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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: clean up this town ()
Date: September 06, 2016 08:23AM

These sick freaks are the ugly side of University Mall and this county. Not only are they unsightly to look at but they attract a lot of negative things. The crime rate rises significantly, they harass bystanders, some are sex offenders including the infamous naked guy John Kennely from NBC's To Catch a Predator, and more than half are unemployed. Countless times I hear of families getting harassed by these barn yard animals. They grab their crotches, flick off people, and yell weird stuff. One time I saw two fat people getting it on by the stairs. We need to get these people jobs so they stop showing up. Please join me in petitioning the county to restrict these sick people from University Mall Theaters. I walked inside the movie theater one time during a matinee to see a glory hole drilled in one of the stalls.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: concerned parent resident ()
Date: September 06, 2016 08:34AM

I couldn't agree with you 100% more, sir. It is so sad to see University Mall Theaters transform into a sewer. It really paints an ugly picture for our community. I live behind the theater and constantly catch them doing drugs and leaving their needles behind. They also sell drugs and just hang around in the trees. At the very least we need increased police presence.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: I third this ()
Date: September 06, 2016 08:55AM

I third this idea. There must be some ordinance to prevent this type of behavior. I hear inside the theater it is a pervert fest. It's disgusting the stories I hear. Apparently there is some sort of initiation with the new participants where they are stripped of all clothing, parading up and down the aisles on dog leashes, and humiliated in front of the entire audience. IS THIS THE KIND OF FILTH YOU WANT IN YOUR COUNTY?!

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: finally! ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:08AM

It's about time that we address this issue. It's bringing down the value of our homes.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Ring a ding kid ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:17AM

Because commenting on your own post 3 times in 45 minutes just isn't enough....

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: we're not ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:19AM

Actually a lot of us are sick and tired of the circus in our community. It is possible that a lot of us don't want you near our homes and businesses anymore. You are an eyesore for all of us and contribute to nothing productive.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: well while we are at it ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:39AM

Let's add banning high school football to the petition because of the problem of football rape. It has to be at least as much of a threat to our community and way of life as fat people having sex in a stairwell.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: football player ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:42AM

well while we are at it Wrote:
> Let's add banning high school football to the
> petition because of the problem of football rape.
> It has to be at least as much of a threat to our
> community and way of life as fat people having sex
> in a stairwell.

Yeah you wish you fat purple haired loser. Maybe then you'd stop complaining about how all of the girls like football players and not some fat purple haired outcast who eats hot pockets and plays video games all day.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Real Truth ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:46AM

Just a symptom of the real problem.

The entire Fairfax city area is the real sewer.

Can we just demolish all Fairfax city and start over?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: case and point ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:52AM

You're missing the point. Posters have already proven that these people, I use this term loosely, do nothing but attract crime and filth to the area. Somebody already stated that they do drugs right outside their home and harass residents. I just don't understand why the police aren't patrolling this area on Saturdays. Also the disgusting acts which occur inside of the theater are repulsive. Humiliating theater goers by stripping them naked and making them wear dog leashes. How is this legal to do inside of a movie theater? Look at the threat this poses to our children and to our society. What if your kids attended the show out of curiosity and were told to strip nude and wear a dog leash and collar?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Ban the Greek System Too! ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:03AM

case and point Wrote:
> You're missing the point. Posters have already
> proven that these people, I use this term loosely,
> do nothing but attract crime and filth to the
> area. Somebody already stated that they do drugs
> right outside their home and harass residents. I
> just don't understand why the police aren't
> patrolling this area on Saturdays. Also the
> disgusting acts which occur inside of the theater
> are repulsive. Humiliating theater goers by
> stripping them naked and making them wear dog
> leashes. How is this legal to do inside of a
> movie theater? Look at the threat this poses to
> our children and to our society. What if your
> kids attended the show out of curiosity and were
> told to strip nude and wear a dog leash and
> collar?

Sounds like fraternity or sorority initiations to me. Maybe those have to be banned as well? University Mall, as the name suggests is near a university so maybe this is just the whole Greek thing having some spillover effect.

