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ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Let's see how serious ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:19PM

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: from the Washington Compost ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:22PM

Hundreds arrested in at least 6 states.

Immigration activists said the crackdown went beyond the six states DHS identified, and said they had also documented ICE raids of unusual intensity during the past two days in Florida, Kansas, Texas and Northern Virginia.

That undocumented immigrants with no criminal records were arrested and could potentially be deported sent a shock through immigrant communities nationwide amid concerns that the U.S. government could start going after law-abiding people.


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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: The ICE MAN ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:22PM



See something - Say something

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: El Donaldo! ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:24PM


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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: obamathedeporter ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:33PM

This is such crap. Obama deported more illegals than any other President in American history. You can find plenty of Democrats making that argument all over the internet.

Bottom line is that right now ICE is carrying on their regular work. Lefties are trying to make a Trump stink out of it. Ridiculous. Nothing has changed yet. It might in the future. But right now this is just stupid politics.

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Can't stump the Trump ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:39PM


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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Deplorable Diane ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:48PM

"going after law-abiding people"

The fact that they are "undocumented" in and of itself means they AREN'T

They brought this upon themselves.

Think about how much shit you deal with having to have documents and money and ID etc just at the DMV as a citizen, so come on I'm sick of the pity party.

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Blimmo ()
Date: February 10, 2017 09:50PM

Yes, the liberal crybabies are wailing about this. Would someone please bring them a coloring book & some crayons?

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Blimmo ()
Date: February 10, 2017 11:10PM

I like the black cock in my ass.

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: mainstream media IS fake news ()
Date: February 10, 2017 11:23PM

would be interested to learn more, but not from fake news media

Trump pledged to go after gangs and serious criminals...and then start a dialogue on quiet illegals...

allowing CBP-TSA bullies to go after gardeners, janitors, and maids is NOT what Trump sketched out

would like to see the fat azzes cheering this, pick their own veggies and fruit
Let's see how serious Wrote:
> Some activity being reported on Facebook.
> http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/02/10/
> ice_deportation_raids_of_undocumented_immigrants_r
> eported_across_u_s.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: tearsss ()
Date: February 10, 2017 11:35PM

I'm so outraged I'm gonna light myself on fire in front of the white house.

That'll show 'em!

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: vile thuggery ()
Date: February 11, 2017 08:17AM

Quietly - while the media hates on Trump and the libs continue to cry and block things and burn shit - Trump is making it happen.

One illegal mexican at a time.

It's like jingling a shiny thing (the media and the protests) while cleaning out your house of everything (the raids and deportations) while you watch the shiny thing.

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Juan Lake ()
Date: February 11, 2017 08:22AM

I been deported two times. You get food an some clothes an shoes. They send me home for free an I visits me family for 3 weeks an sneak back to here. I loves this country!

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: kdjfkjd ()
Date: February 11, 2017 08:52AM

Juan Lake Wrote:
> I been deported two times. You get food an some
> clothes an shoes. They send me home for free an I
> visits me family for 3 weeks an sneak back to
> here. I loves this country!

This is why we need the Great Wall of Trump.

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Date: February 11, 2017 09:45AM

DC Urban Mom website is reporting raids near the Aldi on Route One.



65% of European Muslims believe that Sharia law is more important than the law of their country.
Source: wzb DOT eu

Migrants to Europe are twice as likely to be unemployed as White Europeans.
Source: theatlantic DOT com

13% of Syrian ‘refugees’ support ISIS.
Source: clarionproject DOT org

25% of Egyptians support suicide bombings.
Source: pewglobal DOT org

62% of Palestinians support the use of suicide bombings. Source: pewglobal DOT org

ISIS is supported by 11.5% of Arabs, or 42 million people.
Source: clarionproject DOT org

The four countries with the highest rates of child marriage are all majority Muslim.
Source: ibtimes DOT co DOT uk

36% of Muslims believe 9/11 was partially or wholly justified.
Source: washingtoninstitue DOT org

1 in 3 Muslims favorably views Hamas, a terrorist organization.
Source: pewglobal DOT org

74% of North African and Middle Easterners are anti-Semitic.
Source: nationalreview DOT com

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Zika Carrier ()
Date: February 11, 2017 10:15AM

I love reading the faux outrage from the DCUM people.

