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Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Atheist ()
Date: September 22, 2012 05:51AM

Muslims are such barbaric assholes

I know all atheists here will agree with me

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: number's friend ()
Date: September 22, 2012 06:30AM

Numbers hates Muslims.

He wants them all dead.

He thinks they should all be floating in the sky with their big imaginery Allah clown.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: liarFromTheLeft ()
Date: September 22, 2012 07:43AM

The Catholics should start killing the Atheists, who hate the people who deface Allah, but love the vulgar pictures of Mary and Christ, covered with shit and piss.

Obama and Hillary and all the hypocritical left-wing liars will start apologizing and bowing to their every wish

Start killing and hating, and the left will love you.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: $&% ()
Date: September 22, 2012 08:25AM

liarFromTheLeft Wrote:
> The Catholics should start killing the Atheists,
> who hate the people who deface Allah, but love the
> vulgar pictures of Mary and Christ, covered with
> shit and piss.
> Obama and Hillary and all the hypocritical
> left-wing liars will start apologizing and bowing
> to their every wish
> Start killing and hating, and the left will love
> you

Can this forum attract any more stupid people?

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Barrack O ()
Date: September 22, 2012 08:28AM

I think if we apoligze enough they will come around.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: September 22, 2012 08:55AM

Barrack O Wrote:
> I think if we apoligze enough they will come
> around.

That's stupid.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Guvvie Renker ()
Date: September 22, 2012 08:58AM

I think if we spend enough they will come around.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: chris matthews ()
Date: September 22, 2012 09:06AM

Fruppie Wrote:
> Barrack O Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I think if we apoligze enough they will come
> > around.
> That's stupid.

I know but Obama seems to think it will work

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Bin Gazza ()
Date: September 22, 2012 09:48AM

Ok dude.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: friskydingo ()
Date: September 22, 2012 01:29PM

> Can this forum attract any more stupid people?

It's gonna be hard to top what we already got... But I like setting goals.


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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Stupid is ()
Date: September 22, 2012 04:28PM

chris matthews Wrote:
> Fruppie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Barrack O Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I think if we apoligze enough they will come
> > > around.
> >
> > That's stupid.
> I know but Obama seems to think it will work

And, we all know what a dumb ass he is.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Lead from behind ()
Date: September 22, 2012 07:53PM

You can say he didn't try

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Ziggy Zion ()
Date: September 23, 2012 12:39PM

I blame the jews

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Barrack O ()
Date: September 23, 2012 09:17PM

Ziggy Zion Wrote:
> I blame the jews

I blame Bush

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: BARACK THE ..................... ()
Date: September 24, 2012 07:18PM

n word

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: jtd ()
Date: September 06, 2015 07:26PM

