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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:24AM


Voters who want to cast their ballot in the March 6 presidential primary in Virginia will be required to sign a loyalty oath. The Virginia Republican Party requested the pledge — which is perfectly legal under Virginia law — as a condition of participation in the primary. The pledge (of support for the eventual Republican presidential nominee) is intended to reduce the number of non-Republicans voting in the otherwise open primary. [Richmond Times-Dispatch]

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: do you have a point? ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:33AM

How is that a game? First, as mentioned it is perfectly legal. Second, it is meaningless as you will still go cast your vote for Ron Paul in the primary and vote for Obama in the general.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:43AM

When the parties start paying for their own primaries they should be able to restrict who votes in them. Until then, as a resident and taxpayer of VA, I find the loyalty oath insulting.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:45AM

It's a pointless, retarded exercise. I encourage everyone to just sign it and vote for whoever you want. Breaking your oath to the GOP is absolutely meaningless.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:54AM

Meeper is correct. And if you don't want to be paying for primaries, get your elected officials to pull that language out of the Virginia Code.

Personally, I would much rather get rid of all of the loyalty oath nonsense and just move to official party registration in Virginia. That way you can simply close the primary to folks registered to that party and we don't have to go through this nonsense.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:57AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> It's a pointless, retarded exercise. I encourage
> everyone to just sign it and vote for whoever you
> want. Breaking your oath to the GOP is
> absolutely meaningless.

Are you saying the Republican Party of Virginia does "pointless" and "retarded" things?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: 4 more years, II ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:58AM

Asking to "go on record" instantly makes you fair game for Republican Telemarketers to call you repeatedly to get you to send them money...forever.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: 4 more years, II ()
Date: December 29, 2011 09:58AM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> Are you saying the Republican Party of Virginia
> does "pointless" and "retarded" things?

Virginia has nothing to do with it!

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: do you have a point? ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:00AM

Where was your outrage when Democrat voters in Arlington were forced to sign a loyalty oath?

Is this oath seriously going to prevent you from voting in the GOP primary for Ron Paul? Will you still vote for President Obama in the fall?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: do you have a point? ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:01AM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> Are you saying the Republican Party of Virginia
> does "pointless" and "retarded" things?

I am saying this thread is pointless and retarded and that FUNdamental does "pointless" and "retarded" things.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:02AM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> Are you saying the Republican Party of Virginia
> does "pointless" and "retarded" things?


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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: indy ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:03AM

4 more years, II Wrote:
> Asking to "go on record" instantly makes you fair
> game for Republican Telemarketers to call you
> repeatedly to get you to send them
> money...forever.

This is stupid. I have voted in both Democratic and Republican primaries and get plenty og calls, emails, and snail mail from both parties asking for donations. If you think this is isolated to the GOP, you are not too bright, which would explain your blind loyalty to a party.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:09AM

do you have a point? Wrote:
> Where was your outrage when Democrat voters in
> Arlington were forced to sign a loyalty oath?
> Is this oath seriously going to prevent you from
> voting in the GOP primary for Ron Paul? Will you
> still vote for President Obama in the fall?

I actually wrote a letter of complaint when they pulled that crap for the school board elections.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: 4 more years, II ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:10AM

indy Wrote:
> [...]

I think you jumped to about 5 different unsupported conclusions in that post.


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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: indy ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:11AM

4 more years, II Wrote:
> indy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > [...]
> I think you jumped to about 5 different
> unsupported conclusions in that post.
> Lol!

Name one.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Yello ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:20AM

Could this "support" be akin to a poll tax?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Hypocrips ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:50AM


And this is the party of less government control and intervention!

Jesse, republicans haven't even got a nominee yet they are already creating new legislation and controls.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: bhuh? ()
Date: December 29, 2011 10:53AM

Hypocrips Wrote:
> Hilarious!!!
> And this is the party of less government control
> and intervention!
> Jesse, republicans haven't even got a nominee yet
> they are already creating new legislation and
> controls.

Do you know what legislation is?


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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Republican Pary of the Old Commonwealth ()
Date: December 29, 2011 02:21PM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> When the parties start paying for their own
> primaries they should be able to restrict who
> votes in them. Until then, as a resident and
> taxpayer of VA, I find the loyalty oath insulting.

