding, were you all abiding by the rules of the park or were you breaking the rules and trying to steal shit because there wasn't anyone there except a little punk kid?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 06:04PM

No one was charged with stealing the park service took invertory the next day and nothing was missing. Because they were black he automatically thought they were thieves. The Kid besides being a coward punk was a liar too.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: she stole before ()
Date: September 10, 2016 06:38PM

She didn't do 18 months in prison for singing too loud in church.

The boy stopped the theft, that's why the chairs were all there.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 06:51PM

She never spent time in prison for stealing . More lies Kempton?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: sticky fingers ()
Date: September 10, 2016 07:00PM

What was she in prison for? Have you been to prison ?

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 10, 2016 07:11PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2016 04:17PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: mr d is a liar ()
Date: September 10, 2016 07:46PM

Give up asshole.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 07:55PM

I wasn't aware of this sorry.

Ah yes convicted criminal 10 years ago makes her guilty i see the conection.Good point. None of this matters you can't use a kinfe in a argument and claim self defense in VA. He's gone

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 08:04PM

Disparity of Force not a Defense by Itself
Andre Barbosa v. Commonwealth Va. App. (2002 Unpublished)

"...Thus, . . . [one] who expects to be attacked should first employ the means in his power to avert the necessity of self-defence, and, until he has done this, his right of self-defence does not arise." Hash v. Commonwealth, 88 Va. 172, 192, 13 S.E. 398, 405 (1891). "The 'bare fear' of serious bodily injury, or even death, however well-grounded, will not justify the taking of human life." Commonwealth v. Sands, 262 Va. 724, 729, 553 S.E.2d 733, 736 (2001).
"...Under these facts, we hold, therefore, that it was not "necessary" for Barbosa to use deadly force to avert the perceived impending "gang beating." The fact that he was surrounded by Serna and his friends and that Serna "bumped into his gun," stating he was not afraid, does not constitute an "overt act indicative of imminent danger." See Vlastaris v. Commonwealth, 164 Va. 647, 651-52, 178 S.E. 775, 776-77 (1935) (holding that accused's fear for his life was without foundation because victim made no overt act at the time of the shooting). "

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 08:08PM

"The principles governing a plea of self-defense are well-established. Self-defense is an affirmative defense to a charge of murder, and in making such a plea, a "defendant implicitly admits the killing was intentional and assumes the burden of introducing evidence of justification or excuse that raises a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors." McGhee v. Commonwealth, 219 Va. 560, 562, 248 S.E.2d 808, 810 (1978).

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 10, 2016 08:49PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2016 04:20PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: mr d is a liar ()
Date: September 10, 2016 08:55PM

What else are you lying about? He should have stabbed you fucking asshole.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: MR D ()
Date: September 10, 2016 08:59PM

That's the way i see it Mr Hoffman .
This was so all unavoidable i can't understand if he was so scared why did he hover close to the crowd all nite. He could have simple walked a few feet away as asked to do so buy his supervisor. He was snickering and laughing while ladies at the event were crying. There's still something missing on his part.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: States Attorney ()
Date: September 10, 2016 09:55PM

All this boy will get is an apology from the state for wasting his time and that of the taxpayer.

Thanks to him the world is a little safer from another violent savage niggerpotamus.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: September 10, 2016 11:32PM

The caterer who tried to knock out the Park Authority’s only representative onsite that night, learned a valuable lesson: not everyone is defenseless. Attacker beware.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: A Question ()
Date: September 10, 2016 11:57PM

MR D Wrote:
> That's the way i see it Mr Hoffman .
> This was so all unavoidable i can't understand if
> he was so scared why did he hover close to the
> crowd all nite. He could have simple walked a few
> feet away as asked to do so buy his supervisor. He
> was snickering and laughing while ladies at the
> event were crying. There's still something missing
> on his part.

Why was he laughing, and why were people crying? It seems odd that someone would deliberately provoke a crowd, especially a little guy like this. I hope there are phone call recordings or more definitive video that can clarify exactly what happened. Otherwise, this thread shows - sadly - that things are going to get ugly. I wish people would keep an open mind until we know more.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: blak ()
Date: November 26, 2016 10:57AM

Now we saw the video their was no racism at all. He was clearly attacked by a group of blacks for no real reason. It was the chef who attacked him. She got what she deserved. You want to act like your in the hood then you get what you deserved. All these people at the party clearly lied about what really happened. The people at this party were also a bunch of losers that do not know right from wrong.