It is no more disgusting than making a naked sorority girl sit on a washing machine to see what parts of her jiggle or having naked fraternity boys do the so-called "elephant walk" where they go in a straight line holding on to the penis of the one behind them.

The next thing you know they will put in a tattoo shop. Talk about your freaks and degenerates.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Dr. Frank-N-Furter ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:07AM

Fairfax city has always been Satin's den of sexual orgies.

Have you seen all the losers that live in Fairfax City? Frankly I'm glad the Rocky Horror show happens.

It keeps the Fairfax city trailer trash in Fairfax city at night and protects the rest of Fairfax county.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: add another to your list ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:13AM

In Falls Church, where the old McGruder's market used to be, there's a place with a sign that says Celebration Center for Spiritual Living. My friend's son worked as a plumber's helper and they had to go in there. It is really a temple of devil worship what a with a statue of Lucifer and all in there as well as people wearing hooded robes.

So I guess between this place and the Rocky movie place all of the County's weird people are accounted for so if there is a national emergency they could easily be collected and sent to a concentration camp. We have worked hard to build up our way of life and do not need these people trying to destroy it. I saw on the news that part of the problem in Syria is that there are devil worshippers there as well I for one do not hope they make their way to that Lucifer place as refugees.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: ok so ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:14AM

Let's stop trying to justify this sick behavior. We're not talking about the Greek system. We're talking about something that is going on in our community. We all live near this sick place. It's one giant puddle of throw which needs to be cleaned up. Guess what happens to those sororities and fraternities which do those things. They get banned from campus. Just like this needs to be banned. We are not a community of perverted degenerates. We are a community of government workers, teachers, lawyers, military members, etc. Take this garbage out of University Mall and somewhere else.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Getting Freaky ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:15AM

You realize talking about freaky sexual activities or drugs here always turns out to advertisement.

The show will be jam pack from now on with all the sexual degenerates from this site.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: feel the bern ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:17AM

Getting Freaky Wrote:
> You realize talking about freaky sexual activities
> or drugs here always turns out to advertisement.
> The show will be jam pack from now on with all the
> sexual degenerates from this site.

Real successful members of society. Looks like a Bernie Sanders rally

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: conform or be cast out ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:28AM

ok so Wrote:
> Let's stop trying to justify this sick behavior.
> We're not talking about the Greek system. We're
> talking about something that is going on in our
> community. We all live near this sick place.
> It's one giant puddle of throw which needs to be
> cleaned up. Guess what happens to those
> sororities and fraternities which do those things.
> They get banned from campus. Just like this
> needs to be banned. We are not a community of
> perverted degenerates. We are a community of
> government workers, teachers, lawyers, military
> members, etc. Take this garbage out of University
> Mall and somewhere else.

But all communities in America will exhibit some diversity. The Greek system, the Rocky Horror Picture Show and the devil worship place are just examples of secret societies in our midst. Yale has Skull and Bones, the military has them and then of course there is the legendary Hellfire Club in England.

Expelling these people is wrong unless you expel all of them and pass a sweeping anti cryptocracy law. It has been done but how successful is it really? Do not forget that the estimable Temple of Set was formed by Colonel Aquino and the noted Satanist and thelemist, Aleister Crowley played a vital role for the Allied Forces during the great war.

You will also find proponents of the Greek system everywhere, just as nearby as those promoting the Boosterthon fundraiser. Degeneracy is nothing but a matter of perspective. It made the news when a fraternity said its motto was "no means yes and yes means anal" and it may truly have spoken for all. Things are not always what they seem to be.

Whereas there are some who disagree, there is also revolting behavior to be found among the ranks of the so-called upstanding citizens. Just look at the firefighters and their abuse of Nicole Mittendorf. Just look at how lawyers have often been involved in illegal practices such as debt collection harassment. Just look no further than the mayor of Fairfax, a drug dealer and seeker of homosexual experiences.

