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Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Barry Sotero ()
Date: September 20, 2013 05:06PM

Serious question: what is the point of setting a debt limit if we just keep raising it? I realize it's a restriction on how much debt Treasury can issue, but what's the point if we just keep raising when we need more money?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: From Da Hood -- The Original ()
Date: September 20, 2013 05:58PM

What's the purpose of setting a limit, but then periodically having to raise it?

If congress blew the cap off of the limit, president Obama would overdose from his ability to spend, spend, spend. Instead, congress keeps the spending limit on a shorter leash and prohibits excessive amounts of spending by the president. Then, every 6 months or so, president Obama has to go to congress and request for a bit more money, just like a child asking for their weekly allowance.

Gee, I wonder if Obama feels like a little kid when he has to ask for money like that?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Dim bulb barry ()
Date: September 20, 2013 06:14PM

You mean all that free stuff costs money?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: 9hTTv ()
Date: September 20, 2013 07:42PM

From Da Hood -- The Original Wrote:
> What's the purpose of setting a limit, but then
> periodically having to raise it?
> If congress blew the cap off of the limit,
> president Obama would overdose from his ability to
> spend, spend, spend. Instead, congress keeps the
> spending limit on a shorter leash and prohibits
> excessive amounts of spending by the president.
> Then, every 6 months or so, president Obama has to
> go to congress and request for a bit more money,
> just like a child asking for their weekly
> allowance.
> Gee, I wonder if Obama feels like a little kid
> when he has to ask for money like that?

The debt ceiling is or the government as a whole and has little to nothing to do with Obama. Nice try though, you uneducated fuck.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: From Da Hood -- The Original ()
Date: September 20, 2013 08:07PM

9hTTv Wrote:
> The debt ceiling is or the government as a whole
> and has little to nothing to do with Obama. Nice
> try though, you uneducated fuck.

OK, but maybe you should explain why your loving president, Barack Hussein Obama makes such a big deal over it? He's the one who cries to have it raised. Sheesh. Maybe, you should tell Mr. Obama that it has little to do with him and maybe he could focus on bigger things ... like some more fundraising for the Democrats.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 20, 2013 09:59PM

9hTTv Wrote:

> The debt ceiling is or the government as a whole
> and has little to nothing to do with Obama. Nice
> try though, you uneducated fuck.

Why did Obama call it treasonous then in his first campaign when it came to raising it?

How come he voted no on raising it when he was in the Senate?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: tom foolery ()
Date: September 20, 2013 10:06PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> 9hTTv Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The debt ceiling is or the government as a
> whole
> > and has little to nothing to do with Obama.
> Nice
> > try though, you uneducated fuck.
> Why did Obama call it treasonous then in his first
> campaign when it came to raising it?
> How come he voted no on raising it when he was in
> the Senate?

The guy is fucking shit up in a big way, the fucking liberals are fucktarted. The republicans are not worth a shit, they can go fuck themselves as well.

Why these fucking clowns have jobs and authority is beyond my thoughts. Why do people vote for these socially retarded, obtuse fuckers to start?
I guess I'm from the planet common sense.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 20, 2013 11:07PM

Call them the same if you want but there's only one party threatening national default if they don't get their way.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: September 21, 2013 12:04PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> Call them the same if you want but there's only
> one party threatening national default if they
> don't get their way.

And the other party can only point and blame.

Where are their great ideas, Ger? What great plan do they have to fix the problem?

Print more money and spend more money. That's it.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: You are correct... for once ()
Date: September 21, 2013 12:19PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> Call them the same if you want but there's only
> one party threatening national default if they
> don't get their way.

Uh, yeah. It's Obama. The Republicans aren't the ones making the threat. They can't because they don't have the capability to do so.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 21, 2013 01:20PM

Go ahead send America into a default. We will not negotiate with terrorists. We'll see who America blames.

These dumb Republicans want to tackle the debt by racking hundreds of billions in more costs from a shut down. Then igniting another financial crisis. Ted fuckin Cruz is playing with the future economic integrity of this nation over a Medicaid program. Some stupid greasy Canadian born Cuban freshman piece of shit out of Texas.