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Re: Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: DebSwartzbeck ()
Date: November 26, 2016 07:04PM

She looks like a bully

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2016 07:07PM by DebSwartzbeck.

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Re: Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: And..... ()
Date: November 28, 2016 02:19PM

DebSwartzbeck Wrote:
> She looks like a bully

You sound like a pussy

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: CDEc4 ()
Date: November 28, 2016 06:27PM


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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: umm.....huh? ()
Date: July 19, 2017 08:02PM

yes, it's almost a year later, but I gotta ask. Exactly how did this kid know she was gay if they never met before? kinda doing a serious stretch to an agenda bit of yoga here aren't we?

Why aren't all the chefs and caterers screaming he hates chefs(cooks et al) and caterers? That actually would be a valid, albeit irrational, claim. After all, she was presented to him, and dressed as, a chef so....um...yeah.
I'm calling Gordon Ramsey!! This shall not go unchallenged!!
No Hot Buns for Bonds!

If a bear kills a gay hunter- Is the bear anti-gay or just not fond of being hunted?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Bill cuzbeeee ()
Date: July 19, 2017 08:18PM

Fairfaxres2 Wrote:
> 2nd degree will still get him 10 years and he
> won't last a week in a hell hole prison in the
> deep southern part of Virginia.
> He deserves what he is getting as he took a life
> and ruined another family.
> Repeat, this was a hard working woman probably
> barely making ends meet as a caterer.

Nigger dyke 0 knife 1
She uses knife as caterer then knife dies her/him in.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Mrs D ()
Date: July 19, 2017 08:24PM

MR D Wrote:
> The murderer was recording audio all nite to set
> up his self defence lie. No video was recorded
> that i know of. Obviouslly his recording did
> little as the police charged him with Murder. He
> stabbed a girl OVER AND OVER LIKE AN ANIMAL.

Stabbing a criminal nigresss gets you awards!

Instead of cooking her horrible food, shoulda stuck to carpet munchin in PG !

Stay out of Virginia! Go back into the closet! Go back to the Underground Railroad!

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Final Analysis ()
Date: July 19, 2017 09:35PM

The court has proven that this kid was the victim of a gang of savage niggers, and that he acted in self-defense. Case closed.

Niggers should learn to act human if they want to be treated like humans.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: ...mixed bag.. ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:13PM

Final Analysis Wrote:
> The court has proven that this kid was the victim
> of a gang of savage niggers, and that he acted in
> self-defense. Case closed.
> Niggers should learn to act human if they want to
> be treated like humans.

line 1: yes, and, no. the DA is in denial, or is this an election month/year?

line 2: opps. how to completely nullify any shed of validity in 18 words.

Me thinks one must first 'be' human before ascribing a lack of same unto others. nest pas?

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: sheesh.... ()
Date: July 19, 2017 10:34PM

MR D Wrote:
> Disparity of Force not a Defense by Itself
> Andre Barbosa v. Commonwealth Va. App. (2002
> Unpublished)
> "...Thus, . . . [one] who expects to be attacked
> should first employ the means in his power to
> avert the necessity of self-defence, and, until he
> has done this, his right of self-defence does not
> arise." Hash v. Commonwealth, 88 Va. 172, 192, 13
> S.E. 398, 405 (1891). "The 'bare fear' of serious
> bodily injury, or even death, however
> well-grounded, will not justify the taking of
> human life." Commonwealth v. Sands, 262 Va. 724,
> 729, 553 S.E.2d 733, 736 (2001).
> .."
> "...Under these facts, we hold, therefore, that it
> was not "necessary" for Barbosa to use deadly
> force to avert the perceived impending "gang
> beating." The fact that he was surrounded by Serna
> and his friends and that Serna "bumped into his
> gun," stating he was not afraid, does not
> constitute an "overt act indicative of imminent
> danger." See Vlastaris v. Commonwealth, 164 Va.
> 647, 651-52, 178 S.E. 775, 776-77 (1935) (holding
> that accused's fear for his life was without
> foundation because victim made no overt act at the
> time of the shooting). "

... Allowing you are certainly a troll; Let us be clear, A hand around the throat/neck is beyond an "overt act" and is quite "indicative of" an immediate, clear and present danger. One with a very high probability of grievous injury, if not "imminent" death. So, we cannot even feed you a week "good try".