You cannot eradicate these things. Also purity is not always what it may seem to be. In the end, the left and right hand approaches often meet in the middle with cataclysmic results. Do not forget Sodom and Gomorrah but also consider the shining example set by the Greek city-state of Sparta, as it remains an inspiration to us all even in this modern day and age of smartphones.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: drugs on my lawn ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:32AM

Well that was a very well written essay. I give you a B+ However this doesn't solve or address the issue of finding needles on my front lawn every Sunday morning. Or the fact that they sell drugs and loiter around the trees. I highly doubt that normal movie goers are doing this and it doesn't happen on any other day.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: here's a joke ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:47AM

What's the difference between the RHPS crowd and a pile of shit?

The pile of shit actually smells better

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: another joke for you ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:50AM

What's the difference between a cesspool and a fraternity?

The cesspool doesn't smell as much and is actually good for something.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: better one ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:18AM

What's purple, smelly, fat, unemployed, dropped out of NOVA, and still lives at home with parents?

The Rocky Horror Picture Show crowd

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Closet Freak Show ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:53AM

drugs on my lawn Wrote:
> Well that was a very well written essay. I give
> you a B+ However this doesn't solve or address
> the issue of finding needles on my front lawn
> every Sunday morning. Or the fact that they sell
> drugs and loiter around the trees. I highly doubt
> that normal movie goers are doing this and it
> doesn't happen on any other day.

If you are finding needles on your lawn every Sunday morning call the police and report it. Lord knows Fairfax city police love to get into every bodies business.

My guess is you are some closet sexual freak and deep inside you wish to attend the Rocky Horror show but your wife would never let you.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: homeowner fairfax ()
Date: September 06, 2016 12:59PM

I have the same issue. We've alerted the police numerous times but never any success. My kids play in this area. What if they step on a needle left behind by some of these dregs of society?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: great news ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:07PM

Great news. I didn't know it was still playing in the theater. I'll be checking it out this weekend. By the way, did you hang out at the glory hole as long as you hang out here? Im sure they miss you. And was that a drill in your trunk? Thought so.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Lesbians In Lingerie ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:13PM

what of person goes to a movie just to see a bunch of young lesbians in lingerie making out in the theater? You people are sick!

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Movie Mom ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:25PM

I find this disturbing that a county and movie theater would allow this type of activity to occur in a family movie theater. This is the same theater which my kids go to

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Bad Mommy ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:28PM

Movie Mom Wrote:
> I find this disturbing that a county and movie
> theater would allow this type of activity to occur
> in a family movie theater. This is the same
> theater which my kids go to

I'm concerned that you have your "kids" at a movie at midnight.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: the all seeing eye ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:29PM

better one Wrote:
> What's purple, smelly, fat, unemployed, dropped
> out of NOVA, and still lives at home with
> parents?


Meals tax supporters.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: initiatory practices ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:35PM

I third this Wrote:
> I third this idea. There must be some ordinance
> to prevent this type of behavior. I hear inside
> the theater it is a pervert fest. It's disgusting
> the stories I hear. Apparently there is some sort
> of initiation with the new participants where they
> are stripped of all clothing, parading up and down
> the aisles on dog leashes, and humiliated in front
> of the entire audience. IS THIS THE KIND OF FILTH

Fraternities and sororities do the same kind of thing. If you are going to ban one of these entities, you will need to ban all of them.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: GMU Student 2018 ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:37PM

Typical rejects who hate athletes because they're too weak to play sports. Or too lazy to do anything at all. NVCC students for life

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Long Dong Cilver ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:47PM

initiatory practices Wrote:
> I third this Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I third this idea. There must be some
> ordinance
> > to prevent this type of behavior. I hear
> inside
> > the theater it is a pervert fest. It's
> disgusting
> > the stories I hear. Apparently there is some
> sort
> > of initiation with the new participants where
> they
> > are stripped of all clothing, parading up and
> down
> > the aisles on dog leashes, and humiliated in
> front
> > of the entire audience. IS THIS THE KIND OF
> Fraternities and sororities do the same kind of
> thing. If you are going to ban one of these
> entities, you will need to ban all of them.

