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Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: LookingAhead ()
Date: June 06, 2021 11:29AM

The real war has already started. We are at the beginnings of a civil war. I don't know if it will actually become a physical war or not but the leadership is divided and so is the country. 13% of the population (blacks) has divided the rest. All it will take is a larger uprising and division within military leadership. This has happened twice. The first civil war was actually during our independence when many people in north america were actually british and part of the british military broke away and we fought the british to become the USA. The second civil war was fought over economics of slavery and political control of that system.

Current accelerated inflation being shrugged off by the left, low interest rates the fed cannot raise due to massive debt and risk of default (happened under Carter and shut down the economy), risk of hyperinflation, invasion by latino illegals and added strain to the financials to give them free schooling etc, raising taxes on growth creators and corporations, paying people to not work, other countries trying to figure out a way to get away from the US dollar standard (and this will literally destroy our financial system if we can no longer print money)...it's all the perfect storm.

My prediction: we have 5-10 years at most left before the US completely collapses

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: VeryVeryInteresting ()
Date: June 06, 2021 11:40AM

“Every great revolution is a civil war,” as David Armitage has recently remarked. That insight could change the way we think about the American Revolution. Contemporaries understood it that way—or at least, they did at first. David Ramsay, the first patriot historian of the war, held that the Revolution was “originally a civil war in the estimation of both parties.” Mercy Otis Warren wrote that the fires of civil war were kindled as early as the Boston massacre. But in the narratives of these historians, the moment the United States declared independence was the moment the conflict stopped being a civil war. It was no longer being fought within a single imperial polity. Now it was a war between two nations."

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Just sayn ()
Date: June 06, 2021 01:13PM

LookingAhead Wrote:
> The real war has already started. We are at the
> beginnings of a civil war. I don't know if it will
> actually become a physical war or not but the
> leadership is divided and so is the country. 13%
> of the population (blacks) has divided the rest.
> All it will take is a larger uprising and division
> within military leadership. This has happened
> twice. The first civil war was actually during our
> independence when many people in north america
> were actually british and part of the british
> military broke away and we fought the british to
> become the USA. The second civil war was fought
> over economics of slavery and political control of
> that system.
> Current accelerated inflation being shrugged off
> by the left, low interest rates the fed cannot
> raise due to massive debt and risk of default
> (happened under Carter and shut down the economy),
> risk of hyperinflation, invasion by latino
> illegals and added strain to the financials to
> give them free schooling etc, raising taxes on
> growth creators and corporations, paying people to
> not work, other countries trying to figure out a
> way to get away from the US dollar standard (and
> this will literally destroy our financial system
> if we can no longer print money)...it's all the
> perfect storm.
> My prediction: we have 5-10 years at most left
> before the US completely collapses

Tldr but the real war is the rich top 5% destroying the working class rights
Trump followers are their useful idiots
They laugh at you

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Your The Idiot Commuist here ()
Date: June 06, 2021 01:52PM

If you ever get your wish and the millions of Red Chinese invade , your surprise as they enslave you and work you to death with daily beatdowns will be so amusing to them , No one has any use for you but your own selfish stupid leftist idiots who are the "woke"

Your side is mostly now the elitist rich with liability lawyers scammers and big tech multimillionaire/billionaires who support the Democrats

You want a dwindling middle class of conservatives a big well off to rich class of elitist Democrat liberals in power and a gigantic poverty class of low info voters to keep you in power for the welfare you dole out to keep them on your hopeless (D) plantation

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: The Really Funny Thing Is ()
Date: June 06, 2021 02:02PM

>Tldr but the real war is the rich top 5% destroying the working class rights
Trump followers are their useful idiots
They laugh at you

Dregs like you are the ones who are the low info impoverished ones living a ghetto like existence as you post right here

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: ppfvu ()
Date: June 06, 2021 02:09PM

It's true. Just look at Biden and the DNC's latest handout proposal to the wealthy as an "infrastructure bill".

Nothing like paying nursing homes via tax credits and vouchers, grocery stores and large food manufacturers via govt subsidies, universal basic income for doing nothing, big payments to universities that teach nothing, and big subsidies to Asia masked as green energy.

The modern mobocracy is the democrat party and the payers of protection money/tribute /graft are people who WORK, AKA the tax payer. Meanwhile the poors actually jump up and down thinking they're getting something for nothing from democrats. The DNC runs the inner-shitties and has for 75 years - mayors, alderman, city council, chiefs in every city department, etc.

And after 75 YEARS of handouts brought to you by the DNC, the poors are still poor. Why is that??

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Democrats Can't Get Enough Poor ()
Date: June 06, 2021 05:34PM

So they have been inviting them to come over our southern US border for at least 20 years now, lately like there's no tomorrow just look at what its done to Fairfax and our schools . They need a endless supply of poor to keep them in power so the poor never get ahead , they just stay perpetually poor and that is really truly racist because the poor are disproportionately people of color !

There is a reasonable non racist remedy . Never vote for a Democrat

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: This Checks Out! ()
Date: June 06, 2021 06:01PM

ppfvu Wrote:
> It's true. Just look at Biden and the DNC's latest
> handout proposal to the wealthy as an
> "infrastructure bill".
> Nothing like paying nursing homes via tax credits
> and vouchers, grocery stores and large food
> manufacturers via govt subsidies, universal basic
> income for doing nothing, big payments to
> universities that teach nothing, and big subsidies
> to Asia masked as green energy.
> The modern mobocracy is the democrat party and the
> payers of protection money/tribute /graft are
> people who WORK, AKA the tax payer. Meanwhile the
> poors actually jump up and down thinking they're
> getting something for nothing from democrats. The
> DNC runs the inner-shitties and has for 75 years -
> mayors, alderman, city council, chiefs in every
> city department, etc.
> And after 75 YEARS of handouts brought to you by
> the DNC, the poors are still poor. Why is that??

This Checks Out!

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Uncle Adolf ()
Date: June 06, 2021 09:17PM


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: The Poor The Poor The Poor ()
Date: June 06, 2021 10:53PM

Never enough poor to satisfy a Democrat for another low income welfare vote as USS USA slowly is going down burdened by overwhelming Democrat spend spend spend debt

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Just askn ()
Date: June 07, 2021 09:07AM

Who got rich under trump and who didn't?

Hint we lost 25% of our coal jobs under trump

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Troofer ()
Date: June 07, 2021 11:24AM

Just askn Wrote:
> Who got rich under trump and who didn't?
> Hint we lost 25% of our coal jobs under trump

Getting rich doesn't follow party lines. Whether there is a Democrat or Republican president, the same people get rich and the same people stay poor.

"The U.S. has the highest level of income disparity of all industrialized nations, with over 40 million people living in poverty. Between 1980 and 2014 (the span of one generation as well as having both Democrat and Republican presidents), the income of the bottom 50% of U.S. earners (adjusted for inflation) basically stagnated while for the top 10% of earners, it increased 121% and for the top 1%, it increased 205%. The majority of America’s millennials today are worse off than their parents were at a similar age."

