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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Brown Onion ()
Date: September 24, 2018 09:11PM

Can those who support the iguana eaters post their addresses and invite them over?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: dantana ()
Date: September 26, 2018 05:16AM

C. P. Wrote:
> Stupid douchebag' Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What a farce Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > You have no legs left to stand on, numbnuts.
> > > Whether legal or illegal, immigrants are
> > involved
> > > in crime at lower rates than the native-born.
> > End
> > > of story.
> >
> >
> > Your data does not say that.
> >
> > It says that they are convicted at a
> lower
> > rate. It does not say anything about
> involvement
> > with crime more generally. It does not reflect
> > arrest rates. It does not reflect other
> > alternative actions taken (e.g., removals). It
> > does not reflect those who disappear before
> trial.
> > Etc.
> >
> > It does say that illegals are convicted of
> crimes
> > and at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal
> > immigrants
> ^^ Coward post ^^

Cowards gotta cower!

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: cbn ()
Date: September 30, 2018 03:58PM

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Send'emAllBack ()
Date: September 30, 2018 04:49PM

cbn Wrote:
> Proof that we all desperately need the illegals
> https://abcnews.go.com/US/immigrants-us-economy-d
> isaster-experts/story?id=45533028


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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: AARPer ()
Date: September 30, 2018 09:50PM

Americans won't do the work. Too lazy and too used to having everything handed to them by their parents. If you stop the import of cheap labor good republican small business owners will crumble. These people know they own us. They build your buildings make your beds and mow your lawns. They come her for 10 or 12 years and make enough money to go back home and live happily ever after. It's your own fault America so suck it!

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: No deplorables need apply ()
Date: October 01, 2018 08:59AM

It's all about economics. It's good if you have oil. It's good if you have rich farmland. It's good if you have a young, healthy workforce. With white fertility being what it's been, immigrants are our life preserver here.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The dumb just keeps on coming ()
Date: October 01, 2018 11:56AM

Stupid douchebag' Wrote:
> Your data does not say that. It says that they are
> convicted at a lower rate. It does not say
> anything about involvement

The data do indeed say that, as being acquitted of a crime is exculpatory.

> It does say that illegals are convicted of crimes and
> at a rate 2 to 5 times greater than legal immigrants.

And how much LESS than the native-born did you say?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: what a whiff ()
Date: October 01, 2018 02:37PM

You obviously aren't intelligent enough to understand that many crimes and criminals are not prosecuted.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: The dumb just keeps on coming ()
Date: October 01, 2018 03:44PM

Lol! Data say you are stupid.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: strike two ()
Date: October 01, 2018 03:55PM

Data doesn't say anything, but it does confirm you're an idiot.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: diverse1 ()
Date: October 17, 2018 05:34PM

cbn Wrote:
> Proof that we all desperately need the illegals
> https://abcnews.go.com/US/immigrants-us-economy-d
> isaster-experts/story?id=45533028


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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: falsies ()
Date: October 17, 2018 05:56PM

The dumb just keeps on coming Wrote:
> Stupid douchebag' Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Your data does not say that. It says that they
> are
> > convicted at a lower rate. It does not
> say
> > anything about involvement
> The data do indeed say that, as being acquitted of
> a crime is exculpatory.

It doesn't say anything about acquittals. It doesn't say anything about arrests. It doesn't say how many are not found or don't show up for trial.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: gated driveway ()
Date: October 18, 2018 07:35AM

Illegals mow my lawn and do the landscaping. They seem nice!

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Arm's-length transactions ()
Date: October 18, 2018 08:40AM

For many (but not all), there comes a time when you have more money than interest in doing yard work and other household chores. That's when you start looking around for crews to take care of such things for you. Homeowners don't even try to tell who's legal and who's not (you can't do that either), so folks are basically just running sanctuary households in going simply on a basis of recommendations from friends and neighbors. The crew that my electrician sent over last week to install new LED lighting systems in my kitchen was all Hispanic. Legal? How should I know? Why should I care? They did a great job, so I'm quite happy. I hope they are as well.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Try, try again... ()
Date: October 18, 2018 09:22AM

When all else fails (and it has), throw your hands up in despair. Meanwhile...

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Trickle-down intelligence ()
Date: October 18, 2018 09:40AM

A survey of economists shows a consensus behind the view that high-skilled immigration makes the average American better off. A survey of the same economists also shows strong support behind the notion that low-skilled immigration makes the average American better off.

In a survey of the existing literature by Bodvarsson and Van den Berg, they wtite that, "a comparison of the evidence from all the studies... makes it clear that, with very few exceptions, there is no strong statistical support for the view held by many members of the public, namely that immigration has an adverse effect on native-born workers in the destination country."

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: George Fucking Washington ()
Date: December 09, 2018 10:23AM

The Dixie Wigger Wrote:
> So with 350 million here we don't have enough
> people to pick fruit for all
> Then wash cars clean toilets mow grass for elitist
> Democrats who want to save a few dollars for each
> service rendered
> Slam that border door closed, no more immigrants
> legal or not that cant make their keep
> America First
> Whats The Problem ?

Just try it. The laws are already in place. Have you ever wondered why those laws are enforced less than 10% of the time? Anyone with half a brain knows that the undocumented Americans are vital to our economy.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Alternate reality ()
Date: December 09, 2018 10:54AM

These downscale dumbfucks live in a different world, one in which the worst sorts of utter nonsense can some to carry the day. Remember all those 'WMD' that Saddam was supposed to have? The dummies bought such things then, and they stand in line to buy them now. It's just pathetic.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Back in the real world ()
Date: December 09, 2018 01:45PM

Alternate reality Wrote:
> These downscale dumbfucks live in a different
> world, one in which the worst sorts of utter
> nonsense can some to carry the day. Remember all
> those 'WMD' that Saddam was supposed to have? The
> dummies bought such things then, and they stand in
> line to buy them now. It's just pathetic.