I speak for all males when I say please please don't ban sorority hazing. Just thought gives me a boner.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: speaking of PERVERSION ()
Date: September 06, 2016 01:58PM

How about those transgender bathrooms?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: frat guy ()
Date: September 06, 2016 02:00PM

Why do Rocky Horror fans hate fraternities so much? Oh wait, they can't get in! It's ok you loser rejects still belong to a faternity

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: badge of honor ()
Date: September 06, 2016 02:19PM

frat guy Wrote:
> Why do Rocky Horror fans hate fraternities so
> much? Oh wait, they can't get in! It's ok you
> loser rejects still belong to a faternity

I would consider being rejected by a fraternity as a badge of honor. Fraternity members are drunken, sex-obsessed louts. Just look, for example, at Alpha Tau Omega-talk about loser rejects!

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Lighten up homophobes! ()
Date: September 06, 2016 02:21PM

There's nothing sexier than picking up a tranny and a case of beer and having he/she blow me while I'm drinking and watching this flick! Nothing compares!

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: CXkXk ()
Date: September 06, 2016 02:27PM

How many of these posts came from the same computer?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Thank you, Ryan McElveen ()
Date: September 06, 2016 02:30PM

Lighten up homophobes! Wrote:
> There's nothing sexier than picking up a tranny
> and a case of beer and having he/she blow me while
> I'm drinking and watching this flick! Nothing
> compares!

In Fairfax COUNTY they have a bathroom made just for that! The tranny blowjob bathroom!

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: friendly neighbor ()
Date: September 06, 2016 03:12PM

They need to learn some fucking respect! I caught one trying to take a dump on my front lawn. They constantly piss in our flower garden. They smoke fucking meth in plain sight of my kids. This needs to fucking STOP! I am not moving because of these shit heads.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Tom Ward ()
Date: September 06, 2016 08:38PM

President Trump will clean this up

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: you ain't seen nothin yet ()
Date: September 06, 2016 08:54PM

friendly neighbor Wrote:
> They need to learn some fucking respect! I caught
> one trying to take a dump on my front lawn. They
> constantly piss in our flower garden. They smoke
> fucking meth in plain sight of my kids. This
> needs to fucking STOP! I am not moving because of
> these shit heads.

Just wait until Alpha Tau Omega opens up at GMU and Sigma Chi gets reinstated.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: 88898723 ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:17PM

This whole thread is actually kind of funny.

I once went to a late night movie at Univ. Mall and as we were getting out the Rocky Horror Picture Show crowd was coming in. Maybe 5 people were dressed up, and by dressed up I mean they had put on one or two unusual garments, and everybody was standing in line and the majority of them were looking dead sober and kind of bored. It was all sort of sadly underwhelming. The RHPS is supposed to be a freak show, and this crowd looked like people waiting at the DMV. I remember feeling very sorry for the George Mason kids.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: The rest of us are happy ()
Date: September 06, 2016 09:22PM

Since this is located in YOUR community, it ISN'T happening in OURS! You lost the neighborhood roulette, your real estate investment is worthless, your loss is MY GAIN!!!!!!!!!! I vote for the county to keep the freaks in your neighborhood where they feel at home.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:02PM

case and point Wrote:
> You're missing the point. Posters have already
> proven that these people, I use this term loosely,
> do nothing but attract crime and filth to the
> area. Somebody already stated that they do drugs
> right outside their home and harass residents. I
> just don't understand why the police aren't
> patrolling this area on Saturdays. Also the
> disgusting acts which occur inside of the theater
> are repulsive. Humiliating theater goers by
> stripping them naked and making them wear dog
> leashes. How is this legal to do inside of a
> movie theater? Look at the threat this poses to
> our children and to our society. What if your
> kids attended the show out of curiosity and were
> told to strip nude and wear a dog leash and
> collar?

