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migrant route to Germany
Posted by: J4jew ()
Date: September 05, 2015 10:27AM


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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: e9xHk ()
Date: September 05, 2015 10:28AM

By:John Seiler | September 03, 2015

Reflecting on the immigrant invasion of Europe, Tom Piatak wrote on the loss of Western man’s will to survive. Here’s my gloss.

Europe lost its will to survive and is being invaded by immigrants: It discarded its Christian faith, which plunged its birth rate to half the replacement level, meaning rapid extinction no matter what. The vacuum is being filled by foreigners arriving by the millions, encouraged by a religion, Islam, that retains strong belief and encourages children.

Other things have made matters worse, such as the idiotic U.S. and European destruction of stable regimes in Iraq, Syria and Libya. But previous involvement in those areas, as during the Crusades or the 19th Century, meant the implantation of European colonies or client regimes

But look at this map in BBC News of new migrations from Turkey, through the Balkans, then to Germany. Compare that to the European part of this map of the Ottoman advance, 1300-1600. It’s the same route, only without the Janissaries.

For that matter, it’s the reverse of the inland routs of the Crusaders.

What we’re seeing is the end of the so-called “Enlightenment” project of disemboweling Christian civilization, replacing it with a secular simulacrum that kept some of the “nice” parts of Christianity—tolerance, high culture, scholarship (all twisted into something else, such as political correctness); while discarding the parts it didn’t like—the supernatural, sacrifice, monogamy.

The dirty secret of the “Enlightenment” was that it depended on Christian “breeders” to keep having children. That’s because the “Enlightenment”—the word itself was an advertising jingle—killed off birth rates. That fact was dramatized in one of Winston Churchill’s books on World War II, where he noted the low French birth rate since French Revolution meant not enough soldiers to fight Germany with its high birth rate that continued to be encouraged, including under Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Now that Christian belief is almost gone, so are the European babies.

At this point, the only thing that can save Europe, stop the invasion and drive out the home-grown “Enlightenment” demons is prayer and fasting.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: HkXDU ()
Date: September 05, 2015 10:49AM

Shouldn't refugees stop in Turkey since they're fleeing war zones? Is there a war in Turkey I'm not aware of?

Why are they dying trying to cross to Greece when they've already safely escaped Syria or Iraq?

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: wdn commentor ()
Date: September 05, 2015 10:56AM


This __ COULD __ be a type of invasion.

Syria attacks people ON PURPOSE TO CAUSE THEM TO FLEE.

FLEEING PEOPLE settle in new places.

Over time laws / customs are changed.


CORRECTION: someone replied to original so I left it.

I did not say it correctly it should be __ ISLAMIC THEOCRACY __


__ IF __ we call it an invasion:

CAUSED BY THE GOVERNMENT __ ON PURPOSE __ EUROPE then has the right to take any action
needed against Syria to cause the people not to flee.

CAUSED BY ISIL / ISIS __ ON PURPOSE __ TO CAUSE PEOPLE TO FLEE __ EUROPE (AND THE WEST ACTING AS TREATY PARTNERS) have the right to "INVADE" __ ALL __ isil / isis occupied countries to end the

When "INVADING" for THIS purpose we ARE NOT ALLOWED TO take any action against the countries governments no matter how tempted we might be.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: iLester ()
Date: September 05, 2015 11:00AM

Turkey has had several bases for the Syrian rebels and the US/NATO forces supporting Free Syrian Army, Nusra Front, and ISIS. UK, France, US, and other governments have special forces operating inside Syria, just as they did with Libya.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: Invasion!!!!! ()
Date: September 05, 2015 12:08PM

Once they get to Greece, they can head NW about 150 miles and be in Bosnia, which is a Muslim country. Or they can just settle in Muslim Turkey and wait out the war and then head back home. Why go all the way up to Germany? Oh, that's right, they have a massive welfare state where the refugees can settle and live off of.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: NUkPN ()
Date: September 05, 2015 12:13PM

Germany, the US and the rest of the West should only take in the fleeing Christians. Let the muzzies stay in Turkey or deal with their fellow islamic brethren by fighting them. Instead, the majority of those running are fellow muslims. The Christians are outnumbered 100/1 over there but the running muslims outnumber the crazy muslims 100/1. Stand and fight you running muslims. Stop invading the West because your religion produces crazies who murder indiscriminately in the of name of ethic and religious purity.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: Buh bye ()
Date: September 05, 2015 12:16PM

The civilized world is fading away. Goodbye, you will be missed

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: Siege of Vienna 1592 ()
Date: September 05, 2015 12:20PM

This time they're invading but not in the same way as 1592.
The goal is to convert the entire world, starting with Europe,
to Islam. Capitulate or die.


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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: albright is fat ()
Date: September 05, 2015 12:32PM

Ethnic cleansing in Syria. If you pledge loyalty to Islamic State, you can live there still. Carving up Syria and Iraq like they did the Balkans. Eventually, all sides will be occupied by US, I mean UN.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 05, 2015 01:31PM

e9xHk Wrote:
> Other things have made matters worse, such as the
> idiotic U.S. and European destruction of stable
> regimes in Iraq, Syria and Libya.

The Arab Spring happened in Syria and Libya. Even if we never went into Iraq, the Arab Spring would have eventually reached Iraq and Saddam would have been overthrown in a coup.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: September 05, 2015 02:02PM

All these goatfuck countries in the middle east need is free access to the internet.
If they all had that, Islam would begin to go away. The internet is where religions go to die.

We should be dropping satellite dishes and WiFi routers instead of bombs.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: Mick ()
Date: September 05, 2015 09:30PM

How stupid are these refugees, fleeing to Germany so they can be "taken care of." Germany really doesn't have a good track record in that regard.

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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 05, 2015 09:32PM


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Re: migrant route to Germany
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:11AM

Pretty insane shit. Thought the civilized world would be wiser than to allow this happen by now. Send them back if they're Muslim. All part of their plan to donate the world.

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