Hey, if you don't like it, just don't vote in the primaries. It is that simple.

Problem solved.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: oh pelase ()
Date: December 29, 2011 02:50PM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> When the parties start paying for their own
> primaries they should be able to restrict who
> votes in them. Until then, as a resident and
> taxpayer of VA, I find the loyalty oath insulting.

Oh please youd be the first one up in arms if a bunch of republicans showed up to the democratic one and started voting for howard dean knocking your messiah off the ballot. The only thing your upset about is that you cant go be a complete jackass and try and sabatoge the primary because thats the type of scumbag you are. Lets also get real with youre views id be shocked if you were an actual tax payer and not on government assistance

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: December 29, 2011 04:40PM

oh pelase Wrote:
> FUNdamental Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When the parties start paying for their own
> > primaries they should be able to restrict who
> > votes in them. Until then, as a resident and
> > taxpayer of VA, I find the loyalty oath
> insulting.
> Oh please youd be the first one up in arms if a
> bunch of republicans showed up to the democratic
> one and started voting for howard dean knocking
> your messiah off the ballot. The only thing your
> upset about is that you cant go be a complete
> jackass and try and sabatoge the primary because
> thats the type of scumbag you are. Lets also get
> real with youre views id be shocked if you were an
> actual tax payer and not on government assistance

Back in the 80's I worked with a guy who also was a board member of the Virginia Republican Party. He went around encouraging all Republicans in Virginia to vote for Jesse Jackson in the Democratic primary. Don't present condemning speculation as truth. I have witnessed your side do this crap for years.

My property taxes alone are almost $600.00 a month.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: whitey matthews ()
Date: December 29, 2011 04:51PM

The Republicans continue to shoot themselves in the foot. A loyalty oath, are you shitting me? Sounds like something out of a communist country.
Leave it to these turds to assure obama another four years in office. He doesnt have to do a thing just sit back and watch the Republicans self destruct.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: BarackTheBlue ()
Date: December 29, 2011 06:48PM

You know...the reds are simply never going to get over a nigger President. And they're never going to get over that Virginia put him over the top.

I intend on signing their loyalty pledge, voting for Paul and then breaking that pledge to vote for Brother Barry. Let them come after me. I welcome their challenge.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: oh please ()
Date: December 29, 2011 06:52PM

BarackTheBlue Wrote:
> You know...the reds are simply never going to get
> over a nigger President. And they're never going
> to get over that Virginia put him over the top.
> I intend on signing their loyalty pledge, voting
> for Paul and then breaking that pledge to vote for
> Brother Barry. Let them come after me. I welcome
> their challenge.

Typical liberal crap, we cant defend his policies so we have to play the race card. Everyone must dislike the president because hes black yea right. Guess what theres racist liberals too. The vast majority of people who dont like the president hate his policies not the man

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: curious ()
Date: December 29, 2011 07:32PM

BrianSchoeneman - Do you happen to know the code offhand?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: whitey matthews ()
Date: December 29, 2011 07:51PM

I dislike obamas socialist policies but a loyalty pledge? They will never win an election with crap like this.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 29, 2011 07:56PM

VA Code § 24.2-545(A):

A. The duly constituted authorities of the state political party shall have the right to determine the method by which the state party will select its delegates to the national convention to choose the party's nominees for President and Vice President of the United States including a presidential primary or another method determined by the party. The state chairman shall notify the State Board of the party's determination at least 90 days before the primary date. If the party has determined that it will hold a presidential primary, each registered voter of the Commonwealth shall be given an opportunity to participate in the presidential primary of the political party, as defined in § 24.2-101, subject to requirements determined by the political party for participation in its presidential primary. The requirements may include, but shall not be limited to, the signing of a pledge by the voter of his intention to support the party's candidate when offering to vote in the primary. The requirements applicable to a party's primary shall be determined at least 90 days prior to the primary date and certified to, and approved by, the State Board.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: curious ()
Date: December 29, 2011 08:07PM

Thanks- so, given your two choices Mr. Schoeneman, are you ready to endorse Congressman Paul or Governor Romney?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: please no ()
Date: December 29, 2011 08:12PM

curious Wrote:
> Thanks- so, given your two choices Mr. Schoeneman,
> are you ready to endorse Congressman Paul or
> Governor Romney?