By your own admission, you've got a downscale dumfuck dummy running the Trump/Russia "collusion" investigation.

Bob Mueller:
"Iraq's WMD program poses a clear threat to our national security, a threat that will certainly increase in the event of future military action against Iraq. Baghdad has the capability and, we presume, the will to use biological, chemical, or radiological weapons against US domestic targets in the event of a US invasion."

"Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Saddam may supply al-Qaeda with biological, chemical, or radiological material before or during a war with the US to avenge the fall of his regime. Although divergent political goals limit al-Qaeda's cooperation with Iraq, northern Iraq has emerged as an increasingly important operational base for al-Qaeda associates, and a US-Iraq war could prompt Baghdad to more directly engage al-Qaeda."

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Alternate reality ()
Date: December 10, 2018 10:44AM

Back in the real world Wrote:
> By your own admission, you've got a downscale dumfuck dummy
> running the Trump/Russia "collusion" investigation.

No, the downscale dumbfuck dummy in the room is still you, as the forced and tormented song-and-dance of your bilious post only serves to confirm.

> Bob Mueller:
> "Iraq's WMD program poses a clear threat to our
> national security, a threat that will certainly
> increase in the event of future military action
> against Iraq. Baghdad has the capability and, we
> presume, the will to use biological, chemical, or
> radiological weapons against US domestic targets
> in the event of a US invasion."

In February 2003 -- less than a week after Colin Powell's dog-and-pony show web of outright lies delivered to the United Nations -- Robert Mueller was testifying to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence as Director of the FBI, a DOMESTIC agency. Coming less than six weeks prior to the actual and ill-fated Invasion of Iraq, layers of Bushie bubble-wrap were required to be part of his formal statement. His actually relevant comments would have been those over the standing up of Joint Terrorism Task Force operations in cooperation with various state and local law enforcement agencies along with those assuring that the FBI was busy doing all it could to identify and disrupt foreign and domestic terrorist cells hiding and operating on US soil. That sort of thing was within the FBI's actual purview.

> "Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass
> destruction, willfully attempting to evade and
> deceive the international community. Our particular
> concern is that Saddam may supply al-Qaeda with
> biological, chemical, or radiological material before
> or during a war with the US to avenge the fall of his
> regime. Although divergent political goals limit
> al-Qaeda's cooperation with Iraq, northern Iraq has
> emerged as an increasingly important operational base
> for al-Qaeda associates, and a US-Iraq war could
> prompt Baghdad to more directly engage al-Qaeda."

LOL! Like some Michael O'Keefe "Veritas" video, the statement above has been altered to make it appear that it was actually Robert Mueller behind it. In their true and actual context, the words had instead been introduced as a summary of what Colin Powell had said just a few days earlier in his plain-as-day phony claims at the UN -- the ones that Hans Blix at the time called 'pretty flimsy.' But never let the facts get in the way of your FOX-like propaganda, eh pinhead?

The bottom line here is that you are just another lying right-wing stumblebum with no capacity or fealty with respect to fact or reason at all. Just the sort of downscale partisan stooge who would easily have been taken in by the gross and patent crapola of WMD claims in the run-up to the GOP's self-inflicted disaster in Iraq. Congrats on having been such an intellectual failure back in the day, and on having not recovered from any of that at all over the many years since.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Liars Everywhere ()
Date: December 10, 2018 11:11AM

An illegal's VERY first act in America is to disrespect our laws. And to be selfish: there are people waiting all over the world to lawfully come to the US; and illegal says: "F that - I'm jumping the line." That right there tells you something.

The graph posted above is total nonsense and the first clue is the use of the word "undocumented." Anyone who calls an illegal immigrant "undocumented" has an open borders agenda by definition. Second that graph was prepared by the CATO institute which is a owned and operated subsidiary of the US Chamber of Commerce which is for open borders. Third, that graph is based on an assumption as to the number of illegals there are in Texas but doesn't support that number.

Another lie: we can't afford to deport all of the illegals that are here. Bravo Sierra. Assume there are 30 million illegals (the lower numbers the media tosses around are clear Bravo Sierra). You can bus anyone in this country to Mejico for less than $300 on commercial buses. It would cost a LOT less than that with chock-full government buses. But let's use a ridiculous number like $1000 to really prove the point. for 30,000,000 illegals, that's only $30 billion dollars. About 5% of the defense budget for ONE year. EASILY affordable!

And actually, when you consider reduced prison costs, reduced unpaid emergency room and other medical expenses that the rest of us absorb, reduced ESOL expenses, reduced numbers of free or subsidized school lunches, etc., etc., getting rid of all of these illegals would be a HUGE financial boon to the rest of us. Except for Democrap politicians, who will miss all of their votes.

Kick them all the hell out of the country. Now.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Such a dope... ()
Date: December 10, 2018 11:23AM

To correct just one of your incredibly stupid errors, illegals can't vote.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: so much nonsense ()
Date: December 10, 2018 11:24AM

immigrant helping.jpg

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: So fucking dumb... ()
Date: December 10, 2018 11:41AM

Why didn't you ever graduate from the 6th grade?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Liars Everywhere ()
Date: December 10, 2018 11:56AM

Such a dope... Wrote:
> To correct just one of your incredibly stupid
> errors, illegals can't vote.


Not only "can" they vote (and have they voted) in all kinds of elections, they can even LEGALLY vote in a growing number of municipal/local elections in various localities where they have passed laws to repeal the citizenship requirement for voting.