I'm an Atheist and I agree with you... In fact I'm on their death list for simply being an Atheist...
Let's talk Islam...
Stone Age savage animals trying to usurp reality and our technological civilization.
I've had it up to here with Islam's crimes against humanity!
They are barbaric savages with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
At the very least, Muslims are moronic assholes; poor brainwashed sheeple you could almost pity for not being given a chance at a decent life. Almost. At worst, Muslims are murderous maniacs born for destruction.
Loons ruled through backwards religious dogmatic conditioning, they can't even take a shit without going through a series of OCD-like rituals and prayers--and wiping their asses with their Left hands (not toilet paper) because that's how Muhammad ("The Perfect Human Being" and Allah's Apostle) Did It 1400 years go! A prayer to shit, a prayer to piss, OCD-here, OCD-there. Do it or you'll be lashed for disobaying doctrine. Fucking Insanity. Compulsive prayers 5x each day for life. This would fuck anyone up! And it gets worse if you look into their beliefs and sanitary issues. Like how Muslims drink camel urine as a cure-all because, well, Muhammad said so...
Yes, this is a battle of civilizations. If you can't see it then you need a serious wake-up call and an education. You need to see where They stand and where We stand.
Muslims have absolutely nothing to contribute to humanity whatsoever except hate, pain, horror, mass murder, and the utter destruction of science, art, history, and archaeology. Just to name a few. Literally all "idoltry" and anything which disagrees with the teachings of Muhammad The Prophet must go! (There is a faction even working on demolishing the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt, too! Idoltry is Idoltry. No exceptions!)
They're a cult of never-changing 7th Century lunatics with The lowest I.Q. on the planet (partly due to inbreeding) and next to no intellectual reasoning whatsoever (in fact, Intellectual Reasoning is Forbidden--they follow Muhammad's teachings and that's that!). They also don't give a shit about contraception and outbreed even the most evangelical of Catholics! More kids to be raised under Sharia Law; brainwahed into psychotic submission and most probably to live in poverty (for the most impoverished under Islam are the first to reach Heaven, if you read their holy trash!).
They hate progress and equality. The 7th Century is the Ideal era for them. They want it back.
They build more mosques than schools or hospitals.
Most are illiterate or near-illiterate, especially women (which nicely keeps them Isolated from knowing things in the Real World, and alternative ways of life).
There are fewer books translated into Arabic than any other language anywhere in history to the present day.
Their solution to everyone and everything Non-Muslim is death and destruction.
Their term for this is Sharia Law. Read it and know it. Because everything they do is "justified" under their god. God's Will! Their motivation is to haul their souls into Heaven--and they must Obey these strict rules perpetually throughout life. If they slipup they can take the easy way to Heaven: suicide-bombing Infidels!
Sharia Law is a wonderful thing in which drinking, gambling, sex, music, and creativity are Forbidden. And those are just the more obvious items on the surface.
Any kind of Learning is forbidden so it's no wonder Islam society is not only backwards but Stagnant.
Everyone under Islam is a slave to the imaginary slave master named Allah.
Even Allah's #1 man, "the perfect human being" Muhammad was His Slave.
"Islam" literally means "Submission"--to Allah/God. You can imagine what "lesser" Muslims must be to Allah if his Favorite slave was Muhammad. Their compulsive prayer is actually compulsive pleading or begging to Allah not to be banished to Hell but be allowed into Heaven. This is a good example of the Fear instilled in Muslims.
But back to Muhammad The Prophet...
A pedophile narcissist who married a baby girl, a rapist, mass-murdering warlord, bandit...this schizophrenic who heard God's voice in his head, Muhammad had it all.
Their goal is to spread Islam to every corner of the planet and convert or kill anyone in their way. Remember that when you see all these people in the news dying from car bombs and beheading--it's not per se about territory or resources or money--it's about Spreading Their One-True Religion Across The Planet because God orders it!
That is The sole purpose of all this killing. Allah demands that Islam be spread! That's what Jihad is all about. Know it well.
It is so written in their holy text the Qu'ran, along with lots of other gems such as how Non-Muslims are non-human and can be raped and killed at anyone's leisure (in fact it's common for a Muslim to pray to Allah before each rape!), to say nothing of being lied to and manipulated to further Islam. You never hear of Terrorists under Islam being persecuted--no, they're Celebrated!
And these Jihadis are something else, the way they cover themselves from head to toe hiding their faces. How cowardly is that? Even the old German Nazis had more integrity! Once they've hidden their faces these animals can do whatever the hell they want in the name of Allah. Why don't you try cutting someone's head off Showing Your Own in the process? COWARDS. Did you adapt this from the KKK?
Their religion even says that Lies towards Infidels is encouraged if it means furthering the Islamic agenda. Lies like how Muslims created civilization and take credit for countless inventions (mostly through Stealing them from conquered people--the ones the apologists didn't simply make up!) and then there's the infamous "religion of peace" label!!!
Once Sharia Law is established and all are Muslims, Muslim turns against Muslim and they start to bomb each others mosques over different interpretations of their holy nonsense so there never is any peace even under the "religion of peace."
When you hear about such-and-such a mosque being bombed and littered with dead on the news--99% of the time the perpetrator was Another Muslim!
In fact, there are so few "hate crimes" directed against Muslims--because these savages are protected in much the same way the Mafia is protected.
NO OTHER religion kills and destroys like Islam. Oh, you can bring up the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades in regards to Christianity and other religions but there's a big difference here. Islam hasn't changed, all other religions Have Changed and Matured. Islam is still about jihad and killing and it's never stopped in 1400 years time! Today it's the only religion responsible for mass murder on a daily basis in the Mid East world. Brutal murder: chopping off peoples heads with hand-held knives (nothing so sophisticated and distant as an automated guillotine system!), stoning to death, hanging, throwing people off buildings, cutting off body parts, lashing people...
They are Insenstive to this stuff because it's Holy, Word-of-God, Allah-Commands BS.
They actually Like doing this to get in good with Allah! So it should come as no surprise that you see kids playing with decapitated heads and posing for selfies.
They seriosuly believe Muslims are the only Real people and everyone else is basically disposable animals...unless they convert to Islam.
Furthermore, being brainwashed from birth, there is no reasoning with these people; no dialogue possible. They only Know they have the one true religion and everyone else does not and everyone else is therefore an Infidel... Their intolerance and anger is almost beyond comparison: riots and killing break out over a pig walked by a Muslim graveyard (since Muslims fear pigs for supernatural reasons) while in another country a Miss Piggy doll in a store window has a similar effect! The Most peaceful arrangement any Non-Muslim community can come to is being allowed to live alongside Muslims under a penalty tax called a gitza or something like that. They refuse to pay and they're jailed or worse. This is again how Tolerant Islam is of other religions and peoples. 4 out of 5 Mulsims name themselves Muhammad after "the perfect human being chosen by God"--a school teacher names a stuffed teddy bear Muhammad and she's jailed for this "crime!" And you already know the stories of people who attempt to Draw a picture or cartoon and call it Muhammad! "Insulting the Prophet" is easy--as is getting Punished or Murdered for it. These animals are hyper-sensitive with No self-control or Maturity. Indeed, an average American ten-year old has more self-control and maturity than an Adult Muslim. If you abuse a woman under Islam it's no big deal, but if you mishandle or damage a dime store copy of the Holy Qu'ran--that's a crime! Their various religious leaders declare death penalties against anyone who so much as violates the most childish of commandments such as men not growing beards! And again I want to emphasize that we're not talking about a small cult of a dozen or so "radicals" who behave this way but The Majority Of Muslims of around one million!
But wait, there's more: during the Muslim super-holy holiday month of Ramadan these guys fast. The result is the number of terrorist attacks and insanity ramps up to something like 400% above normal around the globe... People who don't fast are punished, of course, which can range anything from fines to years in prison to public flogging to having your lips burnt with a cigarette. You've got to Love these people.