They should have to take one of the beaners into their house for a day. After their kids get molested, maybe they can experience some actual outrage.

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Fox News ()
Date: February 11, 2017 11:16AM

Let's see how serious Wrote:
> Some activity being reported on Facebook.
> http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/02/10/
> ice_deportation_raids_of_undocumented_immigrants_r
> eported_across_u_s.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top


Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers conduct a targeted enforcement operation in Atlanta, Ga.


A wave of arrests made by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials sparked fear and protests Friday as activists and advocates took to the streets.

Immigration officials said the sweeps in New York, Southern California, Chicago and other cities were routine and not part of a promised crackdown vowed by President Trump.

One man was arrested in Hudson, in upstate Columbia County, according to advocates.

At least three others were picked up in surrounding counties, according to Brian MacCormack, an organizer with the Columbia County Sanctuary Movement.

MacCormack said the group “condemns ICE’s activities in the area, and their attempt to separate families.”

The man arrested in Hudson was being held at the Albany county jail.


Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, was taken into custody Wednesday after coming to the U.S. at age 14. The government under the Obama administration had not deported her after she pleaded guilty to a felony plea a decade ago.

Hundreds gathered at Foley Square in Lower Manhattan Friday evening to denounce the arrests and deportations.

Similar protests broke out in Los Angeles, Austin and Phoenix.

Most of the United States’ 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants live in just 20 major metropolitan areas, with the largest populations in New York, Los Angeles and Houston, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on government data.

ICE officials said this week they conducted an “enforcement surge” that was no different than enforcement actions carried out in the past.

While Trump has vowed to sharpen the federal focus on immigration, his predecessor quietly increased the number of deportations.


Members of the family of Garcia de Rayos stand with supporters at a news conference in front of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Phoenix.

Roughly 200 million people were deported under President Obama.

But immigrant rights groups say the actions are harsher than in the past.

A mother of two teens who left Mexico when she was 14 and entered the U.S. illegally was deported earlier this week.

Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, was taken into custody Wednesday in Arizona during one of her regular check-ins with ICE.

Garcia de Rayos was arrested nearly a decade ago for using a false ID to get a job as a janitor at an amusement park.


Police detain a suspect during an operation in Los Angeles this past Tuesday. David Marin, of ICE, said removal operations in greater L.A. occur two to three times a year.

She pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but the government during the Obama years declined to deport her despite her being in the country illegally.

On Wednesday, she showed up at the ICE building in Phoenix for a scheduled check-in with immigration officers and was swiftly deported to Mexico.

Officials denied that the rash of raids was in any way linked to President Trump’s executive order targeting illegal immigration and sanctuary cities.

David Marin, ICE’s field office director for enforcement and removal operations in greater Los Angeles, told the Associated Press the agency carries out such operations two or three times a year in his region.

He said the California operation was in the planning stages “before the administration came out with their current executive orders.”


Most undocumented immigrants live in Houston, New York, Los Angeles and Fairfax County, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on government data. ICE police are seen here working in Atlanta, Ga., this week.

Roughly 160 million people were arrested during a five-day sweep in Southern California aimed at immigrants with criminal histories and deportation orders, officials said.

A Salvadoran gang member wanted in his country and a Brazilian drug trafficker were among those arrested.

The agency said a “rash of recent reports about purported ICE checkpoints and random sweeps are false, dangerous and irresponsible.”

In a statement, ICE said “officers frequently encounter additional suspects who may be in the United States in violation of the federal immigration laws. Those persons will be evaluated on a case by case basis and, when appropriate, arrested by ICE.”

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: Gen. Obvious ()
Date: February 11, 2017 02:02PM

It should come as no surprise that the Annandale raid was at Fairmont Gardens.

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Re: ICE raids snatch up the undocumented in Alexandria and Annandale, Va
Posted by: xYbnw ()
Date: February 11, 2017 02:15PM

Fox News Wrote:
> Let's see how serious Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Some activity being reported on Facebook.
> >
> >
> >
> http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/02/10/
> >
> ice_deportation_raids_of_undocumented_immigrants_r
> > eported_across_u_s.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top
> 969692.1486794587!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/der
> ivatives/article_1200/usa-trump-immigration-arrest
> s.jpg" width=800>

Immigration and Customs Enforcement
> officers conduct a targeted enforcement operation
> in Atlanta, Ga.