Like I said . . . liars everywhere.

It's impossible to keep track of the mountains of lies upon lies that you leftist open border advocates pile up in support of your agenda.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Such a dope... ()
Date: December 10, 2018 01:22PM

Liars Everywhere Wrote:
> Not only "can" they vote (and have they voted) in
> all kinds of elections, they can even LEGALLY vote
> in a growing number of municipal/local elections
> in various localities where they have passed laws
> to repeal the citizenship requirement for voting.

You're merely ducking the point, you miserable little asshole. People like you should be purged from the voter rolls -- your stupid votes are ever a step backward for America.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Yet again... ()
Date: December 10, 2018 01:35PM

^^^ These idiots have no clue at all. They wallow in the ignorance of the right wing, spouting back bullshit without ever realizing how dumb it makes them look.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Liars Everywhere ()
Date: December 10, 2018 01:54PM

Such a dope... Wrote:
> Liars Everywhere Wrote:

> You're merely ducking the point, you miserable
> little asshole. People like you should be purged
> from the voter rolls -- your stupid votes are ever
> a step backward for America.

I did not "duck" anything you colossally stupid motherfucker. You claimed that illegals cannot vote; I proved what a lying sack of monkey shit you are, since they definitely CAN vote. You could not dispute that, so you falsely accused me of "ducking the point" and resorted to ad hominems. So now I have bitch-slapped you again.

Now go ESAD, you un-American little piss-ant.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: back in the real world ()
Date: December 10, 2018 01:56PM

Alternate reality Wrote:
> Back in the real world Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > By your own admission, you've got a downscale
> dumfuck dummy
> > running the Trump/Russia "collusion"
> investigation.
> No, the downscale dumbfuck dummy in the room is
> still you, as the forced and tormented
> song-and-dance of your bilious post only serves to
> confirm.
> > Bob Mueller:
> > "Iraq's WMD program poses a clear threat to our
> > national security, a threat that will certainly
> > increase in the event of future military action
> > against Iraq. Baghdad has the capability and,
> we
> > presume, the will to use biological, chemical,
> or
> > radiological weapons against US domestic
> targets
> > in the event of a US invasion."
> In February 2003 -- less than a week after Colin
> Powell's dog-and-pony show web of outright lies
> delivered to the United Nations -- Robert Mueller
> was testifying to the Senate Select Committee on
> Intelligence as Director of the FBI, a DOMESTIC
> agency. Coming less than six weeks prior to the
> actual and ill-fated Invasion of Iraq, layers of
> Bushie bubble-wrap were required to be part of his
> formal statement. His actually relevant comments
> would have been those over the standing up of
> Joint Terrorism Task Force operations in
> cooperation with various state and local law
> enforcement agencies along with those assuring
> that the FBI was busy doing all it could to
> identify and disrupt foreign and domestic
> terrorist cells hiding and operating on US soil.
> That sort of thing was within the FBI's actual
> purview.
> > "Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of
> mass
> > destruction, willfully attempting to evade and
> > deceive the international community. Our
> particular
> > concern is that Saddam may supply al-Qaeda with
> > biological, chemical, or radiological material
> before
> > or during a war with the US to avenge the fall
> of his
> > regime. Although divergent political goals limit
> > al-Qaeda's cooperation with Iraq, northern Iraq
> has
> > emerged as an increasingly important operational
> base
> > for al-Qaeda associates, and a US-Iraq war
> could
> > prompt Baghdad to more directly engage
> al-Qaeda."
> LOL! Like some Michael O'Keefe "Veritas" video,
> the statement above has been altered to make it
> appear that it was actually Robert Mueller behind
> it. In their true and actual context, the words
> had instead been introduced as a summary of what
> Colin Powell had said just a few days earlier in
> his plain-as-day phony claims at the UN -- the
> ones that Hans Blix at the time called 'pretty
> flimsy.' But never let the facts get in the way
> of your FOX-like propaganda, eh pinhead?
> The bottom line here is that you are just another
> lying right-wing stumblebum with no capacity or
> fealty with respect to fact or reason at all.
> Just the sort of downscale partisan stooge who
> would easily have been taken in by the gross and
> patent crapola of WMD claims in the run-up to the
> GOP's self-inflicted disaster in Iraq. Congrats
> on having been such an intellectual failure back
> in the day, and on having not recovered from any
> of that at all over the many years since.

Poppycock. Mueller's own statements either prove he is a downscale dumbfuck dummy (according to you) or he is a perjurer. Pick one. Oh, and nice attempt to muddy the waters by pointing out that the FBI is a domestic organization. It's fucking irrelevant.

Accept it, your precious Bob Mueller is a downscale dumbfuck dummy or a perjurer.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Alternate reality ()
Date: December 10, 2018 02:13PM

Dude, you fucked up royally and got your worthless ass kIcked for it. Go cry to Mommy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Such a dope..: ()
Date: December 10, 2018 02:22PM

Liars Everywhere Wrote:
> Now go ESAD, you un-American little piss-ant.

Suck my dick, you useless two-bit asshole. Illegals can’t vote. Voter fraud is all but non-existent. Shove that up your sorry worn-out asshole.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: back in the real world ()
Date: December 10, 2018 02:50PM

Alternate reality Wrote:
> Dude, you fucked up royally and got your worthless
> ass kIcked for it. Go cry to Mommy.

LOL! That weak ass response is all I need to confirm I thoroughly destroyed you. You're relying on a perjurer or a downscale dumbfuck dummy to prove the "collusion." You were too stupid to know the pile of shit you were stepping in when you brought up WMDs. Instead of smartly extricating your foot from the pile, you decided to jump all in an rub it all over yourself.