I know all this sounds impossible to believe by many, like a Hollywood horror movie. But it's all true.
Anyone who backs Islam should be considered an enemy of Humanity for backing crimes against Humanity.

Okay, now let's put this another way, a more Personal way...
If you're Black, you're hated by Muslims in the Middle East since Black in Arabic literally means Slave. They are Heavily discriminated against there far more than in America or anywhere else. Arabs Started The Slave Trade centuries before any other countries. These guys make the KKK look like amateurs (and due to Sharia Law it's all quite legal!).
If you're Jewish, you're the automatic sworn enemy of Islam. The Qu'ran has some wonderful stories of Allah turning Jews into pigs, too, and Muslims hate pigs...
If you're Christian you're their #1 opponent, being their #1 competitor.
If you're Gay they do a special on you by throwing Homos off of buildings to their deaths or just outright hanging them. If by some chance they survive the fall they shoot them.
If you're Atheist you automatically have the death sentence in 13 Islamic countries. Period. No If's, And's, Or's, or But's.
If you're a Woman you're an automatic inferior to Muslim men, and not even human if you're a Non-Muslim Woman. Islam buys and sells women as sex slaves! Muslim Woman can be legally beaten by their husbands. Non-Muslim women can be legally raped by anyone. Muslim women who don't perform their function or violate Sharia Law can even get acid thrown in their faces or worse... They've got to wear these burqa things wherever they go, among other restrictions...or else!
If you're a Muslim already and wake up to the horrors of this cult and want to leave it (say convert to Agnosticism or Christianity)--your punishment is Death! This, in conjunction with their overbreeding and forced conversion, is why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Now tell me that Islam is a beautiful religion and a religion of peace. Tell me you support Islam. I want to hear it!

