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Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: The GOP Dumbass ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:08PM

Sarah Palin attacked television host Bill Maher on Twitter Wednesday night, over reports he made a derogatory joke about her 5-year-old son Trig while performing at the Palms Pearl Concert in Las Vegas on Saturday night.
According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, a former local television host and “outspoken conservative” Ron Futrell said that during the live show that Maher described Palin’s son, who has Down syndrome, as “retarded.”

Palin took to Twitter, calling Maher a “bully” and challenging him to meet her when she’s in his “neck of the woods this weekend.”
Hey bully, on behalf of all kids whom you hatefully mock in order to make yourself feel big, I hope one flattens your lily white wimpy a#*.— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) June 13, 2013

I’m in your neck of the woods this weekend, little Bill. Care to meet so I can tell you how I really feel? shar.es/wLpR6— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) June 13, 2013

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/sarah-palin-bill-maher-trig-comment-92706.html#ixzz2W74RuuZs

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Son of Uncle Sam ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:14PM

There is no call for this kind of stuff. Maher should publicly apologize (if true) or have a one-on-one discussion with Palin on his show.

Targeting a handicapped 5-year-old kid as the butt of a joke isn't funny. Only vulgarians and worse would find any humor in such a "joke."

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:33PM

How much time do you think Palin actually spends with her retarded child?

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: HI, I'M FORRESST GUMP ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:38PM

eesh Wrote:
> How much time do you think Palin actually spends
> with her retarded child?


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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: yesyesyesitsbad ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:41PM

Son of Uncle Sam Wrote:
> There is no call for this kind of stuff. Maher
> should publicly apologize (if true) or have a
> one-on-one discussion with Palin on his show.
> Targeting a handicapped 5-year-old kid as the butt
> of a joke isn't funny. Only vulgarians and worse
> would find any humor in such a "joke."

Yes I agree its was poor taste what Bill said and not right at all but
since he did say it then let the ball roll then ok?

What drugs did Sarah Palin take to make sure her kids had downe syndrome?

Hormone replacement therapy? extasy? Vicodin? I am sure there are many drugs on the market that create downsyndrome.

Sarah Palin was just a dumb ass to be taking ANY and ALL medication before/durring and after pregnancy anyway.


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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Shitkicker ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:42PM

eesh Wrote:
> How much time do you think Palin actually spends
> with her retarded child?

Probably more time than Tommy Lasorda ever spent with his faggot son.

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Olde Farte, II ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:49PM

yesyesyesitsbad Wrote:
> What drugs did Sarah Palin take to make sure her
> kids had downe syndrome?

Don't have to take any:


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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:50PM

Why was she getting pregnant at that age? Didn't she have enough children?

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Thetruth ()
Date: June 13, 2013 12:53PM

To yesyesyesitsbad

Down Syndrome is common for children born to mothers in their 40s. Palin was in her mid forties when she had Trig.

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: June 13, 2013 01:35PM

eesh Wrote:
> How much time do you think Palin actually spends
> with her retarded child?

More than your mother spent with you.

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: June 13, 2013 02:07PM

He should have used "Cognitively Delayed" rather than "retarded", but he probably hadn't heard this months term to describe retards.

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Peachtreet ()
Date: June 13, 2013 04:19PM

I'd like to spend time with those twins.

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: June 13, 2013 04:21PM

Although I think Sarah Palin is nuts, I think Bill Maher is an asshole. I will make fun of anyone, but making fun of the disabled is the lowest of the low, and is not cool. And for the record, I'd bang Sarah, as she is hot!

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Re: Sarah Palin gets OWNED
Posted by: Bill Maher fan ()
Date: June 14, 2013 06:46AM

Bill Maher vs. Sarah Palin in a verbal assault war? Please, Palin has less than half the brains of Maher. He's great with words.

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