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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: March 17, 2011 01:57PM

Objectively wrong, but culpability is subjective. Per the preceding paragraph (2282), "Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide."

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: March 17, 2011 02:01PM

Ut videam Wrote:
> Objectively wrong, but culpability is subjective.
> Per the preceding paragraph (2282), "Grave
> psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear
> of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish
> the responsibility of the one committing suicide."

Catholic dogma is even more archaic than the Bible.

So what the Vatican is saying is, if you think life is too hard, it's not a sin to commit suicide?

If that's the case, then why is the Catholic Church against euthanasia?

It's all subjective.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Veritas Liberabit vos ()
Date: March 17, 2011 02:13PM

"Catholic dogma is even more archaic than the Bible."

That's the claim at any rate.

Anyway it's still a sin regardless, its just that circumstance might mitigate culpability to the point where it becomes a venial sin, subjectively (ie. a venial sin for this person because they didn't have full consent of the will).

Venial sins send you to purgatory rather than hell.

With a particular person, though, its impossible to tell--its between them and God as to whether they fulfilled the conditions of Mortal (ie go to hell) Sin (full knowledge and full consent of the will)

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: fuck you, you stupid judgemental fucks(: ()
Date: March 18, 2011 02:14PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Ut videam Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "We should not despair of the eternal salvation
> of
> > persons who have taken their own lives. By ways
> > known to him alone, God can provide the
> > opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church
> > prays for persons who have taken their own
> lives."
> >
> > - Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2282.
> So it's subjective, then.

thank you mr. mephisto. im a baptist. but i went to catholic school. ive been looking through the catechism t r y i n g to find this (:
thank you so much.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: dunnuck ()
Date: March 22, 2011 04:59PM

Ok, few things:

Those of you that are being ass douches regarding the girl's death and that retaliate against grieving (I mean, who does that besides WBBC and those that protest at soldier's funerals?) are completely idiotic if not lonely lol. If this had been a close friend or a relative of yours, you would be singing a different song. Yeah, I know, how typical of a response is THAT? But, here is the part where I turn into a troll against a troll...

I didn't know her personally, but I knew of her, spoke to her, and had many many friends that were close with her. I looked on the facebook event remembering her and it had over 900 participators. Just on facebook. Those that reply with perverted, revolting, or offensive comments wouldn't get that kind of army remembering them. Not at all. Because no one gives a damn about people like you. Lol. Your mothers probably sensed that she held a failure in her womb and wanted to get an abortion, but it was to late and the law wouldn't let the wench kill you.

As for those spewing about "she is going to hell because she committed suicide" or any variant of that, news flash: Heaven and Hell exist about as much as Mordor and Hogwarts. There is equal proof of it, anyways.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: dunnuck ()
Date: March 22, 2011 05:00PM

Not to mention those that are sitting here trying to fuck with people's emotions over a lost life are to much of a pussy to put your real name. Check out my name, bitches. Dunnuck. First name Jordan. Get at me.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: dunnuck ()
Date: March 22, 2011 05:07PM

Religion is a collection of ideals made for those who can't accept the fact that we don't have answers to many things in this world. Its a beacon of false hope so people believe that if they do something good, they will get something in return or be rewarded once they are dead. It is a way to douse the fears of what comes after life and its a way to simplify the human mind into putting it into routine, assuming humans are one way and can be defined by a set of rules and laws spoken in a piece of literature and spread through word of mouth. I would sooner believe that Midddle Earth exists somewhere as opposed to a higher power that cant be seen, heard, touched, or seen and whose actions by their definition cant be defined or understood. Its a clever use of circular logic initially created to give hope to the hopeless, later used as a tool of manipulation and now a passive belief so people can claim they hold a "side".

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 22, 2011 05:49PM

I used to feel exactly like you did when I was younger, Jordan

took a long time for me to get what it's all about concerning God

Dont by into the religious BS and you'll see God is all around you

And, yeah fuck ALL THOSE who would say she's going to hell without knowing her, or what pain she was going thru

Hell is just a concept to scare ppl who are too coward to act like proper humans into acting straight

Heaven isnt a myth, but it's not what you expect either, I bet

Cant prove any of this with science, only by faith

but PLEASE, I simply ask you not judge all us Believers just by what Religious boneheads want to say

Christ got arrested for trashing a church, who was doing the same thing - fucking with the proper order of things. One of the reasons he ended up on that cross :(

If she was in pain, felt had no other way out, then she is free in spirit as we speak, bro - that's the Honest Truth no matter what crappy Old Testament bullshit ppl wanna say about her.