Looks like your the real dumb fuck here.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: ALL illegals OUT ()
Date: December 10, 2018 03:20PM

Illegals drive down wages among the citizens for whom a couple of dollars an hour more or less means the most. ALL illegals must GET OUT NOW.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Alternate reality ()
Date: December 10, 2018 03:53PM

back in the real world Wrote:
> Looks like your the real dumb fuck here.

More loads of assfuck-stupid nonsense. You bought the Bush-43 crap back in the day, and you’ve bought the Trump crap of today. Could be that you are just a hopeless crap-swallower.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Such a dope... ()
Date: December 10, 2018 04:02PM

ALL illegals OUT Wrote:
> Illegals drive down wages among the citizens for
> whom a couple of dollars an hour more or less
> means the most. ALL illegals must GET OUT NOW.

No, dumbass. The only cohort on which illegals have any effect at all is black high school dropouts, and the effect is minor. You could have known that.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: fortitude7 ()
Date: December 10, 2018 04:33PM

Much like 2nd amendment zealots people who hate undocumented Americans are quite simply scared of them. They are cowards.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: back in the real world ()
Date: December 10, 2018 04:52PM

Alternate reality Wrote:
> back in the real world Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Looks like your the real dumb fuck here.
> More loads of assfuck-stupid nonsense. You bought
> the Bush-43 crap back in the day,

You have any proof of that? Of course you don't, you're a raging dipshit.

What there is proof of is that Bob Mueller is either a perjurer or a downscale dumbfuck dummy (according to you). Which is it?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Alternate reality ()
Date: December 10, 2018 05:55PM

You bought shit from Bush. You bought shit from Trump. You’re simply a dope.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: back in the real world ()
Date: December 10, 2018 07:51PM

Wrong again. All politicians lie. You’re just too stupid to understand that. You’re trudging way in your foolish binary world. Now, you’re hanging all your hopes on a person who, by your definition, is a downscale dumbfuck dummy or a perjurer. Either way, you lose. Loser.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Alternate reality ()
Date: December 10, 2018 08:36PM

Bush lies. Trump lies. The truly stupid bought into all of it. By the way, the SDNY sentencing documents have completely exhonorated Trump. Bank on it.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Number One Deplorable ()
Date: December 10, 2018 09:52PM

. . .

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Assholes.... ()
Date: December 11, 2018 12:51PM

Both of the statements referenced above were in fact TRUE. It's just the hopeless dumbfucks who doubt it, but none of them ever understood what was going on to begin with.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: wow, ur stupidity is amazing ()
Date: December 11, 2018 03:00PM

Assholes.... Wrote:
> Both of the statements referenced above were in
> fact TRUE. It's just the hopeless dumbfucks who
> doubt it, but none of them ever understood what
> was going on to begin with.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Biggest loser... ()
Date: December 11, 2018 03:51PM

^^^ In see you have nothing of any sense at all to say on these matters. Just another struck-dumb right-wing asshole. Like we don't see them by the dozen here every dingle day.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: back in the real world ()
Date: December 11, 2018 04:14PM

I never bought shit from Shrub. You're boy Bobby Mueller sure as hell did. That's why you labeled him a downscale dumbfuck dummy. Or, is he a perjurer? Which is it?

Fucking moron.

"Iraq's WMD program poses a clear threat to our national security."

This is a true statement?

"Baghdad has the capability and, we presume, the will to use biological, chemical, or radiological weapons."

This is a true statement?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Poor old man raging at the sun ()
Date: December 11, 2018 04:45PM

Biggest loser... Wrote:
> ^^^ In see you have nothing of any sense at all to
> say on these matters. Just another struck-dumb
> right-wing asshole. Like we don't see them by the
> dozen here every dingle day.

What does "In see" and "dingle day" mean einstein? LOL

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: pablo8 ()
Date: December 11, 2018 05:01PM

ALL illegals OUT Wrote:
> Illegals drive down wages among the citizens for
> whom a couple of dollars an hour more or less
> means the most. ALL illegals must GET OUT NOW.

Sorry men but we no going anywhere. Maybe you can try to make us leave huh?

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Iron Will ()
Date: December 13, 2018 04:02AM

fortitude7 Wrote:
> Much like 2nd amendment zealots people who hate
> undocumented Americans are quite simply scared of
> them. They are cowards.

Conservatives in general are cowards.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: LetsRock ()
Date: December 13, 2018 08:35AM

Stupid douchebag... Wrote:
> Brown Onion Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They do cause a need for more police and
> > corrections officers, due to their violent
> ways.
> Typically ignorant post from you, perhaps the
> dumbest and most pathetic of all posters on FFXU.
> In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each have
> lower crime and incarceration rates than the
> native-born. This is especially true with
> first-generation immigrants. No surprise though
> that you don't know that.

Crimes committed by illegals within the first 30 days of crossing the border:

1. Illegal entry into the US.
2. Identity theft of SS number to obtain a job
3. Tax evasion
4. Theft of services by getting treated by hospitals and not paying the bill
5. Falsifying documents to obtain a rental agreement or drivers license

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Worst in breed ()
Date: December 13, 2018 08:57AM

Pwople who are much worse for America than an illegal ---

All these dimbulb FOX-watching right-wing ASSHOLES. Every single one of them is deadweight loss to society -- a repulsive and unnecessary burden with intellectual capacities so low that they do no more than waste our precious air and water and time and space.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: LOL you sound smart ()
Date: December 13, 2018 09:02AM

Worst in breed Wrote:
> Pwople who are much worse for America than an
> illegal ---
> All these dimbulb FOX-watching right-wing
> ASSHOLES. Every single one of them is deadweight
> loss to society -- a repulsive and unnecessary
> burden with intellectual capacities so low that
> they do no more than waste our precious air and
> water and time and space.

