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Kalifornia Demokrats don't want students reading Constitution
Posted by: conVince ()
Date: September 20, 2013 02:06PM

Ah demokrats, even better kalifornia demokrats. Maybe next year they'll be emboldened enough to burn copies of the Constitution on the spot and shoot whoever would dare hand out such a dangerous document.

I wonder if they would have stopped a student from handing out Mein Kampf, probably not.


The Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, but don’t try to pass out copies of it at Modesto Junior College in California.

A student at the school who tried to pass out pocket-size pamphlets of the very document that memorializes our rights got shut down on Sept. 17 – a date also known as Constitution Day.

Campus authorities told 25-year-old Robert Van Tuinen, who caught the whole thing on videotape, he could only pass out the free documents at a tiny designated spot on campus, and only then if he scheduled it several days in advance.


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Re: Kalifornia Demokrats don't want students reading Constitution
Posted by: the full story ()
Date: September 20, 2013 02:26PM

conVince Wrote:
> Ah demokrats, even better kalifornia demokrats.
> Maybe next year they'll be emboldened enough to
> burn copies of the Constitution on the spot and
> shoot whoever would dare hand out such a dangerous
> document.
> I wonder if they would have stopped a student from
> handing out Mein Kampf, probably not.
> http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/23483119/california-c
> ollege-bars-student-from-handing-out-copies-of-con
> stitution
> The Constitution guarantees the right to free
> speech, but don’t try to pass out copies of it
> at Modesto Junior College in California.
> A student at the school who tried to pass out
> pocket-size pamphlets of the very document that
> memorializes our rights got shut down on Sept. 17
> – a date also known as Constitution Day.
> Campus authorities told 25-year-old Robert Van
> Tuinen, who caught the whole thing on videotape,
> he could only pass out the free documents at a
> tiny designated spot on campus, and only then if
> he scheduled it several days in advance.

Supposedly he was walking around shouting "Do me up inside my goddamn bunghole!", and that's the real reason they tried putting the kibosh on him. There's more to this story than meets the eye.

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Re: Kalifornia Demokrats don't want students reading Constitution
Posted by: William ()
Date: September 22, 2013 12:43PM

There is nothing wrong with reading the U.S. Constitution thoroughly.
The U.S. Constitution has been part of American culture for over 200 years.

Any Democrats who do not want people to read the U.S. Constitution should have their heads re-examined.

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Re: Kalifornia Demokrats don't want students reading Constitution
Posted by: Teabagger Fantasyland ()
Date: September 22, 2013 01:09PM

William Wrote:
> There is nothing wrong with reading the U.S.
> Constitution thoroughly.
> The U.S. Constitution has been part of American
> culture for over 200 years.
> Any Democrats who do not want people to read the
> U.S. Constitution should have their heads
> re-examined.

They don't want people handing out pamphelets on their campus unless they're in designated areas. Probably because they had problems with religious nuts handing out bibles or kids handing out concert flyers.

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Re: Kalifornia Demokrats don't want students reading Constitution
Posted by: fixed it for ya ()
Date: September 22, 2013 03:16PM

Kalifornia Demokrats don't want students reading

They might stumble upon facts that show the country is in serious trouble.

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Re: Kalifornia Demokrats don't want students reading Constitution
Posted by: Sign Post ()
Date: September 22, 2013 03:49PM

Sick of this rule! These shouting, rage-filled, bible-thumpers standing next to me. Nobody listens and then their trashy manifesto is stapled to my face.
This kid is my hero!

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