So much for your trolling disguised as post event, arm chair supposition and mongering.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Kemptons babysitter ()
Date: July 20, 2017 07:32AM

MR D Wrote:
> Yes when somone says i have bail money you stab
> them in the heart that's a great response. All he
> had to do was walk 10 feet away as he was told by
> his sup. He went to his car and got a knife
> instead. Should be Murder 1

Nigger dikes don't have a heart! And as for you, stay out of this county!

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: ..with support like this... ()
Date: July 20, 2017 01:21PM

...who needs Mr. D.

one- D's nutz. is just getting off on pushing buttons. he knows jack shite. but ya got give him props for his ability to adlib and present. One would think him great politician material or a cult leader. he has no insight beyod what he has read and bending for his own needs. one but can infer from his he presences that there truly is an upper limit on how long one can fap before having to find something else to do. so, we suffer and he toys with a kids life.

that being said. @Kemptons babysitter" you are soooooooo not helping and maybe might think of looking deep into a mirror for a little introspection. your response is no different than what the crowd/mob spent hours subjecting the kid to.

the LCD is real. Rise above the LCD.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Kempton Koon Killah ()
Date: July 21, 2017 09:35AM

Kempton defended himself against a butch bigger that grabbed him. Luckily he stabbed this beast in her heart otherwise she would chimped out more and killed him. He did what he did given the circumstances.

Niggers testifying in court is very unreliable. That's what Johnny Cochran said bc of his legal dealings as a lawyer.
Most trial attorneys will strike them from juries.

Blacks imported here had low intelligence and were caught easily by the nigger slave traders in Chad and Ghana.if you can trace your ancestry to the slave trade, pls do not strive for anything more than an obama phone, snap benefits and fathering/mothering children with different parents.

I'm glad no niggers are on here bc they cannot complete a single sentence most times.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Pot, kettle... ()
Date: July 21, 2017 06:12PM

Kempton Koon Killah Wrote:
> Kempton defended himself against a butch bigger
> that grabbed him. Luckily he stabbed this beast in
> her heart otherwise she would chimped out more
> and killed him. He did what he did given the
> circumstances.
> Niggers testifying in court is very unreliable.
> That's what Johnny Cochran said bc of his legal
> dealings as a lawyer.
> Most trial attorneys will strike them from juries.
> Blacks imported here had low intelligence and were
> caught easily by the nigger slave traders in Chad
> and Ghana.if you can trace your ancestry to the
> slave trade, pls do not strive for anything more
> than an obama phone, snap benefits and
> fathering/mothering children with different
> parents.
> I'm glad no niggers are on here bc they cannot
> complete a single sentence most times.

...kettle, crack-pot.

Seriously? "..Niggers testifying in court is very unreliable."
There is so much...wow. Just wow...ya know, it's rush hour and I'm pretty sure I saw a shiny nickel on the inside left of the beltway just past the 236 exit. How's 'bout ya go look for it. :8?P

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Uncle Thom ()
Date: July 21, 2017 08:04PM

nog obliterator Wrote:
> The victim was a gay nigger?

+5 welcome to the NEW underground!

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: God Bless AmeriKKKa ()
Date: March 31, 2018 02:03AM

nog obliterator Wrote:
> The victim was a gay nigger?

Remember when this happened and just saw that he was acquitted in the fall.
God Bless America, this guy is a hero for defending himself.

Maybe these monkies will learn they can't just go putting their hands on people.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Whatever happened here? ()
Date: March 05, 2020 06:20PM

All forgiven? I remember everyone thought this kid was a racist killer.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Urgent Warning ()
Date: March 07, 2020 06:13PM


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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Hands Up, Don’t Stab! ()
Date: March 08, 2020 01:20AM

The young man was innocent. Completely ridiculous situation and unnecessarily polarizing.

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Deport all central americans ()
Date: March 09, 2020 09:17AM

Deport all Central Americans and DACA

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Re: Fatal Stabbing at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
Posted by: Justice be served ()
Date: March 09, 2020 09:27AM

As all the white people predicted here, not guilty. The negros still feel like some amount of whining and bitching will allow them to act like savages without recourse. People are wising up to their ways.

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