Big words! Big words!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Alternate reality ()
Date: December 13, 2018 10:28AM

back in the real world Wrote:
> I never bought shit from Shrub.

Bwahahahaha! Dopes like you bought into Bush's WMD bit hook, line and sinker. All the really stupid people did, and you are nothing if not really stupid,. The regular folks were out there telling you what a hollow, sham message that was, but you stuck to your stupid-guns as a totally hapless moron.

> You're boy Bobby Mueller sure as hell did. That's why you labeled
> him a downscale dumbfuck dummy.

As a confirmed hook-line-and-sinker-swallower, it is YOU who is worse than the downscale dumbfuck dummy in the room, a fact that you for some unknown reason wish to continue demonstrating in spades. We've got to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. Does any of that worthless rubbish sound familiar to you, you pathetic little stupid shit? How about bringing the blessings of democracy to the Middle East? Remember when that was a #1 White House hit?

As for Mueller by the way, he's busy carving up this latest Republican ass-clown like a Thanksgiving turkey. You want cranberry sauce with that?

> Or, is he a perjurer? Which is it?

Dude, your "quotes" were poached and utter frauds for reasons you were just plain too stupid to recognize on your own, and seemingly also after having those reasons spelled out for you in detail just the other day. What a sorry-ass little dork-brained douchebag!

> "Iraq's WMD program poses a clear threat to our
> national security." This is a true statement?

Not at all. It's poorly founded political rhetoric and hyperbole. But mindless assholes like you bought into the bullshit anyway.

> "Baghdad has the capability and, we presume, the
> will to use biological, chemical, or radiological
> weapons." This is a true statement?

Not at all. It's even more poorly founded political rhetoric and hyperbole. And dull-brained unsophisticated loser-shits like you CONTINUE to buy into such nonsense, even all these years after it was shown to be bullshit. That's just how easily you sappy low-IQ slugs and dummies can be led around by fraud-pushing charlatans and demagogues. What a bunch of dopey, low-grade droolers your cohort is.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Biggest loser... ()
Date: December 13, 2018 10:34AM

Poor old man raging at the sun Wrote:
> What does "In see" and "dingle day" mean einstein? LOL

Those are called typos. People above the age of ten are usually able to recognize them as such. Maybe you'll ba able to do it too, once you get a little older. Or maybe not.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: latino 4 u daughter. ()
Date: December 15, 2018 07:04AM

Why don you racist fuck citizens try an make us leave? Maybe we make you leave. Maybe we make the love to your daughters, yse we do it all the time. White girls love the Latin style love. We no going anywhere.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 10:43AM

Alternate reality Wrote:
> Not at all. It's poorly founded political
> rhetoric and hyperbole. But mindless assholes
> like you bought into the bullshit anyway.

That's quite true. Bush-43 took us into a needless and disastrous war based on what sane people knew were shameless lies and without any other justification at all. Then -- just for good measure -- he crashed the economy as well.

It ought to be quite hard for any other President to do worse than Bush-43, but this Trump fellow is pulling it off.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Too smart by ½ ()
Date: December 15, 2018 10:44AM

LOL you sound smart Wrote:
> Worst in breed Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Pwople who are much worse for America than an
> > illegal ---
> >
> > All these dimbulb FOX-watching right-wing
> > ASSHOLES. Every single one of them is
> deadweight
> > loss to society -- a repulsive and unnecessary
> > burden with intellectual capacities so low that
> > they do no more than waste our precious air and
> > water and time and space.
> Big words! Big words!

Yet, he doesn't know how to spell 'people'. Smart 'pwople' know such things.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: You = stupid ()
Date: December 15, 2018 10:46AM

Biggest loser... Wrote:
> Poor old man raging at the sun Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What does "In see" and "dingle day" mean
> einstein? LOL
> Those are called typos. People above the age of
> ten are usually able to recognize them as such.
> Maybe you'll ba able to do it too, once you get a
> little older. Or maybe not.

Only dumbfuck douche-bags make typos whilst calling others stupid.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: So, lemme get this straight ()
Date: December 15, 2018 10:47AM

Alternate reality Wrote:
> back in the real world Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I never bought shit from Shrub.
> Bwahahahaha! Dopes like you bought into Bush's WMD
> bit hook, line and sinker. All the really stupid
> people did, and you are nothing if not really
> stupid,. The regular folks were out there telling
> you what a hollow, sham message that was, but you
> stuck to your stupid-guns as a totally hapless
> moron.
> > You're boy Bobby Mueller sure as hell did.
> That's why you labeled
> > him a downscale dumbfuck dummy.
> As a confirmed hook-line-and-sinker-swallower, it
> is YOU who is worse than the downscale dumbfuck
> dummy in the room, a fact that you for some
> unknown reason wish to continue demonstrating in
> spades. We've got to fight them over there so we
> don't have to fight them over here. We don't want
> the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. Does any
> of that worthless rubbish sound familiar to you,
> you pathetic little stupid shit? How about
> bringing the blessings of democracy to the Middle
> East? Remember when that was a #1 White House
> hit?
> As for Mueller by the way, he's busy carving up
> this latest Republican ass-clown like a
> Thanksgiving turkey. You want cranberry sauce
> with that?
> > Or, is he a perjurer? Which is it?
> Dude, your "quotes" were poached and utter frauds
> for reasons you were just plain too stupid to
> recognize on your own, and seemingly also after
> having those reasons spelled out for you in detail
> just the other day. What a sorry-ass little
> dork-brained douchebag!
> > "Iraq's WMD program poses a clear threat to our
> > national security." This is a true statement?
> Not at all. It's poorly founded political
> rhetoric and hyperbole. But mindless assholes
> like you bought into the bullshit anyway.
> > "Baghdad has the capability and, we presume,
> the
> > will to use biological, chemical, or
> radiological
> > weapons." This is a true statement?
> Not at all. It's even more poorly founded
> political rhetoric and hyperbole. And
> dull-brained unsophisticated loser-shits like you
> CONTINUE to buy into such nonsense, even all these
> years after it was shown to be bullshit. That's
> just how easily you sappy low-IQ slugs and dummies
> can be led around by fraud-pushing charlatans and
> demagogues. What a bunch of dopey, low-grade
> droolers your cohort is.

