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I miss Firefly...
Posted by: Serenity ()
Date: September 22, 2013 07:50AM

I can't believe that Fox ever cancelled this show. Why do they cancel all the shows I like and leave crap up on TV like Ancient Aliens and shit like that?

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: Firefly ()
Date: September 22, 2013 07:57AM

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me.

Leave the men where they lay
They'll never see another day
Lost my soul, lost my dream
You can't take the sky from me.

I feel the black reaching out
I hear its song without a doubt
I still hear and I still see
That you can't take the sky from me.

Lost my love, lost my land
Lost the last place I could stand
There's no place I can be
Since I've found Serenity

And you can't take the sky from me.

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: huh? wha? ()
Date: September 22, 2013 08:26AM

Never heard of it. That one chick has some nice tits though.

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: Serenity ()
Date: September 22, 2013 09:16AM

huh? wha? Wrote:
> Never heard of it. That one chick has some nice
> tits though.

All the chicks in that show were hot. One of them played a hooker called a "Companion". I got the whole series yesterday at Walmart for $15. They made a movie too, called "Serenity". I think you'd love it, it's kind of like Star Wars, Babylon 5, the old West, the Civil War, machine guns, and Total Recall all rolled together. It also has "Reavers", cannibals/space pirates, and government conspiracy shit. Great story too. Like Family Guy, Fox cancelled it and a short time later it became a hit.

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: River ()
Date: September 22, 2013 09:21AM

Here's River...

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: September 22, 2013 10:18AM


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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: Inara ()
Date: September 22, 2013 11:16AM


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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: more info ()
Date: September 22, 2013 11:24AM


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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 22, 2013 11:48AM

I did not see it until long after it was cancelled, and just could not get into it. Maybe the problem was that the story was a little too slow developing, but the only character I liked after watching the first few episodes was Kaylee.

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: Shepherd ()
Date: September 22, 2013 12:57PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> I did not see it until long after it was
> cancelled, and just could not get into it. Maybe
> the problem was that the story was a little too
> slow developing, but the only character I liked
> after watching the first few episodes was Kaylee.

I felt the same way at first, but boy after I watched an episode or two, I was hooked. Loved the movie too. Walmart has the entire series on TV for only $15.

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: giddyup ()
Date: September 22, 2013 03:10PM

It's hard to get nostalgic for a show that was cancelled after only 14 episodes.

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Re: I miss Firefly...
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 22, 2013 05:40PM

The show is considered a cult classic, but when I watched it, I thought it was dull and cheesy.

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