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Posted by: Unsatisfied Customer ()
Date: July 21, 2011 04:52PM

I am so mad at Verizon right now. Everyone should take a close look at their bill.
They are charging for some promotional features that were not authorized. When asked how they can get away with this they told me they send a E-mail.After a lenghtly phone call they finally credited me back however this is the third month in a row that I have had to call them for unauthorized charges. What a scam!

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: same problem ()
Date: July 21, 2011 04:55PM

I have the same problem - not sure if yours is with FIOS. Every month it's a different movie package or some crap that they've added on that I've never heard of. One month it was the karaoke channel. Does that even exist???

I will say that I've never had an issue with them crediting me. I think they just throw stuff on everyone's bills and see who pays.

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: Unsatisfied Customer ()
Date: July 21, 2011 05:05PM

They have issued me a credit also for the last three monthes however it is such a pain to call them and go over the bill every time. It sucks!

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: July 21, 2011 07:47PM

Landline? Wireless? Fios?

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: Unsatisfied Customer ()
Date: July 21, 2011 09:29PM

Sorry, guess that would of helped.... FIOS, Cable,Phone, Internet package. They try to add something every month it seems.

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: July 21, 2011 09:59PM

I have heard many people complain about that with Fios packages. A coworker had to go through that for a number of months. Things were credited back but it was very time consuming and I don't envy your problem.

That is one of a couple of reasons why I haven't left Cox for Fios. I just don't have the time to deal with billing issues like that.

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: Check Your Bill ()
Date: July 22, 2011 01:16AM

My advice is to always check your bill.

Verizon will tack on random charges and hope you don't see them.

If there's a random charge on your bill, be prepared to spend an hour yelling/arguing with customer service.

Good luck!

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: dika-dika ()
Date: July 22, 2011 05:23AM

I thought I achieved verizon freedom, no verizon anything (telephone, internet, wireless). Yet they contiunally flood my mail box and email mail box with offers everyday. They make having a shredder worthwhile.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2011 05:23AM by dika-dika.

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Re: Verizon
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: July 22, 2011 09:21AM

Verizon did the same shit to me after i called to return my DVR. I called them up and raised hell. I was getting little traction until I screamed that they were "slamming" me with unauthorized charges. Suddenly the rep was able to release me from my contract six months early and dropped my monthly rate by $20 per month.

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