Oh, I know what you're thinking, U.S. citizen... You know a Muslim or two who live by you or work with you. They're Nothing Like This you're saying; Therefore what I'm saying is crazy propaganda BS. Americanized Muslims born and raised Here in the U.S. are nothing like True Arab Muslims in the East under Sharia Law.
To put it another way, you're only glimpsing watered-down Muslims. Muslims who aren't under Sharia Law since there's this thing called the U.S. Constitution standing in its way. Also, you've no idea what goes on "behind the scenes" in these Muslim families living here... Honor Killings (and beatings and...) aren't exactly announced on the 5 O'clock evening news... But be it known, when the ISIS fight comes to the U.S., whose side do you think these Americanized Muslims will take? They have Nothing to lose under ISIS and Sharia Law--and Everything To Gain. They will turn on you just as they've turned on others in other countries where these so-called friendly local Muslims lived When The Fight Came home.
Likewise you very, very rarely see Muslims taking up arms or protesting against so-called "radical" Muslim behavior. If they did that they would literally be announcing that they are Not True Muslims. That's an Apostany crime in Islam and warrants death. See how this works?
Americanized Muslims play the poor minority game and act victimized. This is the Power they wield over the naive and innocent who know nothing about Islam. This is what holds certain Democratic Lefties together and backing them--backing the underdog is standard procedure, too bad they don't know what they're doing here!
(I should know because a decade ago I was one of them: "We supply Israel with weaponry and so naturally Arabs hate us" and "We must have done something wrong in the Middle East to offend these poor people." Yeah, we Offend them by Not Being Muslim. Period!)
Muslims are Muslims whether they play the book to the letter or not--they all Worship the same pedophile Prophet and consider the Holy Qu'ran to be the Words Of God. When ISIS or some other militant group comes knocking on our door, these guys Will become "radicalized" and join them. For they are all one and the same, and have more in common than they do with the majority Christian population.

We're not talking about a dozen cultists on an isolated island somewhere either. We're talking about a billion bloodthirsty lunatics who could literally extinguish the future of humanity in good time.

So why is no country taking action against these inhuman scumbags?
Answer: THEY'VE GOT OIL! So kiss up to them, be friendly, and apologize for any Muslim agression for mistakenly Insulting them.

SO just look the other way, Pretend that none of this is real (as we've been doing for 1400 frigging years) and that there's only a few "radical" Muslims to worry about...
Because when I say that the only solution is a nuclear bomb dropped on Mecca, you'll think I'm Insane. You see, Islam is a Disease which must be stopped. It has to be amputated lest the whole body die--the body being Humanity. They glorify in killing, they're mindless savages who Refuse education and Refuse to denounce their cult, and they Want to go to Heaven. So let's help them with a flash, a mushroom cloud, dirty radioactive fallout, and glow-in-the-dark green glass from melted sand...
Otherwise the killings are just going to go on and on, decade after decade, as ISIS and ohter militant Islamist armies invade and take-over other countries and build up their strength. Sending American troops to fight and Die in these countries--aiding Other Islamic factions--is laughable pointless! The very simplest of solutions is taking out the heart of their holy ground: Mecca. Show them that Allah can't protect them because Allah is a Fantasy. There is no other solution to save lives but to take out the diseased core of Islam at the source. This is a straightforward numbers game to halt the spread of a mental illness: the ultimate religion of insanity.

And people Must Learn that Islam is a HATE CULT worse than Nazism and Communism rolled into one. My Challenge to anyone reading this who thinks I'm a propagandist loon is to Do The Research Yourself and Read About Islam yourself. How life is under Sharia Law in other countries and the endless atrocities committed there in the name of Allah. Go ahead, don't take My word for it.
This shit is worse than a zombie plague!

"Radical" Christianity made me an Atheist.
Islam made me a Misanthrope!

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: WingNut Just Passing Through ()
Date: September 06, 2015 08:39PM