Hopefully Paul will fade into the night quietly. Any of the other choices would be a better president than him

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: December 29, 2011 08:12PM

I've been supporting Romney for a while now.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Occupy my ass ()
Date: January 03, 2012 09:12AM

I assume you are referring to this as "election games."

DES MOINES — Des Moines police arrested nine people on trespassing charges Wednesday after they refused to leave the campaign headquarters of Mitt Romney and the lobby of a Wells Fargo bank branch.

The dual occupations were the first of what’s expected to be a week of protest events put on by a group called Occupy the Caucuses.

Thursday, the group plans a similar demonstration at President Barack Obama’s Iowa campaign headquarters.

The caucuses group was organized by members of Occupy Iowa and Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement to demonstrate in the days leading up to the Jan. 3 caucus.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Brophie ()
Date: January 03, 2012 09:23AM

Palin was on Fox News over the weekend calling the Iowa protestors "Nazi War Criminals" and saying that Obama was using the same tactics as Josef Stalin to subvert the electoral process for Iowa voters.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: January 03, 2012 09:42AM

Brophie Wrote:
> Palin was on Fox News over the weekend calling the
> Iowa protestors "Nazi War Criminals" and saying
> that Obama was using the same tactics as Josef
> Stalin to subvert the electoral process for Iowa
> voters.

Stalin tactics like the GOP is using in VA with their loyalty oath?

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: January 03, 2012 09:46AM

There are now reports that the signature verification process was rigged and pages and pages of signatures for Perry and Gingrich were simply tossed out without any verification.

However, Romney's ballot petitions sailed through without any vetting.

God I love the Virginia GOP!

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 09:53AM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> There are now reports that the signature
> verification process was rigged and pages and
> pages of signatures for Perry and Gingrich were
> simply tossed out without any verification.
> However, Romney's ballot petitions sailed through
> without any vetting.
> God I love the Virginia GOP!

As much as you love those Occupy freaks?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: January 03, 2012 10:03AM

inquiring minds Wrote:
> FUNdamental Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There are now reports that the signature
> > verification process was rigged and pages and
> > pages of signatures for Perry and Gingrich were
> > simply tossed out without any verification.
> >
> > However, Romney's ballot petitions sailed
> through
> > without any vetting.
> >
> > God I love the Virginia GOP!
> As much as you love those Occupy freaks?

Will this post be the most illogical comment of 2012? I mean, how many fallacies does this line represent? I can see at least three fallacies off the bat.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 10:07AM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> I can see at least three fallacies off
> the bat.

No you can't. If you could spot fallacies, you wouldn't post half of what you post. You believe Rachel Maddow, so fallacies are the norm for you.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Date: January 03, 2012 10:08AM

inquiring minds Wrote:
> FUNdamental Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I can see at least three fallacies off
> > the bat.
> You believe Rachel Maddow, so fallacies are the norm for you.



"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: January 03, 2012 10:50AM

inquiring minds Wrote:
> FUNdamental Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I can see at least three fallacies off
> > the bat.
> No you can't. If you could spot fallacies, you
> wouldn't post half of what you post. You believe
> Rachel Maddow, so fallacies are the norm for you.

Red Herring
Ad Hominem
Straw man

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Lion ()
Date: January 03, 2012 10:53AM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> inquiring minds Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FUNdamental Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I can see at least three fallacies off
> > > the bat.
> >
> >
> > No you can't. If you could spot fallacies, you
> > wouldn't post half of what you post. You
> believe
> > Rachel Maddow, so fallacies are the norm for
> you.
> Red Herring
> Ad Hominem
> Abusive
> Straw man

LOL. Over half your posts are filled with fallacies.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: January 03, 2012 11:08AM

Lion Wrote:
> FUNdamental Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > inquiring minds Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > FUNdamental Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I can see at least three fallacies off
> > > > the bat.
> > >
> > >
> > > No you can't. If you could spot fallacies,
> you
> > > wouldn't post half of what you post. You
> > believe
> > > Rachel Maddow, so fallacies are the norm for
> > you.
> >
> > Red Herring
> > Ad Hominem
> > Abusive
> > Straw man
> LOL. Over half your posts are filled with
> fallacies.