- in other words, Democrat and Republican leaders unanimously enact what is in favor of the wealthy but both try to convince you that they care about the poor and middle class

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Jus Askin ()
Date: June 07, 2021 11:36AM

Hint we lost 25% of our coal jobs under trump

Of course Democrat's ran on shutting down coal mines and they have pushed federal regulations that has resulted in miners being laid off

But pay no mind to that because we lie our asses off about everything we do that's bad for America like passing blame on Trump for the Covid when we did nothing in congress to help in 2020 , then we lie and say we did the great things too like getting the Covid 19 vaccine out in record time when Trump did just that

Were Democrats of course

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: XOXOXOXO ()
Date: June 07, 2021 11:54AM

Jus Askin Wrote:
> Hint we lost 25% of our coal jobs under trump
> Of course Democrat's ran on shutting down coal
> mines and they have pushed federal regulations
> that has resulted in miners being laid off
> But pay no mind to that because we lie our asses
> off about everything we do that's bad for America
> like passing blame on Trump for the Covid when we
> did nothing in congress to help in 2020 , then we
> lie and say we did the great things too like
> getting the Covid 19 vaccine out in record time
> when Trump did just that
> Were Democrats of course

It's obvious you didn't read the post above yours. It's ok. Everyone should just keep drinking the kool-aid that their preferred dishonest political party is putting out.

In the meantime, just turn a blind eye to the financial crisis that has already started. In a few years, you'll be eating roadkill and dried grass for dinner.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: lying libfags lying again ()
Date: June 07, 2021 12:08PM

Just askn Wrote:
> Who got rich under trump and who didn't?
> Hint we lost 25% of our coal jobs under trump

You can't turn around an industry after 8 years of decimating it. And it wasn't 25% of coal jobs under Trump. It was about 1000 jobs lost total from early 2017 to early 2020, out of a total number of about 50,000 coal mining jobs. Liar!


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: The Yepster ()
Date: June 07, 2021 12:09PM

Troofer Wrote:

> - in other words, Democrat and Republican leaders
> unanimously enact what is in favor of the wealthy
> but both try to convince you that they care about
> the poor and middle class


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by:   ()
Date: June 07, 2021 12:10PM

2031. That's the year we implode. Be ready and don't say you weren't told. It's all been written.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: HolyCrap ()
Date: June 07, 2021 01:28PM

Reported today. Ouch.

"By the end of Biden’s term in 2024, the debt ratio as a share of the nation’s economy is projected to reach nearly 114 percent. What’s more, the levels of federal spending would average 24.5 percent of the nation’s economy for a decade.

Let’s put that in historical context. Biden’s budget blows beyond the massive government spending during WWII and FDR’s New Deal when public debt measured to economic output reached 106 percent in 1946. Let’s also not forget it was Vice President Biden who promised us that President Obama’s trillion dollar stimulus package and its “shovel-ready” projects would lead us out of recession. Now he’s pitching a $6 trillion spending spree that calls for this Iowa farmer to stick to his guns on fiscal discipline. Otherwise, this administration will hook up Uncle Sam’s fire hose to the U.S. Treasury and fuel the fires of inflation that harm lower-income families and seniors on fixed incomes the most. And that puts the Federal Reserve in a pickle to hike interest rates to keep the lid on inflation, which in turn, would increase the government’s borrowing costs, quickly spiraling our country even deeper into debt."

The OP talked about inability to raise interest rates due to the high debt.

OP's post checks out.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: All 4 Me doesn't work ()
Date: June 07, 2021 02:53PM

To blame the current problems in America on blacks displays the OP's blatant racism. It is certainly true that well over 50% of America's blacks are in favor of radically restructuring the country's social, economic and political system. Blacks are not the only ones who feel this way. Blacks do not constitute a majority of either those who feel this way or their leaders. In fact you cannot even say that it is a liberal thing. Many conservatives today are just as much in favor of a radical restructuring of the country's social, economic and political system. Those conservatives just have different goals for that restructuring.

America the great was the United States that came out of WW2. It was not a place where anyone who wanted to would be a great success. It was however a place where if you were white, male and physically fit, then if you worked hard and didn't make stupid mistakes you stood a reasonable chance of achieving a comfortable lifestyle regardless of where you started out. It worked mostly because the bulk of white male Americans, rich or poor, liberal or conservative, urban or rural, business owner or employee bought into a social contract which said "It isn't all about you. It is also about what is best for society". Most blacks and women in the 1960s were just asking to be included in that bargain.

Then in the 1980s we took that social contract and fed it into the shredder. Since then it has been every man, woman or whatever or themselves. If rich people and companies are able to insist that they be allowed to play the game in a way that benefits them, then why shouldn't poor people and "minorities" be allowed to do the same. If rich people insist that the government spend billions on benefits for them, then why can't poor people do the same.

The salvation of America won't happen by traditionalists insisting that the disgruntled shut up and accept the way things are. There are a hell of a lot more disgruntled out there than there are of you. Salvation requires the slaughtering some some of your golden cows.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: ksdhfebhj ()
Date: June 07, 2021 03:20PM

All 4 Me doesn't work Wrote:
> To blame the current problems in America on blacks
> displays the OP's blatant racism.

I don't think the op blamed blacks for our problems but he/she did use the racial issues as part of our division. Look at the whole post and its clear that there are many issues at play in what he/she called the perfect storm.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Yeah right…. ()
Date: June 07, 2021 03:50PM

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their child-rearing practices and skills mixed with their unparalleled work ethic are second to none. Their rational and logical thought toward circumstances coupled with their innate capability to de-escalate situations is to be envied and coveted. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African-Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self-improvement, hard work and a self-reliant nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: ObserverInChief ()
Date: June 07, 2021 03:54PM

Yeah right…. Wrote:
> I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to
> pause for a moment and give thanks for the great
> contributions of the black community to our
> society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes
> them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their
> exceptional family values and parenting skills
> unrivaled by any other culture. Their
> child-rearing practices and skills mixed with
> their unparalleled work ethic are second to none.
> Their rational and logical thought toward
> circumstances coupled with their innate capability
> to de-escalate situations is to be envied and
> coveted. Their commitment to academic excellence
> enriches our schools and serves as an example to
> all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.
> Real estate values are fueled by the mix of
> African-Americans into an area due to their caring
> and respectful nature of these communities, an
> example of all they have achieved through their
> enthusiasm for self-improvement, hard work and a
> self-reliant nature. Without their industrious and
> creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

LOL. Well-said.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: TriggeredMasses ()
Date: June 07, 2021 05:09PM

ksdhfebhj Wrote:
> All 4 Me doesn't work Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > To blame the current problems in America on
> blacks
> > displays the OP's blatant racism.
> I don't think the op blamed blacks for our
> problems but he/she did use the racial issues as
> part of our division. Look at the whole post and
> its clear that there are many issues at play in
> what he/she called the perfect storm.

People read what they have been conditioned to read and are generally blind to any rational thoughts

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Got A Brain So Start Thinking ()
Date: June 07, 2021 05:48PM

>It's obvious you didn't read the post above yours. It's ok. Everyone should just keep drinking the kool-aid that their preferred dishonest political party is putting out.