jtd Wrote:
> I'm an Atheist and I agree with you... In fact I'm
> on their death list for simply being an
> Atheist...
> Let's talk Islam...
> Stone Age savage animals trying to usurp reality
> and our technological civilization.
> I've had it up to here with Islam's crimes against
> humanity!
> They are barbaric savages with no redeeming
> qualities whatsoever.
> At the very least, Muslims are moronic assholes;
> poor brainwashed sheeple you could almost pity for
> not being given a chance at a decent life. Almost.
> At worst, Muslims are murderous maniacs born for
> destruction.
> Loons ruled through backwards religious dogmatic
> conditioning, they can't even take a shit without
> going through a series of OCD-like rituals and
> prayers--and wiping their asses with their Left
> hands (not toilet paper) because that's how
> Muhammad ("The Perfect Human Being" and Allah's
> Apostle) Did It 1400 years go! A prayer to shit, a
> prayer to piss, OCD-here, OCD-there. Do it or
> you'll be lashed for disobaying doctrine. Fucking
> Insanity. Compulsive prayers 5x each day for life.
> This would fuck anyone up! And it gets worse if
> you look into their beliefs and sanitary issues.
> Like how Muslims drink camel urine as a cure-all
> because, well, Muhammad said so...
> Yes, this is a battle of civilizations. If you
> can't see it then you need a serious wake-up call
> and an education. You need to see where They stand
> and where We stand.
> Muslims have absolutely nothing to contribute to
> humanity whatsoever except hate, pain, horror,
> mass murder, and the utter destruction of science,
> art, history, and archaeology. Just to name a few.
> Literally all "idoltry" and anything which
> disagrees with the teachings of Muhammad The
> Prophet must go! (There is a faction even working
> on demolishing the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt,
> too! Idoltry is Idoltry. No exceptions!)
> They're a cult of never-changing 7th Century
> lunatics with The lowest I.Q. on the planet
> (partly due to inbreeding) and next to no
> intellectual reasoning whatsoever (in fact,
> Intellectual Reasoning is Forbidden--they follow
> Muhammad's teachings and that's that!). They also
> don't give a shit about contraception and outbreed
> even the most evangelical of Catholics! More kids
> to be raised under Sharia Law; brainwahed into
> psychotic submission and most probably to live in
> poverty (for the most impoverished under Islam are
> the first to reach Heaven, if you read their holy
> trash!).
> They hate progress and equality. The 7th Century
> is the Ideal era for them. They want it back.
> They build more mosques than schools or
> hospitals.
> Most are illiterate or near-illiterate, especially
> women (which nicely keeps them Isolated from
> knowing things in the Real World, and alternative
> ways of life).
> There are fewer books translated into Arabic than
> any other language anywhere in history to the
> present day.
> Their solution to everyone and everything
> Non-Muslim is death and destruction.
> Their term for this is Sharia Law. Read it and
> know it. Because everything they do is "justified"
> under their god. God's Will! Their motivation is
> to haul their souls into Heaven--and they must
> Obey these strict rules perpetually throughout
> life. If they slipup they can take the easy way to
> Heaven: suicide-bombing Infidels!
> Sharia Law is a wonderful thing in which drinking,
> gambling, sex, music, and creativity are
> Forbidden. And those are just the more obvious
> items on the surface.
> Any kind of Learning is forbidden so it's no
> wonder Islam society is not only backwards but
> Stagnant.
> Everyone under Islam is a slave to the imaginary
> slave master named Allah.
> Even Allah's #1 man, "the perfect human being"
> Muhammad was His Slave.
> "Islam" literally means "Submission"--to
> Allah/God. You can imagine what "lesser" Muslims
> must be to Allah if his Favorite slave was
> Muhammad. Their compulsive prayer is actually
> compulsive pleading or begging to Allah not to be
> banished to Hell but be allowed into Heaven. This
> is a good example of the Fear instilled in
> Muslims.
> But back to Muhammad The Prophet...
> A pedophile narcissist who married a baby girl, a
> rapist, mass-murdering warlord, bandit...this
> schizophrenic who heard God's voice in his head,
> Muhammad had it all.
> Their goal is to spread Islam to every corner of
> the planet and convert or kill anyone in their
> way. Remember that when you see all these people
> in the news dying from car bombs and
> beheading--it's not per se about territory or
> resources or money--it's about Spreading Their
> One-True Religion Across The Planet because God
> orders it!
> That is The sole purpose of all this killing.
> Allah demands that Islam be spread! That's what
> Jihad is all about. Know it well.
> It is so written in their holy text the Qu'ran,
> along with lots of other gems such as how
> Non-Muslims are non-human and can be raped and
> killed at anyone's leisure (in fact it's common
> for a Muslim to pray to Allah before each rape!),
> to say nothing of being lied to and manipulated to
> further Islam. You never hear of Terrorists under
> Islam being persecuted--no, they're Celebrated!
> And these Jihadis are something else, the way they
> cover themselves from head to toe hiding their
> faces. How cowardly is that? Even the old German
> Nazis had more integrity! Once they've hidden
> their faces these animals can do whatever the hell
> they want in the name of Allah. Why don't you try
> cutting someone's head off Showing Your Own in the