Go ahead pukes? You already ready to destroy America? We will not negotiate with terrorists.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 21, 2013 01:22PM

Wait until that first 2000 point stock market dive and a doubling of the nations interest rates. You'll straighten up then but it will be too late.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: u6kjm ()
Date: September 21, 2013 01:46PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> Go ahead send America into a default. We will not
> negotiate with terrorists. We'll see who America
> blames.
> These dumb Republicans want to tackle the debt by
> racking hundreds of billions in more costs from a
> shut down. Then igniting another financial crisis.
> Ted fuckin Cruz is playing with the future
> economic integrity of this nation over a Medicaid
> program. Some stupid greasy Canadian born Cuban
> freshman piece of shit out of Texas.
> Go ahead pukes? You already ready to destroy
> America? We will not negotiate with terrorists.

Nobody's going into default even with a shutdown Gerrytard. But keep believing the same bs that you make up. lol

A 2,000 point dive is coming at some point soon independent of any shutdown and interest rates have already close to doubled recently if you haven't noticed. It will get worse. As will our debt service costs which will take away from more productive uses regardless what side you sit on. We just keep taking on more when we can't really pay for the vast obligations that we've already incurred.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 21, 2013 02:17PM

it's called a printing war or currency war

your supposed to have fbi/cia et al stopping false currency (ie, printed in mexico) and arresting people who use gov to "borrow" what they know can't be paid back from gov

then your finiancial people are supposed to deal with the fact other countries ("3rd world") are inflating their currency illegally and make USA a good place to park debt

it's a currency war stupid

and the f'ing foreigners are in our country printing our currency big time by getting gov jobs denizens can't get and abusing the positions and taking big loans - then usually skipping off to florida. people shoudl be arrested for it.

there were always currency wars however we have a gov which has a much bigger problem in many ways (ie, technology wise, too many people to investigate, ...)

and we have and worse staff - hard work, lazy, and expectation wise - and many who are supposed to be watching: are foreigners trying to take us down getting paid by us to take us down

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 21, 2013 02:18PM

obama is doing it bigtime.

he's a talking head without true business accumen and is rich.

don't doubt it: a con man, a talker who diverts attention to what is important and what time it is, like so many in congress

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: From Da Hood -- Savvy Investor ()
Date: September 21, 2013 08:04PM

u6kjm Wrote:
> A 2,000 point dive is coming at some point soon
> independent of any shutdown and interest rates
> have already close to doubled recently if you
> haven't noticed. It will get worse. As will our
> debt service costs which will take away from more
> productive uses regardless what side you sit on.
> We just keep taking on more when we can't really
> pay for the vast obligations that we've already
> incurred.

Yes. You are correct. A bit of a "correction" is imminent with the stock market.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 21, 2013 08:12PM

Debt service costs? Obama has cut the deficits in half since taking office without significantly temporarily raising taxes. Does stand for nothing? The Republicans are playing with fire with both a government shut down and the debt ceiling. Servicing the debt should always have been a number one priority. Obama had to stabilize a financial crisis. Why was Cheney going around saying deficits don't matter?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: They voted for it ()
Date: September 21, 2013 08:14PM

Barry Sotero Wrote:
> Serious question: what is the point of setting a
> debt limit if we just keep raising it? I realize
> it's a restriction on how much debt Treasury can
> issue, but what's the point if we just keep
> raising when we need more money?

Well we have to pay for the cost of the bills that have passed the 3 branches of government. We raise it under democrats and, shocking I know, under repulican presidents.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: G3UWw ()
Date: September 21, 2013 08:26PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> Debt service costs? Obama has cut the deficits in
> half since taking office without significantly
> temporarily raising taxes. Does stand for nothing?
> The Republicans are playing with fire with both a
> government shut down and the debt ceiling.
> Servicing the debt should always have been a
> number one priority. Obama had to stabilize a
> financial crisis. Why was Cheney going around
> saying deficits don't matter?

No, he hasn't.


And debt has continued to rise as a result.

The only way your talking point works is in relative terms comparing rate and counting versus the one-time higher event spending immediately following the crash. It's lower now only because it was ridiculous that year. It's still higher and going higher still.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: True Blue ()
Date: September 21, 2013 08:36PM

G3UWw Wrote:
> No, he hasn't.
> And debt has continued to rise as a result.

You understand, genius, that a deficit of $1 increases the nation debt, right?