Keep on sitting on the fence screwing yourself and the US people , today you must choose between the worst of two evils and never vote for that party, That worst evil is the lying scheming racial pandering no good DEMOCRATS all the way. The GOP has its share of self serving POS who are mostly Bush Rinos but there not anywhere close to the corruption of our constitution of the (D) People think they vote on principals, theres no principal to a Democrat a vote on principal is a vote for the worst of the worst the (D) How's the price of gas lumber and everything that's going up with principal , how about staying out of wars , sure thing principal will get the US right into one with the incompetent (D) running the country now

Trump was a billionaire and still is , he needed nothing , he ran to get this country back into the sanity of good government , the Democrat's were inflamed so badly its a god dammed surprise they all did not catch fire over their hate and their still about to catch like gas every time Trump pops up in their heads

Trump must be living in yours rent free too on principal , say its not so

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Use it properly ()
Date: June 07, 2021 07:34PM

A brain misused is worse than a brain underused.

Donald Trump was the worst president to serve in my lifetime. Since I lived through the Carter years that is saying something. Now that he is no longer in office I don't give him a thought. That you still revere the guy despite him spending four years showing how utterly incompetent he is says all I need to know about you.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Truth is truth ()
Date: June 07, 2021 08:17PM

Got A Brain So Start Thinking Wrote:
> >It's obvious you didn't read the post above
> yours. It's ok. Everyone should just keep drinking
> the kool-aid that their preferred dishonest
> political party is putting out.
> Keep on sitting on the fence screwing yourself and
> the US people , today you must choose between the
> worst of two evils and never vote for that party,
> That worst evil is the lying scheming racial
> pandering no good DEMOCRATS all the way. The GOP
> has its share of self serving POS who are mostly
> Bush Rinos but there not anywhere close to the
> corruption of our constitution of the (D) People
> think they vote on principals, theres no principal
> to a Democrat a vote on principal is a vote for
> the worst of the worst the (D) How's the price of
> gas lumber and everything that's going up with
> principal , how about staying out of wars , sure
> thing principal will get the US right into one
> with the incompetent (D) running the country now
> Trump was a billionaire and still is , he needed
> nothing , he ran to get this country back into the
> sanity of good government , the Democrat's were
> inflamed so badly its a god dammed surprise they
> all did not catch fire over their hate and their
> still about to catch like gas every time Trump
> pops up in their heads
> Trump must be living in yours rent free too on
> principal , say its not so

Let's just be real
This is about whites wanting to install apartheid(sp) in America because they are getting out numbered and left behind
Folks should have studied more, and been willing to work in the fields and of course had more babies

Saying college is for libs and manual labor is for spiccs hasn't worked out so well

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Nig Nogs Party All The Time ()
Date: June 07, 2021 10:28PM

LookingAhead Wrote: https://youtu.be/iWa-6g-TbgI
> The real war has already started. We are at the
> beginnings of a civil war. I don't know if it will
> actually become a physical war or not but the
> leadership is divided and so is the country. 13%
> of the population (blacks) has divided the rest.
> All it will take is a larger uprising and division
> within military leadership. This has happened
> twice. The first civil war was actually during our
> independence when many people in north america
> were actually british and part of the british
> military broke away and we fought the british to
> become the USA. The second civil war was fought
> over economics of slavery and political control of
> that system.
> Current accelerated inflation being shrugged off
> by the left, low interest rates the fed cannot
> raise due to massive debt and risk of default
> (happened under Carter and shut down the economy),
> risk of hyperinflation, invasion by latino
> illegals and added strain to the financials to
> give them free schooling etc, raising taxes on
> growth creators and corporations, paying people to
> not work, other countries trying to figure out a
> way to get away from the US dollar standard (and
> this will literally destroy our financial system
> if we can no longer print money)...it's all the
> perfect storm.
> My prediction: we have 5-10 years at most left
> before the US completely collapses


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Truth Hurts Liberals ()
Date: June 07, 2021 11:54PM

>The salvation of America won't happen by traditionalists insisting that the disgruntled shut up and accept the way things are. There are a hell of a lot more disgruntled out there than there are of you. Salvation requires the slaughtering some some of your golden cows.

The salvation of America starts with deporting all illegals and massively reducing the number of legal immigrants to only allow those who we need with job skills that can be self sufficient in the US today

The poor the poor ! That's all you hear from the Democrats as they continue to allow poor illegals into the USA who for the great majority will be on welfare the minute they become parents of an American citizen as well as the legal leech immigrant who come here for our welfare and they now number in the millions and reliably vote (D) once they become US citizens for the endless welfare

In the 1960s a US war on poverty was started , it will never end , never be won and has been forgotten because the Democrats can't get enough poor into the USA as fast as they want to insure votes for the (D) to gain complete control of the country to steer it toward a socialist then communist state. Your US rights as a citizen are at risk with these out of control leftists today that have no respect for the constitution as they scream about rules of law while they ignore so many rules of law to weaken America. The ones joining in on this with them over "systemic racism ,climate change and other leftist decisive garbage are the greatest fools and stooges in the history of mankind

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: If Have A Brain Use IT And Think ()
Date: June 08, 2021 12:23AM

>A brain misused is worse than a brain underused.

Think about the ways Democrats are trying to ruin your country and stop being their stooge looking for ways to play their race cards

. I was sucked into voting for Jimmy Carter a good man and a somewhat weak president for "the change" , JOE Biden is not even a good man and he is a far worse and weaker president then Jimmy Carter. Trump was a great strong president who looked out for the American people which made you and the left show how much you truly hate the people of the USA with your hypocritical hate of Trump while forgiving Joes huge faults that far outshadow any other presidents .If Trump had a strong Republican congress not riddled with weak jealous Bush Rinos he would have got many more projects good for America on the fast track to completion and the American people would adore him for it, reelecting him with ease

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Use it properly ()
Date: June 08, 2021 09:00AM

I also think about all the ways the Republicans are trying to ruin my county, and the (supposedly) non-Republican Trumpers. It isn't a battle between GOOD and EVIL. It is a battle between differing versions of blatant self interest and hypocrisy.

Donald Trump was not a great, strong president who looked out for the American people. He was a bombastic president, woefully unprepared for the job and unwilling to learn, who looked out for himself. As I said before that you still revere the guy says all I need to know about you.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: unipt ()
Date: June 08, 2021 10:37AM

Trump = America First
Uniparty = America Last

That's just fact. It's not about Trump. It's about America First.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: whackedoutpeeps ()
Date: June 08, 2021 03:10PM

its a fact its been over for a while now, its just picking up speed

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Low Info People Don't Care ()
Date: June 08, 2021 03:32PM

They are far too uninformed and are now waiting for legal weed on 7-1-21 in Virginia,if they are people of color they parrot what the leftist masters tell them to think, even if they are the well off privileged white liberal elites with advanced college degrees they do the same which really comes down to what a waste of money higher education is on them because they are voting for their own self destruction in due time

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: kwfewgfg ()
Date: June 08, 2021 04:12PM

Low Info People Don't Care Wrote:
> They are far too uninformed and are now waiting
> for legal weed on 7-1-21 in Virginia,if they are
> people of color they parrot what the leftist
> masters tell them to think, even if they are the
> well off privileged white liberal elites with
> advanced college degrees they do the same which
> really comes down to what a waste of money higher
> education is on them because they are voting for
> their own self destruction in due time

Agree in overall message with one change. There are sheep on both sides.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: True Because ()
Date: June 08, 2021 05:40PM

The Democrats of all types spend their lives as screamers because conservatives are living in their heads stopping them from their socialist dreams

The conservitives spend their lives having fun with the money they worked hard to earn

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: MarketWatch ()
Date: June 09, 2021 12:28PM

Another day, global concerns rise about inflation and the every-day person is gonna take it up the ass with prices and job losses if it continues.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: lsefhrhervjek ()
Date: June 10, 2021 03:29PM

For those of you who won't read, I will summarize: we are fucked

Just reported June 7 by Deutsche Bank:

According to the report, “US macro policy and, indeed, the very role of government in the economy, is undergoing its biggest shift in direction in 40 years. In turn we are concerned that it will bring about uncomfortable levels of inflation.”