> process? COWARDS. Did you adapt this from the
> KKK?
> Their religion even says that Lies towards
> Infidels is encouraged if it means furthering the
> Islamic agenda. Lies like how Muslims created
> civilization and take credit for countless
> inventions (mostly through Stealing them from
> conquered people--the ones the apologists didn't
> simply make up!) and then there's the infamous
> "religion of peace" label!!!
> Once Sharia Law is established and all are
> Muslims, Muslim turns against Muslim and they
> start to bomb each others mosques over different
> interpretations of their holy nonsense so there
> never is any peace even under the "religion of
> peace."
> When you hear about such-and-such a mosque being
> bombed and littered with dead on the news--99% of
> the time the perpetrator was Another Muslim!
> In fact, there are so few "hate crimes" directed
> against Muslims--because these savages are
> protected in much the same way the Mafia is
> protected.
> NO OTHER religion kills and destroys like Islam.
> Oh, you can bring up the Spanish Inquisition and
> the Crusades in regards to Christianity and other
> religions but there's a big difference here. Islam
> hasn't changed, all other religions Have Changed
> and Matured. Islam is still about jihad and
> killing and it's never stopped in 1400 years time!
> Today it's the only religion responsible for mass
> murder on a daily basis in the Mid East world.
> Brutal murder: chopping off peoples heads with
> hand-held knives (nothing so sophisticated and
> distant as an automated guillotine system!),
> stoning to death, hanging, throwing people off
> buildings, cutting off body parts, lashing
> people...
> They are Insenstive to this stuff because it's
> Holy, Word-of-God, Allah-Commands BS.
> They actually Like doing this to get in good with
> Allah! So it should come as no surprise that you
> see kids playing with decapitated heads and posing
> for selfies.
> They seriosuly believe Muslims are the only Real
> people and everyone else is basically disposable
> animals...unless they convert to Islam.
> Furthermore, being brainwashed from birth, there
> is no reasoning with these people; no dialogue
> possible. They only Know they have the one true
> religion and everyone else does not and everyone
> else is therefore an Infidel... Their intolerance
> and anger is almost beyond comparison: riots and
> killing break out over a pig walked by a Muslim
> graveyard (since Muslims fear pigs for
> supernatural reasons) while in another country a
> Miss Piggy doll in a store window has a similar
> effect! The Most peaceful arrangement any
> Non-Muslim community can come to is being allowed
> to live alongside Muslims under a penalty tax
> called a gitza or something like that. They refuse
> to pay and they're jailed or worse. This is again
> how Tolerant Islam is of other religions and
> peoples. 4 out of 5 Mulsims name themselves
> Muhammad after "the perfect human being chosen by
> God"--a school teacher names a stuffed teddy bear
> Muhammad and she's jailed for this "crime!" And
> you already know the stories of people who attempt
> to Draw a picture or cartoon and call it Muhammad!
> "Insulting the Prophet" is easy--as is getting
> Punished or Murdered for it. These animals are
> hyper-sensitive with No self-control or Maturity.
> Indeed, an average American ten-year old has more
> self-control and maturity than an Adult Muslim. If
> you abuse a woman under Islam it's no big deal,
> but if you mishandle or damage a dime store copy
> of the Holy Qu'ran--that's a crime! Their various
> religious leaders declare death penalties against
> anyone who so much as violates the most childish
> of commandments such as men not growing beards!
> And again I want to emphasize that we're not
> talking about a small cult of a dozen or so
> "radicals" who behave this way but The Majority Of
> Muslims of around one million!
> But wait, there's more: during the Muslim
> super-holy holiday month of Ramadan these guys
> fast. The result is the number of terrorist
> attacks and insanity ramps up to something like
> 400% above normal around the globe... People who
> don't fast are punished, of course, which can
> range anything from fines to years in prison to
> public flogging to having your lips burnt with a
> cigarette. You've got to Love these people.
> I know all this sounds impossible to believe by
> many, like a Hollywood horror movie. But it's all
> true.
> Anyone who backs Islam should be considered an
> enemy of Humanity for backing crimes against
> Humanity.
> Okay, now let's put this another way, a more
> Personal way...
> If you're Black, you're hated by Muslims in the
> Middle East since Black in Arabic literally means
> Slave. They are Heavily discriminated against
> there far more than in America or anywhere else.
> Arabs Started The Slave Trade centuries before any
> other countries. These guys make the KKK look like
> amateurs (and due to Sharia Law it's all quite
> legal!).
> If you're Jewish, you're the automatic sworn enemy
> of Islam. The Qu'ran has some wonderful stories of
> Allah turning Jews into pigs, too, and Muslims
> hate pigs...
> If you're Christian you're their #1 opponent,
> being their #1 competitor.
> If you're Gay they do a special on you by throwing
> Homos off of buildings to their deaths or just
> outright hanging them. If by some chance they
> survive the fall they shoot them.
> If you're Atheist you automatically have the death
> sentence in 13 Islamic countries. Period. No If's,
> And's, Or's, or But's.