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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Sharonista of Fairfax ()
Date: September 21, 2013 08:37PM

I just wish Fairfax could print up their own money and go that deep in debt.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: September 21, 2013 09:11PM

Sharonista of Fairfax Wrote:
> I just wish Fairfax could print up their own money
> and go that deep in debt.

As of January of this year, the county has the second half of your request well in hand.

$2.2 billion in "general obligation debt"

I wonder if that includes bond debt?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 21, 2013 09:38PM

True Blue Wrote:
> G3UWw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No, he hasn't.
> >
> > And debt has continued to rise as a result.
> You understand, genius, that a deficit of $1
> increases the nation debt, right?

You left off 12 0s. When you add those youll almost get our yearly deficit.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: uym4t ()
Date: September 21, 2013 10:00PM

True Blue Wrote:
> G3UWw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No, he hasn't.
> >
> > And debt has continued to rise as a result.
> You understand, genius, that a deficit of $1
> increases the nation debt, right?

You understand that those dollars add up right genius?

Like I said, it's only been "cut" and is "lower" compared to being ridiculously high earlier.


Not his fault, but not really to his credit either. It is what it is. Lower by any legit measure it isn't.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 21, 2013 10:32PM

The idiot doesn't know the difference between deficits and the debt.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Gerryturd ()
Date: September 22, 2013 12:01AM

gerry1 Wrote:
> The idiot doesn't know the difference between
> deficits and the debt.

Sure I do. His post was re the deficit as was your earlier dumbass post that was complete bullshit.

Want to tell us how he's cut the debt too?



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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 22, 2013 03:33AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2013 10:14PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 03:50AM

Hey fuck face human height pile of shit, you reduce the debt by reducing the deficit. Smaller deficits = less debt. No deficits lead to surpluses = less debt.

Obama has cut the deficit in half you imbecile, and would have done more if it weren't for you filthy Republicans.

No one is going to let you ruin the economy, run up deficits and take it out on the poor. Fuck you and the cocks you like to suck.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: taking out the trash ()
Date: September 22, 2013 03:51AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Hey fuck face human height pile of shit, you
> reduce the debt by reducing the deficit. Smaller
> deficits = less debt. No deficits lead to
> surpluses = less debt.

Unless the deficit is umm nonexistent (ie a surplus) "reducing" the deficit has no effect on the debt, which continues to accumulate.

fucking retarded asshole

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 04:44AM

No one is arguing that dipshit. The deficit and its reduction is how you measure bringing down the debt tardzilla.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 04:51AM

Oh and shit for brains "reducing the deficit" does have an affect on the debt. It means you're accumulating less debt. No wonder you're a dumbass Republican.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Date: September 22, 2013 05:20AM

Yo, gerry, I need help getting out of my underwear. Could you lend a hand?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Date: September 22, 2013 05:23AM

whoa, gerry, watch where you're putting those hands....

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 11:33AM

Just hold still, I got this.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Maths is hard fer Gerry ()
Date: September 22, 2013 01:39PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Hey fuck face human height pile of shit, you
> reduce the debt by reducing the deficit. Smaller
> deficits = less debt. No deficits lead to
> surpluses = less debt.
> Obama has cut the deficit in half you imbecile,
> and would have done more if it weren't for you
> filthy Republicans.
> No one is going to let you ruin the economy, run
> up deficits and take it out on the poor. Fuck you
> and the cocks you like to suck.

Again, no he hasn't. You can keep saying it but it still will be bullshit.

If he'd had his way, based on our Community Organizer in Chief's vast economic knowledge consisting entirely of reading Krugman columns, he'd have wasted another several trillion.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 01:54PM

He hasnt what? Reduced the deficit by half? Actually he has as president. Sorry if facts and math don't agree with you. You want to hold him responsible for the deficits causes by the financial crisis but not give him credit for the reduction of those deficits. You filthy bastards don't know if you're commin or you're goin.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 02:26PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> He hasnt what? Reduced the deficit by half?
> Actually he has as president. Sorry if facts and
> math don't agree with you. You want to hold him
> responsible for the deficits causes by the
> financial crisis but not give him credit for the
> reduction of those deficits. You filthy bastards
> don't know if you're commin or you're goin.

This is a new level of stupid even for you.