As Deutsche Bank notes, “The current fiscal stimulus is more comparable with that seen around WWII. Then, US deficits remained between 15-30% for four years. While there are many significant differences between the pandemic and WWII we would note that annual inflation was 8.4%, 14.6% and 7.7% in 1946, 1947 and 1948 after the economy normalised and pent-up demand was released.”

The Deutsche Bank report concludes with this dire warning, “We worry that inflation will make a comeback. Few still remember how our societies and economies were threatened by high inflation 50 years ago. The most basic laws of economics, the ones that have stood the test of time over a millennium, have not been suspended. An explosive growth in debt financed largely by central banks is likely to lead to higher inflation. … Rising prices will touch everyone. The effects could be devastating, particularly for the most vulnerable in society. Sadly, when central banks do act at this stage, they will be forced into abrupt policy change which will only make it harder for policymakers to achieve the social goals that our societies need.”

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: The Nutshell Doom Analyst ()
Date: June 10, 2021 04:41PM

Democrats have super screwed the American people for decades now giving our money away to greedy world nations that we rebuilt with trillions after a few asshole racist countries started trying to blow the world up 82 years ago

We could have handled that even though the US got no respect from these peoples who let us do the dirty job of defending the free world from communism which they and our Democrats now want as Democrats call their harmful socialist programs and dreams "Democracy" to consume all of us , while The world the US rebuilt got richer and more well off today then we are to the point they look down at us with scorn , they hated President Trump for his America first stance especially over NATO but JOE is no favorite as they think he is nothing but an foolish old Democrat hack and a stooge

Enter the Chinese Covid 19 virus which Democrats resisted every good deed President Trump did to put the American people first of every race and religion as they threw race cards at his efforts to contain the virus and laughed at him on their leftist "news" , "shit-u-ation" comedy's and no talent late night shows that brain wipe millions to vote (D) to be with the "popular crowd that hates Trump and the GOP " a programed emotion which the leftist media jackals exploit successfully as Democrats resisted every move Trump made and did nothing to even try to stop the spread of C19 in the USA to pass blame on Trump that "he did it" with their lying media

No comes JOE who thinks he's got a "mandate" with no senate majority and a slim majority in the house as he lamely attempts more half ass social engineering programs to ruin the USA by insolvency like Obama started . Programs in JOES world controlled by his leftist masters which are nothing but race pandering and way out eviro freak paybacks for votes so JOE can brag he's the hero if he gets his way to ruin as this county is the deepest debt crisis its ever been in and will be fighting for its life to dig its way out

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Webster English Interpreter ()
Date: June 10, 2021 04:48PM

Ahh a "Shit-U-Ation" is anything Democrats get involved in or propose , It's going on here in Virginia right now as MCAWFUL will be the Democrat running for governor

That's a real example of a very bad Shit-U-Ation for Virginia

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Prospective Felon And Murderer ()
Date: June 10, 2021 04:51PM

For me it's great news , my con artist comrades drug pushers pickpockets and thieves agree all the way about it

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Registered Democrat ()
Date: June 10, 2021 05:12PM

So what about inflation and high interest bank loans and way high credit cards, so what that house loans were 9 and 10 % so what! 50 years ago I got a free toaster with my new savings acct and it paid 6 % interest. I also had a NRA savings certificate for 2500 dollars I held it for 10 years and got a new Weatherby 460 magnum to hunt elephants right before they outlawed ivory. Im a big winner of inflation !

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: LOL At Fools ()
Date: June 10, 2021 06:00PM

>The Nutshell Doom Analyst ()

If it wasn't for Democrats you would not have shit and you know it idiot!

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: 89p89p ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:15PM

I bet hiring a bucket loader is the HIGH COST and longer hours way to get those homes into a dumpster


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: How Those ARM Loans ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:29PM

Ready to see Democrat voters thrown out of their homes for their JOE vote

Or "principals" again , then there's the principled RINOS who hated on Trump and went with JOE who also will be losing homes with their ARM'S

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: That's Funny ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:31PM

When the RINOS get the shaft

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: LookingGlass ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:33PM

It would be smart to be intelligently prepared ie freezer full of food, canned foods (beans, meats, etc), (unhealthy but sustainable) boxed foods like mac/cheese or beans and rice

Ask any 55+ year old adult about 1980, 13% inflation, prime interest rate of 20%, and unemployment rate fluctuating between 11-20%. It was the worst recession the US has ever had and the current situation is setting us up for something far worse.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: ivysdad ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:44PM

LookingGlass Wrote:
> It would be smart to be intelligently prepared ie
> freezer full of food, canned foods (beans, meats,
> etc), (unhealthy but sustainable) boxed foods like
> mac/cheese or beans and rice
> Ask any 55+ year old adult about 1980, 13%
> inflation, prime interest rate of 20%, and
> unemployment rate fluctuating between 11-20%. It
> was the worst recession the US has ever had and
> the current situation is setting us up for
> something far worse.

In my 63 years, the last 4 years have been the worst 4 years hands down. The 1980 recession was nothing. Everyone could get jobs, degree or no degree, the economy rebounded quickly, and we had 8 years of poking fun at Ronnie and snorting coke off of Nancy's face. The short lived gas crisis was no crisis at all, especially for me driving a company car.

Trump's tenure will be remembered as it was, and history will not be kind to the worst president of the 21st century. Deny if you like but don't any of you have a life?

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Troofer ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:54PM

ivysdad Wrote:

> In my 63 years, the last 4 years have been the
> worst 4 years hands down. The 1980 recession was
> nothing. Everyone could get jobs, degree or no
> degree, the economy rebounded quickly, and we had
> 8 years of poking fun at Ronnie and snorting coke
> off of Nancy's face. The short lived gas crisis
> was no crisis at all, especially for me driving a
> company car.
> Trump's tenure will be remembered as it was, and
> history will not be kind to the worst president of
> the 21st century. Deny if you like but don't any
> of you have a life?

You said nothing honest in your post. Anyone can do a search for worst recession Carter.