Good looking out for her, m'man - yr a good person

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: RELIGION 101 ()
Date: March 22, 2011 06:55PM

> "Religion is a collection of ideals made for those who can't accept
> the fact that we don't have answers to many things in this world."


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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: just another lurker ()
Date: March 23, 2011 10:44AM

Never knew or heard of Alyssa before this. With respect towards her parents and true friends, I'm sorry for your loss, no parent should have to go through that. Those of you that knew her secondhand, get over yourself. It's a tragic self-inflicted event, but had she graduated and gone on with her life, you'd think nothing less of never hearing or seeing her again. Most of you in a very short time will very rarely if ever think of her again. Mourn as you need, get angry at me for this posting, but you'll learn eventually I'm right. Harsh, and true.

Four pages of reading and not one answer of how she did it. It may be a gruesome or morbid interest, but I'm not the one one wondering it.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: March 23, 2011 10:47AM

I'd rather this thread make like Alyssa and die.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Def ()
Date: March 23, 2011 09:07PM

You care just so kewl and tuff and nean. Man o man is it just sooooooo impressive. Pfft

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: March 24, 2011 06:25AM

fuck you, you stupid judgemental fucks(: Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> yeah. but the bible says, AND the catholic church,
> AND many churches around the world... believe in
> the f o r g i v e n e s s of sins . so yes you
> stupid fuck, suicide is a sin... but youre a
> fucking douchebag.

Agreed, as long as women do not speak in church. That is a shameful act and will not be forgiven. So it is written.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: March 24, 2011 06:29AM

dunnuck Wrote:
> Religion is a collection of ideals made for those
> who can't accept the fact that we don't have
> answers to many things in this world.

Ummmm not exactly.

It is for people looking for an easy answer. If the world is round, why don't we fall off? Because God doesn't want us to.

Why does sickle cell anemia mainly affect blacks? Because God wants it that way.

Why do bad things happen to good people? Read the book of Job....

Is the universe shrinking or expanding? Neither God made it in a day or two so it is now as it always was.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Concerned Fairfax County Resident ()
Date: March 29, 2011 02:21AM

I truly wished she got help before she hit such a low point. I pray that her family finds strength during this time and are completely surrounded by people who love them. For anyone who is sad and sick enough to write such immature and disgusting things and make light of this matter makes me sick as a human being. What if she was your sister or your friend? Would you say terrible things like that? If you are someone or know someone who is suffering with depression please seek help. Your life is a precious and beautiful and so was Alyssa's. If you can't find the strength to get help for yourself, do it for your friends or your family. My heart hurts for this family and I'm literally tearing up as I write this. What will it take to stop the increase of teenage suicide in Fairfax County?

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: March 29, 2011 07:26AM

Concerned Fairfax County Resident Wrote:
> I truly wished she got help before she hit such a
> low point. I pray that her family finds strength
> during this time and are completely surrounded by
> people who love them. For anyone who is sad and
> sick enough to write such immature and disgusting
> things and make light of this matter makes me sick
> as a human being. What if she was your sister or
> your friend? Would you say terrible things like
> that? If you are someone or know someone who is
> suffering with depression please seek help. Your
> life is a precious and beautiful and so was
> Alyssa's. If you can't find the strength to get
> help for yourself, do it for your friends or your
> family. My heart hurts for this family and I'm
> literally tearing up as I write this. What will
> it take to stop the increase of teenage suicide in
> Fairfax County?

Don't let the tears get on your keyboard, it might mess it up

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: March 29, 2011 07:33AM

Boo, fuckin hoo

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Fratty ()
Date: March 29, 2011 08:59AM

Ooh, what a tuff guy. Pfft

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Dreznych ()
Date: March 29, 2011 06:53PM

Gonads & Strife Wrote:
> I'd rather this thread make like Alyssa and die.

Don't worry, it's on its way. It's following the same pattern. Right now it's in the stage where it's a stupid bitch that no one likes, so the next step is for it to kill itself, and then "go to heaven".

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: will it stop ()
Date: April 02, 2011 07:48PM

i will leave no sign just love.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Suicide ()
Date: April 06, 2011 07:20AM

Im fairly known throughout the community and recently attempted suicide and all I have to say is the United States government has some probe,file,watchdog, or surveillance system hovering Jack Dale and Fairfax county. The governemnt is watching over them because there are so many suicide deaths and attempts in the county I am wondering if anyone else has herd of this? because I think the government has a power position over Jack Dale and FCPS and has ruined my life somehow

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: April 06, 2011 07:24AM

Maybe your life is ruined because you're a douche? It happens!