So he comes in doubles/triples the deficit then reduces it to a point thats STILL HIGHER than when he started and you thing thats reducing it? Not even to mention some of thats from the sequester so you cant even give him credit for the reduction.

Youre argument is the equivalent of saying your wife started banging 12 guys when she had been banging 4, but she she cut back to 8 so shes cheating on you less. You have to have a borderline comatose brain function for it to make sense.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: flawed logic ()
Date: September 22, 2013 02:32PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> gerry1 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He hasnt what? Reduced the deficit by half?
> > Actually he has as president. Sorry if facts
> and
> > math don't agree with you. You want to hold him
> > responsible for the deficits causes by the
> > financial crisis but not give him credit for
> the
> > reduction of those deficits. You filthy
> bastards
> > don't know if you're commin or you're goin.
> This is a new level of stupid even for you.
> So he comes in doubles/triples the deficit then
> reduces it to a point thats STILL HIGHER than when
> he started and you thing thats reducing it? Not
> even to mention some of thats from the sequester
> so you cant even give him credit for the
> reduction.
> Youre argument is the equivalent of saying your
> wife started banging 12 guys when she had been
> banging 4, but she she cut back to 8 so shes
> cheating on you less. You have to have a
> borderline comatose brain function for it to make
> sense.

Your argument is fatally flawed.

No woman would marry Gerry.

You might try substituting partner.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Liberal Shitheads ()
Date: September 22, 2013 02:33PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> He hasnt what? Reduced the deficit by half?
> Actually he has as president. Sorry if facts and
> math don't agree with you. You want to hold him
> responsible for the deficits causes by the
> financial crisis but not give him credit for the
> reduction of those deficits. You filthy bastards
> don't know if you're commin or you're goin.

He let a whole bunch of illegals into our country and then gave them free healthcare, phones, and taught them to hate the white race, not too mention Fast and Furious, basically arming a beaner insurrection with US tax funding.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Facts and math ()
Date: September 22, 2013 03:47PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> He hasnt what? Reduced the deficit by half?
> Actually he has as president. Sorry if facts and
> math don't agree with you. You want to hold him
> responsible for the deficits causes by the
> financial crisis but not give him credit for the
> reduction of those deficits. You filthy bastards
> don't know if you're commin or you're goin.

No. But that's exactly what you're trying to do.

FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
(Do you want to count 2009 this time or not? You guys tend to want to cherry-pick that one depending on what slanting of facts you're trying to do at the time.)
FY 2009: $1,413 billion

FY 2013 is not yet closed so any claim there would need to be caveated based on estimates. That's also sketchy, particularly since the same claim's has been being made prior to CBO's most recent *estimate* of $642, which is only at that level mainly because of repayments from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac of $81 billion. The remainder of any reduction from the earlier estimates of $973 and $808 billion for the FY is due to higher tax receipts versus anything being "reduced."

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 08:23PM

No you stupid motherfuckers. Its not rocket science. He cut the deficit in half from when he took office. Not when he started passing economic stimulus. Why is it so difficult to explain very simple facts to Republicans. And when confronted by them they start shitting bricks. Their beloved propaganda structure begins to crumble with simple arguments and they feel the ground shift beneath their feet. Please try to understand basic facts.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 08:26PM

Oh so Obama doesn't get credit for stabilizing the economy and more revenue either? Does he get credit for anything?

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: gerry1 ()
Date: September 22, 2013 08:27PM

I know, the only reason Obama had something to fix is because Bush fucked it up for him. Bush deserves the credit.

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Re: Debt Limit: Again
Posted by: Facts and math ()
Date: September 22, 2013 08:51PM

gerry1 Wrote:
> No you stupid motherfuckers. Its not rocket
> science. He cut the deficit in half from when he
> took office. Not when he started passing economic
> stimulus. Why is it so difficult to explain very
> simple facts to Republicans. And when confronted
> by them they start shitting bricks. Their beloved
> propaganda structure begins to crumble with simple
> arguments and they feel the ground shift beneath
> their feet. Please try to understand basic facts.

OK, let's try this another way since you're a complete dumbfuck parrot.

Show your work. Numbers. Not more of your bullshit.

I gave the actual numbers above and explained why your talking point is bullshit.

You're up.

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