And Trump is gone so now you can focus on the current president, though I am confident you will defend him even if he got caught on camera fondling a kid.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Registered Democrat ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:54PM

Can never happen with Joe in , with his strong economy and solid business experience our border secured far better then in years , black unemployment at a 50 year low plus his sterling character dealing with Russia and China his strong showing when he met with Kim Jong Un leader of North Korea keeping the US military strong and the US out of new wars getting a vaccine out in production in record time cutting overbearing red tape to save lives


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: PosterInChief ()
Date: June 10, 2021 10:59PM

ivysdad Wrote:
> LookingGlass Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It would be smart to be intelligently prepared
> ie
> > freezer full of food, canned foods (beans,
> meats,
> > etc), (unhealthy but sustainable) boxed foods
> like
> > mac/cheese or beans and rice
> >
> > Ask any 55+ year old adult about 1980, 13%
> > inflation, prime interest rate of 20%, and
> > unemployment rate fluctuating between 11-20%.
> It
> > was the worst recession the US has ever had and
> > the current situation is setting us up for
> > something far worse.
> In my 63 years, the last 4 years have been the
> worst 4 years hands down. The 1980 recession was
> nothing. Everyone could get jobs, degree or no
> degree, the economy rebounded quickly, and we had
> 8 years of poking fun at Ronnie and snorting coke
> off of Nancy's face. The short lived gas crisis
> was no crisis at all, especially for me driving a
> company car.
> Trump's tenure will be remembered as it was, and
> history will not be kind to the worst president of
> the 21st century. Deny if you like but don't any
> of you have a life?

here you go dickweed, because you're too lazy to do a search


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Ya Know ()
Date: June 10, 2021 11:05PM

Democrats are born and breed to lie

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: rtwtrwewr ()
Date: June 12, 2021 02:48PM

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Date: June 12, 2021 06:26PM

The worst president of all time WEAK Pandering Senseless JOE BIDEN (DEMOCRAT)

Go fill up with JOE gas and PAY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: WIN ()
Date: June 13, 2021 06:45AM

W.I.N. Whip Inflation Now!

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Hunter's laptop ()
Date: June 13, 2021 09:43AM

> The worst president of all time WEAK Pandering
> Go fill up with JOE gas and
> PAY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This is true. Carter was a horrible president, but a nice guy. Xiden is a horrible president and a horrible guy as well. Carter oversaw the worst economy since the Great Depression. Xiden will surpass Carter's ineptitude for sure and dig us a hole that we won't be able to get out of. As long as Hunter's getting his $50 million a year and Xiden's getting his 10%, it's all good though.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: JOE IS Con-sumed With Pandering ()
Date: June 13, 2021 02:48PM

The people where CONNED by the leftist lying and Democrat loving media manufactured hate of President Trump

NOW WE all pay for the weak pandering fool known as JOE as he flounders about pandering to race and every leftist and un American cause he can find

Less then 5 months in and JOES legacy is already formed : Worst US President Of All Time JOE BIDEN

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Ya You Know ()
Date: June 13, 2021 03:00PM

Joes the 46th president , 46 that's at least the highest number he will be on the list of any lousy ,so so , ok , decent , good or great president , While Trump will up in the top 10 forever of the great US Presidents !

The gigantic difference is Trump looks out for AMERICANS FIRST .

JOE looks out For JOE as a race and foreign nationals panderer because JOE cant tell what's right vs wrong anymore he just likes being the lefts presidential puppet ! JOE LOOKS OUT FOR AMERICA LAST !


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Crystal Ball Owner ()
Date: June 13, 2021 03:05PM

My ball says Joe Biden will be the first US president to take the walk of shame after being impeached and removed for office in 2023 . Then we have to deal with the Joker a while till Trump comes back and gets us out of the insane danger zone and back to sanity and prosperity

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Troofer ()
Date: June 13, 2021 06:06PM

Crystal Ball Owner Wrote:
> My ball says Joe Biden will be the first US
> president to take the walk of shame after being
> impeached and removed for office in 2023 . Then we
> have to deal with the Joker a while till Trump
> comes back and gets us out of the insane danger
> zone and back to sanity and prosperity

Been saying this since the beginning. Alzheimers Joe getting elected was not about him, but rather about getting him to quit due to "health issues" (ie braindead) and let a woman take over. It's all part of the social agenda to have a woman as president.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: kaehfggw ()
Date: June 14, 2021 08:05AM

Ya You Know Wrote:


My opinion is that Kameltoe has a mental disorder called Pseudobulbar, a condition that's characterized by episodes of sudden uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing. Either that, or she's just a psychotic criminal put in place to destroy freedom.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Xi_Jinping ()
Date: June 14, 2021 08:50AM

China is watching. You will soon default on your interest payments due to your debt. We will then have a serious talk with the US. We own part of your debt. We are part owner of the United States. When you default on your mortgage, your house is taken from you by the bank. We are the bank. And we will be taking your country.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: FCPS-Teacher ()
Date: June 14, 2021 11:22AM

It importent to teach kids to learn the systtem of governments to get thruogh this future because they can be succes and forget china becuz china teaches math but math is not importent when filling form to get benefit

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: " insane danger zone " ()
Date: June 14, 2021 12:58PM

Any place Democrats are in control is the insane danger zone, prove me wrong I'll prove Im right with higher crime stats and welfare rolls illegals drugs perverts and freaks the works

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: ClackityClack ()
Date: June 14, 2021 01:05PM

FCPS-Teacher Wrote:
> It importent to teach kids to learn the systtem of
> governments to get thruogh this future because
> they can be succes and forget china becuz china
> teaches math but math is not importent when
> filling form to get benefit

Holy fuck I hope you're not really a teacher. You sound like a retard that failed out of the 1st grade. Parents, you should be worried.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: TheColdTruth ()
Date: June 14, 2021 08:07PM

FCPS-Teacher Wrote:
> It importent to teach kids to learn the systtem of
> governments to get thruogh this future because
> they can be succes and forget china becuz china
> teaches math but math is not importent when
> filling form to get benefit

More proof that it's over for the US. The border is non-existent despite clear laws to defend it. The US is now filled with handout addicts, potheads, people just hoping for their time to be offended, social media bullshit lies (on both political sides), people refusing to work because handouts pay better, and a government that will go to every extreme to keep the votes coming their way.

The ONLY thing that saves the US is the ability to print money. Of course, that devalues your current money. In the end, the dollar will be abandoned as the standard and the US will crumble. You will ask for a payout but all they will give you is a shrug. Your kids' futures are piles of shit at this point.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Date: June 14, 2021 10:26PM

He makes Neville Chamberlain look like Genghis Khan

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Registered Democrat ()
Date: June 14, 2021 10:33PM

Pandering and weakness is one of our core values . Why face anything like Chinas military built up when you can hide in the basement and tell all your weak pandering and stupid friends on your side fairy tales about climate change

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: The Founders Speak Out ()
Date: June 14, 2021 10:42PM

The weak take the people ability to defend their county away by taking guns despite constitutional protections, gun that can be used to defend the US homeland against invaders by millions of brave American patriots , but once their gone and the constitution is broken the nation will be very weak on the home front,

When creating an US armed force of 4 million men at arms in the military would be very difficult and take time that does not exist it is insane to deprive the people of their arms to disarm 20 million and more Americans who will join with the armed forces to defend homeland USA

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Ya You Know ()
Date: June 14, 2021 10:45PM

Besides so many of those drafted who are liberal Democrats will flee to Canada and Mexico , It happened before during the Vietnam War

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: RERERERE ()
Date: June 15, 2021 08:16AM


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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Red wave a coming ()
Date: June 15, 2021 11:34AM

Biden and Harris,Slow and Ho, are the best reasons to bring Trump back. You couldn't ask for a better team to do that. I think about that every fill up at the gas pump, and every time I see some illegal piss in the street. Thanks Joe and Ho. there will be a Red tsunami at the mid terms, it can not happen soon enough! Kick em all to the curb.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: DeSantis Guy ()
Date: June 15, 2021 11:42AM

Troofer Wrote:
> Crystal Ball Owner Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My ball says Joe Biden will be the first US
> > president to take the walk of shame after being
> > impeached and removed for office in 2023 . Then
> we
> > have to deal with the Joker a while till Trump
> > comes back and gets us out of the insane danger
> > zone and back to sanity and prosperity
> Been saying this since the beginning. Alzheimers
> Joe getting elected was not about him, but rather
> about getting him to quit due to "health issues"
> (ie braindead) and let a woman take over. It's all
> part of the social agenda to have a woman as
> president.