Prove it.

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Date: January 03, 2012 11:41AM

Rachel Maddow....proof enough.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 12:22PM

inquiring minds Wrote:
> You believe Rachel Maddow, so fallacies are the norm for you.

She’s VERY smart and insightful. She's truthful and she make a lot of sense.

What's not to believe?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 02:05PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> inquiring minds Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You believe Rachel Maddow, so fallacies are the
> norm for you.
> She’s VERY smart and insightful. She's truthful
> and she make a lot of sense.
> What's not to believe?

Find me a quote where Rick Perry said he wanted to "lynch" Ben Bernanke. Rachel Maddow claimed he said it.

Show me Wisconsin's budget surplus last year. Rachel Maddow said they had one.

Show me where anyone on Fox News said the New Black Panther Party decided the election in Obama's favor. Rachel Maddow said they did.

Rachel Maddow claimed George W. Bush gave no intervews to the NY Times. He gave them three.

Need I go on?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 03:27PM

inquiring minds Wrote:
> Find me a quote where Rick Perry said he wanted to
> "lynch" Ben Bernanke. Rachel Maddow claimed he
> said it.
> Show me Wisconsin's budget surplus last year.
> Rachel Maddow said they had one.
> Show me where anyone on Fox News said the New
> Black Panther Party decided the election in
> Obama's favor. Rachel Maddow said they did.
> Rachel Maddow claimed George W. Bush gave no
> intervews to the NY Times. He gave them three.
> Need I go on?

Yes. First, you'll need to provide me with the quotes
where Ms. Maddow said the things you claim. Thanks!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 03:32PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> inquiring minds Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Find me a quote where Rick Perry said he wanted
> to
> > "lynch" Ben Bernanke. Rachel Maddow claimed he
> > said it.
> >
> > Show me Wisconsin's budget surplus last year.
> > Rachel Maddow said they had one.
> >
> > Show me where anyone on Fox News said the New
> > Black Panther Party decided the election in
> > Obama's favor. Rachel Maddow said they did.
> >
> > Rachel Maddow claimed George W. Bush gave no
> > intervews to the NY Times. He gave them three.
> >
> > Need I go on?
> Yes. First, you'll need to provide me with the
> quotes
> where Ms. Maddow said the things you claim.
> Thanks!

Are you too dense to use google?

You really do need everything spoon fed to you. I guess that explains why you believe everything Ms. Maddow says.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Date: January 03, 2012 03:39PM


at 6:05

I think that is proof enough.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:05PM

inquiring minds Wrote:
> Are you too dense to use google?

No. I'm too smart to waste my time googling your accusations.
Present support for your claims, of STFU.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:07PM

Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-r
> achel_maddow_show/#44168913
> at 6:05
> I think that is proof enough.

Sorry, I don't have six+ minutes to invest in watching a video clip just now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: no youre not ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:08PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> inquiring minds Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you too dense to use google?
> No. I'm too smart to waste my time googling your
> accusations.
> Present support for your claims, of STFU.

There's nothing intelligent about ignoring facts and the truth to create your own alternate reality that supports your beliefs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:12PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> inquiring minds Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you too dense to use google?
> No. I'm too smart to waste my time googling your
> accusations.
> Present support for your claims, of STFU.

You waste plenty of time all day and you have proven that you are not smart because you blindly believe what Ms. Maddow says.

When I present support for my claims will you STFU or will you weasel out of it like a whiney bitch? Let's find out.




Pinhead already provided you the evidence for the Rick Perry lie.

Your silence and lack of response will be taken as an admission of your defeat as I don't expect you to be man enough to admit your defeat.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: how dumb r u? ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:15PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-r
> > achel_maddow_show/#44168913
> >
> > at 6:05
> >
> > I think that is proof enough.
> Sorry, I don't have six+ minutes to invest in
> watching a video clip just now.

