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Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: Seems legit ()
Date: September 04, 2015 09:57PM

Hillary Clinton chose a former campaign staffer who followed her to the State Department to make the initial determination about which of her emails should be preserved as federal records, according to closed-door testimony by Clinton’s former chief of staff Cheryl Mills, a GOP source told POLITICO.

Heather Samuelson, a lawyer and 2008 Clinton campaign staffer, worked under Mills and Clinton’s attorney David Kendall to sift through her ex-boss’ messages. She helped separate those that were purely personal, which were not turned over to the State Department, from those that were work-related.

The news that another Clinton loyalist — who, according to the GOP source, had no background in federal records keeping — helped make those determinations raised concerns among conservatives. Republicans had wanted an independent watchdog to do the job of separating the emails.

Samuelson, 34, could not be reached for comment, and Kendall, Mills’ attorney, and the Clinton campaign did not respond to inquiries about who represents Samuelson or whether she has an attorney. They declined comment, as did spokespeople for the House Benghazi Republicans and Democrats.

But Clinton-related sources said that Kendall and Mills, not Samuelson, ultimately made the determinations about which emails should be preserved before Clinton decided to delete the rest.


It is unclear if Samuelson had a security clearance and if Kendall and Mills simply approved her recommendations, made adjustments or looked through the emails she did not pull to ensure she didn’t miss any important documents.

According to her Linked-In profile, Samuelson, who received her law degree from American University, began working for Clinton in the fall of 2002 as the assistant treasurer for her political action committee, Hill PAC, and as deputy director of compliance for Friends of Hillary.

She stayed there four years before joining Hillary Clinton for President in January 2007. For nine months she worked on compliance issues before serving as director of vetting in the campaign’s counsel’s office.

When Clinton moved to State, so did she, working for four years as senior advisor and White House liaison at the State Department from January 2009 to March 2013.

She then served as assistant counsel at the White House from then until April of 2014.

It is unlcear where she is now, but a Maryland State Bar Association listing shows her address is now in Brooklyn, N.Y., which is also where Hillary for America is headquartered.

Cheryl Mills was deputy White House Counsel for President Bill Clinton.

Conservative group Judicial Watch on Thursday asked a federal judge to force the State Department to confirm that there is no back up of the more than 30,000 emails Clinton did delete because she said they were "personal."

The judge left open that possibility.

"Unfortunately, if this private server had not been used, we would not be in this situation," said District Judge Reggie Walton, rejecting a government lawyer's suggestion that the court defer to Clinton's determination process about which records were official and which were personal. "We're not sure exactly what type of evaluation was made of that 31,000" messages.

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Re: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: Sorry You're Confused ()
Date: September 05, 2015 06:56AM

I shouldn't have to apologize for my criminal activity just becuase you're so stupid, but I will in order to ensure my accession to the throne.


Princess Hillbillery

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Re: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: 3xUNJ ()
Date: September 05, 2015 07:05AM

It seems like a staffer would be completely neutral. I don't see the problem. What does it matter?

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Re: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: Swoopy ()
Date: September 05, 2015 07:14AM

3xUNJ Wrote:
> It seems like a staffer would be completely
> neutral. I don't see the problem. What does it
> matter?

Being facetious, Troll, or not good at critical thinking?

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Re: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: Bsbaha ()
Date: September 06, 2015 03:12PM

I need someone to screen my emails

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Re: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: 97G9p ()
Date: September 06, 2015 06:25PM

is this him?

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Re: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: jpYbU ()
Date: September 06, 2015 06:28PM


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Re: Meet the Clinton insider who screened Hillary's emails
Posted by: YESers ()
Date: September 06, 2015 06:45PM


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