> If you're a Woman you're an automatic inferior to
> Muslim men, and not even human if you're a
> Non-Muslim Woman. Islam buys and sells women as
> sex slaves! Muslim Woman can be legally beaten by
> their husbands. Non-Muslim women can be legally
> raped by anyone. Muslim women who don't perform
> their function or violate Sharia Law can even get
> acid thrown in their faces or worse... They've got
> to wear these burqa things wherever they go, among
> other restrictions...or else!
> If you're a Muslim already and wake up to the
> horrors of this cult and want to leave it (say
> convert to Agnosticism or Christianity)--your
> punishment is Death! This, in conjunction with
> their overbreeding and forced conversion, is why
> Islam is the fastest growing religion in the
> world.
> Now tell me that Islam is a beautiful religion and
> a religion of peace. Tell me you support Islam. I
> want to hear it!
> Oh, I know what you're thinking, U.S. citizen...
> You know a Muslim or two who live by you or work
> with you. They're Nothing Like This you're saying;
> Therefore what I'm saying is crazy propaganda BS.
> Americanized Muslims born and raised Here in the
> U.S. are nothing like True Arab Muslims in the
> East under Sharia Law.
> To put it another way, you're only glimpsing
> watered-down Muslims. Muslims who aren't under
> Sharia Law since there's this thing called the
> U.S. Constitution standing in its way. Also,
> you've no idea what goes on "behind the scenes" in
> these Muslim families living here... Honor
> Killings (and beatings and...) aren't exactly
> announced on the 5 O'clock evening news... But be
> it known, when the ISIS fight comes to the U.S.,
> whose side do you think these Americanized Muslims
> will take? They have Nothing to lose under ISIS
> and Sharia Law--and Everything To Gain. They will
> turn on you just as they've turned on others in
> other countries where these so-called friendly
> local Muslims lived When The Fight Came home.
> Likewise you very, very rarely see Muslims taking
> up arms or protesting against so-called "radical"
> Muslim behavior. If they did that they would
> literally be announcing that they are Not True
> Muslims. That's an Apostany crime in Islam and
> warrants death. See how this works?
> Americanized Muslims play the poor minority game
> and act victimized. This is the Power they wield
> over the naive and innocent who know nothing about
> Islam. This is what holds certain Democratic
> Lefties together and backing them--backing the
> underdog is standard procedure, too bad they don't
> know what they're doing here!
> (I should know because a decade ago I was one of
> them: "We supply Israel with weaponry and so
> naturally Arabs hate us" and "We must have done
> something wrong in the Middle East to offend these
> poor people." Yeah, we Offend them by Not Being
> Muslim. Period!)
> Muslims are Muslims whether they play the book to
> the letter or not--they all Worship the same
> pedophile Prophet and consider the Holy Qu'ran to
> be the Words Of God. When ISIS or some other
> militant group comes knocking on our door, these
> guys Will become "radicalized" and join them. For
> they are all one and the same, and have more in
> common than they do with the majority Christian
> population.
> We're not talking about a dozen cultists on an
> isolated island somewhere either. We're talking
> about a billion bloodthirsty lunatics who could
> literally extinguish the future of humanity in
> good time.
> So why is no country taking action against these
> inhuman scumbags?
> Answer: THEY'VE GOT OIL! So kiss up to them, be
> friendly, and apologize for any Muslim agression
> for mistakenly Insulting them.
> SO just look the other way, Pretend that none of
> this is real (as we've been doing for 1400
> frigging years) and that there's only a few
> "radical" Muslims to worry about...
> Because when I say that the only solution is a
> nuclear bomb dropped on Mecca, you'll think I'm
> Insane. You see, Islam is a Disease which must be
> stopped. It has to be amputated lest the whole
> body die--the body being Humanity. They glorify in
> killing, they're mindless savages who Refuse
> education and Refuse to denounce their cult, and
> they Want to go to Heaven. So let's help them with
> a flash, a mushroom cloud, dirty radioactive
> fallout, and glow-in-the-dark green glass from
> melted sand...
> Otherwise the killings are just going to go on and
> on, decade after decade, as ISIS and ohter
> militant Islamist armies invade and take-over
> other countries and build up their strength.
> Sending American troops to fight and Die in these
> countries--aiding Other Islamic factions--is
> laughable pointless! The very simplest of
> solutions is taking out the heart of their holy
> ground: Mecca. Show them that Allah can't protect
> them because Allah is a Fantasy. There is no other
> solution to save lives but to take out the
> diseased core of Islam at the source. This is a
> straightforward numbers game to halt the spread of
> a mental illness: the ultimate religion of
> insanity.
> And people Must Learn that Islam is a HATE CULT
> worse than Nazism and Communism rolled into one.
> My Challenge to anyone reading this who thinks I'm
> a propagandist loon is to Do The Research Yourself
> and Read About Islam yourself. How life is under
> Sharia Law in other countries and the endless
> atrocities committed there in the name of Allah.
> Go ahead, don't take My word for it.
> This shit is worse than a zombie plague!
> "Radical" Christianity made me an Atheist.
> Islam made me a Misanthrope!