Xiden wasn't elected. Trump was. Xiden was installed by the uniparty and media to keep Trump from setting them back 30 years in his second term. They spent decades building up their graft and sleazy ways. Trump was about to blow that up.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: KingRedPill ()
Date: June 15, 2021 12:49PM

At this point, it doesn't matter who's in office or who was elected. Both parties are nothing more than elevated organized crime.

Whoever wins/steals/buys the next election is going to inherit a disaster bigger than anything the United States (and world) has ever seen.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: weel  ()
Date: June 15, 2021 02:28PM

KingRedPill Wrote:
> At this point, it doesn't matter who's in office
> or who was elected. Both parties are nothing more
> than elevated organized crime.
> Whoever wins/steals/buys the next election is
> going to inherit a disaster bigger than anything
> the United States (and world) has ever seen.

Thus the term "uniparty", just two sides of the same coin. They are the political wing of the deepstate.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: 88RP88 ()
Date: June 16, 2021 12:31PM

weel  Wrote:
> KingRedPill Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > At this point, it doesn't matter who's in
> office
> > or who was elected. Both parties are nothing
> more
> > than elevated organized crime.
> >
> > Whoever wins/steals/buys the next election is
> > going to inherit a disaster bigger than
> anything
> > the United States (and world) has ever seen.
> Thus the term "uniparty", just two sides of the
> same coin. They are the political wing of the
> deepstate.

All politicians, despite whatever flavor punch you drank, are criminals and all deserve to be lynched. They make policy based on what benefits them, not what benefits the country.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: FedChief ()
Date: June 16, 2021 04:24PM

It's started, as predicted...

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday considerably raised its expectations for inflation this year and brought forward the time frame on when it will next raise interest rates. However, the central bank gave no indication as to when it will begin cutting back on its aggressive bond-buying program, though Fed Chairman Jerome Powell acknowledged that officials discussed the issue at the meeting. The raised expectations come amid the biggest rise in consumer prices in about 13 years.

Markets tanked on the news.

And yet, there are still people saying the inflation isn't bad or that it will not last long. We will see. In any event, get your non-adjustable mortgage now. The fed will start raising rates incrementally.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Grandma Ratchet ()
Date: June 16, 2021 06:04PM

I beg to differ. The party is just beginning only this time it's the people's turn
to do the celebrating.

We have been slaves so long, brainwashed so long, worked to death so long we don't know how to be happy anymore. No more negative. Only positive.

We will be happy. This is not left or right, color of skin, it's WE THE PEOPLE. ALL THE PEOPLE. And we're long overdue for some good living.

Everyone will have what they need and want including good health.

All good memories, all the bad memories erased. Loving one another like we should.

True freedom and abundance about to become real.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Jgfthjkjvd ()
Date: June 17, 2021 12:09AM

Grandma Ratchet Wrote:
> I beg to differ. The party is just beginning only
> this time it's the people's turn
> to do the celebrating.
> We have been slaves so long, brainwashed so long,
> worked to death so long we don't know how to be
> happy anymore. No more negative. Only positive.
> We will be happy. This is not left or right, color
> of skin, it's WE THE PEOPLE. ALL THE PEOPLE. And
> we're long overdue for some good living.
> Everyone will have what they need and want
> including good health.
> All good memories, all the bad memories erased.
> Loving one another like we should.
> True freedom and abundance about to become real.

Wow, you on some great drugs

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: CheeseBoard ()
Date: June 17, 2021 08:44AM

Grandma Ratchet Wrote:

> All good memories, all the bad memories erased.
> Loving one another like we should.
> True freedom and abundance about to become real.

I see you have been assimilated perfectly. Enjoy your cheese.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: LookingAhead ()
Date: July 13, 2021 09:26AM

Reported today:

The numbers: The cost of living leaped in June by the largest amount since 2008 as inflation spread more broadly through the U.S. economy, raising fresh questions about whether the spike in prices will subside as quickly as the Federal Reserve predicts.

The consumer price index climbed 0.9% last month, the government said Tuesday. The cost of used cars accounted for more than one-third of the increase, but prices for food, energy, clothing, plane tickets and shelter also rose sharply.

The increase easily exceeded forecasts. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal had estimated a 0.5% advance.

The rate of inflation in the 12 months ended in June climbed to 5.4% from 5% in the prior month. The last time prices rose that fast was in 2008, when oil hit a record $150 a barrel.

Another closely watched measure of inflation that omits volatile food and energy also rose 0.9% In June. The 12-month rate increased to 4.5% from 3.8% and stood at a 29-year high.

Yet even the Fed admits it was caught off guard by how high inflation has risen. There’s a risk inflation could stay higher for longer than it expected, according to minutes of the Fed’s most recent strategy session.

It's gonna get a lot worse. You have been warned. ;)

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: notgood ()
Date: July 13, 2021 10:35AM

HolyCrap Wrote:
> Reported today. Ouch.
> "By the end of Biden’s term in 2024, the debt
> ratio as a share of the nation’s economy is
> projected to reach nearly 114 percent. What’s
> more, the levels of federal spending would average
> 24.5 percent of the nation’s economy for a
> decade.
> Let’s put that in historical context. Biden’s
> budget blows beyond the massive government
> spending during WWII and FDR’s New Deal when
> public debt measured to economic output reached
> 106 percent in 1946. Let’s also not forget it
> was Vice President Biden who promised us that
> President Obama’s trillion dollar stimulus
> package and its “shovel-ready” projects would
> lead us out of recession. Now he’s pitching a $6
> trillion spending spree that calls for this Iowa
> farmer to stick to his guns on fiscal discipline.
> Otherwise, this administration will hook up Uncle
> Sam’s fire hose to the U.S. Treasury and fuel
> the fires of inflation that harm lower-income
> families and seniors on fixed incomes the most.
> And that puts the Federal Reserve in a pickle to
> hike interest rates to keep the lid on inflation,
> which in turn, would increase the government’s
> borrowing costs, quickly spiraling our country
> even deeper into debt."
> The OP talked about inability to raise interest
> rates due to the high debt.
> OP's post checks out.