All your posts scream, "I'm a flaming faggot". Are you a faggot or just post like one?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Idiots R pwople too ()
Date: December 15, 2018 10:51AM

What's worse than awful... Wrote:
> Alternate reality Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not at all. It's poorly founded political
> > rhetoric and hyperbole. But mindless assholes
> > like you bought into the bullshit anyway.
> That's quite true. Bush-43 took us into a
> needless and disastrous war based on what sane
> people knew were shameless lies and without any
> other justification at all. Then -- just for good
> measure -- he crashed the economy as well.
> It ought to be quite hard for any other President
> to do worse than Bush-43, but this Trump fellow is
> pulling it off.

Under Trump:

No wars
Record unemployment
Most job openings in history
Wage growth
GDP growth consistently at or over 3%
No bailouts to Wall Street or corporate America
Driving trust in the lying media down to less than 25%

Looks like a winner compared to Bush or Obama. But you, being a fucking moron, wouldn't know that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 11:55AM

Idiots R pwople too Wrote:
> Under Trump:

> No wars

How did Trump crush ISIS? LOL! Are there any US troops in Syria? What is going on in Yemen?

> Record unemployment

Want to rephrase that, dumbfuck?

> Most job openings in history.

Job openings actually peaked in August of this year and have been declining since. This is part of why so many touts are worried about an impending recession.

> Wage growth

Wage growrh was at at 3.9% in November 2016. After falling to 2.9% this past February, it finally crept back to 3,9% in November 2018. By comparison, it had been at 4,0% in November 2008 and 5.4% in November 2000.

> GDP growth consistently at or over 3%

GDP growth has been above 3.0% twice in seven quarters under Trump. This happened 11 times in 32 quarters under Obama.

> No bailouts to Wall Street or corporate America

Plainly, you are not even remotely familiar with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018.

> Driving trust in the lying media down to less than 25%

Trust in media had been declining for decades in tandem with the rise of lying FOX News and the alt-right media. But Trump has lied so much that media trust has actually been increasing over the past year.

> But you, being a fucking moron, wouldn't know that.

I'd know more than a polluted simpleton asshole dork-brained dumbfuck stooge like you about virtually any and everything. See the bloody carnage above as an example.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Bad news shithead ()
Date: December 15, 2018 12:28PM

What's worse than awful... Wrote:
> Idiots R pwople too Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Under Trump:
> > No wars
> How did Trump crush ISIS? LOL! Are there any US
> troops in Syria? What is going on in Yemen?
> > Record unemployment
> Want to rephrase that, dumbfuck?
> > Most job openings in history.
> Job openings actually peaked in August of this
> year and have been declining since. This is part
> of why so many touts are worried about an
> impending recession.
> > Wage growth
> Wage growrh was at at 3.9% in November 2016.
> After falling to 2.9% this past February, it
> finally crept back to 3,9% in November 2018. By
> comparison, it had been at 4,0% in November 2008
> and 5.4% in November 2000.
> > GDP growth consistently at or over 3%
> GDP growth has been above 3.0% twice in seven
> quarters under Trump. This happened 11 times in
> 32 quarters under Obama.
> > No bailouts to Wall Street or corporate America
> Plainly, you are not even remotely familiar with
> the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018.
> > Driving trust in the lying media down to less
> than 25%
> Trust in media had been declining for decades in
> tandem with the rise of lying FOX News and the
> alt-right media. But Trump has lied so much that
> media trust has actually been increasing over the
> past year.
> > But you, being a fucking moron, wouldn't know
> that.
> I'd know more than a polluted simpleton asshole
> dork-brained dumbfuck stooge like you about
> virtually any and everything. See the bloody
> carnage above as an example.

No one's buying your phony numbers douche. Making shit up like you do all the time is a sign of a weak-brained faggot. Why don't you go to 7-11 and hire a mexican to chop your empty head off asshole. Until then, stop posting your fagtard lies and fake bullshit while you dream of sucking that half-white former piece of shit president you fantasize about. Faggot!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 12:45PM

^^^ The white flag of unconditional surrender. Couldn't refute a single point. That's because they were all iron-clad fact. Go wallow in your right-wing shit-pile of ignorance, you worthless low-grade loser.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: You lost again shit4brains ()
Date: December 15, 2018 12:47PM

What's worse than awful... Wrote:
> ^^^ The white flag of unconditional surrender.
> Couldn't refute a single point. That's because
> they were all iron-clad fact. Go wallow in your
> right-wing shit-pile of ignorance, you worthless
> low-grade loser.