I’m with you all the way on getting those people out of there, but your post here sounds ridiculous and paranoid. The initiation is for those who WANT to join the perverted display of immoral and illegal faggotry which they are. They are not taking people hostage and then sexually attacking them.

What’s a shame and certainly a loss for the theater is the condition of the chairs, etc because of these characters' sexual activity all over everything on a continual basis. The theater owners might as well just give the theater to them. They must be losing business from their loyal and sane customer base. I’m never going back there again. That’s gross.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Ae ()
Date: September 06, 2016 10:33PM

You all need to get a grip. Movie theatre is perfectly fine.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Sexual Orgies ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:25PM

88898723 Wrote:
> This whole thread is actually kind of funny.
> I once went to a late night movie at Univ. Mall
> and as we were getting out the Rocky Horror
> Picture Show crowd was coming in. Maybe 5 people
> were dressed up, and by dressed up I mean they had
> put on one or two unusual garments, and everybody
> was standing in line and the majority of them were
> looking dead sober and kind of bored. It was all
> sort of sadly underwhelming. The RHPS is supposed
> to be a freak show, and this crowd looked like
> people waiting at the DMV. I remember feeling
> very sorry for the George Mason kids.

HUSH! You are ruining the viral marketing for The Rocky Horror picture show at University Mall.

Yes, this stuff happen and it's very secret and taboo. Nobody should go it's very very taboo.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: All Made Up ()
Date: September 06, 2016 11:28PM

Ae Wrote:
> You all need to get a grip. Movie theatre is
> perfectly fine.

Of course it is. The OP is probably some guy who got kicked out of University Mall Theater for some stupid shit and now wants to get the place closed.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: FCHS Football Coach ()
Date: September 07, 2016 01:33AM

Sir, or Madam, very few footballs are actually raped in the course of a season. At most they are subjected to consensual sodomy.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Burke Brat ()
Date: September 07, 2016 10:21AM

I know I am getting baited into this thread, but Seriously? first off if your Young Children are going to a Midnight Movie you need to rethink your Parenting abilities, 2nd all the Negative comments when searching come from this site about University Mall and the RHPS, 3rd its been Playing there ever since Mr Ghatti's was there. Its an Interactive show. Maybe you need to get out a little more and unwind, its been a Cult thing for over 30 years. But then again the same mentality come from the Idiots who buy a House near an Airport that was Built in a Corn Field, then complain about the noise..

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: neighborhood bystander ()
Date: September 07, 2016 11:11AM

I think the issue here is that it's gone downhill since it's inception. I'm sure in the beginning it started out as a place for young people to have fun on Saturday nights. Now it's evolved into something completely different, almost criminal and inhumane by nature.

Patrons defecating and urinating on lawns, consuming drugs, harassing local citizens, yelling obscenities, and just being a general nuisance. This is why we are asking to ban this midnight showing. At the very least we need increased police presence. It's only a matter of time until a serious crime occurs.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: EbCWN ()
Date: September 07, 2016 01:12PM

Where are there neighborhood lawns anywhere near university mall?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Colonel Howdy ()
Date: September 08, 2016 07:25AM

EbCWN Wrote:
> Where are there neighborhood lawns anywhere near
> university mall?

There aren't any. This is am obvious troll thread, not that I have any sympathy for the pathetic, no-life RHPS losers.

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: 8uhb ()
Date: September 08, 2016 09:38AM

I took my children to what I thought was a Rocky and Bullwinkle movie.

Instead we witnessed pure depravity.

That horrible night turned my daughter into a lesbian and my son into a drug user who defecates in the neighbor's front yard.

Will the madness ever end?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: ImpressionableYouth ()
Date: July 16, 2018 12:58PM

Wow, I had no idea they were showing this out in Fairfax! Thanks for keeping everybody posted on where they can go to watch singing transvestites and men in golden underwear!

Anything else you're petitioning?

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Re: Kick out the Rocky Horror Picture Show from University Mall
Posted by: Capt Howdy ()
Date: July 16, 2018 06:55PM

Does Gerry Connolly still attend every showing in drag?

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