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Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: tax payerB ()
Date: September 06, 2015 12:26AM

Do you think is ok to laugh if food stamps? Or are they laughing at us? Today I saw this WHITE lady with 3 kids ages about 8,10,15. Buying food,Snacks, Soda. SHE SPEND 380.00 DOLLARS ON MOST LIKELY JUNK FOOD. When I saw swipping that EBT card. I wanted to punch her. The 15 year old girl was texting someone on her IPHONE 6.. I have an I phone 4... I have an much older car then she has... So After I paid with hard earn money, I thought to my self are they laughing at us?

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: Yes, they are laughing at you ()
Date: September 06, 2015 08:08AM

They read your post and realized you are a retard. And they laughed at you.

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: FhThL ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:01AM

IPHONE 6.. I have an I phone 4

and they THREW AWAY shitloads of earlier models, giving them to kids like toys and paying ? $100 / mo. like there was no reason not to.

how many niggas and spics got upgrades i still haven't gotten though i do something roductive with it? not to mention suckwad gov workers?

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: KyuUe ()
Date: September 06, 2015 09:04AM

your full of shit. go to fx co gov center DFS and tell me what you see in line

spics, hindu, arabs, niggas ... few if any whites

NOT BECAUSE the whites don't qualify by "obamas rules for spics". because fx co gov is using DFS to support an overthrow of whites in the nation's capitol, doling out aid to anyone except whites in any way they can ... often in exchange for free shit off the books

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Date: September 06, 2015 04:48PM

I'm jealous of people on welfare. Who the hell doesn't want free food and rent from the government?!

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: tax payer1 ()
Date: September 06, 2015 04:52PM

Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> I'm jealous of people on welfare. Who the hell
> doesn't want free food and rent from the
> government?!

Monique I am sure that you where on welfare when you where a kid. You look like the kind of girl that ate free lunch at school. When you get fired from your new job the same thing wil happe

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Date: September 06, 2015 04:59PM

LMAO.....you type like you're on welfare now, bitch. I'm sorry but homeowners of 17 years don't qualify for welfare. Stop projecting your issues on to me, dumbass. It's impossible for me to receive welfare under my parent's roof. Maybe if I moved out I could get it but no thanks. I'll leave the programs for those who need it or choose to abuse it.

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: tax payerB ()
Date: September 06, 2015 05:09PM

I don't quarterly. I am a 34 year old white male. I earn enough
Underground Fairfax Wrote:
> LMAO.....you type like you're on welfare now,
> bitch. I'm sorry but homeowners of 17 years don't
> qualify for welfare. Stop projecting your issues
> on to me, dumbass. It's impossible for me to
> receive welfare under my parent's roof. Maybe if I
> moved out I could get it but no thanks. I'll leave
> the programs for those who need it or choose to
> abuse it.

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: tumult 91 ()
Date: September 06, 2015 10:28PM

mostly niggers and spics, but the occasional white trash, especially with nigger kids, will also be using food stamps.

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Re: Laughing and the people with food stamps
Posted by: redneck spotter ()
Date: September 06, 2015 11:23PM

why are you on the internet and angry? people like you get drunk to drown their frustrations, and then go out driving and kill someone.

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