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William McKinley was a Hero
Posted by: Fairfax Branch ()
Date: September 06, 2015 10:38PM

The 25th President of the United States died for his country. He is one of five Americans who were shot while serving as Commander-in-Chief.

Forty-four men have been President. Five have been shot, making the office one which has an 11.36% casualty rate. Of those five, four died from their wounds, starting with Abraham Lincoln, then James Garfield, William McKinley, and finally John F. Kennedy.

McKinley not only risked and lost his life as President, he risked his life as a war hero fighting for the United States during the Civil War. In combat multiple times, he had a horse shot from under him while fighting in Virginia.

A popular Present, he won re-election in 1900 by 6 percent. Six months after his second inauguration, President McKinley was assassinated. Reviewing newspapers from the time reveals that our nation was shocked every bit as much as it was 63 years later at the death of JFK.

Like McKinley, Kennedy had been a war hero whose PT boat was sunk underneath him. Imagine a President, by executive fiat, renaming the Kennedy Center, or JFK airport.

Though it’s not quite the same as renaming a mountain to the traditional native Alaskan word for it, imagining what the current President would be doing if he renamed the Kennedy Center does reveal the disrespect he’s asserted toward McKinley.

Why would an African-American disrespect a man who put his life on the line to end slavery? Even considering that might not be the same for the son of an African immigrant, rather than a descendant of slaves. What does an American politician owe native Alaskans that would prompt this move?

Aboriginals were living in a territory claimed by Russia’s Czar, not the most “tolerant” of world leaders at the time, when the United States purchased Alaska in 1867 for $7.2 million. The native Alaskans were lucky for “Seward’s Folly”, and their descendants live in free country today because if it.

It is a free country because of men like William McKinley. It’s a free country because of men like Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, John Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. All of these men were hit by bullets serving a free country that includes Alaska.

Reagan survived. For the remainder of his two terms, President Reagan was a living reminder of how much risk a President takes. The worst thing for the United States is when a President is assassinated.

Thankfully, Reagan was not, but he was very nearly so. Ronald Reagan campaigned on optimism during a time of malaise. But many biographies of the man describe how his bullet wound focused him on making the greatest achievements of Presidents – we win, they lose.

America would have found maybe a mountain in California, or something somewhere to honor him as a fallen present if Reagan had died in 1981. But we are fortunate that we honor his achievements that came after his being shot.

When the democratic government of the United States names a mountain to honor one of our slain Presidents, it should not be undone lightly. And there’s no excuse for reversing that honor without the approval of those who represent the American people.

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Re: William McKinley was a Hero
Date: September 06, 2015 11:32PM

All Very True and all so pityfull of Obama. There's already a Denali what ever huge wilderness in Alaska. The next GOP President should name it back to McKinley. Piss on this redacted whatever its called P.C. BS.

16 more months and the "Joke" will be over at last. Even Hillary would not have been as bad as Obama over all..

Christ! pants now in a wad.. Tell me she would not be!.. I mean how could anyone be such a bad President??.. Hillary "is as bad"..Worst! .NO...No...SCREAM!..

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Re: William McKinley was a Hero
Posted by: Dems love the KKK ()
Date: September 07, 2015 08:32AM

Obama is a terrorist. Everybody knows that.

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Re: William McKinley was a Hero
Posted by: McKinley never went to Alaska ()
Date: September 07, 2015 08:49AM

The real Americans were there 6,000 years before McKinley was even a twinkle in his daddy's eye. First one there gets dibs on the name. It's called winning fairly which some Conservatives don't like.
Besides Denali sounds better and visitors are still welcomed

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Re: William McKinley was a Hero
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: September 08, 2015 06:06AM

McKinley never went to Alaska Wrote:
> The real Alaskans were there 6,000 years before
> McKinley was even a twinkle in his daddy's eye.
> First one there gets dibs on the name. It's called
> a publicity stunt to sell Chevy's which some Conservatives don't
> like.
> Besides Denali sounds better and visitors are
> still welcomed to purchase one at their local GM dealer.

Fixed it for you.

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