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25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Dick Tips ()
Date: August 26, 2015 12:13PM

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Suspect ()
Date: August 26, 2015 01:51PM

Supspect #1: Dick Tips

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: who keeps a corpse around 25 yrs ()
Date: August 26, 2015 01:55PM

Who keeps a corpse around for 25 years? Who decided to check on it now, anyways?

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Calling Longwood, ODU, Radford ()
Date: August 26, 2015 02:07PM

Is this another frat prank? Sounds like it, but a very sick and disrespectful one.

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: August 26, 2015 02:46PM

Calling Longwood, ODU, Radford Wrote:
> Is this another frat prank? Sounds like it, but a
> very sick and disrespectful one.

well, she can't say no...

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: FpGb7 ()
Date: August 26, 2015 06:43PM

isn't dead - trying to get insurance claims

cremated by mistake - home wont admit it

lawyer had her picked up , her will had other intentions

VDOT picked up the corpse - was an organ donor


i really cant beleive anyone would want a corpse unless stealing anything other than the corpse

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: M4XVD ()
Date: August 26, 2015 06:44PM

welcome to mexico ... even your dead body isn't safe from the mendoza family corruption ring

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: ancient corpse ()
Date: August 26, 2015 07:50PM

It's in a container on a ship headed to Nigeria by now.

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: August 26, 2015 08:22PM

FpGb7 Wrote:
> isn't dead - trying to get insurance claims
> cremated by mistake - home wont admit it
> lawyer had her picked up , her will had other
> intentions
> VDOT picked up the corpse - was an organ donor
> ...
> i really cant beleive anyone would want a corpse
> unless stealing anything other than the corpse

VDOT went to Texas??? OK.

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Lionel Jefferson ()
Date: August 26, 2015 08:36PM

What will the perpetrator do when he finds out the corpse is a Siamese twin?


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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 26, 2015 08:51PM

Dick Tips, the owner of Mission Park Funeral Chapels North


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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: myneT ()
Date: August 26, 2015 08:53PM

real crime stories (1/2 hr show on tv)

in Atlanta (now black run, like DC)

this black funeral home owner (who had a cocaine habbit?) was killing people in town to bury them.

what's that? well that's to "government care" (they hold your money and give it to anyone you wouldn't have, anyone except you who'd have a chance at saving your own money)

the "government" was paying the funeral home to bury "poor people" (people who didn't get squat for work or money for aid)

the funeral home owner was caught when instead of firing an employee: he killed him, cremated him, and filed for gov assitance funding for cremating his employee

he did get caught

anyone want to move to Atlanta Georgia now?

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Fermaldohide perfume ()
Date: August 26, 2015 09:05PM

I hear this guy was vacationing in Texas


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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: the mummy ()
Date: August 26, 2015 10:10PM

A corpse that old would be mostly mummified and not a very enjoyable fuck. The vag would be all dried out. Whoever took it was either a family member or some weird cult that needed a body.

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: k7Kcu ()
Date: August 27, 2015 11:24AM

good news is the funeral home is not trying to bill the family, their is some releif there

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: sick puppy ()
Date: August 27, 2015 12:25PM

Maybe the sick puppy needs to call ServiceMaster to come over and steam clean her vag like Gwynneth Paltrow.


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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Rich Tipper ()
Date: August 27, 2015 08:42PM

Dick Tips? His name alone makes him a suspect.

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: Corpsing corpse ()
Date: August 27, 2015 09:10PM

My family used to own a business and there was an old skeleton up in the top floor of an old warehouse. It had been there for years. There were a few legends about it but the true history was long forgotten. Last I saw it was the early 1970's and I'm not sure what ever happened to it. This old corpse may be destined for a similar fate.

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Re: 25-year-old corpse missing from funeral home
Posted by: spooky ()
Date: September 06, 2015 12:28AM

The corpse will probably turn up somewhere for Halloween.

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