CNN just posted:

But if prices continue to exceed expectations, it could prompt the central bank to raise interest rates in an attempt to cool off the economy.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Holysmolies ()
Date: July 13, 2021 10:39AM

Washington Post:

This bad news comes as other assessments also point to higher inflation ahead. Increased globalization likely put downward pressure on inflation as more goods were purchased from countries using cheaper labor. The pandemic and political pressure on China, however, may be reversing that pattern. If true, that would mean higher prices for consumers even as businesses bring some jobs back to the United States or high-wage countries. A recent survey of economists by the Wall Street Journal found that they expect inflation to be higher than 3 percent in the fourth quarter of this year, while a survey of Americans released Monday by the New York Federal Reserve Bank found they thought inflation next year would be 4.8 percent. Both sets of expectations were sharply up from identical surveys conducted just a month earlier.

Economists and Americans are both likely to be still underestimating future inflation. We have experienced low levels of inflation for so long that it’s hard for most people to imagine things can change so rapidly. But something did change rapidly during the pandemic: the amount of money that the government handed out to people who didn’t need it. Round after round of stimulus checks sent to most Americans regardless of need have translated to skyrocketing personal incomes even as millions were out of work. Data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank clearly shows that the checks gave Americans billions of dollars more per month than they ever had before. Much of that money was saved, but all that means is that most Americans can now afford higher prices. Those who didn’t lose their jobs during the pandemic can and will shell out more for everything, drawing down their savings in the process.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: 9e3ph9e3ph ()
Date: July 13, 2021 03:36PM

LookingAhead Wrote:
> The real war has already started. We are at the
> beginnings of a civil war. I don't know if it will
> actually become a physical war or not but the
> leadership is divided and so is the country. 13%
> of the population (blacks) has divided the rest.
> All it will take is a larger uprising and division
> within military leadership. This has happened
> twice. The first civil war was actually during our
> independence when many people in north america
> were actually british and part of the british
> military broke away and we fought the british to
> become the USA. The second civil war was fought
> over economics of slavery and political control of
> that system.
> Current accelerated inflation being shrugged off
> by the left, low interest rates the fed cannot
> raise due to massive debt and risk of default
> (happened under Carter and shut down the economy),
> risk of hyperinflation, invasion by latino
> illegals and added strain to the financials to
> give them free schooling etc, raising taxes on
> growth creators and corporations, paying people to
> not work, other countries trying to figure out a
> way to get away from the US dollar standard (and
> this will literally destroy our financial system
> if we can no longer print money)...it's all the
> perfect storm.
> My prediction: we have 5-10 years at most left
> before the US completely collapses

Why do you give us that long?

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: LookingAhead ()
Date: July 13, 2021 06:20PM

9e3ph9e3ph Wrote:
> LookingAhead Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The real war has already started. We are at the
> > beginnings of a civil war. I don't know if it
> will
> > actually become a physical war or not but the
> > leadership is divided and so is the country.
> 13%
> > of the population (blacks) has divided the
> rest.
> > All it will take is a larger uprising and
> division
> > within military leadership. This has happened
> > twice. The first civil war was actually during
> our
> > independence when many people in north america
> > were actually british and part of the british
> > military broke away and we fought the british
> to
> > become the USA. The second civil war was fought
> > over economics of slavery and political control
> of
> > that system.
> >
> > Current accelerated inflation being shrugged
> off
> > by the left, low interest rates the fed cannot
> > raise due to massive debt and risk of default
> > (happened under Carter and shut down the
> economy),
> > risk of hyperinflation, invasion by latino
> > illegals and added strain to the financials to
> > give them free schooling etc, raising taxes on
> > growth creators and corporations, paying people
> to
> > not work, other countries trying to figure out
> a
> > way to get away from the US dollar standard
> (and
> > this will literally destroy our financial
> system
> > if we can no longer print money)...it's all the
> > perfect storm.
> >
> > My prediction: we have 5-10 years at most left
> > before the US completely collapses
> Why do you give us that long?

Because even an 8th grader should have the ability to read a few paragraphs and comprehend the very basics. God, I hope you don't breed.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: The Problem ()
Date: July 13, 2021 06:32PM

How many illegals how many immigrants we did not really need came into the USA since 1980 Theres the problem , we did need doctors and some tech people but we could have done more to produce them from our own people, we are now going down the drain a nation becoming weaker as we go due to the influence of these immigrants and their values which collide with traditional American values , yet when SHTF it will be mostly immigrants who will abandon us for their home countries

The answer less and much more selective legal immigration , shutting our southern border down to a scant number of illegal entries and deporting all illegals the minute they come into police contact because they violated a law.

That does not fit the Democrats will , they need masses of poor to insure future (D) votes keep coming in, masses of poor are the most important item in the shitty soup of pure communism with a large master ruling class and small middle class

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Fake All Fake Issues ()
Date: July 13, 2021 09:41PM

That's all Democrats are doing , mining fake issues so minorities blacks especially who will catch fire like gas will get pissed at all Republicans as they have been trained by their Democrat masters to do

All about dividing the people look at their fake "voting rights bill" right now , what Democrats are really saying is blacks are too lazy or stupid to get a govt issued photo , that's racist but it goes over the blacks heads when they are on fire

Face it they just want people to cheat and cast illegal votes for the (D)

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: TheEconomist ()
Date: July 14, 2021 01:41PM

Powell spoke today and, of course, stated again that the inflation is temporary. But analysts think otherwise. Powell tried to deflect and stated that we need to focus on jobs. This conversation about jobs is taking place while the Democrats are focused on the $3.5 TRILLION expenditure approval which would keep people from going back to work.

My opinion: The plan is to keep people out of work until 2023 with a slow recovery so the Democrats can claim a recovery and that voters should not change course bringing in a new President. Meanwhile, the US population will be paying higher prices (and higher taxes on purchases due to the higher prices) while the Democrats work their plan and take the US further into unrecoverable debt. They said no increased taxes on the middle class, but this inflation is actually an increased stealth tax.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Democrats Overplayed Their Hand ()
Date: July 14, 2021 01:47PM

When "JELLYFISH JOE" was sworn in

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: kwejwefgfrg ()
Date: July 14, 2021 03:05PM

Remember this post...

"the fed cannot raise [rates] due to massive debt and risk of default (happened under Carter and shut down the economy)"

Today, Powell is saying to stick it out in HOPES that inflation goes down. But, the real truth is that the fed can't raise rates to slow down inflation because the US would default due to excessive interest.

Today's news is just a smoke screen. Most aren't paying attention (or don't know enough to look for it) to the interest on debt and the inability to raise interest rates.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Pc retardzz ()
Date: July 14, 2021 03:22PM

The dollar has nowhere to go and will crash.

The Dems cheated their way into being lynched by the public. They will be destroyed by what’s going to happen.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: XOXOXO ()
Date: July 14, 2021 03:38PM

TTT...just in case people can read

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Almost Had It ()
Date: July 14, 2021 04:44PM

>Face it they just want people to cheat and cast illegal votes for the (D)

while they ruin the US financially, all the better to make commies out of masses of poor so they think they can be on top of the steaming pile as the elite ruling class because there too weak to deal with China

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: EyesWideShut ()
Date: July 15, 2021 11:58AM

Released today from Forbes and The Hill and Politico:

Instead of a country enjoying a strong recovery with stable prices and sustainable deficits, we now have rampant inflation, falling real wages and spiraling federal debt.