> http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/immigrati
> on-agency-arrest-surge-routine-protests-article-1.
> 2969693
> A wave of arrests made by Immigration and Customs
> Enforcement officials sparked fear and protests
> Friday as activists and advocates took to the
> streets.
> Immigration officials said the sweeps in New York,
> Southern California, Chicago and other cities were
> routine and not part of a promised crackdown vowed
> by President Trump.
> One man was arrested in Hudson, in upstate
> Columbia County, according to advocates.
> At least three others were picked up in
> surrounding counties, according to Brian
> MacCormack, an organizer with the Columbia County
> Sanctuary Movement.
> MacCormack said the group “condemns ICE’s
> activities in the area, and their attempt to
> separate families.”
> The man arrested in Hudson was being held at the
> Albany county jail.
> 969689.1486780478!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/der
> ivatives/article_1200/ice11n-4-web.jpg"
> width=800>

> Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, was taken into
> custody Wednesday after coming to the U.S. at age
> 14. The government under the Obama administration
> had not deported her after she pleaded guilty to a
> felony plea a decade ago.

> Hundreds gathered at Foley Square in Lower
> Manhattan Friday evening to denounce the arrests
> and deportations.
> Similar protests broke out in Los Angeles, Austin
> and Phoenix.
> Most of the United States’ 11.1 million
> unauthorized immigrants live in just 20 major
> metropolitan areas, with the largest populations
> in New York, Los Angeles and Houston, according to
> new Pew Research Center estimates based on
> government data.
> ICE officials said this week they conducted an
> “enforcement surge” that was no different than
> enforcement actions carried out in the past.
> While Trump has vowed to sharpen the federal focus
> on immigration, his predecessor quietly increased
> the number of deportations.
> 969688.1486780476!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/der
> ivatives/article_1200/immigration-protest.jpg"
> width=800>


> Members of the family of Garcia de Rayos stand
> with supporters at a news conference in front of
> the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
> office in Phoenix.

> Roughly 200 million people were deported under
> President Obama.
> But immigrant rights groups say the actions are
> harsher than in the past.
> A mother of two teens who left Mexico when she was
> 14 and entered the U.S. illegally was deported
> earlier this week.
> Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, was taken into
> custody Wednesday in Arizona during one of her
> regular check-ins with ICE.
> Garcia de Rayos was arrested nearly a decade ago
> for using a false ID to get a job as a janitor at
> an amusement park.
> 969691.1486794370!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/der
> ivatives/article_1200/usa-trump-immigration-arrest
> s.jpg" width=800>

Police detain a suspect during an
> operation in Los Angeles this past Tuesday. David
> Marin, of ICE, said removal operations in greater
> L.A. occur two to three times a year.

> She pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but the
> government during the Obama years declined to
> deport her despite her being in the country
> illegally.
> On Wednesday, she showed up at the ICE building in
> Phoenix for a scheduled check-in with immigration
> officers and was swiftly deported to Mexico.
> Officials denied that the rash of raids was in any
> way linked to President Trump’s executive order
> targeting illegal immigration and sanctuary
> cities.
> David Marin, ICE’s field office director for
> enforcement and removal operations in greater Los
> Angeles, told the Associated Press the agency
> carries out such operations two or three times a
> year in his region.
> He said the California operation was in the
> planning stages “before the administration came
> out with their current executive orders.”
> 969690.1486794555!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/der
> ivatives/article_1200/usa-trump-immigration-arrest
> s.jpg" width=800>

Most undocumented immigrants live in
> Houston, New York, Los Angeles and Fairfax County,
> according to new Pew Research Center estimates
> based on government data. ICE police are seen here
> working in Atlanta, Ga., this week.

> Roughly 160 million people were arrested during a
> five-day sweep in Southern California aimed at
> immigrants with criminal histories and deportation
> orders, officials said.
> A Salvadoran gang member wanted in his country and
> a Brazilian drug trafficker were among those
> arrested.
> The agency said a “rash of recent reports about
> purported ICE checkpoints and random sweeps are
> false, dangerous and irresponsible.”
> In a statement, ICE said “officers frequently
> encounter additional suspects who may be in the
> United States in violation of the federal
> immigration laws. Those persons will be evaluated
> on a case by case basis and, when appropriate,
> arrested by ICE.”

She was over here all that time and didn't bother to become legal? Tough titty.

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