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: chomp ()
Date: April 27, 2011 01:47AM

Religion is not a beacon of false hope, its pretty obvious to me that you know nothing about religion, and please, explain why you think Heaven would ever serve as a "reward" for just living life?
The Ten Commandments isn't exactly a ticket per say to get in Heaven, its also your actions, and beliefs as a christian. Be glad God created something for you, but you seem to bite the hand of the provider. And religion comes through Faith...you obviously have none yet, but God has a plan in store for you, yet you doubt the one who is the sole reason of why you are here today..I know you in person, we had a class together. Latin 2.

As for everyone else, you can't say she's in heaven or in hell YET; its called Purgatory (basically the waiting room until Judgement Day)

I can't honestly say I am NOT a full Christian, but I have been enlightened.

If anyone here knew anything about sins/ forgiveness, you would know that
1. Its blastpheomy to try and indicate where someone goes when they die/ kill themselves...you are not God, so who are you to do so?
2. God forgives sins.
3. On Judgement Day, the fact that you killed yourself won't be the only thing you are Judged on....there are plenty of other things you have done throughout your lifetime that are also considered. Its where the saying "May God have mercy on your soul" derived from.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: You guys are all stupid ()
Date: May 12, 2011 09:30AM

How dare you, you should be ashamed. She was a wonderful person and NOT doing it for attention. So stop being immature, all you're doing right now is trying to get attention. So back off.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: May 12, 2011 09:59AM

You guys are all stupid Wrote:
> How dare you, you should be ashamed. She was a
> wonderful person and NOT doing it for attention.
> So stop being immature, all you're doing right now
> is trying to get attention.
So back off.

and you're not?

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: May 12, 2011 10:15AM

You guys are all stupid Wrote:
> How dare you, you should be ashamed. She was a
> wonderful person and NOT doing it for attention.
> So stop being immature, all you're doing right now
> is trying to get attention. So back off.

Yes, this is another favorite of attention whores. Someone dies, and they go on grief display mode, everybody has to see THEIR grief, "oh, my friend was so wonderful, I"M so sad...notice MY grief".

All these people jumping on the death bandwagon for their own fullfillment of attention...it's disgusting.

Probably most of the people singing her praises in death were indifferent or worse to her in life. Where were all you bleeding hearts when the sad, confused girl needed you?

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Jenna Talia ()
Date: May 12, 2011 04:03PM


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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: Dave The Dope Feen ()
Date: May 12, 2011 04:47PM

this is what happens when you pussify kids. kids today have no coping skills and they do not know how to deal with conflict because their parents and the schools are to fuckin worried about hurting "little Jonnny's" feelings instead of preparing him for the real cruel world we live in

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: I agree ()
Date: May 12, 2011 09:46PM

Sex and pot relieve tension.

Kids need to be kids like when I was young.

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: rip ()
Date: June 15, 2011 06:15PM

Eagles soar together<3 Wrote:
> You all are COMPLETE assholes. Alyssa Jupin was an
> amazing girl, she had a lot going for her in her
> life, and for you all to sit here and act like she
> didn't mean anything in this world and to treat
> her like she's a piece of meat is just utterly
> disgusting. You all are immature assholes who have
> nothing better to do with their lives then go on a
> poor helpless girl. I hope you all get what's
> coming to you.
> NO ONE knew that there was something wrong with
> her, she seemed like such an out going person, she
> had a smile that could light up a room, and the
> best personality.
> Our school went through a rough day today, but the
> Edison Eagles are a family, and we will keep
> moving forward to try and deal with the death of
> such a loving girl. So if you all can find ANY
> compassion in your heartless souls to RESPECT her
> death and her friends and family who are grieving
> over such a heart breaking death, then stop
> posting such crude comments and let the poor girl
> rest in peace.
> For always and ever an Eagle, we all love you
> Alyssa Jupin. May you R.I.P<3

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: smh. ()
Date: June 16, 2011 11:40AM

hayfield is dirty as fuck and god knows who did it. they'll get whats coming 4 them

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Re: Another suicide?
Posted by: hawkiller666 ()
Date: June 17, 2011 07:32PM

hey idk who you guys who are that are after some hayfielders in but count me in I used to go to edison and ive had probs with hayfield

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