More bullshit from the forum's lying faggot. Go peddle your fake bullshit on democratunderground. They'll lap up your lies like you lapped up your daddy's cum. Here, no one buys it. NO ONE.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 12:56PM

Give it up, cesspooler. You can't dispute a single fucking point made above. Not one. That's because you are nothing but a worthless know-nothing right-wing dumbass whose every thought was pumped into his head by some alt-right lying douchebag asshole.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: 3rd party ()
Date: December 15, 2018 12:57PM

You lost again shit4brains Wrote:
> What's worse than awful... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ^^^ The white flag of unconditional surrender.
> > Couldn't refute a single point. That's because
> > they were all iron-clad fact. Go wallow in
> your
> > right-wing shit-pile of ignorance, you
> worthless
> > low-grade loser.
> More bullshit from the forum's lying faggot. Go
> peddle your fake bullshit on democratunderground.
> They'll lap up your lies like you lapped up your
> daddy's cum. Here, no one buys it. NO ONE.

Somebody is getting trolled hard and put away wet lol.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 01:04PM

You can't be 'trolled' by facts. You can however be shown by them to have been a worthless ignorant asshole.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Hillbilly mating song on FFU ()
Date: December 15, 2018 01:08PM

Hey Cletus and Billybob, your 'facts' are made up bullshit. Go back to the hills and fuck your sisters while the rest of us go about cleaning up the shit pile that ½ white faggot left behind. Or kill yourselves. Either way, only you believe the made up numbers you post here.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 01:21PM

If any of you out-of-the-loop assholes knew how to use the google, you could have unearthed all of the numbers cited above by yourself. They would all by the way have been from unimpeachable sources, BLS, BEA, and the Fed having been among them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Lying liars lying ()
Date: December 15, 2018 01:32PM

What's worse than awful... Wrote:
> If any of you out-of-the-loop assholes knew how to
> use the google, you could have unearthed all of
> the numbers cited above by yourself. They would
> all by the way have been from unimpeachable
> sources, BLS, BEA, and the Fed having been among
> them.

Ewww, lie to us some more faggot. Do you get horny coming on here and lying so much? What kind of sick fucking pervert comes to the underground just to get a hard on by lying about politics? Oh, that's right. You're a class A faggot. That's what kind. Now kill yourself or have Jose do it. But either way, rid the earth of your sorry ass. Today!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 01:47PM

^^^ Thanks for proving my point about out-of-the-loop assholes, of which you are most definitely one of the assholiest.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Lying pussy whines like a baby ()
Date: December 15, 2018 01:53PM

What's worse than awful... Wrote:
> ^^^ Thanks for proving my point about
> out-of-the-loop assholes, of which you are most
> definitely one of the assholiest.

The only point I proved is that you're a lying sack of shit and no one believes you here. It wasn't hard to prove of course. You've no doubt been a drooling fuckstick your entire life. Now, thanks to the Internet, you can display your faggy ass perversions to the whole world. Ain't technology grand?!?!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What's worse than awful... ()
Date: December 15, 2018 03:30PM

Your TOTAL SCORE for this round is ZERO points.

In other news...

Job openings actually peaked in August of this
year and have been declining since. This is part
of why so many touts are worried about an
impending recession.

Wage growrh was at at 3.9% in November 2016.
After falling to 2.9% this past February, it
finally crept back to 3,9% in November 2018. By
comparison, it had been at 4,0% in November 2008
and 5.4% in November 2000.

GDP growth has been above 3.0% twice in seven
quarters under Trump. This happened 11 times in
32 quarters under Obama.

Plainly, you are not even remotely familiar with
the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018.

Trust in media had been declining for decades in
tandem with the rise of lying FOX News and the
alt-right media. But Trump has lied so much that
media trust has actually been increasing over the
past year.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: illegals put food on your table ()
Date: December 16, 2018 06:33AM

Seventeen percent of the U.S. workforce are immigrants among whom estimates indicate that nearly one-third do not have authorization to work legally. In other words, undocumented workers make up about 5 percent of the workforce. They are not distributed evenly among all industries. For example, according to a report by the Department of Labor based on a survey of agricultural workers in 2013-2014, nearly half (47 percent) of farmworkers had no work authorization. Other estimates based on 2014 census data show that undocumented immigrants make up 12.7 percent of the construction workforce, 8.7 percent of the leisure and hospitality workforce, and 6.2 percent of all business service workers.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Equity markets ()
Date: December 16, 2018 08:37AM

^^^ And nearly all of them sre working hard and doing a great job while being paid at oddly low rates.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Tl;DR version ()
Date: December 16, 2018 09:11AM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Pfffft... ()
Date: December 16, 2018 10:20AM

^^^ Intelligence and attention span of a gnat.

To befuddle you even further, many businesses are based on production functions that call for inputs of low-wage labor. Those businesses don't care one whit about the nationality of those who apply for and ultimately work in such positions. That they be reliable and hard-working are the primary qualifications. If local dumbass honkies can't fit that bill, so be it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: american man ()
Date: December 16, 2018 12:55PM

Illegals are cleaning my gutters right now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Number One Deplorable ()
Date: December 16, 2018 03:49PM

Undocumented = illegal alien scumbag.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Silly people ()
Date: December 16, 2018 03:56PM

Neither of you knows who is illegal and who is not.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Iceman and Falcon ()
Date: December 17, 2018 12:28PM

ICE's FY2018 Annual Report shows over 6500 illegals had be detained by ICE after being convicted of murder and violent crimes such as rape, attempted murder, armed assault and battery. What a bunch of winners you useless liberal scum want to help.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Pick those cherries ()
Date: December 17, 2018 12:45PM

LOL! By far and away, the number one crime involved is DUI. You assholes just hate Hispanics. Why not just admit that you have a problem?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Build that wall ()
Date: December 17, 2018 12:52PM

Pick those cherries Wrote:
> LOL! By far and away, the number one crime
> involved is DUI. You assholes just hate
> Hispanics. Why not just admit that you have a
> problem?