You don't have to watch 6 minutes. Just skip to 6:05. How dumb are you? Your boss must be a slave driver if you don't have 6 minutes to watch a video. Are you a receptionist or something?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:16PM

More Truth Wrote:
> There's nothing intelligent about ignoring facts
> and the truth to create your own alternate reality
> that supports your beliefs.

There's nothing intelligent about making baseless claims
that you cannot support with facts. In fact, it's very,
very dumb.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Speaking ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:18PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> More Truth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There's nothing intelligent about ignoring
> facts
> > and the truth to create your own alternate
> reality
> > that supports your beliefs.
> There's nothing intelligent about making baseless
> claims
> that you cannot support with facts. In fact, it's
> very,
> very dumb.

What you are accusing others of here is the modus operendi of Ms. Maddow, whom you support. The facts are right in front of you. Your refusal to accept them tells us how much of a sheep you are.

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:18PM

More Truth Wrote:
> You don't have to watch 6 minutes. Just skip to
> 6:05.

Go ahead, you skip to 6:05 of Pinhead's video and transcribe Ms. Maddow's alleged quotes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:23PM

More Truth Wrote:
> The facts are right in front of you.

You have made baseless accusations for
which you cannot provide supporting
evidence. You have presented not a
single fact.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:24PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> More Truth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You don't have to watch 6 minutes. Just skip
> to
> > 6:05.
> Go ahead, you skip to 6:05 of Pinhead's video and
> transcribe Ms. Maddow's alleged quotes.

Wow. Willfully stubborn and stupid. When presented with the evidence to prove Ms. Maddow is a liar, you stubbornly refuse to view it. How juvenile can you get?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:27PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> More Truth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The facts are right in front of you.
> You have made baseless accusations for
> which you cannot provide supporting
> evidence. You have presented not a
> single fact.

The facts have been presented and analyzed by a Pulitzer Prize winning, unbiased, non-partisan source. You stubbornly and stupidly refuse to read them and accept them.

Here is the post again in case you were too slow to follow along:
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:12PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> inquiring minds Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you too dense to use google?
> No. I'm too smart to waste my time googling your
> accusations.
> Present support for your claims, of STFU.

You waste plenty of time all day and you have proven that you are not smart because you blindly believe what Ms. Maddow says.

When I present support for my claims will you STFU or will you weasel out of it like a whiney bitch? Let's find out.




Pinhead already provided you the evidence for the Rick Perry lie.

Your silence and lack of response will be taken as an admission of your defeat as I don't expect you to be man enough to admit your defeat.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Factually Incorrect ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:28PM

More Truth Wrote:
> When presented with the evidence to prove Ms. Maddow is
> a liar, you stubbornly refuse to view it.

As I said, I just don't have time to view the video right now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:33PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> More Truth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > When presented with the evidence to prove Ms.
> Maddow is
> > a liar, you stubbornly refuse to view it.
> As I said, I just don't have time to view the
> video right now.

It isn't just the video. You have ignored other links that have been presented to you TWICE. Why are you being such a baby about admitting to the fact that Ms. Maddow has lied on multiple occasions?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: no youre not ()
Date: January 03, 2012 04:53PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:

> There's nothing intelligent about making baseless
> claims
> that you cannot support with facts. In fact, it's
> very,
> very dumb.

The only thing thats dumb in this thread is you. You said provide where she said it. It was provided to you. You refuse to watch it because it would shatter your alternate reality. You claim not to have time to skip to the part of the video when the time was even given to you, but you have time to post constantly on this website and check this thread. Its not that you dont have the time its that you dont want too.

You accuse others of not providing facts yet you have never once provided a fact yourself.

