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GOP's obsession with Illegal Immigration and Amnesty
Posted by: Cisco Kid ()
Date: June 13, 2013 03:49PM

I don't get it. The GOP is once again hell bent on committing suicide. The party leaders are embracing granting illegal immigrants amnesty and putting them on a path to citizenship (And voting). As Ann Coulter points out, the mexicans will never vote for the GOP, at least not for several generations. This will put safe republican seats into play and put the federal government and more state governments under democrat control for at least two generations (which was recently dissected in an analysis in Politico).

The corporatists who control the GOP will gladly sacrifice the party to insure cheap labor that will not be entitled to obamacare or unemployment insurance for 20 years. This is madness. History shows that the GOP's embrace of immigration reform that provides anything other than strengthening the border and making everyone go through the same process for citizenship always end up costing them dearly (think 2006 when Bush's embracing reform tanked his already falling approval rating). As Coulter points out, a party this stupid deserves to die.



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Re: GOP's obsession with Illegal Immigration and Amnesty
Posted by: Not a sermon, just a thought ()
Date: June 13, 2013 04:03PM

Maybe some care about something other than how many new voters they can bring into the country?

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Re: GOP's obsession with Illegal Immigration and Amnesty
Posted by: Not a sermon or a thought ()
Date: June 13, 2013 04:05PM

Not a sermon, just a thought Wrote:
> Maybe some care about something other than how
> many new voters they can bring into the country?

Then increase legal immigration. Your argument is weak if not downright nonsensical. No offense.

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Re: GOP's obsession with Illegal Immigration and Amnesty
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: June 13, 2013 04:18PM

The left wants it for humanitarian reasons. The right wants it for monetary reasons.

I like it.

Suck on your own humanity when your job is given to someone willing to work for less money.

While you idiots complain about Latin immigrants, you've completely missed all the illegal IT people from India and China. Not to mention what the middle east has managed to shovel in our direction.

Did Macy's have a sale on burkas or is NoVa quietly turning into Mecca?

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Re: GOP's obsession with Illegal Immigration and Amnesty
Posted by: the world needs ditch diggers ()
Date: June 13, 2013 09:57PM

Vexxxed Wrote:
> The left wants it for humanitarian reasons. The
> right wants it for monetary reasons.
> I like it.
> Suck on your own humanity when your job is given
> to someone willing to work for less money.
> While you idiots complain about Latin immigrants,
> you've completely missed all the illegal IT people
> from India and China. Not to mention what the
> middle east has managed to shovel in our
> direction.
> Did Macy's have a sale on burkas or is NoVa
> quietly turning into Mecca?

Muslims in this country come here legally, and usually with skilled labor visas cause your dumbass has no skills.

Perhaps if you werent a ditch digger you wouldnt care

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Re: GOP's obsession with Illegal Immigration and Amnesty
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: June 14, 2013 06:21AM

Do they issue "skilled labor visas" for cab drivers?

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