Out of the 160,000 total detained, about half are DUI. And then there's the 2200 murders. 2100 kidnappings, etc, etc. Fuck these illegal leeches. They should all be arrested and dropped in the ocean about 1000 miles from the nearest landfall.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Pick those cherries ()
Date: December 17, 2018 01:23PM

The problem continues.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Number One Deplorable ()
Date: December 17, 2018 01:44PM

Pick those cherries Wrote:
> LOL! By far and away, the number one crime
> involved is DUI. You assholes just hate
> Hispanics. Why not just admit that you have a
> problem?

I admit I have a problem. The problem is that I live in a country with about 30 million illegals.

As for illegals being vital to the economy, the only way that would be true would be if we were burning them in furnaces to generate cheap electricity.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Pick those cherries ()
Date: December 17, 2018 06:15PM

The shock value here is from your simple ignorance.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: realegal ()
Date: December 17, 2018 08:30PM

Illegals are usually good people.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: That's what I've seen too ()
Date: December 18, 2018 11:46AM

realegal Wrote:
> Illegals are usually good people.

I can't tell who's illegal and who's not (and neither can anyone else), but the Hispanics that I come into contact with in day-to-day living seem to be pleasant, hard-working people. Unlike right-wingers who all seem to be bitter, self-indulgent assholes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: reality on line 2 ()
Date: December 18, 2018 08:32PM

Love them or hate them we all need them!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Bring 'em on... ()
Date: December 19, 2018 01:01PM

I had a wonderful Italian dinner on Monday. It wasn't cooked or served by Italians,

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Number One Deplorable ()
Date: December 19, 2018 02:25PM

That's what I've seen too Wrote:

> > Illegals are usually good people.
> I can't tell who's illegal and who's not (and
> neither can anyone else), but the Hispanics that I
> come into contact with in day-to-day living seem
> to be pleasant, hard-working people. Unlike
> right-wingers who all seem to be bitter,
> self-indulgent assholes.

If you can't tell who is illegal, how do you know that they are "usually good people???"

They broke our laws. They are bad people.

And anyone can spot most illegals instantly. (Looks Hispanic or Asian or has Hispanic or Asian name) + Can barely Speak English (if at all) = Illegal.

Round 'em up, waterboard 'em, and then send 'em back.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: What a stupid shit ()
Date: December 19, 2018 02:48PM

Thanks for your IQ < 50 admissions.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: sealed in juices.. ()
Date: December 19, 2018 04:54PM

Number One Deplorable Wrote:
> That's what I've seen too Wrote:
> > > Illegals are usually good people.
> >
> > I can't tell who's illegal and who's not (and
> > neither can anyone else), but the Hispanics that
> I
> > come into contact with in day-to-day living
> seem
> > to be pleasant, hard-working people. Unlike
> > right-wingers who all seem to be bitter,
> > self-indulgent assholes.
> If you can't tell who is illegal, how do you know
> that they are "usually good people???"
> They broke our laws. They are bad people.
> And anyone can spot most illegals instantly.
> (Looks Hispanic or Asian or has Hispanic or Asian
> name) + Can barely Speak English (if at all) =
> Illegal.
> Round 'em up, waterboard 'em, and then send 'em
> back.

The average American commits 3 felonies a day. By your reasoning all of us should be locked up or deported.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: yar ()
Date: December 20, 2018 04:54PM

reality on line 2 Wrote:
> Love them or hate them we all need them!

you are right.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: mary joe ()
Date: January 05, 2019 01:49PM

While the nation’s attention currently is focused on the southern border, what’s being forgotten is that millions of undocumented immigrants continue to live in the United States — and most of them work.

These workers play vital roles in the U.S. economy: erecting American buildings, picking American apples and grapes, and taking care of American babies.

Oh, and paying American taxes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: I am not amused ()
Date: January 05, 2019 01:53PM

> Typically ignorant post from you, perhaps the
> dumbest and most pathetic of all posters on FFXU.
> In fact, legal and illegal immigrants each have
> lower crime and incarceration rates than the
> native-born. This is especially true with
> first-generation immigrants. No surprise though
> that you don't know that.

Typical, ignorant left moron. The crime rate for illegal is 100%. It started the moment they illegally entered this country.

You are the possessor of great ignorance, not the people you insult.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: clearing things up ()
Date: January 05, 2019 01:56PM

Only a very few pay income taxes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: sealed in juices, ()
Date: January 05, 2019 02:01PM

clearing things up Wrote:
> Only a very few pay income taxes.

In most cases their income is so low that it would actually cost the taxpayers money to collect taxes from them. Additionally they pay sales taxes and are paying off millions of Americans mortgages with their rent payments.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Date: January 05, 2019 02:23PM

mary joe Wrote:
> While the nation’s attention currently is
> focused on the southern border, what’s being
> forgotten is that millions of undocumented
> immigrants continue to live in the United States
> — and most of them work.
> These workers play vital roles in the U.S.
> economy: erecting American buildings, picking
> American apples and grapes, and taking care of
> American babies.
> Oh, and paying American taxes.
Aw Geez.png

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: Next in line ()
Date: January 05, 2019 02:59PM

^^^ Like it or not, immigrants in simple fact pay all the same taxes that others do. They may pay more or less than what you or I do, but they pay them all nonetheless.

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Re: The truth is that undocumented American workers are vital to the US economy
Posted by: wrong, so very wrong ()
Date: January 05, 2019 03:28PM

^^^^^^ no they don't. You can't fix your level of stupidity.

PS- everyone knows you bumped a 2+ week old thread because your a bitter little bitch. Ever think you'd be wasting away your retirement years as an Internet troll? Fucking pathetic.

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