White House economic officials are privately worried inflation could become a prolonged problem, even as they publicly dismiss such concerns, Politico reported Tuesday.

What’s more: It could get worse.

Democrats have giddily announced their plan to spend $3.5 trillion on “infrastructure,” notwithstanding fresh reports showing inflation heating up to the highest level since the 1990s.

Even as Democrats plot to rack up bigger budget deficits to build their power base, the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides yet more evidence that inflation is taking hold. The producer price index for June jumped 7.3 percent from a year ago, beating forecasts that have constantly been, like the Federal Reserve, behind the curve.

It’s simple: between the Federal Reserve spewing out more than $4 trillion in cheap money over the past year, and Congress signing off on “relief” packages totaling an unprecedented $3 trillion, there is too much money chasing too few goods.

If Democrats get their way and shove another $3.5 trillion into the mix, inflation will get much, much worse. Already, the out-of-control spending is slamming workers’ paychecks.

Because of rising prices, real wages are falling, even as the job market is tight as a drum. As reported by Bloomberg, “Wage growth rose steadily through the second quarter, but higher consumer prices are taking a toll. Inflation-adjusted average hourly earnings fell 1.7% in June after slumping 2.9% a month earlier…”

Inflation will only get hotter if Biden and congressional Democrats press ahead with even more grandiose spending, attempting to insert the federal government into every nook and cranny of Americans’ lives. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), head of the Senate Budget Committee, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, is effectively running the show; he wants to give Americans free college, free health care, free childcare, free senior care, free housing and who knows what else.

Sanders does not seem to care where the money will come from or who it hurts; he has a vision.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have a vision, too — to send hundreds of billions of dollars to the teacher unions, the SEIU and other special interest groups.

Biden has a somewhat weaker vision. He has promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. But rising prices on everyday goods is the worst kind of taxation, hurting low-income earners and seniors on fixed incomes.

Price increases no longer look “transitory,” which has been the ready answer from economists singing in unison with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Rather, inflation appears to be gaining speed and taking hold. A growing number of analysts are now describing the price hikes as entrenched, and likely to endure.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: ejsjhbafeaj ()
Date: July 15, 2021 03:05PM

Pretty pictures.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Troofer ()
Date: July 15, 2021 04:09PM

dollar is worthless, even more so

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: BraceYourselves ()
Date: July 16, 2021 09:28AM


Much of the responsibility—and the blame—lies within the Marriner Eccles Building in Washington, home of the Federal Reserve. As a new PBS “Frontline” documentary explores, the Fed has spent the better part of the past dozen years printing money out of thin air, in the hopes of generating economic growth.

The Fed’s quantitative easing programs have indeed generated growth, but more in the form of Wall Street profits than anything else. Sadly, the after-effects of its policies—from the burgeoning spike of inflation to massive increases in both asset prices and debt—could linger for decades.

That word—addiction—powerfully describes markets’ utter dependence on cheap money from the Fed, and the danger the central bank, to say nothing of the broader economy, face after the pandemic.

With trillions and trillions of dollars sloshing around the system, ending markets’ dependence on Fed-created money could cause another financial crisis. The infamous “taper tantrum” of summer 2013, when Wall Street sold off as soon as then-Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke announced the bank was contemplating increases in interest rates, provides a warning about what markets could face whenever the Fed decides to end its money-printing regime this time.

In this case, the moves the Fed used—even more aggressive than those during the financial crash—means risk lurks around every corner. As Richard Fisher, formerly the head of the Dallas Fed, told PBS: “Cheap money is the fuel for a financial speculator and for a financial investor.” With prices skyrocketing on Wall Street, bond markets, and in the housing sector, the end of that cheap money could cause asset bubbles to burst, with potentially significant consequences.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: AdditionDude ()
Date: July 16, 2021 09:39AM

Also today...

So now we have these price spikes cascading from product to product, and from service to service. This surge of inflation is becoming ingrained in the inflation expectations of company decision makers and consumers alike, and they’re adjusting to it, and in this manner inflation becomes persistent.

Even economists are now getting the message. According to a Wall Street Journal poll of those economists, their average forecast for the end of next year in terms of core inflation – which excludes food and energy – has risen to 3.2%.

But wait… They’re using the lowest lowball inflation measure available in the US, namely the “core PCE” inflation measure that the Fed uses as its target and that normally runs far lower than the standard CPI that is cited in the news media.

This core PCE inflation measure, the lowest lowball measure of the land, well, March, April, and May combined produced an annualized core PCE inflation rate of 6.4%, meaning that if price-increases continue for 12 months at the pace of those three months, the annual inflation rate would be 6.4%. That’s over three times the Fed’s target of 2%.

There is now a lot of clamoring among economists and Wall Streeters that the Fed will wait too long, fall too far behind the curve, keep stimulating for too long despite rampant inflation, and thereby trigger an inflation spiral that would be hard to bring under control, and that these belated efforts to bring inflation under control when it’s totally out of control would wreck the economy and asset prices.

They’re not worried about hyperinflation. They’re worried about 5%, 7%, 10% inflation for years. That kind of inflation would blow all kinds of assumptions out of the water. No one is ready for this.

This type of inflation makes long-term planning difficult for companies, and it’s a drag on the economy, and it’s a drag on real consumer spending.

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: Questionnn ()
Date: July 16, 2021 01:21PM

So basically our money is worth less and worth even less now that the govt printed money?

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: jashfagvcxqhjfj ()
Date: July 16, 2021 03:00PM

From the CNN wire this morning:

Housing is also a key aspect of Biden’s sweeping infrastructure agenda and is likely to be included as part of the $3.5 trillion budget Democrats are working toward passing along party lines through the reconciliation process.

“I say it all the time: housing is infrastructure. Building homes is good for everyone — workers, communities, tenants, homeowners, businesses. When we talk about the Build Back Better Agenda, we’re talking about building and rehabilitating more than two million homes,” Fudge tweeted from the White House account Friday.

So the plan is to take part of the $3.5 TRILLION and build more homes. Sounds great until there is a flood of homes on the market and that drives down the price of YOUR home.

Have a nice weekend ;)

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Re: Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over
Posted by: ksadjafheh ()
Date: July 16, 2021 03:07PM

Also reported today:

Yellen backtracks...

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen acknowledged “rapid inflation” will persist for several more months after she repeatedly downplayed the risk of consumer price increases.

But Yellen, along with top Federal Reserve officials, predicted inflation wouldn’t be a concern.

“We will have several more months of rapid inflation,” Yellen told CNBC. “So I’m not saying that this is a one-month phenomenon.”

Yet in February, Yellen downplayed the risks of inflation, saying the Treasury Department had the tools to deal with the risk “if it materializes.” She also pushed back on former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers’ warning that President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package would trigger massive, once-in-a-generation inflation.

One month later, the Treasury secretary downplayed inflation again when asked if the $1,400 stimulus checks included in the relief package could boost prices, according to the Associated Press. She again pushed the legislation.

“I really don’t think that is going to happen,” she said in the March 8 interview, the AP reported. “We had a 3.5% unemployment rate before the pandemic and there was no sign of inflation increasing.”

Then, one week later, Yellen doubled down, arguing again that there wouldn’t be significant inflation.

It's obvious these dumbasses don't have a clue.

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