You are kinda glossing over shit.

Can you be more specific and give some details?

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Fuck ragheads ()
Date: September 06, 2015 08:53PM

The more dead Muzzies...the better for the civilized world.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:01PM

Kill every last one of those cock roaches.

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: u3TE3 ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:23PM

rear tire is low on air. you know if you have a donkey your psi has to change right?

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Wondering Wonderer ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:38PM

So these Muslims all have guns & ammo up the wazoo and are exercising their 2nd Amendment rights and expressing their religious fundamentalism everyday just like Republicans - so what exactly is your fucking problem with them doing exactly what Republicans want to do here in America?

Are you some commie pinko progressive human rights homo?

They're all armed to the teeth in accordance with the 2nd Amendment - so everything should be safe and secure with all these good guys with guns and religion running through their veins taking charge of things that are broken.

They are enforcing their conservative religious values on everyone else in accordance with religious law, and killing off the ones who aren't adhering to scripture. That's the American way!

They even have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to religious law.They shoot fags or throw them off buildings when it comes to gays and gay marriage isn't even on the ballot let alone a consideration before their courts.

You guys should be celebrating ISIS. They're the Middle East version of the GOP.

Shouldn't you be holding a joint prayer meeting at a football game or public school meeting or something?!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Fuck ragheads ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:51PM


Raghead apologist...

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Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Wastin Muzzies ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:54PM

Killin' dune coons is my business...and business is good.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Christian Bible Scholar ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:59PM

Fuck ragheads Wrote:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Raghead apologist...

You're obviously against 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment Rights, not to mention religious freedoms and the separation of Church and State.

The Founding Fathers would be very upset with you.

You're Un-American.

You should leave - NOW!

Donald Trump will have Mexico pay for your deportation because he is a business buy who filed for bankruptcy protection multiple times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: kill muzzies ()
Date: September 06, 2015 10:23PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Muslims Should Fuck Themselves
Posted by: Libtardz Lolz!! ()
Date: September 06, 2015 10:28PM

Wondering Wonderer Wrote:
> So these Muslims all have guns & ammo up the wazoo
> and are exercising their 2nd Amendment rights and
> expressing their religious fundamentalism everyday
> just like Republicans - so what exactly is your
> fucking problem with them doing exactly what
> Republicans want to do here in America?
> Are you some commie pinko progressive human rights
> homo?
> They're all armed to the teeth in accordance with
> the 2nd Amendment - so everything should be safe
> and secure with all these good guys with guns and
> religion running through their veins taking charge
> of things that are broken.
> They are enforcing their conservative religious
> values on everyone else in accordance with
> religious law, and killing off the ones who aren't
> adhering to scripture. That's the American way!
> They even have a zero tolerance policy when it
> comes to religious law.They shoot fags or throw
> them off buildings when it comes to gays and gay
> marriage isn't even on the ballot let alone a
> consideration before their courts.
> You guys should be celebrating ISIS. They're the
> Middle East version of the GOP.
> Shouldn't you be holding a joint prayer meeting at
> a football game or public school meeting or
> something?!

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