Basically you just repeat what you are told too and facts dont matter to you. Everyone sees right through your crap. Its really just quite sad and pathetic

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Date: January 03, 2012 05:26PM

DNC mottos:

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 03, 2012 05:34PM

> War is peace

> Freedom is slavery

> Ignorance is strength

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: no youre not ()
Date: January 03, 2012 09:06PM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> More Truth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Hey, look: I can post links support my opinions,
> too!
> http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/02/wiscons
> in-gov-walker-ginned-up-budget-shortfall-to-underc
> ut-worker-rights.php
> http://mediamatters.org/research/201007160038
> http://www.alternet.org/media/143534/rachel_maddow
> _and_keith_olbermann_slam_fox_news_propaganda_abou
> t_their_meeting_with_obama/?page=2
> http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2011/08/pe
> rry-wed-lynch-ben-bernanke-in-texas.html

Who is this more truth person you seem to have an obsessional with? Is this just part of your alternate reality you live in?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: inquiring minds ()
Date: January 04, 2012 09:37AM

Factually Incorrect Wrote:
> More Truth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Hey, look: I can post links support my opinions,
> too!
> http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/02/wiscons
> in-gov-walker-ginned-up-budget-shortfall-to-underc
> ut-worker-rights.php

Unfortunately for you and Mr. Beutler, these assertions do not mesh with the facts. They are invented out of whole cloth. Even the state bureaucrat that wrote the report Mr. Beutler cites disagrees with him. While the link may support Ms. Maddow's opinions (and yours as you cannot form your own), they simply are not factual.

Whereas I supported my assertions with a Pulitzer winning, nonpartisan, unbiased source, you are relying on opinion pieces based on rehetorical gimmicks not based in fact.

Simply put, supporting your opinion with another opinion piece is not the same as supporting them with facts. Then again, I would not expect you to understand this as you believe Ms. Maddow to be factual.

> http://mediamatters.org/research/201007160038

This post does not support Ms. Maddow's assertion in which she said, "[f]or example, they said the New Black Panther Party decided the election for Barack Obama. They ran dozens and dozens and dozens of stories about the New Black Panther Party, which was one guy who braided his beard in Philadelphia and who didn’t have an organization, yelling on a street corner. They represented that story as if that is the guy who decided the election. That was fake."

The story you linked to simply states that they brought up the topic 95 times. Please point to a Fox segment where they said the New Black Panther Party "decided" the election. Further, I would challenge Ms. Maddow's assertion that the NBP is more than "one guy."

In short, your link does not support Ms. Maddow's lie.

> http://www.alternet.org/media/143534/rachel_maddow
> _and_keith_olbermann_slam_fox_news_propaganda_abou
> t_their_meeting_with_obama/?page=2

So, your support of Ms. Maddow's lie that George W. Bush never did an interview with the NY Times after 2000 is a transcript of that same lie? You aren't very good at this are you?

On June 5, 2001, New York Times reporter Frank Bruni had what he described as Bush's first "one-on-one interview" since Sen. Jim Jeffords of Vermont switched parties and threw control of the Senate to the Democrats. "We're looking at a different landscape, but still on the same continent," Bush said. "The same votes. The members haven't changed."

On Aug 26, 2004, Bush gave a half-hour interview to the New York Times as he campaigned through New Mexico. Bush told the newspaper that he did not believe Sen. John Kerry lied about his war record, as some groups alleged during the campaign.

On Jan. 27, 2005, a week after he started his second term, Bush spoke with New York Times reporters for 40 minutes, discussing troop levels in Iraq and domestic issues such as gay adoption, abortion and Social Security.

Do you still stand by this lie?

> http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2011/08/pe
> rry-wed-lynch-ben-bernanke-in-texas.html

Aside from the fact that this is yet another opinion piece supporting an opinion, not a single quote in the written piece or in the videos where Governor Perry said he wanted to lynch Ben Bernanke.

Are all of your opinions based upon other people's opinions, or do you sometimes base them on fact?

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Re: The Election games have officially begun!
Posted by: Gander... ()
Date: September 07, 2015 02:09PM

FUNdamental Wrote:
> http://hamptonroads.com/2011/12/effort-made-get-mo
> re-gop-hopefuls-virginia-ballot
> Voters who want to cast their ballot in the March
> 6 presidential primary in Virginia will be
> required to sign a loyalty oath. The Virginia
> Republican Party requested the pledge — which is
> perfectly legal under Virginia law — as a
> condition of participation in the primary. The
> pledge (of support for the eventual Republican
> presidential nominee) is intended to reduce the
> number of non-Republicans voting in the otherwise
> open primary. [Richmond Times-Dispatch]


What's good for the goose.....

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